Пример #1
		public static void SetEmoLink ( HtmlNode div , Post p )
			HtmlNodeCollection emo = div.SelectNodes ( ".//img[@class='inlineimg' and @title]" );
			if ( emo != null )
				foreach ( HtmlNode e in emo )
					e.Attributes["src"].Value = "https://vozforums.com/" + e.Attributes["src"].Value;
Пример #2
		private void GetPostContent ()
			string postId = "post" + postNumber;
			HtmlNode t = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode ( "//table[@class='tborder voz-postbit' and @id='" + postId + "']" );

			Post p = new Post ();

			HAP.GetUserInfo ( t , p );
			HAP.GetPostInfo ( t , p );
			HAP.GetUserName ( t , p );
			HAP.GetUserAva ( t , p );
			HAP.GetQuoteAndReply ( t , p , doc );

			Display ( p );
Пример #3
		public static void EditLink ( HtmlNode div , Post p )
			string s;
			HtmlNodeCollection links = div.SelectNodes ( ".//a" );
			if ( links != null )
				p.listLink = new List<HtmlNode> ();
				foreach ( HtmlNode l in links )
					s = l.Attributes["href"].Value;
					if ( s.Contains ( "/redirect/index.php?link=" ) )
						l.Attributes["href"].Value = "https://vozforums.com/" + l.Attributes["href"].Value;
					p.listLink.Add ( l );
					var newNode = HtmlNode.CreateNode ( "**link" + p.listLink.Count.ToString () + "**" );
					l.ParentNode.ReplaceChild ( newNode , l );
Пример #4
		public static void GetQuoteAndReply ( HtmlNode t , Post p , HtmlDocument doc )
			HtmlNode div;
			HtmlNodeCollection quotes;

			div = t.SelectSingleNode ( ".//td[@class='alt1']" ).SelectSingleNode ( "./div[@id]" );
			if ( div == null )
				p.SetFullPost ( t.SelectSingleNode ( ".//td[@class='alt1']" ).InnerText.Trim () );
				//replace <br> with new line
				HAP.ReplaceNewLine ( div );
				//if post have color, remove it
				HAP.RemovePostColor ( div );
				//set emo link
				HAP.SetEmoLink ( div , p );
				if ( UserData.settings.GetValueOrDefault ( AppSettings.keyEmo , true ) == false )
					HAP.ReplaceEmoWithText ( div );
				//edit link
				HAP.EditLink ( div , p );
				//replace img
				HAP.ReplaceImage ( div , p );

				//check quotes
				quotes = div.SelectNodes ( "./div[@style='margin:20px; margin-top:5px; ']" );
				if ( quotes != null )
					foreach ( HtmlNode quote in quotes )
						string s = HAP.ProcessQuote ( quote , doc );
						HtmlNode newNode = doc.CreateElement ( "title" );
						newNode.InnerHtml = HtmlDocument.HtmlEncode ( s );
						quote.ParentNode.ReplaceChild ( newNode , quote );
				p.content = HtmlEntity.DeEntitize ( div.InnerText.Trim () );
				p.ReplaceImage ();
				p.ReplaceNewLine ();
				p.ReplaceLink ();
				p.SetFullPost ( p.content );
Пример #5
		public static void GetUserInfo ( HtmlNode t , Post p )
			//user info is 2 div class="smallfont"
			//1st div is member rank, 2nd div is member: jd, location, posts
			HtmlNodeCollection user_info;
			HtmlNode table = t.SelectSingleNode ( ".//table" );
			if ( table == null )
				p.userRank = "";
				p.userJoinDate = "";
				p.userLocation = "";
				p.userPosts = "";
				user_info = table.SelectSingleNode ( ".//tr" ).SelectNodes ( ".//div[@class='smallfont']" );
				if ( UserData.settings.GetValueOrDefault ( AppSettings.keyJoinDate , true ) == true )
					p.userJoinDate = user_info[1].SelectSingleNode ( "./div[1]" ).InnerText.Trim ();
					p.userJoinDate = "";

				string s = HtmlEntity.DeEntitize ( user_info[1].SelectSingleNode ( "./div[2]" ).InnerText.Trim () );
				if ( s[0] == 'L' )
					p.userLocation = s;
					p.userPosts = user_info[1].SelectSingleNode ( "./div[3]" ).InnerText.Trim ();
					p.userPosts = user_info[1].SelectSingleNode ( "./div[2]" ).InnerText.Trim ();
					p.userLocation = "";

				if ( UserData.settings.GetValueOrDefault ( AppSettings.keyLocation , true ) == false )
					p.userLocation = "";
				if ( UserData.settings.GetValueOrDefault ( AppSettings.keyPosts , true ) == false )
					p.userPosts = "";
Пример #6
		public static void GetPostInfo ( HtmlNode t , Post p )
			//get post info id time #
			//post info is 2 div, 1st div contain #post, 2nd div contain post time
			HtmlNodeCollection post_info = t.SelectNodes ( ".//div[@class='normal']" );
			if ( post_info != null )
				p.postId = HtmlEntity.DeEntitize ( post_info[0].SelectSingleNode ( "./a" ).Attributes["id"].Value ).Trim ();
				p.postId = p.postId.Remove ( 0 , 9 );
				p.postOrder = HtmlEntity.DeEntitize ( post_info[0].InnerText.Trim () ).Trim ();
				p.postTime = post_info[1].InnerText.Trim ();
				p.postId = "";
				p.postOrder = "";
				p.postTime = "";
Пример #7
		public static void GetUserName ( HtmlNode t , Post p )
			HtmlNode user_name = t.SelectSingleNode ( ".//a[@class='bigusername']" );
			if ( user_name != null )
				p.userName = HtmlEntity.DeEntitize ( user_name.InnerText.Trim () );
				user_name = t.SelectSingleNode ( ".//td[@class='alt2']" );
				p.userName = HtmlEntity.DeEntitize ( user_name.InnerText.Trim () );
Пример #8
		public static void GetUserAva ( HtmlNode t , Post p )
			if ( UserData.settings.GetValueOrDefault ( AppSettings.keyAva , true ) == true )
				HtmlNode ava = t.SelectSingleNode ( ".//td[@class='alt2']" ).SelectSingleNode ( ".//td[@class='alt2']" );
				if ( ava != null )
					ava = ava.SelectSingleNode ( ".//img" );
					p.avaLink = "https://vozforums.com/";
					p.avaLink += ava.Attributes["src"].Value;
					p.avaLink = null;
				p.avaLink = null;
Пример #9
		public static void ReplaceImage ( HtmlNode div , Post p )
			HtmlNodeCollection list = div.SelectNodes ( ".//img" );
			if ( list != null )
				p.listImage = new List<HtmlNode> ();
				foreach ( HtmlNode l in list )
					p.listImage.Add ( l );
					string newnodehtml = "**img" + p.listImage.Count.ToString () + "**";
					HtmlNode newnode = HtmlNode.CreateNode ( newnodehtml );
					l.ParentNode.ReplaceChild ( newnode , l );
Пример #10
		private void Display ( Post p )
			textBlock_PostTime.Text = p.postTime;
			textBlock_PostCount.Text = p.postOrder;
			textBlock_User.Text = p.userName;
			textBlock_JD.Text = p.userJoinDate;
			textBlock_Posts.Text = p.userPosts;
			textBlock_Location.Text = p.userLocation;
			htmlViewer.Html = @p.htmlContent;
			htmlViewer.Html = "";
			htmlViewer.Html = @p.htmlContent;
Пример #11
        private void GetAllPost ()
            listPosts.Clear ();

            //get all post, each post is a table
            HtmlNodeCollection table =
                doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode ( "//div[@id='posts']" ).SelectNodes ( ".//table[@class='tborder voz-postbit']" );
            foreach ( HtmlNode t in table )
                Post p = new Post ();

                HAP.GetUserInfo ( t , p );
                HAP.GetPostInfo ( t , p );
                HAP.GetUserName ( t , p );
                HAP.GetUserAva ( t , p );
                HAP.GetQuoteAndReply ( t , p , doc );

                listPosts.Add ( p );
            //set binding
            listBoxPosts.ItemsSource = null;
            listBoxPosts.ItemsSource = listPosts;