Пример #1
        public static MovementPath AStar(Point start, Point end, Stage stage = null)
            MovementPath newPath = new MovementPath(null);
            if (stage == null)
                stage = Stage.CurrentStage;

            // setup grid with walls
            //MyPathNode[,] grid = new MyPathNode[(int)stage.Width, (int)stage.Height];
            MyPathNode[][] grid = new MyPathNode[(int)stage.Width][];

            for (int x = 0; x < (int)stage.Width; x++)
                grid[x] = new MyPathNode[(int) stage.Height];
                for (int y = 0; y < (int)stage.Height; y++)

                    grid[x][y] = new MyPathNode()
                        IsWall = stage.GetTileAt(x, y).GetWalkable(),
                        X = x,
                        Y = y,

            SpatialAStar<MyPathNode, Object> aStar = new SpatialAStar<MyPathNode, Object>(grid);

            LinkedList<MyPathNode> path = aStar.Search(new Point(0, 0),
               new Point(stage.Width - 2, stage.Height - 2), null);
            return null;
Пример #2
        // Resolve the map's path legs for a given dimension
        private static void resolvePathLegs(Stage stage, bool vertical, ref Dictionary<short, List<PathLeg>> returnVals)
            short col = 0;
            short row = 0;
            short legStart = -1;
            short legEnd = -1;

            if (vertical)
                // Loop through all of the rows
                while (col < stage.Width)
                    returnVals[col] = new List<PathLeg>();

                    // Loop through all of the columns in this row ...
                    while (row < stage.Height)
                        // If the tile is passable by entities.
                        if (stage.GetTileAt(col, row).GetWalkable())
                            // If we're in a leg, extend it
                            if (legStart != -1)
                                legEnd = row;
                            // Start a new leg
                                legStart = row;
                            // If we had a leg going, store it.
                            if (legStart != -1 && legEnd != -1)
                                returnVals[col].Add(new PathLeg(new Point(col, legStart), new Point(col, legEnd), vertical));

                            legStart = -1;
                            legEnd = -1;


                    row = 0;
                // Loop through all of the rows
                while (row < stage.Height)
                    returnVals[row] = new List<PathLeg>();

                    // Loop through all of the columns in this row ...
                    while (col < stage.Width)
                        // If the tile is passable by entities.
                        if (stage.GetTileAt(col, row).GetWalkable())
                            // If we're in a leg, extend it
                            if (legStart != -1)
                                legEnd = col;
                            // Start a new leg
                                legStart = col;
                            // If we had a leg going, store it.
                            if (legStart != -1 && legEnd != -1)
                                returnVals[row].Add(new PathLeg(new Point(legStart, row), new Point(legEnd, row), vertical));

                            legStart = -1;
                            legEnd = -1;


                    col = 0;
Пример #3
        // Resolve a single (horizontal or vertical) leg of a path between two points.
        private static List<Point> resolveLeg(Point start, Point end, Stage stage, bool vertical)
            List<Point> resultPath = new List<Point>();
            Point currentPoint = start;


            if (vertical)
                // Positive movement
                if (end.y > start.y)
                    while (stage.GetTileAt((int)currentPoint.x, (int)currentPoint.y + 1) != null &&
                        stage.GetTileAt((int)currentPoint.x, (int)currentPoint.y + 1).GetWalkable())
                        currentPoint = new Point(currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y + 1);
                // Negative movement
                    while (stage.GetTileAt((int)currentPoint.x, (int)currentPoint.y - 1) != null &&
                        stage.GetTileAt((int)currentPoint.x, (int)currentPoint.y - 1).GetWalkable())
                        currentPoint = new Point(currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y - 1);
            // Horizontal
                // Positive movement
                if (end.x > start.x)
                    while (stage.GetTileAt((int)currentPoint.x + 1, (int)currentPoint.y) != null &&
                        stage.GetTileAt((int)currentPoint.x + 1, (int)currentPoint.y).GetWalkable())
                        currentPoint = new Point(currentPoint.x + 1, currentPoint.y);
                // Negative movement
                    while (stage.GetTileAt((int)currentPoint.x - 1, (int)currentPoint.y) != null &&
                        stage.GetTileAt((int)currentPoint.x - 1, (int)currentPoint.y).GetWalkable())
                        currentPoint = new Point(currentPoint.x - 1, currentPoint.y);

            // Check the point at the end of the path to make sure it's accessible from two directions
            // Remove points from the end until the last point is accessible from two directions.

            return resultPath;
Пример #4
        // Get the longest passage connected to a point
        private static MovementDirection longestPassage(Point point, Stage stage)
            short longestPassage = 0;
            MovementDirection longestDirection = MovementDirection.None;
            Point currentPoint = point;
            short passageLength = 0;

            // Check Right
            while (stage.GetTileAt((int) currentPoint.x + 1, (int) currentPoint.y) != null &&
                stage.GetTileAt((int) currentPoint.x + 1, (int) currentPoint.y).GetWalkable())
                currentPoint = new Point(currentPoint.x + 1, currentPoint.y);
            if (passageLength > longestPassage)
                longestDirection = MovementDirection.Right;
            passageLength = 0;
            currentPoint = point;

            // Check Left
            while (stage.GetTileAt((int)currentPoint.x - 1, (int)currentPoint.y) != null &&
                stage.GetTileAt((int)currentPoint.x - 1, (int)currentPoint.y).GetWalkable())
                currentPoint = new Point(currentPoint.x - 1, currentPoint.y);
            if (passageLength > longestPassage)
                longestDirection = MovementDirection.Left;
            passageLength = 0;
            currentPoint = point;

            // Check Up
            while (stage.GetTileAt((int)currentPoint.x, (int)currentPoint.y + 1) != null &&
                stage.GetTileAt((int)currentPoint.x, (int)currentPoint.y + 1).GetWalkable())
                currentPoint = new Point(currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y + 1);
            if (passageLength > longestPassage)
                longestDirection = MovementDirection.Up;
            passageLength = 0;
            currentPoint = point;

            // Check Down
            while (stage.GetTileAt((int)currentPoint.x, (int)currentPoint.y - 1) != null &&
                stage.GetTileAt((int)currentPoint.x, (int)currentPoint.y - 1).GetWalkable())
                currentPoint = new Point(currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y - 1);
            if (passageLength > longestPassage)
                longestDirection = MovementDirection.Down;

            return longestDirection;
Пример #5
        //resolve the shortest path between two given points
        public static MovementPath ResolvePath2(Point start, Point end, Stage stage = null)
            MovementPath newPath = new MovementPath(null);
            if (stage == null)
                stage = Stage.CurrentStage;
            // The last point added
            Point currentPoint = start;

            //need better pathfinding and collision detection later

            // Add the beginning

            // List all of the avenues we've explored
            List<PathLeg> pathLegs = new List<PathLeg>();

            // Start from the start and explore the legs
            // March repeatedly through each path, until reaching the exit or a dead end

            //if there's horizontal distance to cover between the points, cover it first
            while(currentPoint.x != end.x)
                // If we can move to the next tile, do so
                if (stage.GetTileAt((int)currentPoint.x + 1, (int)currentPoint.y).GetWalkable())
                    currentPoint = new Point(currentPoint.x + 1, currentPoint.y);
                // If not, switch to vertical differencing ...


            return newPath;