public string registerAirport(string name) { DB Db = new DB(); try { var airport = new Airport { Name = name }; Db.Airport.Add(airport); Db.SaveChanges(); int id = airport.Id; WriteLogEvent("Added new airport: " + name + " with id: " + id); return("ok"); } catch (Exception e) { WriteLogError("Adding new airport failed: " + e.Message); return("Adding to DB failed"); } }
public string editFlight(int id, int fromAirportId, int toAirportId, DateTime departure, DateTime arrival, int price) { DB Db = new DB(); try { var fromAirport = Db.Airport.Find(fromAirportId); var toAirport = Db.Airport.Find(toAirportId); var flightToEdit = Db.Flight.Find(id); var From = flightToEdit.FromAirport.Name; var To = flightToEdit.ToAirport.Name; var Departure = flightToEdit.Departure; var Arrival = flightToEdit.Arrival; var Price = flightToEdit.Price; flightToEdit.FromAirport = fromAirport; flightToEdit.ToAirport = toAirport; flightToEdit.Departure = departure; flightToEdit.Arrival = arrival; flightToEdit.Price = price; Db.SaveChanges(); WriteLogEvent("Edited flight id " + id + ": From airport was " + From + " " + Departure + ", now " + flightToEdit.FromAirport.Name + " " + flightToEdit.Departure + ". Destination was " + To + " " + Arrival + ", now " + flightToEdit.ToAirport.Name + " " + flightToEdit.Arrival + ". Price was " + Price + ", now " + flightToEdit.Price); return("ok"); } catch (Exception e) { WriteLogError("Could not edit flight id " + id + ". Error: " + e.Message); return("Editing in DB failed"); } }
public string registerUser(string fornavn, string etternavn, string adresse, string postnummer, string poststed, string epost, byte[] passord) { try { var Db = new DB(); var poststedToInsert = Db.Poststed.Find(postnummer); if (poststedToInsert == null) { poststedToInsert = new PostSted(); poststedToInsert.Postnr = postnummer; poststedToInsert.Poststed = poststed; Db.Poststed.Add(poststedToInsert); } var user = new User(); user.Fornavn = fornavn; user.Etternavn = etternavn; user.Adresse = adresse; user.Poststed = poststedToInsert; user.Epost = epost; user.PassordHash = passord; Db.Users.Add(user); Db.SaveChanges(); WriteLogEvent("Registered new user: "******", " + user.Fornavn + ". " + user.Adresse + " " + user.Poststed.Postnr + " " + user.Poststed.Poststed + ". " + user.Epost + " (id " + user.Id + ")"); return("ok"); } catch (Exception e) { WriteLogError("Could not register new user. Error: " + e.Message); return("Adding to DB failed"); } }
public User getUser(int id) { DB Db = new DB(); return(Db.Users.Find(id)); }
public Airport getAirport(int id) { DB Db = new DB(); return(Db.Airport.Find(id)); }
public Booking getBooking(int id) { DB Db = new DB(); return(Db.Booking.Find(id)); }
public Flight getFlight(int id) { DB Db = new DB(); return(Db.Flight.Find(id)); }
public List <Flight> getAllFlights(string from, string to, string departure) { DB Db = new DB(); var fromSet = int.TryParse(from, out int fromId); var toSet = int.TryParse(to, out int toId); var departureSet = DateTime.TryParse(departure, out DateTime departureFilter); if (fromSet && !toSet && !departureSet) { return(Db.Flight.Where(f => f.FromAirport.Id == fromId). OrderBy(f => f.Departure).ThenBy(f => f.ToAirport.Name).ToList()); } else if (!fromSet && toSet && !departureSet) { return(Db.Flight.Where(f => f.ToAirport.Id == toId). OrderBy(f => f.Departure).ThenBy(f => f.FromAirport.Name).ToList()); } else if ((!fromSet && !toSet && departureSet) && (String.IsNullOrEmpty(from) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(to))) { return(Db.Flight.Where(f => DbFunctions.TruncateTime(f.Departure) == departureFilter.Date). OrderBy(f => f.Departure).ThenBy(f => f.FromAirport.Name).ThenBy(f => f.ToAirport.Name).ToList()); } else if (fromSet && toSet && !departureSet) { return(Db.Flight.Where(f => f.FromAirport.Id == fromId && f.ToAirport.Id == toId). OrderBy(f => f.Departure).ToList()); } else if (fromSet && !toSet && departureSet) { return(Db.Flight.Where(f => f.FromAirport.Id == fromId && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(f.Departure) == departureFilter.Date). OrderBy(f => f.Departure).ThenBy(f => f.ToAirport.Name).ToList()); } else if (!fromSet && toSet && departureSet) { return(Db.Flight.Where(f => f.ToAirport.Id == toId && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(f.Departure) == departureFilter.Date). OrderBy(f => f.Departure).ThenBy(f => f.FromAirport.Name).ToList()); } else if (fromSet && toSet && departureSet) { return(Db.Flight.Where(f => f.FromAirport.Id == fromId && f.ToAirport.Id == toId && DbFunctions.TruncateTime(f.Departure) == departureFilter.Date). OrderBy(f => f.Departure).ToList()); } else { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(from) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(to)) { return(Db.Flight.Where(f => f.FromAirport.Name == from).ToList()); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(to) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(from)) { return(Db.Flight.Where(f => f.ToAirport.Name == to).ToList()); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(from) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(to)) { return(Db.Flight.Where(f => f.FromAirport.Name == from && f.ToAirport.Name == to).ToList()); } return(Db.Flight.OrderBy(f => f.Departure).ThenBy(f => f.FromAirport.Name).ThenBy(f => f.ToAirport.Name).ToList()); } }