Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks for proper, valid input combination of the dialog turns.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="turn">A turn object.</param>
        /// <param name="botGreeting">Bot greeting value from the application settings.</param>
        /// <param name="singleConnection">Single connection value from the test settings.</param>
        /// <param name="firstDialog">true if this is the first dialog in the test file.</param>
        /// <param name="firstTurn">true if this is the first turn in the dialog.</param>
        /// <returns>A tuple of a boolean and a list of strings. The boolean is set to true if the string is valid and the list of strings captures the error messages if the turn is not valid.</returns>
        private static (bool ValidTurn, List <string> ExceptionMesssage) ValidateTurnInput(Turn turn, bool botGreeting, bool singleConnection, bool firstDialog, bool firstTurn)
            bool utterancePresentValid       = CheckNotNullNotEmptyString(turn.Utterance);
            bool activityPresentValid        = CheckNotNullNotEmptyString(turn.Activity);
            bool wavFilePresentValid         = CheckNotNullNotEmptyString(turn.WAVFile);
            bool expectedLatencyPresentValid = CheckNotNullNotEmptyString(turn.ExpectedUserPerceivedLatency);

            List <string> exceptionMessage = new List <string>();

            if (activityPresentValid)
                var(activityObjectValid, errorMsg) = CheckValidActivity(turn.Activity);
                if (!activityObjectValid)

            if (expectedLatencyPresentValid)
                if (turn.ExpectedResponses != null && turn.ExpectedResponses.Count != 0)
                    var expectedLatencyObjectValid = CheckValidExpectedLatency(turn.ExpectedUserPerceivedLatency, turn.ExpectedResponses.Count);
                    if (!expectedLatencyObjectValid)

            if (turn.ExpectedResponses != null && turn.ExpectedResponses.Count != 0 && turn.ExpectedTTSAudioResponseDurations != null)
                if (turn.ExpectedTTSAudioResponseDurations.Count != turn.ExpectedResponses.Count)
                    for (int i = 0; i < turn.ExpectedResponses.Count; i++)
                        Activity expectedResponse = turn.ExpectedResponses[i];
                        int      orsInText        = (expectedResponse.Text == null) ? 0 : expectedResponse.Text.Split(ProgramConstants.OROperator).Length - 1;
                        int      orsInSpeak       = (expectedResponse.Speak == null) ? 0 : expectedResponse.Speak.Split(ProgramConstants.OROperator).Length - 1;
                        int      orsInExpectedTTSAudioResponseDuration = turn.ExpectedTTSAudioResponseDurations[i].Split(ProgramConstants.OROperator).Length - 1;

                        if (orsInText != orsInSpeak || orsInSpeak != orsInExpectedTTSAudioResponseDuration)

                    if (!CheckValidExpectedTTSAudioDuration(turn.ExpectedTTSAudioResponseDurations))

            if ((turn.ExpectedResponses == null || turn.ExpectedResponses.Count == 0) && turn.ExpectedTTSAudioResponseDurations != null)

            if (utterancePresentValid && wavFilePresentValid && activityPresentValid)
                exceptionMessage.Add($"{ErrorStrings.AMBIGUOUS_TURN_INPUT} - {ErrorStrings.ALL_PRESENT}");

            if (wavFilePresentValid && !utterancePresentValid && activityPresentValid)
                exceptionMessage.Add($"{ErrorStrings.AMBIGUOUS_TURN_INPUT} - {ErrorStrings.WAV_FILE_ACTIVITY_PRESENT}");

            if (utterancePresentValid && !wavFilePresentValid && activityPresentValid)
                exceptionMessage.Add($"{ErrorStrings.AMBIGUOUS_TURN_INPUT} - {ErrorStrings.UTTERANCE_ACTIVITY_PRESENT}");

            // By default, assume there should be an input ("Utterance", "Activity" or "WAVFile")
            bool inputExpected = true;

            // Change the default for the case where a turn checking bot greeting is expected. For bot greeting, there should be no input.
            if (botGreeting && firstTurn && ((firstDialog && singleConnection) || !singleConnection))
                inputExpected = false;

            // Does the current dialog have input?
            bool inputPresent = utterancePresentValid || wavFilePresentValid || activityPresentValid;

            if (inputExpected && !inputPresent)
                // There should have been an input specified ("Utterance", "Activity" or "WAVFile"), but there are none. That's an error.
                exceptionMessage.Add($"{ErrorStrings.AMBIGUOUS_TURN_INPUT} - {ErrorStrings.NONE_PRESENT}");

            if (!inputExpected && inputPresent)
                // There is an input specified ("Utterance", "Activity" or "WAVFile"), but there should be no input. That's an error

            if (turn.Sleep < 0)
                // Sleep duration in msec - The value should be non-negative

            if (exceptionMessage.Count > 0)
                return(false, exceptionMessage);

            return(true, exceptionMessage);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the output.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="turns"> Input Turns.</param>
        /// <param name="bootstrapMode">Boolean which defines if turn is in bootstrapping mode or not.</param>
        /// <param name="recognizedText">Recognized text from Speech Recongition.</param>
        /// <param name="recognizedKeyword">Recogized Keyword from Keyword Recognition.</param>
        /// <returns>TurnsOutput.</returns>
        public TurnResult BuildOutput(Turn turns, bool bootstrapMode, string recognizedText, string recognizedKeyword)
            TurnResult turnsOutput = new TurnResult(turns)
                ActualResponses = new List <Activity>(),
                ActualTTSAudioResponseDuration = new List <int>(),

            turnsOutput.ActualRecognizedText = recognizedText;

            if (recognizedKeyword != null)
                turnsOutput.KeywordVerified = recognizedKeyword;

            foreach (BotReply botReply in this.BotResponses)

            if (bootstrapMode)
                // In bootstrapping mode, ExpectedResponses field does not exist (or is null), and ExpectedResponseLatency does not exist
                if (this.BotResponses.Count > 0)
                    // Report the latency of the last bot response
                    turnsOutput.ActualResponseLatency = this.BotResponses[this.BotResponses.Count - 1].Latency;
                // In normal mode, ExpectedResponses exists with one or more activities. ExpectedResponseLatency may or may not exist
                int activityIndexForLatency = 0;

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(turnsOutput.ExpectedResponseLatency))
                    activityIndexForLatency = turns.ExpectedResponses.Count - 1;
                    if (turnsOutput.ExpectedResponseLatency.Split(",").Length == 2)
                        // The user has specified an expected response latency in the two-integer string format "latency,index". Extract the index
                        // Note: the index has already been verified to be in the range [0, turns.ExpectedResponses.Count - 1]
                        activityIndexForLatency = int.Parse(turnsOutput.ExpectedResponseLatency.Split(",")[1], CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                        // The user has specified an expected response latency in the single integer string format, without an index
                        activityIndexForLatency = turns.ExpectedResponses.Count - 1;

                if (activityIndexForLatency < this.BotResponses.Count)
                    turnsOutput.ActualResponseLatency = this.BotResponses[activityIndexForLatency].Latency;
