Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get visual object for CandleStick chart
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="width">Width of the chart</param>
        /// <param name="height">Height of the chart</param>
        /// <param name="plotDetails">plotDetails</param>
        /// <param name="seriesList">List of DataSeries</param>
        /// <param name="chart">Chart</param>
        /// <param name="plankDepth">Plank depth</param>
        /// <param name="animationEnabled">Whether animation is enabled</param>
        /// <returns>CandleStick chart canvas</returns>
        internal static Canvas GetVisualObjectForCandleStick(Panel preExistingPanel, Double width, Double height, PlotDetails plotDetails, List <DataSeries> seriesList, Chart chart, Double plankDepth, bool animationEnabled)
            // return new Canvas() { Background = Graphics.GetRandonColor() , Width = width, Height = height};

            if (Double.IsNaN(width) || Double.IsNaN(height) || width <= 0 || height <= 0)

            Canvas visual, labelCanvas, candleStickCanvas;

            RenderHelper.RepareCanvas4Drawing(preExistingPanel as Canvas, out visual, out labelCanvas, out candleStickCanvas, width, height);

            Double depth3d      = plankDepth / (plotDetails.Layer3DCount == 0 ? 1 : plotDetails.Layer3DCount) * (chart.View3D ? 1 : 0);
            Double visualOffset = depth3d * (plotDetails.SeriesDrawingIndex[seriesList[0]] + 1 - (plotDetails.Layer3DCount == 0 ? 0 : 1));

            visual.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, visualOffset);
            visual.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, -visualOffset);

            Double     animationBeginTime = 0;
            DataSeries _tempDataSeries    = null;

            // Calculate width of a DataPoint
            Double dataPointWidth = CalculateDataPointWidth(width, height, chart);

            foreach (DataSeries series in seriesList)
                if (series.Enabled == false)

                Faces dsFaces = new Faces()
                    Visual = candleStickCanvas, LabelCanvas = labelCanvas
                series.Faces = dsFaces;

                PlotGroup plotGroup = series.PlotGroup;
                _tempDataSeries = series;

                List <DataPoint> viewPortDataPoints = RenderHelper.GetDataPointsUnderViewPort(series, false);

                foreach (DataPoint dataPoint in viewPortDataPoints)
                    CreateOrUpdateACandleStick(dataPoint, candleStickCanvas, labelCanvas, width, height, dataPointWidth);

                // Apply animation to series
                if (animationEnabled)
                    if (_tempDataSeries.Storyboard == null)
                        _tempDataSeries.Storyboard = new Storyboard();

                    _tempDataSeries.Storyboard = AnimationHelper.ApplyOpacityAnimation(candleStickCanvas, _tempDataSeries, _tempDataSeries.Storyboard, animationBeginTime, 1, 0, 1);
                    animationBeginTime        += 0.5;

            // Label animation
            if (animationEnabled && _tempDataSeries != null)
                _tempDataSeries.Storyboard = AnimationHelper.ApplyOpacityAnimation(labelCanvas, _tempDataSeries, _tempDataSeries.Storyboard, animationBeginTime, 1, 0, 1);

            candleStickCanvas.Tag = null;

            // ColumnChart.CreateOrUpdatePlank(chart, seriesList[0].PlotGroup.AxisY, candleStickCanvas, depth3d, Orientation.Horizontal);

            // Remove old visual and add new visual in to the existing panel
            if (preExistingPanel != null)
                labelCanvas.SetValue(Canvas.ZIndexProperty, 1);

            RectangleGeometry clipRectangle = new RectangleGeometry();

            clipRectangle.Rect = new Rect(0, -chart.ChartArea.PLANK_DEPTH, width + chart.ChartArea.PLANK_OFFSET, height + chart.ChartArea.PLANK_DEPTH);
            visual.Clip        = clipRectangle;


            // visual.Children.Add(candleStickCanvas);
            // visual.Children.Add(labelCanvas);

            // return visual;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get visual object for bubble chart
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="width">Width of the chart</param>
        /// <param name="height">Height of the chart</param>
        /// <param name="plotDetails">plotDetails</param>
        /// <param name="seriesList">List of DataSeries</param>
        /// <param name="chart">Chart</param>
        /// <param name="plankDepth">Plank depth</param>
        /// <param name="animationEnabled">Whether animation is enabled</param>
        /// <returns>Bubble chart canvas</returns>
        internal static Canvas GetVisualObjectForBubbleChart(Panel preExistingPanel, Double width, Double height, PlotDetails plotDetails, List <DataSeries> seriesList, Chart chart, Double plankDepth, bool animationEnabled)
            if (Double.IsNaN(width) || Double.IsNaN(height) || width <= 0 || height <= 0)

            // Visual for all bubble charts, Nothing but presisting visual for buble chart
            Canvas visual;

            // Holds all bubbles of all series
            Canvas bubbleChartCanvas;

            RenderHelper.RepareCanvas4Drawing(preExistingPanel as Canvas, out visual, out bubbleChartCanvas, width, height);

            Double depth3d      = plankDepth / (plotDetails.Layer3DCount == 0 ? 1 : plotDetails.Layer3DCount) * (chart.View3D ? 1 : 0);
            Double visualOffset = depth3d * (plotDetails.SeriesDrawingIndex[seriesList[0]] + 1 - (plotDetails.Layer3DCount == 0 ? 0 : 1));

            visual.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, visualOffset);
            visual.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, -visualOffset);

            Double minimumZVal, maximumZVal;

            CalculateMaxAndMinZValueFromAllSeries(ref seriesList, out minimumZVal, out maximumZVal);

            foreach (DataSeries series in seriesList)
                Faces dsFaces = new Faces()
                    Visual = bubbleChartCanvas
                series.Faces = dsFaces;

                if (series.Enabled == false)

                //out Double minimumZVal, out Double maximumZVal
                PlotGroup plotGroup = series.PlotGroup;

                List <DataPoint> dataPointsInViewPort = RenderHelper.GetDataPointsUnderViewPort(series, false);

                foreach (DataPoint dataPoint in dataPointsInViewPort)
                    CreateOrUpdateAPointDataPoint(bubbleChartCanvas, dataPoint, minimumZVal, maximumZVal, width, height);

                    // Apply animation
                    if (animationEnabled && dataPoint.Marker != null)
                        if (dataPoint.Parent.Storyboard == null)
                            dataPoint.Parent.Storyboard = new Storyboard();

                        // Apply animation to the bubbles
                        dataPoint.Parent.Storyboard = ApplyBubbleChartAnimation(dataPoint.Parent, dataPoint.Marker.Visual, dataPoint.Parent.Storyboard, width, height);

            RectangleGeometry clipRectangle = new RectangleGeometry();

            clipRectangle.Rect = new Rect(0, -chart.ChartArea.PLANK_DEPTH, width + chart.ChartArea.PLANK_OFFSET, height + chart.ChartArea.PLANK_DEPTH);
            visual.Clip        = clipRectangle;

Пример #3
        private static void UpdateDataSeries(DataSeries dataSeries, VcProperties property, object newValue, Boolean isAxisChanged)
            Chart chart = dataSeries.Chart as Chart;

            if (chart == null)

            switch (property)
            case VcProperties.DataPoints:
                //case VcProperties.YValues:
                //Canvas ChartVisualCanvas = chart.ChartArea.ChartVisualCanvas;

                //Double width = chart.ChartArea.ChartVisualCanvas.Width;
                //Double height = chart.ChartArea.ChartVisualCanvas.Height;

                //PlotDetails plotDetails = chart.PlotDetails;
                //PlotGroup plotGroup = dataSeries.PlotGroup;

                //List<DataSeries> dataSeriesListInDrawingOrder = plotDetails.SeriesDrawingIndex.Keys.ToList();

                //List<DataSeries> selectedDataSeries4Rendering = new List<DataSeries>();

                //RenderAs currentRenderAs = dataSeries.RenderAs;

                //Int32 currentDrawingIndex = plotDetails.SeriesDrawingIndex[dataSeries];

                //for (Int32 i = 0; i < chart.InternalSeries.Count; i++)
                //    if (currentRenderAs == dataSeriesListInDrawingOrder[i].RenderAs && currentDrawingIndex == plotDetails.SeriesDrawingIndex[dataSeriesListInDrawingOrder[i]])
                //        selectedDataSeries4Rendering.Add(dataSeriesListInDrawingOrder[i]);

                //if (selectedDataSeries4Rendering.Count == 0)
                //    return;

                //Panel oldPanel = null;
                //Dictionary<RenderAs, Panel> RenderedCanvasList = chart.ChartArea.RenderedCanvasList;

                //if (chart.ChartArea.RenderedCanvasList.ContainsKey(currentRenderAs))
                //    oldPanel = RenderedCanvasList[currentRenderAs];

                //Panel renderedChart = chart.ChartArea.RenderSeriesFromList(oldPanel, selectedDataSeries4Rendering);

                //if (oldPanel == null)
                //    chart.ChartArea.RenderedCanvasList.Add(currentRenderAs, renderedChart);
                //    renderedChart.SetValue(Canvas.ZIndexProperty, currentDrawingIndex);
                //    ChartVisualCanvas.Children.Add(renderedChart);
                //    chart.ChartArea.RenderedCanvasList[currentRenderAs] = renderedChart;


                List <DataPoint> dataPointsInViewPort = RenderHelper.GetDataPointsUnderViewPort(dataSeries, false);

                // case VcProperties.Enabled:
                foreach (DataPoint dataPoint in dataPointsInViewPort)
                    UpdateDataPoint(dataPoint, property, newValue, isAxisChanged);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Get visual object for point chart
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="width">Width of the charat</param>
        /// <param name="height">Height of the charat</param>
        /// <param name="plotDetails">plotDetails</param>
        /// <param name="seriesList">List of DataSeries</param>
        /// <param name="chart">Chart</param>
        /// <param name="plankDepth">Plank depth</param>
        /// <param name="animationEnabled">Whether animation is enabled</param>
        /// <returns>Point chart canvas</returns>
        internal static Canvas GetVisualObjectForPointChart(Panel preExistingPanel, Double plotAreaWidth, Double plotAreaHeight, PlotDetails plotDetails, List <DataSeries> seriesList, Chart chart, Double plankDepth, bool animationEnabled)
            if (Double.IsNaN(plotAreaWidth) || Double.IsNaN(plotAreaHeight) || plotAreaWidth <= 0 || plotAreaHeight <= 0)

            Canvas visual, pointChartCanvas; // pointChartCanvas holds all points for all series

            RenderHelper.RepareCanvas4Drawing(preExistingPanel as Canvas, out visual, out pointChartCanvas, plotAreaWidth, plotAreaHeight);

            Double depth3d      = plankDepth / (plotDetails.Layer3DCount == 0 ? 1 : plotDetails.Layer3DCount) * (chart.View3D ? 1 : 0);
            Double visualOffset = depth3d * (plotDetails.SeriesDrawingIndex[seriesList[0]] + 1 - (plotDetails.Layer3DCount == 0 ? 0 : 1));

            visual.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, visualOffset);
            visual.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, -visualOffset);

            foreach (DataSeries series in seriesList)
                series.Faces = new Faces()
                    Visual = pointChartCanvas

                if (series.Enabled == false)

                List <DataPoint> dataPointsInViewPort = RenderHelper.GetDataPointsUnderViewPort(series, false);

                foreach (DataPoint dataPoint in dataPointsInViewPort)
                    CreateOrUpdateAPointDataPoint(pointChartCanvas, dataPoint, plotAreaWidth, plotAreaHeight);

                    // Apply initial animation
                    if (animationEnabled && dataPoint.Marker != null)
                        if (dataPoint.Parent.Storyboard == null)
                            dataPoint.Parent.Storyboard = new Storyboard();

                        // Apply animation to the points
                        dataPoint.Parent.Storyboard = ApplyPointChartAnimation(dataPoint.Parent, dataPoint.Marker.Visual, dataPoint.Parent.Storyboard, plotAreaWidth, plotAreaHeight);

            Double tickLengthOfAxisX = (from tick in chart.AxesX[0].Ticks
                                        where (Boolean)chart.AxesX[0].Enabled && (Boolean)tick.Enabled
                                        select(Double) tick.TickLength).Sum();

            if (tickLengthOfAxisX == 0)
                tickLengthOfAxisX = 5;

            Double tickLengthOfPrimaryAxisY = (from axis in chart.AxesY
                                               where axis.AxisType == AxisTypes.Primary
                                               from tick in axis.Ticks
                                               where (Boolean)axis.Enabled && (Boolean)tick.Enabled
                                               select(Double) tick.TickLength).Sum();

            if (tickLengthOfPrimaryAxisY == 0)
                tickLengthOfPrimaryAxisY = 8;

            Double tickLengthOfSecondaryAxisY = (from axis in chart.AxesY
                                                 where axis.AxisType == AxisTypes.Secondary
                                                 from tick in axis.Ticks
                                                 where (Boolean)axis.Enabled && (Boolean)tick.Enabled
                                                 select(Double) tick.TickLength).Sum();

            if (tickLengthOfSecondaryAxisY == 0)
                tickLengthOfSecondaryAxisY = 8;

            Double plotGroupCount = (from c in chart.PlotDetails.PlotGroups
                                     where c.AxisY.AxisType == AxisTypes.Secondary
                                     select c).Count();

            RectangleGeometry clipRectangle = new RectangleGeometry();

            clipRectangle.Rect = new Rect(-tickLengthOfPrimaryAxisY, -chart.ChartArea.PLANK_DEPTH - 4, plotAreaWidth + tickLengthOfSecondaryAxisY + (plotGroupCount > 0 ? tickLengthOfPrimaryAxisY : 8) + chart.ChartArea.PLANK_OFFSET, plotAreaHeight + chart.ChartArea.PLANK_DEPTH + chart.ChartArea.PLANK_THICKNESS + tickLengthOfAxisX + 4);
            visual.Clip        = clipRectangle;
