Пример #1
        private void Scan_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            LoadFrom         loadFrom = new LoadFrom();
            BackgroundWorker worker   = new BackgroundWorker();

            worker.WorkerReportsProgress      = true;
            worker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
            bool   WaitFalg = true;
            string ErrMsg   = "";

            worker.DoWork += delegate(object s, DoWorkEventArgs args)
                DateTime fileBeforeCreatedTime         = WanTai.Controller.EVO.ProcessorFactory.GetDateTimeNow();
                Services.DeskTopService desktopService = new Services.DeskTopService();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show("扫描错误!", "系统提示");

                //get data from scan files, check plates ,and update scan volume of reagents
                foreach (ReagentAndSuppliesConfiguration reagent in reagentAndSupplies)
                    reagent.FirstAddVolume = 0;
                foreach (PlateBase plate in ViewPlates)
                    plate.FirstAddVolume = 0;
                DataTable dtScan       = GetScanResult(fileBeforeCreatedTime);
                DataTable dtDitiScan   = GetDitiScanResult(fileBeforeCreatedTime);
                DataTable dtHeaterScan = GetHeaterScanResult(fileBeforeCreatedTime);


                //if any plate of a reagent is incorrect this reagent is incorrect
                foreach (ReagentAndSuppliesConfiguration reagent in reagentAndSupplies)
                    List <PlateBase> plates = ViewPlates.FindAll(P => (P.ChineseName == reagent.DisplayName && P.ItemType == reagent.ItemType));
                    reagent.Correct = !plates.Exists(P => !P.Correct);

                    if (reagent.ItemType >= 100 && reagent.ItemType < 200)
                        PlateBase firstPlate = ViewPlates.FirstOrDefault(P => (P.ChineseName == reagent.DisplayName && P.ItemType == reagent.ItemType));
                        if (firstPlate != null)
                            firstPlate.FirstAddVolume = reagent.FirstAddVolume;
                worker.ReportProgress(1, ErrMsg);
                while (WaitFalg)
            worker.ProgressChanged += delegate(object s, ProgressChangedEventArgs args)
                //to show the last column which contains confirm buttons
                foreach (DataGrid dg in dataGridDictionary.Values)
                    dg.Columns[5].Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                //incorrect plates and corresponding reagents will shine
                foreach (UIElement uiElement in DeskTopWithGrid.Children)
                    if (uiElement is CarrierBase)
                btnSave.IsEnabled = reagentAndSupplies.FirstOrDefault(P => P.Correct == false) == null;
            worker.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate(object s, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs args)


             * //call script and generate scan files
             * System.Windows.Input.Cursor currentCurson = this.Cursor;
             * this.Cursor = Cursors.Wait;
             * //call script and generate scan files
             * DateTime fileBeforeCreatedTime = WanTai.Controller.EVO.ProcessorFactory.GetDateTimeNow();
             * Services.DeskTopService desktopService = new Services.DeskTopService();
             * try
             * {
             *  desktopService.CallScanScript();
             * }
             * catch (Exception ex)
             * {
             *  MessageBox.Show("扫描错误!");
             * }
             * //get data from scan files, check plates ,and update scan volume of reagents
             * foreach (ReagentAndSuppliesConfiguration reagent in reagentAndSupplies)
             * {
             *  reagent.FirstAddVolume = 0;
             * }
             * foreach (PlateBase plate in ViewPlates)
             * {
             *  plate.FirstAddVolume = 0;
             * }
             * DataTable dtScan = GetScanResult(fileBeforeCreatedTime);
             * DataTable dtDitiScan = GetDitiScanResult(fileBeforeCreatedTime);
             * DataTable dtHeaterScan = GetHeaterScanResult(fileBeforeCreatedTime);
             * CheckByScanResult(dtScan);
             * CheckDitiByScanResult(dtDitiScan);
             * CheckHeaterScanResult(dtHeaterScan);
             * GetDetectedLiquid(fileBeforeCreatedTime);
             * //if any plate of a reagent is incorrect this reagent is incorrect
             * foreach (ReagentAndSuppliesConfiguration reagent in reagentAndSupplies)
             * {
             *  List<PlateBase> plates = ViewPlates.FindAll(P => (P.ChineseName == reagent.DisplayName && P.ItemType == reagent.ItemType));
             *  reagent.Correct = !plates.Exists(P => !P.Correct);
             * }
             * //to show the last column which contains confirm buttons
             * foreach (DataGrid dg in dataGridDictionary.Values)
             * {
             *  dg.Columns[5].Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
             * }
             * //incorrect plates and corresponding reagents will shine
             * BindRelatedControls();
             * UpdatePlates();
             * foreach (UIElement uiElement in DeskTopWithGrid.Children)
             * {
             *  if (uiElement is CarrierBase)
             *  {
             *      ((CarrierBase)uiElement).Scan();
             *  }
             * }
             * Cursor = currentCurson;
             * btnSave.IsEnabled = reagentAndSupplies.FirstOrDefault(P => P.Correct == false) == null;
        private void WhenAdd()
            ReagentSuppliesConfigurationController configurationController = new ReagentSuppliesConfigurationController();
            List <ReagentAndSuppliesConfiguration> configurations          = configurationController.GetAllActived().Where(P => P.ItemType < 100).OrderBy(P => P.ItemType).ToList();

            configurationController.UpdateExperimentVolume(SessionInfo.ExperimentID, ref configurations, new short[] {
                ConsumptionType.consume, ConsumptionType.Add, ConsumptionType.FirstAdd
            }, ReagentAndSuppliesConfiguration.CurrentVolumeFieldName);
            //configurationController.UpdateExperimentVolume(SessionInfo.ExperimentID, ref configurations, new short[] {
            //    ConsumptionType.Need }, ReagentAndSuppliesConfiguration.NeedVolumeFieldName);
            configurationController.NeededVolumeofProcessingRotations(ref configurations);
            List <ReagentAndSupply> reagents = new ReagentAndSuppliesController().GetAll(SessionInfo.ExperimentID);

            foreach (ReagentAndSuppliesConfiguration config in configurations)
                if (config.ItemType >= 100)
                Guid?reagentAndSuppplieID = null;
                config.Correct = config.Correct = config.NeedVolume == 0 ? true : config.CurrentVolume > config.NeedVolume * Common.Configuration.GetMinVolume();
                ReagentAndSupply reagent = reagents.FirstOrDefault(P => P.ConfigurationItemID == config.ItemID);
                if (reagent != null)
                    reagentAndSuppplieID = reagent.ItemID;
                dtReagent.Rows.Add(config.DisplayName, config.CurrentVolume, 0, config.Unit, config.Correct, config.ItemType, reagentAndSuppplieID, config.NeedVolume, config.NeedVolume * Common.Configuration.GetMinVolume(), config.ItemID);

            dtReagent.DefaultView.Sort = "ItemType";
            dgReagent.DataContext      = dtReagent.DefaultView.FindRows(0);
            foreach (short dataGridKey in dataGridDictionary.Keys)
                dataGridDictionary[dataGridKey].ItemsSource = dtReagent.DefaultView.FindRows(dataGridKey);

            //Drawing Plates and Carriers
            viewPlates = new Services.DeskTopService().SetReagentPosition(configurations, new CarrierController().GetCarrier(), 0);

            double lengthUnit = (this.Width - 50) / 84;
            double cooPoint   = 1.4;

            panelDeskTop.Width  = (this.Width - 50);
            panelDeskTop.Height = lengthUnit * 30;
            View.Services.DeskTopService desktopService = new Services.DeskTopService();
            carrierBases = desktopService.GetCarriers(lengthUnit, cooPoint);
            foreach (CarrierBase carrier in carrierBases)
                carrier.UpdatePlate(viewPlates.FindAll(P => P.ContainerName == carrier.CarrierName));

            panelDeskTop.Children.Add(desktopService.DrawCoordinate((this.Width - 50), 69, lengthUnit));

            for (int i = 0; i < dtReagent.Rows.Count; i++)
                if (!(bool)dtReagent.Rows[i]["Correct"])
                    this.btnSave.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;