public string parseInfo(SongData song) { var fullRequest = ""; var artist = song.Artist; var album = song.Album; var title = song.Title; // Remove anything in parenthesis/brackets and all special characters string regEx = @"(?<=\()(.*?)(?=\))|(?<=\[)(.*?)(?=\])|(?<=\{)(.*?)(?=\})|[^\w ]"; // Handle passed parameters if (artist != "UNKNOWN") { artist = Regex.Replace(artist, regEx, ""); fullRequest += artist; } if (album != "UNKNOWN" && album != artist) { album = Regex.Replace(album, regEx, ""); fullRequest += " " + album; } if (title != "UNKNOWN" && title != album) { title = Regex.Replace(title, regEx, ""); fullRequest += " " + title; } return fullRequest; }
//Never forget to take this out public async Task<SongData> getAmazonInfo(SongData song) { var fullRequest = parseInfo(song); var newSong = await getData(song, fullRequest); return newSong; }
public List<SongData> fileDiag() { //These variables are string array lists to store song locations. var newPaths = new ArrayList(); var songList = new List<SongData>(); //Open file dialog to select tracks and add them to the play list var open = new OpenFileDialog { Filter = "MP3 File (*.mp3)|*.mp3;", DefaultExt = ".mp3", Multiselect = true }; //Show open Nullable<bool> result = open.ShowDialog(); //Process open file dialog box result if (result != false) { newPaths.AddRange(open.FileNames); //Saves the full paths } // Try to convert ArrayList to Object List (SongData) foreach (string path in newPaths) { newSong = new TagLibDataAccesser().getSongTags(path); //newSong = await dgHandler.populateDataGrid(newSong); songList.Add(newSong); } return songList; }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TagLib File MetaData Accessor (from string URL Path) // - Obtains local file meta-data, assigns UNKNOWN if missing // // - Uses SongData newSong = new TagLibDataAccesser().getSongTags({string:path}) // - Output New SongData object with updated field values /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public SongData getSongTags(string path) { TagLib.File tagFile = TagLib.File.Create(path); uint trackNumber = tagFile.Tag.Track; string songTitle = tagFile.Tag.Title; string artist = tagFile.Tag.AlbumArtists.FirstOrDefault(); string albumTitle = tagFile.Tag.Album; uint year = tagFile.Tag.Year; string genre = tagFile.Tag.Genres.FirstOrDefault(); // Set Song title to file name, else UNKNOWN if (songTitle == null) try { string editedPath = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path); songTitle = Regex.Replace(editedPath, @"^[\d-]*\s*", ""); } catch { songTitle = "Unknown"; } // Set Album name to folder name holding file, else UNKNOWN if (albumTitle == null) try { albumTitle = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(path)); } catch { // } // Check for Artist in "Contributing Artists" Meta-Data if (artist == null || artist == "") { artist = tagFile.Tag.JoinedPerformers; } // If still null, set to UNKNOWN if (artist == null || artist == "") try { artist = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(path))); } catch { artist = "Unknown"; } if (genre == null) { genre = "Unknown"; } // Year will default to 0 as a UINT if unknown // Assign data to new SongData object var newSongObject = new SongData { Title = songTitle, Artist = artist, Album = albumTitle, Year = (int)year, Genre = genre, FilePath = path}; return newSongObject; }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ProcessDirectory Handler // - Processes directory string and handles it (if/then) // // - Uses DirectoryHandler k = new DirectoryHandler(); // k.processDirectory(path, false); // - Output Handles directory, [Upload to DB {if boolean true}, or add to DataGrid {if boolean false}] /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public async Task<List<SongData>> dirDiag(string targetDirectory, List<SongData> songList) { // Recurse into subdirectories of this directory. string[] subdirectoryEntries = Directory.GetDirectories(targetDirectory); foreach (string subdirectory in subdirectoryEntries) { await dirDiag(subdirectory, songList); } // Process the list of files found in the directory. (Only grabs .mp3's) string[] fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(targetDirectory, "*.mp3"); foreach (string filePath in fileEntries) { newSong = new TagLibDataAccesser().getSongTags(filePath); songList.Add(newSong); } return songList; }
public bool checkDup(List<SongData> songList, SongData checkSong) { var isDup = false; if (songList != null) { // Check if there are duplicates detected in DataGrid by Path foreach (SongData song in songList) { if (checkSong.FilePath == song.FilePath) { //Log the duplicate! isDup = true; return isDup; } isDup = false; } return isDup; } return isDup; }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WORKING - KEEP IN MAIN // File Drop handler for DataGrid // - Process through each file dropped into DataGrid /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private async void dgvPlayList_Drop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { // Get songs in playlist var playlistSongs = getPlaylistSongs(); if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop)) { //These variables are string array lists to store song locations. var songList = new List<SongData>(); var files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop); foreach (var path in files) { newSong = new TagLibDataAccesser().getSongTags(path); songList.Add(newSong); } if (songList != null) { foreach (SongData song in songList) { // Assign path to variable var path = song.FilePath; // Get full request SongData amazonSong = await amazonAccesser.getAmazonInfo(song); // Set amazonSong Path amazonSong.FilePath = path; // Add song to master List //songList.Add(amazonSong); // Check for duplicate values bool isDup = dupCheck.checkDup(playlistSongs, amazonSong); if (!isDup) { // Add AmazonSong to playlist dgvPlayList.Items.Add(amazonSong); } } } QueueNextSong(); } }
private void setLabels(SongData localObj) { // Assign Song labels tbAmazonArtistInfo.Text = localObj.Artist; tbAmazonAlbumInfo.Text = localObj.Album; tbAmazonTitleInfo.Text = localObj.Title; tbAmazonYearInfo.Text = localObj.Year.ToString(); tbAmazonAsinInfo.Text = localObj.ASIN; tbAmazonPriceInfo.Text = localObj.Price; if (localObj.Artwork != null) { albumArtPanel.AlbumArtImage = BitmapFrame.Create(new Uri(localObj.Artwork)); } }
public async Task<SongData> getData(SongData newSong, string fullRequest) { try { // Instantiate Amazon ProductAdvertisingAPI client BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport); binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize = int.MaxValue; AWSECommerceServicePortTypeClient amazonClient = new AWSECommerceServicePortTypeClient( binding, new EndpointAddress("")); // add authentication to the ECS client amazonClient.ChannelFactory.Endpoint.Behaviors.Add(new AmazonSigningEndpointBehavior(accessKeyId, secretKey)); // prepare an ItemSearch request ItemSearchRequest request = new ItemSearchRequest(); request.SearchIndex = "MP3Downloads"; request.RelationshipType = new string[] { "Tracks" }; request.ResponseGroup = new string[] { "ItemAttributes", "Images", "Offers", "RelatedItems" }; request.Keywords = fullRequest; ItemSearch itemSearch = new ItemSearch(); itemSearch.Request = new ItemSearchRequest[] { request }; itemSearch.AWSAccessKeyId = accessKeyId; itemSearch.AssociateTag = "1330-3170-0573"; // send the ItemSearch request ItemSearchResponse response = amazonClient.ItemSearch(itemSearch); var item = response.Items[0].Item[0]; //<ProductTypeName>DOWNLOADABLE_MUSIC_TRACK</ProductTypeName> if (response.Items[0].Item[0].ItemAttributes.ProductTypeName == "DOWNLOADABLE_MUSIC_ALBUM") { item = response.Items[0].Item[1]; } // if no response to search if (item == null) { try { // Try new search and remove the album newSong.Album = "UNKNOWN"; // Re-iterate over the search method await getData(newSong, fullRequest); } catch { // Removing the album produced no results // Continue forward... } } // Get year from full Release Date var var formatYear = DateTime.Parse(item.ItemAttributes.ReleaseDate).Year; newSong.UserID = 1; newSong.LocationID = 1; newSong.Album = item.RelatedItems[0].RelatedItem[0].Item.ItemAttributes.Title; newSong.Artist = item.ItemAttributes.Creator[0].Value; newSong.Title = item.ItemAttributes.Title; newSong.Year = (int)formatYear; newSong.Genre = item.ItemAttributes.Genre; newSong.FilePath = ""; newSong.Duration = (int)item.ItemAttributes.RunningTime.Value; newSong.Price = item.Offers.Offer[0].OfferListing[0].Price.FormattedPrice; newSong.ASIN = item.ASIN; newSong.Artwork = item.LargeImage.URL; return newSong; } catch { return newSong; } }