Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the NFC Service. Loads the SCM_NFC.dll library,
        /// initializes the wrapper and starts listening to NFC event messages.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="handle"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Initialize(IntPtr handle)
            // Verify that the NFC Wrapper is present
            if (LoadLibrary("SCM_NFC.dll") == 0)
                Debug.WriteLine("NFC Wrapper not found");
                Debug.WriteLine("Be sure that the file SCM_NFC.dll is present in the search path.");

            Debug.WriteLine("SCM_NFC.DLL successfully loaded.");

            // sets the source and handle for the Win32 process
            HwndSource source = HwndSource.FromHwnd(handle);

            source.AddHook(new HwndSourceHook(WndProc));

            //Init NFC Wrapper
            NFCWrapper = new TNFCWrapper();

            //Tell the NFC Wrapper to start listening for NFC devices or tags
            Debug.WriteLine("Please put an NFC Tag on the device");

Пример #2
        private void WriteNFCMessage()
            // Validate NFCWrapper.
            if (NFCWrapper == null)

            UInt32 Result;

            //Create Smart Poster NDEF Message
            string URI        = "http://www.anthonybaker.co";
            string Comment    = "Anthony Baker's Blog";
            string Language   = "en-US";
            string TargetType = "";
            UInt32 Size       = 0;
            byte   Action     = 0;

            UInt32 NDEFSize = 1000;

            byte[] NDEF = new byte[NDEFSize];

            Result = TNFCWrapper.CreateNDEFSp(URI, Comment, Language, ref Action, ref Size, TargetType, ref NDEF[0], ref NDEFSize);
            Debug.WriteLine("CreateNDEFSp: " + NFCWrapper.NFCWrapperErrorToString(Result));
            if (Result != TNFCWrapper.ERR_SUCCESS)

            // print NDEF as Hex dump
            PrintHexDump(NDEF, NDEFSize);

            // convert NDEF into XML
            string XML = "";

            Result = NFCWrapper.NDEF2XML(ref NDEF[0], NDEFSize, ref XML);
            Debug.WriteLine("NDEF2XML: " + NFCWrapper.NFCWrapperErrorToString(Result));
            if (Result != TNFCWrapper.ERR_SUCCESS)

            // print NDEF as XML
            Debug.WriteLine(" ");

            // now write the newly created NDEF message on an NFC tag
            Debug.WriteLine("Put an NFC Tag on the reader within the next 5 seconds ...");

            TNFCAddress  NFCAddress  = new TNFCAddress();
            TMessageInfo MessageInfo = new TMessageInfo();

            Result = TNFCWrapper.WriteNDEF(ref NFCAddress, ref MessageInfo, ref NDEF[0], ref NDEFSize, false, true, 5);
            Debug.WriteLine("NDEF2XML: " + NFCWrapper.NFCWrapperErrorToString(Result));

            if (Result == TNFCWrapper.ERR_SUCCESS)
                //Display the message details
                string sAddress = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                    sAddress = sAddress + NFCAddress.Address[i].ToString("X2") + " ";

                Debug.WriteLine("  Receiver ID   = " + sAddress);
                Debug.WriteLine("  Receiver Type = " + NFCWrapper.NFCTagTypeToString(MessageInfo.CardType));
                Debug.WriteLine("  Device Name   = " + MessageInfo.ReaderName);
                Debug.WriteLine("  Sent At       = " + SystemTimeToString(MessageInfo.TimeStamp));
                Debug.WriteLine("  NDEF Size     = " + NDEFSize.ToString());
            else if (Result == TNFCWrapper.ERR_NDEF_TOO_LARGE)
                // the NDEF message does not fit on the NFC tag
                Debug.WriteLine("  Max. NDEF Size = " + NDEFSize.ToString());
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the NFC message data
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string ReadNDEF()
            UInt32 DeviceCount     = 0;
            UInt32 MessageCount    = 0;
            UInt32 NextMessageSize = 0;
            UInt32 Result;

            // check to make sure the NCFWrappr is valid.
            if (NFCWrapper == null)

            // Get information about the message queue
            Result = TNFCWrapper.GetNDEFQueueInfo(ref DeviceCount, ref MessageCount, ref NextMessageSize);
            Debug.WriteLine("GetNDEFQueueInfo: " + NFCWrapper.NFCWrapperErrorToString(Result));

            // Quit if the queue's information could not be retrieved
            if (Result != TNFCWrapper.ERR_SUCCESS)

            Debug.WriteLine("  DeviceCount     = " + DeviceCount.ToString());
            Debug.WriteLine("  MessageCount    = " + MessageCount.ToString());
            Debug.WriteLine("  NextMessageSize = " + NextMessageSize.ToString());

            //Resize the NDEF buffer accordingly to the site of the next message in the queue
            byte[]       NDEF        = new byte[NextMessageSize];
            UInt32       NDEFSize    = NextMessageSize;
            TNFCAddress  NFCAddress  = new TNFCAddress();
            TMessageInfo MessageInfo = new TMessageInfo();

            //Read the NDEF message from the message queue
            Result = TNFCWrapper.ReadNDEF(ref NFCAddress, ref MessageInfo, ref NDEF[0], ref NDEFSize);
            Debug.WriteLine("ReadNDEF: " + NFCWrapper.NFCWrapperErrorToString(Result));

            // Quit if the message queue reading was not successful.
            if (Result != TNFCWrapper.ERR_SUCCESS)

            //Display the message details
            string sAddress = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                sAddress = sAddress + NFCAddress.Address[i].ToString("X2") + " ";

            Debug.WriteLine("  Sender ID   = " + sAddress);
            Debug.WriteLine("  Sender Type = " + NFCWrapper.NFCTagTypeToString(MessageInfo.CardType));
            Debug.WriteLine("  Device Name = " + MessageInfo.ReaderName);
            Debug.WriteLine("  Received At = " + SystemTimeToString(MessageInfo.TimeStamp));
            Debug.WriteLine("  NDEF Size   = " + NDEFSize.ToString());
            Debug.WriteLine(" ");

            // print NDEF as Hex dump
            PrintHexDump(NDEF, NDEFSize);

            // convert NDEF into XML
            string XML = "";

            Result = NFCWrapper.NDEF2XML(ref NDEF[0], NDEFSize, ref XML);
            Debug.WriteLine("NDEF2XML: " + NFCWrapper.NFCWrapperErrorToString(Result));

            // Quit if the message could not be converted to XML
            if (Result != TNFCWrapper.ERR_SUCCESS)

            // print NDEF as XML
            Debug.WriteLine(" ");

            // Parse XML Message
            XDocument xml         = XDocument.Parse(XML);
            var       typeElement = xml.Descendants("Type");

            if (typeElement != null)
                var        type      = typeElement.First().Value;
                XNamespace NDEF_Text = "";
                string     payload   = "No NFC Message Data";
                switch (type)
                case "urn:nfc:wkt:U":
                    //NDEF_Text = "urn:nfc:wkt:U";
                    //payload = xml.Descendants(NDEF_Text + "Text").First().Value;
                    payload = xml.ToString();

                case "text/x-vCard":
                    //NDEF_Text = "text/x-vCard";
                    //payload = xml.Descendants(NDEF_Text + "Text").First().Value;
                    payload = xml.ToString();

                case "urn:nfc:wkt:T":
                    //NDEF_Text = "urn:nfc:wkt:T";
                    //payload = xml.Descendants(NDEF_Text + "Text").First().Value;
                    payload = xml.ToString();

                    payload = xml.ToString();