public VortexCompiler(Game game, AbsolutePath gamePath, AbsolutePath vortexFolder, AbsolutePath downloadsFolder, AbsolutePath stagingFolder, AbsolutePath outputFile) { Game = game; GamePath = gamePath; GameName = game.MetaData().NexusName; VortexFolder = vortexFolder; DownloadsFolder = downloadsFolder; StagingFolder = stagingFolder; ModListOutputFile = outputFile; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ModListName)) { ModListName = $"Vortex ModList for {Game.ToString()}"; ModListOutputFile = ((RelativePath)ModListName).RelativeToEntryPoint().WithExtension(Consts.ModListExtension); } GameName = Game.MetaData().NexusName; ActiveArchives = new List <string>(); // there can be max one game after filtering /* * StoreHandler.Instance.StoreGames.Where(g => g.Game == game && g.Type == StoreType.STEAM).Do(g => * { * _isSteamGame = true; * _steamGame = (SteamGame)g; * _hasSteamWorkshopItems = _steamGame.WorkshopItems.Count > 0; * }); */ }
public VortexCompiler(Game game, string gamePath, string vortexFolder, string downloadsFolder, string stagingFolder, string outputFile) { Game = game; GamePath = gamePath; GameName = game.MetaData().NexusName; VortexFolder = vortexFolder; DownloadsFolder = downloadsFolder; StagingFolder = stagingFolder; ModListOutputFile = outputFile; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ModListName)) { ModListName = $"Vortex ModList for {Game.ToString()}"; ModListOutputFile = $"{ModListName}{Consts.ModListExtension}"; } GameName = Game.MetaData().NexusName; ActiveArchives = new List <string>(); // there can be max one game after filtering StoreHandler.Instance.StoreGames.Where(g => g.Game == game && g.Type == StoreType.STEAM).Do(g => { _isSteamGame = true; _steamGame = (SteamGame)g; _hasSteamWorkshopItems = _steamGame.WorkshopItems.Count > 0; }); }
public static string RetrieveStagingLocation(Game game, string vortexFolderPath = null) { vortexFolderPath = vortexFolderPath ?? TypicalVortexFolder(); var gameName = game.MetaData().NexusName; return(Path.Combine(vortexFolderPath, gameName, Consts.MO2ModFolderName)); }
public static async Task <BethesdaNetData?> Login(Game game) { var metadata = game.MetaData(); if (metadata.MainExecutable == null) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } var gamePath = metadata.GameLocation().Combine(metadata.MainExecutable); var info = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = @"Downloaders\BethesdaNet\bethnetlogin.exe", Arguments = $"\"{gamePath}\" {metadata.MainExecutable}", RedirectStandardError = true, RedirectStandardInput = true, RedirectStandardOutput = true, UseShellExecute = false, CreateNoWindow = true }; var process = Process.Start(info); ChildProcessTracker.AddProcess(process); string last_line = ""; while (true) { var line = await process.StandardOutput.ReadLineAsync(); if (line == null) { break; } last_line = line; } try { var result = last_line.FromJsonString <BethesdaNetData>(); await result.ToEcryptedJson(DataName); return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.Error(ex, "Could not save Bethesda.NET login info"); return(null); } }
private void ParseDeploymentFile() { Info("Searching for vortex.deployment.json..."); var deploymentFile = ""; Directory.EnumerateFiles(GamePath, "vortex.deployment.json", SearchOption.AllDirectories) .Where(File.Exists) .Do(f => deploymentFile = f); var currentGame = Game.MetaData(); if (currentGame.AdditionalFolders != null && currentGame.AdditionalFolders.Count != 0) { currentGame.AdditionalFolders.Do(f => Directory.EnumerateFiles(f, "vortex.deployment.json", SearchOption.AllDirectories) .Where(File.Exists) .Do(d => deploymentFile = d)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(deploymentFile)) { Error("vortex.deployment.json not found!"); return; } Info($"vortex.deployment.json found at {deploymentFile}"); Info("Parsing vortex.deployment.json..."); try { VortexDeployment = deploymentFile.FromJSON <VortexDeployment>(); } catch (JsonSerializationException e) { Utils.Error(e, "Failed to parse vortex.deployment.json!"); } VortexDeployment.files.Do(f => { var archive = f.source; if (ActiveArchives.Contains(archive)) { return; } Utils.Log($"Adding archive {archive} to ActiveArchives"); ActiveArchives.Add(archive); }); }
private void AddExternalFolder(ref List <string> roots) { var currentGame = Game.MetaData(); if (currentGame.AdditionalFolders == null || currentGame.AdditionalFolders.Count == 0) { return; } foreach (var path in currentGame.AdditionalFolders.Select(f => f.Replace("%documents%", KnownFolders.Documents.Path))) { if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { return; } roots.Add(path); } }
public override string[] GetMetaIni() { return(new[] { "[General]", $"gameName={Game.MetaData().MO2ArchiveName}", $"modID={ModID}", $"fileID={FileID}" }); }
public override string GetManifestURL(Archive a) { return($"{Game.MetaData().NexusName}/mods/{ModID}"); }
public static bool IsActiveVortexGame(Game g) { return(g.MetaData().SupportedModManager == ModManager.Vortex && !GameRegistry.Games[g].Disabled); }
public static string RetrieveDownloadLocation(Game game, string vortexFolderPath = null) { vortexFolderPath = vortexFolderPath ?? TypicalVortexFolder(); return(Path.Combine(vortexFolderPath, "downloads", game.MetaData().NexusName)); }
public override string GetManifestURL(Archive a) { return($"{Game.MetaData().NexusName}/mods/{ModID}/?tab=files&file_id={FileID}"); }