public Mould(Grid grid, int letterCount, int row, int column, int boardSize)
            _mould = new List<char>();

            for (var r = row; r < boardSize; r++)
                _mould.Add(grid.GetSquare(r, column).Letter);

            var blanks = _mould.Count(i => i == Constants.Blank);

            if (blanks > letterCount)
                for (var r = _mould.Count - 1; r > -1; r--)
                    if (blanks == letterCount) { break; }
                    if (_mould[r] == Constants.Blank)

        //Check for tiles which disqualify square (1,2), otherwise for a connection which qualifies it (3)
        static bool CheckSquare(Grid grid, int top, int bottom, int column, ref int contactRow)
            if ((!grid.GetSquare(Math.Max(top - 1, 0), column).IsBlank && top > 0)) // 1)Check square above for letter
                { return false;}

            for (var row = top; row < BoardSize; row++) // 2)Check for continuous column of letters to bottom (Includes bottom row)
                if (grid.GetSquare(row, column).IsBlank)
                if (!grid.GetSquare(row, column).IsBlank && row == BoardSize - 1)
                    return false;

            for (var row = top; row < bottom + 1; row++) // 3)Check letters-by-3 box (squares in column and adjacent columns on either side)
                if (grid.GetSquare(row, Math.Max(column - 1, 0)).Letter.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + grid.GetSquare(row, column).Letter + grid.GetSquare(row, Math.Min(BoardSize - 1, column + 1)).Letter != "   ")
                    contactRow = row - top + 1;
                    return true;

            if (bottom != BoardSize - 1 && !grid.GetSquare(bottom + 1, column).IsBlank) // 3)Check square below bottom-most reach
                contactRow = bottom - top + 2;
                return true;

            return false;
        static Grid GetGrid(Grid board)
            var letterFrequencyTotal = new List<int>(); //Cumulative letter frequency for board. Max # of each tile allowed.
            for (var row = 0; row < BoardSize; row++)
                for (; ; )
                    var letterFrequencyRow = new List<int>(letterFrequencyTotal);

                    Console.Write("Enter Row {0} letters: ", row + 1);
                    var rowLetters = (Console.ReadLine().ToLower().ToList());

                    if (rowLetters.Count < BoardSize) //Fill rest of row with blanks
                        for (var j = rowLetters.Count; j < BoardSize; j++)

                    letterFrequencyRow = LetterFreq(rowLetters, letterFrequencyRow, BoardSize); //Get letter frequencies of current row

                    if (!LettersCheck(rowLetters, letterFrequencyRow, BoardSize)) { continue; } //Check validity of entered characters

                    letterFrequencyTotal = letterFrequencyRow;

                    for (var column = 0; column < BoardSize; column++) //Add row letters to board
                        board.GetSquare(row, column).Letter = rowLetters[column];


            return board;
 static void WriteBoard(Grid board)
     Console.WriteLine(" 123456789012345");
     for (var i = 0; i < BoardSize; i++)
         for (var j = 0; j < BoardSize - 1; j++)
             Console.Write((board.GetSquare(i, j)).Letter.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToUpper());
         Console.WriteLine((board.GetSquare(i, BoardSize - 1)).Letter.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToUpper() + "| {0}", i + 1);
        static Word WordScorer(Word word, Grid grid)
            var totalScore = 0;
            var totalWordMultiplier = 1; //Total word multiplier for base word score
            var baseScore = 0; //Basic score of actual word before final word multiplication
            var letterCount = 0; //Check if all letters are used for 35 bonus

            for (var r = 0; r < word.Letters.Count; r++)
                var letterMultiplier = grid.GetSquare(r + word.Row, word.Column).IsBlank ? grid.GetSquare(r + word.Row, word.Column).LetterBonus : 1; //Determine if square letter muliplier is applicable
                var wordMultiplier = grid.GetSquare(r + word.Row, word.Column).IsBlank ? grid.GetSquare(r + word.Row, word.Column).WordBonus : 1; //Determine if square word multiplier is applicable

                totalWordMultiplier *= wordMultiplier; //Add square word multiplier to total word multiplier

                baseScore += word.Scores[r] * letterMultiplier; //Add current letter score to base word score

                if (!grid.GetSquare(r + word.Row, word.Column).IsBlank) { continue; } //Existing letter - perpendicular word doesn't score


                var crossWord = word.Scores[r] * letterMultiplier; //Letter value times letter bonus

                var count = 0; //Count of perpendicular tiles. Needed due to potential blank tiles with 0 score.
                for (var c = word.Column - 1; c > -1; c--) //Add letter scores for perp word to left
                    if (grid.GetSquare(r + word.Row, c).IsBlank) { break; }
                    crossWord += grid.GetSquare(r + word.Row, c).Score;
                for (var c = word.Column + 1; c < BoardSize; c++) //Add letter scores for perp word to right
                    if (grid.GetSquare(r + word.Row, c).IsBlank) { break; }
                    crossWord += grid.GetSquare(r + word.Row, c).Score;
                if (count == 0) { continue; } //No perpendicular word

                totalScore += crossWord * wordMultiplier; //Add each perp word score to total score

            totalScore += baseScore * totalWordMultiplier; //Add base word score to total score
            if (letterCount == 7) { totalScore += 35; }
            word.WordScore = totalScore;

            return word;
        //Check any perpendicular words are legal
        static bool PerpendicularWords(Grid grid, List<char> word, int row, int column, Direction direction)
            for (var r = 0; r < word.Count; r++) //Check perp word at each letter
                var perpWord = word[r].ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                for (var c = column - 1; c > -1; c--) //Construct perp word with letters to left
                    if (grid.GetSquare(r + row, c).IsBlank) { break; }
                    perpWord = grid.GetSquare(r + row, c).Letter + perpWord;
                for (var c = column + 1; c < BoardSize; c++) //Add letters to right
                    if (grid.GetSquare(r + row, c).IsBlank) { break; }
                    perpWord += grid.GetSquare(r + row, c).Letter.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                if (perpWord.Length == 1) { continue; } //I.E. no adjacent letters

                var dictionary = direction == Direction.Down ? new List<string>(Dictionary.Dict) : new List<string>(Dictionary.DictRev); //Rotation for across words means perp words are reversed. Use dictionary with reverse words.
                var lowerIndex = Dictionary.Lengths[perpWord.Length - 2]; //Indices to only check dictionary words of exact length
                var upperIndex = Dictionary.Lengths[perpWord.Length - 1];

                for (var w = lowerIndex; w < upperIndex + 1; w++ )
                    if (perpWord == dictionary[w])
                    if (w == upperIndex && perpWord != dictionary[w] )
                        return false;

            return true;
        static List<int> Limits(Grid grid)
            var lts = new List<int> { BoardSize - 1, 0, BoardSize - 1, 0 }; //Left-Column/Right-Column/Upper-Row/Lower-Row bounds

            for (var r = 0; r < BoardSize; r++)
                for (var c = 0; c < BoardSize; c++)
                    var chr = Regex.IsMatch(grid.GetSquare(r,c).Letter.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), @"[a-z]");
                    if (chr && c <= lts[0]){lts[0] = Math.Max(c - 1, 0);}
                    if (chr && c >= lts[1]){lts[1] = Math.Min(c + 1, BoardSize - 1);}
                    if (chr && r <= lts[2]){lts[2] = Math.Max(r - 1, 0);}
                    if (chr && r >= lts[3]){lts[3] = Math.Min(r + 1, BoardSize - 1);}

            return lts;
            public Fill(int boardSize)
                BoardFilled = BoardEmpty;

                var letters = new List<string>
                    "               ", //0
                    "               ", //1
                    "               ", //2
                    "               ", //3
                    "               ", //4
                    "               ", //5
                    "choleric       ", //6
                    "       a       ", //7 M
                    "     bottle    ", //8
                    "               ", //9
                    "               ", //10
                    "               ", //11
                    "               ", //12
                    "               ", //13
                    "               ", //14

                for (var i = 0; i < boardSize; i++)
                    var chrs = letters[i].ToCharArray().ToList();
                    for (var j = 0; j < boardSize; j++)
                        BoardFilled.GetSquare(i, j).Row = i;
                        BoardFilled.GetSquare(i, j).Column = j;
                        BoardFilled.GetSquare(i, j).Letter = chrs[j];
                        BoardFilled.GetSquare(i, j).Score = Program.LetterValues(BoardFilled.GetSquare(i, j).Letter.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToCharArray().ToList())[0]; //TODO: !!
                        BoardFilled.GetSquare(i, j).LetterBonus = BoardFilled.GetSquare(i, j).LetterBonus == 0 ? 1 : BoardFilled.GetSquare(i, j).LetterBonus;
                        BoardFilled.GetSquare(i, j).WordBonus = BoardFilled.GetSquare(i, j).WordBonus == 0 ? 1 : BoardFilled.GetSquare(i, j).WordBonus;