Пример #1
		void Generate_Generic_PlaceVoxel( VoxelSector Sector, ushort VoxelType, GenericCharCanvas LocationMap, int Offset, int RelativeHeight, bool SetActiveSector )
			int x, z, xs, ys, zs, GenerationRadius;
			SaltyRandomGenerator Random = new SaltyRandomGenerator();
			//int Seed;
			ushort ZoneType = 0;
			// uint RandNum, Ratio;

			xs = Sector.Pos_x << VoxelSector.ZVOXELBLOCSHIFT_X;
			ys = Sector.Pos_y << VoxelSector.ZVOXELBLOCSHIFT_Y;
			zs = Sector.Pos_z << VoxelSector.ZVOXELBLOCSHIFT_Z;
			//Seed = xs + 3524*ys + 234 * zs;

			uint SizeMask;
			SizeMask = (uint)( LocationMap.Width - 1 );

			GenerationRadius = 0;

			for( x = xs - GenerationRadius; x < ( xs + 16 + GenerationRadius ); x++ )
				for( z = zs - GenerationRadius; z < ( zs + 16 + GenerationRadius ); z++ )
					// if ((RandNum = Random.GetNumber( abs(x) + ( abs(z) << 8 ) )) < (Ratio)) // 6
					// if ( (((x & 31) == 0) && ((z & 31) == 0)) )
					if( LocationMap.GetPoint_Fast( (int)( SizeMask - ( ( x + Offset ) & SizeMask )), (int)(( z + Offset ) & SizeMask) ) > 128 )
						ZVector3L Position;

						Position.x = x - xs;
						Position.z = z - zs;
						Position.y = ( GetZoneHeight( x, z, ZoneType ) - ys ) + RelativeHeight;

						if( Position.y < 64 && Position.y > 0 )
							Sector.SetCube( Position.x, Position.y, Position.z, VoxelType );
							if( SetActiveSector ) Sector.Flag_IsActiveVoxels = true;

Пример #2
		void GenerateZone_Generic_MappedTerrain( VoxelSector VoxelSector, ushort TerrainVoxelType, GenericCharCanvas TerrainMap, int Offset )
			int x, y, z, Voxel_y, Deep;
			int Sector_y;
			ushort VoxelType;
			int height;
			ZVector3L ZonePos;

			int ZoneSize = TerrainMap.Width; // Must also change it in the function giving the Zone Height.
			int ZoneMaxIndex = ZoneSize - 1;

			Sector_y = VoxelSector.Pos_y;
			ZonePos.x = ( ( VoxelSector.Pos_x << VoxelSector.ZVOXELBLOCSHIFT_X ) + Offset ) & ZoneMaxIndex;
			ZonePos.z = ( ( VoxelSector.Pos_z << VoxelSector.ZVOXELBLOCSHIFT_Z ) + Offset ) & ZoneMaxIndex;
			ZonePos.y = ( VoxelSector.Pos_y << VoxelSector.ZVOXELBLOCSHIFT_Y );

			for( z = 0; z < VoxelSector.ZVOXELBLOCSIZE_Z; z++ )
				for( x = 0; x < VoxelSector.ZVOXELBLOCSIZE_X; x++ )

					height = TerrainMap.GetPoint_Fast( ZoneMaxIndex - ( ZonePos.x + x ), ZonePos.z + z );

					for( y = 0, Voxel_y = Sector_y << VoxelSector.ZVOXELBLOCSHIFT_Y; y < VoxelSector.ZVOXELBLOCSIZE_Y; y++, Voxel_y++ )
						Deep = Voxel_y - height;
						VoxelType = 0;

						if( Deep >= 0 ) VoxelType = 0;
						else VoxelType = TerrainVoxelType; //54;

						VoxelSector.SetCube( x, y, z, VoxelType );
Пример #3
		void Generate_Generic_LittleStructs( VoxelSector Sector, VoxelSector ObjectToPlace, GenericCharCanvas LocationMap, int Offset )
			int x, z, xs, ys, zs, GenerationRadius;
			//ZLightSpeedRandom Random;
			VoxelGfx_Tree TreeMaker = new VoxelGfx_Tree();
			//int Seed;
			ushort ZoneType= 0 ;
			// uint RandNum;

			xs = Sector.Pos_x << VoxelSector.ZVOXELBLOCSHIFT_X;
			ys = Sector.Pos_y << VoxelSector.ZVOXELBLOCSHIFT_Y;
			zs = Sector.Pos_z << VoxelSector.ZVOXELBLOCSHIFT_Z;
			//Seed = xs + 3524*ys + 234 * zs;

			  Sector.SetCube(0,20,0, 2);
			  Sector.SetCube(15,20,15, 2);

			uint SizeMask;

			SizeMask = (uint)( LocationMap.Width - 1 );
			GenerationRadius = 5;

			for( x = xs - GenerationRadius; x < ( xs + 16 + GenerationRadius ); x++ )
				for( z = zs - GenerationRadius; z < ( zs + 16 + GenerationRadius ); z++ )
					//if ((RandNum = Random.GetNumber( abs(x) + ( abs(z) << 8 ) )) < (4194304 * 50)) // 6
					// if ( (((x & 7) == 0) && ((z & 7) == 0)) )

					if( LocationMap.GetPoint_Fast( (int)(SizeMask - ( ( x + Offset ) & SizeMask )), (int)(( z + Offset ) & SizeMask) ) > 128 )

						ZVector3L Position;
						ZVector3L OffsetRec;

						Position.x = x - xs;
						Position.z = z - zs;
						Position.y = GetZoneHeight( x, z, ZoneType ) - ys;

						OffsetRec.x = Position.x;
						OffsetRec.y = Position.y;
						OffsetRec.z = Position.z;

						OffsetRec.x -= T3dTemplate_1.Handle_x;
						OffsetRec.y -= T3dTemplate_1.Handle_y;
						OffsetRec.z -= T3dTemplate_1.Handle_z;

						if( OffsetRec.y < 74 && OffsetRec.y > -10 )
							// if ( (x== (75-512)) && (z==(103-512)) ) MANUAL_BREAKPOINT;
							// if (this.Canva_4.GetPoint_Secure(xs & 0xFF,zs & 0xFF))
							Sector.BlitSector( ObjectToPlace, ref OffsetRec );
Пример #4
		void GenerateZone_LavaRiver( VoxelSector VoxelSector )
			ZVector3L Zone, SectorStart;
			GenericCharCanvas RiverCanva = new GenericCharCanvas();
			int x, y, z;
			byte Draw;
			int Depth;
			ushort VoxelType;

			int RiverSize = 48;
			int RiverDepth = 64;

			RiverCanva.SetSize( 256, 256 );
			Zone.x = ( VoxelSector.Pos_x >> ( 8 - VoxelSector.ZVOXELBLOCSHIFT_X ) ) + ( Z_GENESISMAP_SIZE >> 1 );
			Zone.z = ( VoxelSector.Pos_z >> ( 8 - VoxelSector.ZVOXELBLOCSHIFT_Z ) ) + ( Z_GENESISMAP_SIZE >> 1 );

			SectorStart.x = ( VoxelSector.Pos_x << VoxelSector.ZVOXELBLOCSHIFT_X ) & 255;
			SectorStart.z = ( VoxelSector.Pos_z << VoxelSector.ZVOXELBLOCSHIFT_Z ) & 255;
			SectorStart.y = ( VoxelSector.Pos_y << VoxelSector.ZVOXELBLOCSHIFT_Y );


			if( ConvCN[ZoneMap_New[Zone.x - 1][Zone.z]] == 7 ) RiverCanva.DrawBox( 0, 128 - RiverSize / 2, 127, 128 + RiverSize / 2, 1 );
			if( ConvCN[ZoneMap_New[Zone.x + 1][Zone.z]] == 7 ) RiverCanva.DrawBox( 128, 128 - RiverSize / 2, 255, 128 + RiverSize / 2, 1 );
			if( ConvCN[ZoneMap_New[Zone.x][Zone.z - 1]] == 7 ) RiverCanva.DrawBox( 128 - RiverSize / 2, 0, 128 + RiverSize / 2, 127, 1 );
			if( ConvCN[ZoneMap_New[Zone.x][Zone.z + 1]] == 7 ) RiverCanva.DrawBox( 128 - RiverSize / 2, 128, 128 + RiverSize / 2, 255, 1 );
			RiverCanva.DrawCircleFilled( 128, 128, (float)( (double)RiverSize ) / 2.0f, 1, 1.0f );

			for( x = 0; x < VoxelSector.ZVOXELBLOCSIZE_X; x++ )
				for( z = 0; z < VoxelSector.ZVOXELBLOCSIZE_Z; z++ )
					Draw = RiverCanva.GetPoint_Fast( SectorStart.x + x, SectorStart.z + z );
					for( y = 0; y < VoxelSector.ZVOXELBLOCSIZE_Y; y++ )
						Depth = SectorStart.y + y;

						VoxelType = 0;
						if( Draw > 0 )
							if( Depth < ( -RiverDepth ) ) VoxelType = 52;
						else if( Depth < 0 ) VoxelType = 3;
						VoxelSector.SetCube( x, y, z, VoxelType );

