Пример #1
        public ActionResult Create(Title model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                Title saved = data.Insert(model, (Session["LoggedInUser"] as user).id);
                TempData["SuccessMessage"] = string.Format("\"{0}\" was created.", model.Name);
                return RedirectToAction("Edit", new { id = saved.Id });

            return View(model);
Пример #2
        public ActionResult Edit(Title model)
            if (model.IsExporting)
                return ExportCsv(model);


            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                data.Update(model, (Session["LoggedInUser"] as user).id);
                TempData["SuccessMessage"] = string.Format("\"{0}\" was updated.", model.Name);

            var saved = data.GetById(model.Id);
            return View(saved);
Пример #3
 public FileResult ExportCsv(Title model)
     List<int> ids = model.ExportIds.Split(',').Select(int.Parse).ToList();
     List<ContactCsvLine> items = data.GetCsv(ids);
     ContactController cntlr = new ContactController();
     return cntlr.CreateCsv(items);
Пример #4
 public ActionResult Create()
     var model = new Title { PubDate = DateTime.Now.Date };
     return View(model);
Пример #5
 private void Validate(Title model)
     if (model.Author < 1)
         ModelState.AddModelError("Author", "Please select a valid Author from the auto complete choices");
         ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Please fix the errors below.");
Пример #6
 private void LoadLists(Title model)
     var contactId = model.Author.ToString();
     var contactName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.AuthorName) ? "Search for a Contact" : model.AuthorName;
     var contacts = new List<SelectListItem> { new SelectListItem { Text = contactName, Value = contactId } };
     model.ContactSelects = new SelectList(contacts, "Value", "Text", null);
Пример #7
        public Title GetById(int id)
            Dictionary<int, string> contactDictionary = new Dictionary<int, string>();
            foreach (var c in dbContext.contacts.Select(x => new { Id = x.id, Name = x.firstname + " " + x.lastname }).ToList())
                contactDictionary.Add(c.Id, c.Name);

            Title vm = new Title();
            var title = dbContext.titles.FirstOrDefault(t => t.id == id);
            if (title == null)
                return null;
            vm = new Title
                Id = title.id,
                Name = title.title1,
                Notes = title.notes,
                Author = title.author,
                Edition = title.edition,
                ISBN = title.isbn,
                PubDate = title.date_published,
                Subtitle = title.subtitle,
                AuthorName = title.author > 0 ? title.author_contact.firstname + " " + title.author_contact.lastname : string.Empty,
                Reviews = title.title_review.Select(r => new Review
                    Id = r.id,
                    ReviewText = r.review_text != null && r.review_text.Length > 200 ? r.review_text.Substring(0, 200) + "..." : r.review_text,
                    ReviewerId = r.reviewedby,
                    ReviewerName = r.reviewedby > 0 ? r.review_contact.firstname + " " + r.review_contact.lastname : string.Empty,
                    DateReviewed = r.date_reviewed,
                    Venue = r.venue
                Shipments = title.title_shipment.Select(s => new Shipment
                    Id = s.id,
                    ContactId = s.contact_id,
                    DateSent = s.date_sent,
                    DateCreated = s.createdat,
                    Quantity = s.quantity,
                    Status = s.status,
                    Type = s.type,
                    ShouldFollowUp = s.should_followup,
                    FollowUpText = s.should_followup ? "yes" : "no"
                LastUpdated = string.Format("{0} at {1}", title.title_user.username, title.updatedat.ToShortDateString())

            foreach (var s in vm.Shipments)
                s.ContactName = contactDictionary[s.ContactId];
                if (s.Status == "Pending" && s.Type == "Comp")
                    vm.TotalCompPending += s.Quantity;
                if (s.Status == "Sent" && s.Type == "Comp")
                    vm.TotalCompSent += s.Quantity;
                if (s.Status == "Pending" && s.Type == "Desk")
                    vm.TotalDeskPending += s.Quantity;
                if (s.Status == "Sent" && s.Type == "Desk")
                    vm.TotalDeskSent += s.Quantity;
                if (s.Status == "Pending" && s.Type == "Donation")
                    vm.TotalDonationPending += s.Quantity;
                if (s.Status == "Sent" && s.Type == "Donation")
                    vm.TotalDonationSent += s.Quantity;
                if (s.Status == "Pending" && s.Type == "Galleys")
                    vm.TotalGalleyPending += s.Quantity;
                if (s.Status == "Sent" && s.Type == "Galleys")
                    vm.TotalGalleySent += s.Quantity;
                if (s.Status == "Pending" && s.Type == "Review")
                    vm.TotalReviewPending += s.Quantity;
                if (s.Status == "Sent" && s.Type == "Review")
                    vm.TotalReviewSent += s.Quantity;
                if (s.Status == "Pending" && s.Type == "Award")
                    vm.TotalAwardPending += s.Quantity;
                if (s.Status == "Sent" && s.Type == "Award")
                    vm.TotalAwardSent += s.Quantity;
            return vm;
Пример #8
        public void Update(Title title, int updatedby)
            var existingTitle = dbContext.titles.First(t => t.id == title.Id);
                existingTitle.isbn = title.ISBN;
                existingTitle.notes = title.Notes;
                existingTitle.subtitle = title.Subtitle;
                existingTitle.title1 = title.Name;
                existingTitle.edition = title.Edition;
                existingTitle.date_published = title.PubDate;
                existingTitle.author = title.Author;
                existingTitle.updatedat = DateTime.Now;
                existingTitle.updatedby = updatedby;

Пример #9
        public Title Insert(Title title, int createdBy)
            title newTitle = new title
                    title1 = title.Name,
                    author = title.Author,
                    createdat = DateTime.Now,
                    createdby = createdBy,
                    updatedat = DateTime.Now,
                    updatedby = createdBy,
                    date_published = title.PubDate,
                    edition = title.Edition,
                    isbn = title.ISBN,
                    notes = title.Notes,
                    subtitle = title.Subtitle

            var t = dbContext.titles.Add(newTitle);
            var validationErrors = dbContext.GetValidationErrors().ToList();
            string error = string.Empty;
            if (validationErrors.Count() > 0)
                error = "errors";
            title.Id = t.id;
            return title;