Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Reboots all hosts in the given group.
        /// </summary>	
        public void ShutdownGroup( WOL2Group g, bool bNoConfirm )
            string sg = g.GetName();

            if (!bNoConfirm)
                string sAction = "Shutdown Group " + sg;
                if (ConfirmAction(sAction) == false)

            Monitor.Enter( m_LockHosts );
            foreach( WOL2Host h in m_Hosts )
                if( h.GetGroups().Contains( sg ) )
                    ShutdownHost( h, true );
            Monitor.Exit( m_LockHosts );
            lblStatus.Text = String.Format(MOE.Utility.GetStringFromRes("strSendShutdownSignal"), g.GetName());
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Refreshes the group list
        /// </summary>	
        public void WakeGroup( WOL2Group g, bool bNoConfirm )
            string sg = g.GetName();

            if (!bNoConfirm)
                string sAction = "Wake Group " + sg;
                if (ConfirmAction(sAction) == false)

            Monitor.Enter( m_LockHosts );
            foreach( WOL2Host h in m_Hosts )
                if( h.GetGroups().Contains( sg ) )
                    WakeHost( h, true );

                DateTime dwTime = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(m_iWakeDelay);
                while (DateTime.Now < dwTime)
            Monitor.Exit( m_LockHosts );

            lblStatus.Text = String.Format( MOE.Utility.GetStringFromRes( "strSendWOLSignal" ),  g.GetName() );
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens a host file
        /// </summary>	
        /// <param name="sFile">The file to open.</param>		
        public bool OpenHostList( string sFile )
            bool bRet = false;

            if( sFile == null )
                // Ask for a xml file
                OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog();
                openFileDialog1.FileName = m_sHostFileName;
                openFileDialog1.Filter = "XML File (*.xml)|*.xml|All Files (*.*)|*.*" ;
                openFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 1;
                openFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = true ;

                // Read and filter the raw data
                if(openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    sFile = openFileDialog1.FileName;


            if( sFile != null )
                int iCount = 0;

                // Create the XML document
                XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
                    // Try to load the file
                    xml.Load( sFile );

                    // Clean the old host list
                    Monitor.Enter( m_LockHosts );
                    Monitor.Exit( m_LockHosts );

                    m_CurrentGroup = null;

                    // Try to get the host nodes
                    XmlNodeList xmlHosts = xml.SelectNodes( "/WakeOnLan/Hosts/Host" );

                    // Insert all hosts
                    Monitor.Enter( m_LockHosts );

                    foreach( XmlNode hostNode in xmlHosts )
                        // Insert the host
                        WOL2Host h = new WOL2Host( );
                        XmlNode n = hostNode.FirstChild;

                        if( h.DeserializeXML( n ) )
                            m_Hosts.Add( h );
                            h.SetState( WOL2HostState.wolHostOffline );

                    Monitor.Exit( m_LockHosts );

                    // Try to get the group nodes
                    XmlNodeList xmlGroups = xml.SelectNodes( "/WakeOnLan/Groups/Group" );

                    // Insert all groups
                    Monitor.Enter( m_Groups );
                    foreach( XmlNode groupNode in xmlGroups )
                        XmlNode n = groupNode.FirstChild;
                        WOL2Group g = new WOL2Group();
                        g.DeserializeXML( n );

                        if( g.IsValid() )
                            m_Groups.Add( g.GetName(), g );
                    Monitor.Exit( m_Groups );


                    // Get the HostFile Note
                    XmlNode tmp = xml.SelectSingleNode("/WakeOnLan/Comment");
                    if (tmp != null)
                        m_sHostFileNote = tmp.InnerText;
                        tbtnNote.ToolTipText = m_sHostFileNote;

                    // File loaded...
                    m_sHostFileName = sFile;
                    bRet = true;

                    lblStatus.Text = String.Format( MOE.Utility.GetStringFromRes("strFileOpened"), iCount );

                    MOE.Logger.DoLog( "Opened host file " + sFile + " with " + iCount + " hosts.", Logger.LogLevel.lvlInfo );

                    // Add the file to the MRU list if not present yet
                    if (m_MruList.IndexOf(sFile) == -1)
                        m_MruList.Insert(0, sFile);

                } catch
                    // Some Error

            // new file
            m_bChangedFile = false;

            return bRet;