Пример #1
        void UpdateDrag()
            bool isDragging = buttonSelectPressed && IsManipulating();

            if (isDragging)
                if (!prevDragging)
                    dragControl.ApplyPos(false, Vector2.zero);
                    Vector3 posDelta  = position - prevPosition;
                    float   pdDot     = Vector3.Dot(posDelta.normalized, rotation * Vector3.forward);
                    float   distDelta = pdDot * posDelta.magnitude;

                    dragControl.ApplyDelta(true, new Vector2(0, distDelta));
                dragControl.ApplyPos(false, Vector2.zero);

            // Debug sphere
            if (debugSphere != null)
                debugSphere.transform.position = position;// + rotation * Vector3.forward;

            prevPosition = position;
            prevDragging = isDragging;
        void UpdateDrag()
            bool  dragButtonPressed = UnityEngine.Input.GetKey(KeyCode.P);
            float dragPos           = mouseSource.MousePos.y;

            if (dragButtonPressed)
                if (!wasDragButtonPressed)
                    dragStartPosY = dragPos;
                    //DragDistanceDelta = 0;
                    dragControl.ApplyPos(true, Vector2.zero);
                    // Also update drag distance delta
                    dragControl.ApplyPos(true, new Vector2(0, dragPos - dragStartPosY));
                dragControl.ApplyPos(false, Vector2.zero);

            wasDragButtonPressed = dragButtonPressed;
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates all control states.  See InputControlState.cs.
        /// </summary>
        void UpdateStates()
            // Hand zoom gesture

            // Mouse wheel zoom
            stateMouseWheelZoom.AddState(false, new Vector2(0, inputSources.editor.mouseSource.ScrollWheelDelta));
            stateMouseWheelZoom.AddState(false, new Vector2(0, inputSources.worldCursorMouse.mouseSource.ScrollWheelDelta));

            // SixDOF zoom gesture
            stateSixDOFZoom.ApplyDelta(false, new Vector2(0, inputSources.touch6D.dragControl.delta.y));

            // Controller input maps to scrolling, zooming, and freecam input
            stateLeftJoyScroll.ApplyDelta(false, inputSources.gamepad.leftJoyVector);
            stateLeftJoyTranslate.ApplyDelta(false, inputSources.gamepad.leftJoyVector);
            stateTrigZoom.ApplyDelta(false, new Vector2(0, -inputSources.gamepad.trigVector.x + inputSources.gamepad.trigVector.y));
            stateRightJoyRotate.ApplyDelta(false, inputSources.gamepad.rightJoyVector);
            statePadTranslate.ApplyDelta(false, inputSources.gamepad.padVector);
            statePadCardinal.ApplyDelta(false, inputSources.gamepad.padVector);

            // Joystick cardinal state
            Vector2 joyPos = Vector2.zero;

            if (inputSources.gamepadCardinal.IsActiveTargetingSource())
                float mag = 0.7f;
                if (inputSources.gamepad.leftJoyVector.sqrMagnitude > mag * mag)
                    joyPos = inputSources.gamepad.leftJoyVector;
                    // Quantize
                    joyPos.x = (float)Mathf.RoundToInt(5f * joyPos.x) / 5f;
                    joyPos.y = (float)Mathf.RoundToInt(5f * joyPos.y) / 5f;
            stateLeftJoyCardinal.ApplyDelta(false, joyPos);

            // Update drag gesture
            InputSourceBase curSource = inputSwitchLogic.CurrentTargetingSource as InputSourceBase;

            if (curSource != null && curSource.IsManipulating())
                stateTargetScroll.ApplyPos(true, curSource.GetManipulationPlaneProjection());
                //Debug.Log("scroll state delta: " + stateTargetScroll.delta);
                stateTargetScroll.ApplyPos(false, Vector2.zero);
                //Debug.Log("scroll (done) state delta: " + stateTargetScroll.delta);
Пример #4
        public override void _Update()
            // We can't trust button input from the remote mouse, since it generates a lot of click events when you're only trying to move it
            touchState.ApplyPos(false, InputSources.Instance.netMouse.mousePos);



            bool prev = m_Select;

            m_Select = (this as ITargetingInputSource).IsSelectPressed();
            if (prev != m_Select)
                OnSelectChanged(this, m_Select);

            prev   = m_Menu;
            m_Menu = (this as ITargetingInputSource).IsMenuPressed();
            if (prev != m_Menu)
                OnMenuChanged(this, m_Menu);

        void UpdateHandDrag()
            bool    isDragging = NumFingersPressed > 0 && IsManipulating();
            Vector3 handPos    = GetWorldPosition(0);

            if (isDragging)
                if (!prevDragging)
                    dragStartHeadPosition = HeadTransform.position;

                    if (handPos.y < dragStartHeadPosition.y)
                        dragStartHeadPosition.y = handPos.y;

                    dragStartHeadRotation = HeadTransform.rotation;

                    dragLocalHandStart = Quaternion.Inverse(dragStartHeadRotation) * (handPos - dragStartHeadPosition);

                    dragControl.ApplyPos(false, Vector2.zero);

                    prevHandPosition = handPos;
                    prevDragging     = isDragging;
                    // Use the head position pivot, but at the starting height
                    Vector3 pivotPos = HeadTransform.position;
                    pivotPos.y = dragStartHeadPosition.y;

                    // Find where the hand has moved relative to the starting pose (of head and hand)
                    Vector3 localOffsetFromStart = Quaternion.Inverse(dragStartHeadRotation) * (handPos - pivotPos);

                    // Get the difference in rotation
                    Quaternion handRotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(dragLocalHandStart, localOffsetFromStart);

                    // Apply to original head direction
                    adjustedHandTargetRot = dragStartHeadRotation * handRotation;

                    // Update drag distance
                    Vector3 posDelta  = handPos - prevHandPosition;
                    float   pdDot     = Vector3.Dot(posDelta.normalized, HeadTransform.forward);
                    float   distDelta = pdDot * posDelta.magnitude;

                    // Deadzone?
                    //distDelta = Mathf.Sign(distDelta) * Mathf.Max(0, Mathf.Abs(distDelta) - dragDistanceDeadzone);

                    // Update the drag control
                    dragControl.ApplyDelta(true, new Vector2(0, distDelta));
                dragControl.ApplyPos(false, Vector2.zero);

            prevHandPosition = handPos;
            prevDragging     = isDragging;