public override Move Move(Virus percept) { //Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); //watch.Start(); VirusBoard currentState = percept.GetBoardCopy(); Move[] actions = currentState.GetPossibleMoves(playerNumber); Move action = actions[0]; double max = double.NegativeInfinity; foreach (Move a in actions) { VirusBoard newState = currentState.GetUpdated(a); double q = Utility(currentState, newState); q += MinValue(newState, 0); if (q > max) { max = q; action = a; } if (max == double.PositiveInfinity) { break; } } //watch.Stop(); //StreamWriter timeWriter = new StreamWriter("mmTimeLog",true); //timeWriter.WriteLine(watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); // + " ; " + watch.ElapsedTicks); //timeWriter.Close(); return action; }
static void Main(String[] args) { int boardsize = 4; int tilesize = 40; bool immediateness = true; String[] players = new String[] { "AnnAI", "Player" }; if (args.Length > 0) { boardsize = int.Parse(args[0]); } if (args.Length > 1) { tilesize = int.Parse(args[1]); } if (args.Length > 2) { immediateness = bool.Parse(args[2]); } if (args.Length > 3) { players = new String[args.Length - 3]; for (int i = 0; i < players.Length; i++) { players[i] = args[i + 3]; } } Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Virus virus = new Virus(players.Length, boardsize); Application.Run(new VirusInterface(virus, tilesize, immediateness, players)); }
public override void EndGame(Virus percept) { if (learn) { double reward = 0; byte winner = percept.Winner; if (winner == playerNumber) reward = 1; else if (winner != playerNumber && winner != 0) reward = -1; else reward = 0; if (!N.ContainsKey(prevState.CustomHash())) N.Add(prevState.CustomHash(), new Dictionary<UInt32, int>()); if (!N[prevState.CustomHash()].ContainsKey(prevAction.CustomHash())) N[prevState.CustomHash()].Add(prevAction.CustomHash(), 0); N[prevState.CustomHash()][prevAction.CustomHash()]++; Q[prevState.CustomHash()][prevAction.CustomHash()] = Q[prevState.CustomHash()][prevAction.CustomHash()] + LearningRate(N[prevState.CustomHash()][prevAction.CustomHash()]) * (reward - Q[prevState.CustomHash()][prevAction.CustomHash()]); } prevState = default(VirusBoard); prevAction = default(Move); prevReward = 0; }
public override Move Move(Virus percept) { VirusBoard currentState = percept.GetBoardCopy(); Move[] actions = currentState.GetPossibleMoves(playerNumber); Move action = actions[0]; double max = double.NegativeInfinity; foreach (Move a in actions) { VirusBoard newState = currentState.GetUpdated(a); double q = 0; if (Q.ContainsKey(currentState.CustomHash())) { if (Q[currentState.CustomHash()].ContainsKey(a.CustomHash())) { q = Q[currentState.CustomHash()][a.CustomHash()]; } } q += MinValue(newState, 0); if (q > max) { max = q; action = a; } if (max == 1) { break; } } return action; }
static void comTestMemQ() { //train a MemQ agent, and once every ten games have it teach an observer //do this with ten agents const int teachingagents = 10; const int gamesbetweenteaching = 10; const int learninggames = 10000; int wins = 0; int n = 0; while (File.Exists("observer" + n + ".log")) n++; StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("observer" + n + ".log"); writer.WriteLine("sources"); Virus virus; MemoryQAgent observer = new MemoryQAgent(1); Agent opponent = new BruteForceAgent(2); for (int i = 0; i < teachingagents; i++) { MemoryQAgent agent = new MemoryQAgent(1); wins = 0; for (int j = 0; j < learninggames; j++) { virus = new Virus(2, 5); wins += RunGame(virus, agent, opponent) == 1 ? 1 : 0; agent.ProcessShortTermMemory(); if (j % gamesbetweenteaching == gamesbetweenteaching - 1) { agent.TellOfMemoryTo(observer, true); } if (j % 1000 == 999) { if (j > 9500) { writer.WriteLine(wins); Console.WriteLine("Wins: " + wins); } wins = 0; } } } writer.WriteLine("observer"); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { wins = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++) { virus = new Virus(); wins += RunGame(virus, observer, opponent) == 1 ? 1 : 0; observer.ForgetShortTerm(); } writer.WriteLine(wins); Console.WriteLine("Observer wins: " + wins); } writer.Close(); }
public override Move Move(Virus percept) { //Checking if we're at an terminal state byte winner = percept.Winner; VirusBoard newState = percept.GetBoardCopy(); if (!Q.ContainsKey(newState.CustomHash())) Q.Add(newState.CustomHash(), new Dictionary<UInt32, double>()); if (learn && !prevState.Equals(default(VirusBoard))) { if (!N.ContainsKey(prevState.CustomHash())) N.Add(prevState.CustomHash(), new Dictionary<UInt32, int>()); if (!N[prevState.CustomHash()].ContainsKey(prevAction.CustomHash())) N[prevState.CustomHash()].Add(prevAction.CustomHash(), 0); if (!Q.ContainsKey(prevState.CustomHash())) Q.Add(prevState.CustomHash(), new Dictionary<UInt32, double>()); if (!Q[prevState.CustomHash()].ContainsKey(prevAction.CustomHash())) Q[prevState.CustomHash()].Add(prevAction.CustomHash(), initvalue); if (winner == playerNumber) { if (!Q[newState.CustomHash()].ContainsKey(0)) Q[newState.CustomHash()].Add(0, 1); } else if (winner != playerNumber && winner != 0) { if (!Q[newState.CustomHash()].ContainsKey(0)) Q[newState.CustomHash()].Add(0, -1); } N[prevState.CustomHash()][prevAction.CustomHash()]++; Q[prevState.CustomHash()][prevAction.CustomHash()] = Q[prevState.CustomHash()][prevAction.CustomHash()] + LearningRate(N[prevState.CustomHash()][prevAction.CustomHash()]) * (prevReward + discount * GetMaxQ(newState) - Q[prevState.CustomHash()][prevAction.CustomHash()]); } prevState = newState; prevAction = GetMaxExplorationFunctionA(newState); prevReward = 0; return prevAction; }
public override Move Move(Virus percept) { VirusBoard state = percept.GetBoardCopy(); Move[] actions = state.GetPossibleMoves(playerNumber); if (actions.Length < 1) return default(Move); Move action; if (random.NextDouble() > randomRatio) { // bruteforce List<Move> list = new List<Move>(); int maxtaken = -1; foreach (Move a in actions) { int temp = state.TakeablePieces(a); if (a.IsLongMove) temp--; if (temp > maxtaken) { maxtaken = temp; list.Clear(); list.Add(a); } else if (temp == maxtaken) { list.Add(a); } } if (deterministic) { action = list[0]; } else { action = list[random.Next(list.Count)]; } } else { // random if (deterministic) action = actions[0]; else action = actions[random.Next(actions.Length)]; } return action; }
public override void EndGame(Virus percept) { if (learn) { double reward = 0; byte winner = percept.Winner; if (winner == playerNumber) { reward = 1; } else if (winner != playerNumber && winner != 0) { reward = -1; } else { reward = 0; } if (!N.ContainsKey(prevState.CustomHash())) { N.Add(prevState.CustomHash(), new Dictionary <UInt32, int>()); } if (!N[prevState.CustomHash()].ContainsKey(prevAction.CustomHash())) { N[prevState.CustomHash()].Add(prevAction.CustomHash(), 0); } N[prevState.CustomHash()][prevAction.CustomHash()]++; Q[prevState.CustomHash()][prevAction.CustomHash()] = Q[prevState.CustomHash()][prevAction.CustomHash()] + LearningRate(N[prevState.CustomHash()][prevAction.CustomHash()]) * (reward - Q[prevState.CustomHash()][prevAction.CustomHash()]); } prevState = default(VirusBoard); prevAction = default(Move); prevReward = 0; }
public override Move Move(Virus percept) { VirusBoard newState = percept.GetBoardCopy(); if (!Q.ContainsKey(newState.CustomHash())) { Q.Add(newState.CustomHash(), new Dictionary <UInt32, double>()); } if (learn && !prevState.Equals(default(VirusBoard))) { if (!N.ContainsKey(prevState.CustomHash())) { N.Add(prevState.CustomHash(), new Dictionary <UInt32, int>()); } if (!N[prevState.CustomHash()].ContainsKey(prevAction.CustomHash())) { N[prevState.CustomHash()].Add(prevAction.CustomHash(), 0); } N[prevState.CustomHash()][prevAction.CustomHash()]++; Q[prevState.CustomHash()][prevAction.CustomHash()] = Q[prevState.CustomHash()][prevAction.CustomHash()] + LearningRate(N[prevState.CustomHash()][prevAction.CustomHash()]) * (prevReward + discount * GetMaxQ(newState) - Q[prevState.CustomHash()][prevAction.CustomHash()]); } prevState = newState; prevAction = GetMaxExplorationFunctionA(newState); prevReward = 0; if (learn && !Q[prevState.CustomHash()].ContainsKey(prevAction.CustomHash())) { Q[prevState.CustomHash()].Add(prevAction.CustomHash(), initvalue); } return(prevAction); }
public abstract void EndGame(Virus percept);
public abstract Move Move(Virus percept);
static byte RunGame(Virus virus, Agent p1, Agent p2) { Move move; byte winner; while (true) { move = p1.Move(virus); virus.Move(,, move.ex, move.ey); winner = virus.Winner; if (winner != 0) break; move = p2.Move(virus); virus.Move(,, move.ex, move.ey); winner = virus.Winner; if (winner != 0) break; } p1.EndGame(virus); p2.EndGame(virus); return winner; }
static void ShowBoard(Virus virus) { for (int i = virus.Size - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (int j = 0; j < virus.Size; j++) { Console.Write("{0} ", virus[j, i]); } Console.WriteLine(); } }
static void TestGame() { bool testresult = false; Virus virus = new Virus(); ShowBoard(virus); testresult = ShouldCrashTest(() => virus.Move(0, 4, 0, 4)); //moving starting player's piece to it's own position ShowResult("Test 1", testresult); testresult = ShouldCrashTest(() => virus.Move(0, 4, 0, 1)); //moving starting player's piece too far ShowResult("Test 2", testresult); testresult = ShouldCrashTest(() => virus.Move(0, 0, 0, 1)); //moving non-starting player's piece ShowResult("Test 3", testresult); testresult = ShouldCrashTest(() => virus.Move(0, 0, 0, 3)); //moving non-starting player's piece too far ShowResult("Test 4", testresult); Console.WriteLine("The game should be in the start state:"); ShowBoard(virus); Console.WriteLine("Making a move:\nThis should move the top left piece one space SE"); virus.Move(0, 4, 1, 3); ShowBoard(virus); testresult = virus.Winner == 0; //there shouldn't be a winner yet ShowResult("Test winner", testresult); testresult = ShouldCrashTest(() => virus.Move(1, 3, 0, 2)); //moving player 1's piece again ShowResult("Test own piece", testresult); testresult = ShouldCrashTest(() => virus.Move(0, 0, 0, 3)); //moving player 2's piece too far ShowResult("Test opponent's piece", testresult); Console.WriteLine("Making a move:\nThis should move the bottom left piece one space N"); virus.Move(0, 0, 0, 1); ShowBoard(virus); testresult = virus.Winner == 0; //there shouldn't be a winner yet ShowResult("Test winner", testresult); testresult = ShouldCrashTest(() => virus.Move(0, 4, 3, 0)); //moving player 1's piece too far ShowResult("Test own piece", testresult); testresult = ShouldCrashTest(() => virus.Move(0, 0, 0, 2)); //moving player 2's piece again ShowResult("Test opponent's piece", testresult); Console.WriteLine("Making a move:\nThis should move the piece at (1,3) two spaces S\n and take the adjacent pieces"); virus.Move(1, 3, 1, 1); ShowBoard(virus); testresult = virus.Winner == 0; //there shouldn't be a winner yet ShowResult("Test winner", testresult); testresult = ShouldCrashTest(() => virus.Move(1, 1, 1, 0)); //moving player 1's piece again ShowResult("Test own piece", testresult); testresult = ShouldCrashTest(() => virus.Move(4, 4, 1, 0)); //moving player 2's piece too far ShowResult("Test opponent's piece", testresult); }
static void TrainMadQ(byte qnumber, QAgent agent, String logname, String savename, int iterations) { Virus virus = new Virus(2, 5); int wins = 0, wins2 = 0; byte oppnumber = qnumber == 1 ? (byte)2 : (byte)1; Agent opp = new MixedAgent(0.1, false, oppnumber); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(logname); for (int i = 1; i <= iterations; i++) { int winner = RunGame(virus, qnumber == 1 ? (Agent)agent : opp, qnumber == 2 ? (Agent)agent : opp); wins += winner == 1 ? 1 : 0; wins2 += winner == 1 ? 1 : 0; if (i % 100 == 0) { writer.WriteLine(wins2); wins2 = 0; } if (i % 10000 == 0) { agent.Save(savename); Console.WriteLine("Iteration: " + i); Console.WriteLine("Wins: " + wins); wins = 0; } virus = new Virus(2, 5); } writer.Close(); }
public VirusInterface(Virus virus, int tilesize = 20, bool immediateAI = false, params String[] names) { InitializeComponent(); this.virus = virus; this.tileSize = tilesize; this.immediateAI = immediateAI; this.MouseClick += MouseClickHandler1; this.Size = new Size( virus.Size * tileSize + 17, virus.Size * tileSize + 55); this.names.Add("Player 0"); this.names.AddRange(names); while (this.names.Count < virus.Players + 1) { this.names.Add("Player " + this.names.Count); } //Save("Lalalafil"); agents = new Agent[this.names.Count]; int n = 1; for (byte i = 1; i < this.names.Count; i++) { String p = this.names[i]; switch (p) { case "QAI": agents[i] = new QAgent(i); if (File.Exists("TrainingData.Q") && File.Exists("TrainingData.N")) { ((QAgent)agents[i]).Load("TrainingData"); ((QAgent)agents[i]).TurnOffExploration(); ((QAgent)agents[i]).TurnOffLearning(); } this.names[i] = "AI " + n; n++; break; case "AnnAI": agents[i] = new AnnAgent(false, virus.Size, i); this.names[i] = "AI " + n; n++; break; case "MinimaxAI": agents[i] = new MinimaxAgent(4,i); this.names[i] = "AI " + n; n++; break; case "MiniMaxMixAI": if (File.Exists("TrainingData.Q")) agents[i] = new MiniMaxMixAgent("TrainingData", 2, i); else agents[i] = new BruteForceAgent(i); this.names[i] = "AI " + n; n++; break; case "MixedAI": agents[i] = new MixedAgent(0.5,false,i); this.names[i] = "AI " + n; n++; break; case "BruteAI": agents[i] = new BruteForceAgent(i); this.names[i] = "AI " + n; n++; break; case "RandomAI": agents[i] = new RandomAgent(i); this.names[i] = "AI " + n; n++; break; case "SimpleAI": agents[i] = new SimpleAgent(i); this.names[i] = "AI " + n; n++; break; } } message = this.names[1] + "'s turn"; colors = new Color[virus.Players + 1]; colors[0] = Color.White; colors[1] = Color.FromArgb(128, 160, 255); colors[2] = Color.FromArgb(96, 255, 96); if(virus.Players > 2) colors[3] = Color.FromArgb(255, 96, 96); if(virus.Players > 3) colors[4] = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 64); Random rand = new Random(); for (int i = 5; i <= virus.Players; i++) colors[i] = Color.FromArgb(rand.Next(256), rand.Next(256), rand.Next(256)); }
public void StartGame( Virus virus, PerformedMoveCallback callback, UpdatePiecesCallback piecesCallback, EndCallback end, string id, params VirusPlayer[] players) { Random rand = new Random(); PerformedMove = callback; UpdatePieces = piecesCallback; End = end; PlayerID = id; this.virus = virus; this.immediateAI = true; this.MouseClick += MouseClickHandler1; tileSize = 49; this.Size = new Size( virus.Size * tileSize + 17, virus.Size * tileSize + 55); int smallestSide = this.Size.Height < this.Size.Width ? this.Size.Height : this.Size.Width; tileSize = smallestSide / virus.Size; this.players.Add(new VirusPlayer("Player 0", "", Color.White)); this.players.AddRange(players); while (this.players.Count < virus.Players + 1) { this.players.Add(new VirusPlayer("BruteAI","AI",Color.FromArgb(rand.Next(256), rand.Next(256), rand.Next(256)))); } //Save("Lalalafil"); agents = new Agent[this.players.Count]; int n = 1; for (byte i = 1; i < this.players.Count; i++) { String p = this.players[i].Name; switch (p) { case "AIQ": agents[i] = new QAgent(i); if (File.Exists("TrainingData.Q") && File.Exists("TrainingData.N")) { ((QAgent)agents[i]).Load("TrainingData"); ((QAgent)agents[i]).TurnOffExploration(); ((QAgent)agents[i]).TurnOffLearning(); } //this.players[i].Name = "AI " + n; n++; break; case "AIMQ": agents[i] = new MemoryQAgent(i); if (File.Exists("TrainingData.Q") && File.Exists("TrainingData.N")) { ((MemoryQAgent)agents[i]).Load("TrainingData"); ((MemoryQAgent)agents[i]).TurnOffExploration(); } //this.players[i].Name = "AI " + n; n++; break; case "AIMinimax": agents[i] = new MinimaxAgent(4,i); //this.players[i].Name = "AI " + n; n++; break; case "AIMiniMaxMix": if (File.Exists("TrainingData.Q")) agents[i] = new MiniMaxMixAgent("TrainingData", 2, i); else agents[i] = new BruteForceAgent(i); //this.players[i].Name = "AI " + n; n++; break; case "AIMixed": agents[i] = new MixedAgent(0.5,false,i); //this.players[i].Name = "AI " + n; n++; break; case "AIBrute": agents[i] = new BruteForceAgent(i); //this.players[i].Name = "AI " + n; n++; break; case "AIRandom": agents[i] = new RandomAgent(i); //this.players[i].Name = "AI " + n; n++; break; case "AISimple": agents[i] = new SimpleAgent(i); //this.players[i].Name = "AI " + n; n++; break; } } message = this.players[1].Name + "'s turn"; /*colors = new Color[virus.Players + 1]; colors[0] = Color.White; colors[1] = Color.FromArgb(128, 160, 255); colors[2] = Color.FromArgb(96, 255, 96); if(virus.Players > 2) colors[3] = Color.FromArgb(255, 96, 96); if(virus.Players > 3) colors[4] = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 64); for (int i = 5; i <= virus.Players; i++) colors[i] = Color.FromArgb(rand.Next(256), rand.Next(256), rand.Next(256));*/ }
public override void EndGame(Virus percept) { }
public override Move Move(Virus percept) { VirusBoard newState = percept.GetBoardCopy(); if (!Q.ContainsKey(newState.CustomHash())) Q.Add(newState.CustomHash(), new Dictionary<UInt32, double>()); if (learn && !prevState.Equals(default(VirusBoard))) { if (!N.ContainsKey(prevState.CustomHash())) N.Add(prevState.CustomHash(), new Dictionary<UInt32, int>()); if (!N[prevState.CustomHash()].ContainsKey(prevAction.CustomHash())) N[prevState.CustomHash()].Add(prevAction.CustomHash(), 0); N[prevState.CustomHash()][prevAction.CustomHash()]++; Q[prevState.CustomHash()][prevAction.CustomHash()] = Q[prevState.CustomHash()][prevAction.CustomHash()] + LearningRate(N[prevState.CustomHash()][prevAction.CustomHash()]) * (prevReward + discount * GetMaxQ(newState) - Q[prevState.CustomHash()][prevAction.CustomHash()]); } prevState = newState; prevAction = GetMaxExplorationFunctionA(newState); prevReward = 0; if (learn && !Q[prevState.CustomHash()].ContainsKey(prevAction.CustomHash())) Q[prevState.CustomHash()].Add(prevAction.CustomHash(), initvalue); return prevAction; }
private void ImmediateHandler() { immediateRunning = true; while (names[virus.CurrentPlayer].StartsWith("AI")) { AIMove(); if (gameWon) { foreach (Agent a in agents) { if (a != null) { a.EndGame(virus); } } gameWon = false; virus = new Virus(virus.Players, virus.Size); this.Refresh(); } if (!immediateAI) return; } immediateRunning = false; }
static void comTestMemQ2() { //train a MemQ agent, and once every ten games have it teach an observer //do this with ten agents const int teachingagents = 10; const int gamesbetweenteaching = 10; const int learninggames = 10000; int wins = 0; int n = 0; while (File.Exists("observer" + n + ".log")) n++; StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("observer" + n + ".log"); writer.WriteLine("sources"); Virus virus; MemoryQAgent observer = new MemoryQAgent(1); Agent opponent = new BruteForceAgent(2); MemoryQAgent[] agents = new MemoryQAgent[teachingagents]; for (int i = 0; i < teachingagents; i++) { agents[i] = new MemoryQAgent(1); wins = 0; for (int j = 0; j < learninggames; j++) { virus = new Virus(2, 5); wins += RunGame(virus, agents[i], opponent) == 1 ? 1 : 0; agents[i].ProcessShortTermMemory(); if (j % 1000 == 999) { if (j > 9500) { writer.WriteLine(wins); Console.WriteLine("Wins: " + wins); } wins = 0; } } } writer.WriteLine("observer"); int totalmems = 0; int memstoprocess = 0; while (totalmems < 100000) { //if (memstoprocess == 10000) memstoprocess = 100000; //if (memstoprocess == 1000) memstoprocess = 10000; //if (memstoprocess < 1000) memstoprocess = 1000; memstoprocess += 1000; while (totalmems < memstoprocess) { for (int i = 0; i < teachingagents; i++) { totalmems += agents[i].TellOfMemoryToExt(observer, true); } } //writer.WriteLine("observer"); //for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { wins = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 10000; j++) { virus = new Virus(); wins += RunGame(virus, observer, opponent) == 1 ? 1 : 0; observer.ForgetShortTerm(); } writer.WriteLine(wins); Console.WriteLine("Observer wins after " + totalmems + "memories: " + wins); //} } writer.Close(); }
static void TrainQ(int size, byte qnumber, QAgent agent, String opponent, String logname, String savename, int iterations, int saveinterval = 360) { Virus virus = new Virus(2, size); int wins = 0, wins2 = 0; byte oppnumber = qnumber == 1 ? (byte)2 : (byte)1; Agent opp = new BruteForceAgent(oppnumber); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(logname); for (int i = 1; i <= iterations; i++) { switch (opponent) { case "brute": break; case "minimax4": opp = new MinimaxAgent(4, oppnumber); break; case "minimax3": opp = new MinimaxAgent(3, oppnumber); break; case "minimax2": opp = new MinimaxAgent(2, oppnumber); break; default: opp = new BruteForceAgent(oppnumber); break; } int winner = RunGame(virus, qnumber == 1 ? (Agent)agent : opp, qnumber == 2 ? (Agent)agent : opp); wins += winner == 1 ? 1 : 0; wins2 += winner == 1 ? 1 : 0; if (i % 100 == 0) { if (agent.RandomRate == 0) { writer.WriteLine(wins2); } wins2 = 0; } if (i % saveinterval == 0) { agent.Save(savename); Console.WriteLine("Iteration: " + i); Console.WriteLine("Wins: " + wins); wins = 0; if (agent.RandomRate > 0) { agent.TurnOffExploration(); agent.TurnOffLearning(); for (int j = 1; j <= 1000; j++) { virus = new Virus(2, size); winner = RunGame(virus, qnumber == 1 ? (Agent)agent : opp, qnumber == 2 ? (Agent)agent : opp); wins += winner == 1 ? 1 : 0; } writer.WriteLine(wins); wins = 0; agent.TurnOnExploration(); agent.TurnOnLearning(); } } virus = new Virus(2, size); } writer.Close(); }
private void MouseClickHandler1(Object sender, MouseEventArgs args) { if (names[virus.CurrentPlayer].StartsWith("AI")) { if (!immediateAI) { if ((args.X > this.Width - 60) && (args.Y > virus.Size * tileSize)) { AIMove(); } } } else if (!immediateRunning) { PlayerMove(args); } if (gameWon) { foreach (Agent a in agents) { if (a != null) { a.EndGame(virus); } } gameWon = false; virus = new Virus(virus.Players, virus.Size); this.Refresh(); } if (immediateAI && !immediateRunning) { ImmediateHandler(); } }
static void TrainMemoryQ(int size, byte qnumber, MemoryQAgent agent, String opponent, String logname, String savename, int iterations, int saveinterval = 360) { Virus virus = new Virus(2, size); int wins = 0, wins2 = 0; byte oppnumber = qnumber == 1 ? (byte)2 : (byte)1; Agent opp = new BruteForceAgent(oppnumber); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(logname); for (int i = 1; i <= iterations; i++) { switch (opponent) { case "brute": break; case "minimax4": opp = new MinimaxAgent(4, oppnumber); break; case "minimax3": opp = new MinimaxAgent(3, oppnumber); break; case "minimax2": opp = new MinimaxAgent(2, oppnumber); break; default: opp = new BruteForceAgent(oppnumber); break; } int winner = RunGame(virus, qnumber == 1 ? (Agent)agent : opp, qnumber == 2 ? (Agent)agent : opp); wins += winner == 1 ? 1 : 0; wins2 += winner == 1 ? 1 : 0; agent.ProcessShortTermMemory(); if (i % saveinterval == 0) { agent.Save(savename); Console.WriteLine("Iteration: " + i); Console.WriteLine("Wins: " + wins); wins = 0; } virus = new Virus(2, size); } for (int n = 0; n < 10; n++) { MemoryQAgent ag = new MemoryQAgent(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { agent.TellOfMemoryTo(ag); } wins = 0; opp = new BruteForceAgent(oppnumber); for (int i = 1; i <= 10000; i++) { switch (opponent) { case "brute": break; case "minimax4": opp = new MinimaxAgent(4, oppnumber); break; case "minimax3": opp = new MinimaxAgent(3, oppnumber); break; case "minimax2": opp = new MinimaxAgent(2, oppnumber); break; default: opp = new BruteForceAgent(oppnumber); break; } int winner = RunGame(virus, qnumber == 1 ? (Agent)ag : opp, qnumber == 2 ? (Agent)ag : opp); wins += winner == 1 ? 1 : 0; virus = new Virus(2, size); } Console.WriteLine("After 1000 memories"); Console.WriteLine("Wins: " + wins); writer.Write(((double)wins) / 10000.0 + ";"); for (int i = 0; i < 9000; i++) { agent.TellOfMemoryTo(ag); } wins = 0; opp = new BruteForceAgent(oppnumber); for (int i = 1; i <= 10000; i++) { switch (opponent) { case "brute": break; case "minimax4": opp = new MinimaxAgent(4, oppnumber); break; case "minimax3": opp = new MinimaxAgent(3, oppnumber); break; case "minimax2": opp = new MinimaxAgent(2, oppnumber); break; default: opp = new BruteForceAgent(oppnumber); break; } int winner = RunGame(virus, qnumber == 1 ? (Agent)ag : opp, qnumber == 2 ? (Agent)ag : opp); wins += winner == 1 ? 1 : 0; virus = new Virus(2, size); } Console.WriteLine("After 10000 memories"); Console.WriteLine("Wins: " + wins); writer.Write(((double)wins) / 10000.0 + ";"); for (int i = 0; i < 90000; i++) { agent.TellOfMemoryTo(ag); } wins = 0; opp = new BruteForceAgent(oppnumber); for (int i = 1; i <= 10000; i++) { switch (opponent) { case "brute": break; case "minimax4": opp = new MinimaxAgent(4, oppnumber); break; case "minimax3": opp = new MinimaxAgent(3, oppnumber); break; case "minimax2": opp = new MinimaxAgent(2, oppnumber); break; default: opp = new BruteForceAgent(oppnumber); break; } int winner = RunGame(virus, qnumber == 1 ? (Agent)ag : opp, qnumber == 2 ? (Agent)ag : opp); wins += winner == 1 ? 1 : 0; virus = new Virus(2, size); } Console.WriteLine("After 100000 memories"); Console.WriteLine("Wins: " + wins); writer.WriteLine(((double)wins) / 10000.0); } writer.Close(); agent.SaveLongTermMemory("m"); }
static void RunMinimax(int size, byte qnumber, MinimaxAgent agent, String opponent, int iterations, int saveinterval = 360) { Virus virus = new Virus(2, size); int wins = 0; int wins2 = 0; byte oppnumber = qnumber == 1 ? (byte)2 : (byte)1; int n = 0; while (File.Exists("mmlog" + n)) { n++; } StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("mmlog" + n); StreamWriter timeWriter = new StreamWriter("mmTimeLog", true); timeWriter.WriteLine("Player number: {0} Board size: {1} Opponent: {2}", qnumber, size, opponent); timeWriter.Close(); for (int i = 1; i <= iterations; i++) { Agent opp; switch (opponent) { case "brute": opp = new BruteForceAgent(oppnumber); break; case "minimax4": opp = new MinimaxAgent(4, oppnumber); break; case "minimax3": opp = new MinimaxAgent(3, oppnumber); break; case "minimax2": opp = new MinimaxAgent(2, oppnumber); break; default: opp = new BruteForceAgent(oppnumber); break; } virus.SaveReplay = true; int winner = RunGame(virus, qnumber == 1 ? (Agent)agent : opp, qnumber == 2 ? (Agent)agent : opp); wins += winner == 1 ? 1 : 0; wins2 += winner == 1 ? 1 : 0; /*if (i % 100 == 0) { writer.WriteLine(wins2); //Console.WriteLine("Iteration: " + i); //Console.WriteLine("Wins: " + wins); wins2 = 0; }*/ if (i % saveinterval == 0) { writer.WriteLine(wins); Console.WriteLine("Iteration: " + i); Console.WriteLine("Wins: " + wins); //Console.WriteLine(winners); //winners.Clear(); wins = 0; } virus = new Virus(2, size); } writer.Close(); }
static void RunQ(byte qnumber, QAgent agent, String opponent, int iterations, int size) { Virus virus = new Virus(2, size); int wins = 0; byte oppnumber = qnumber == 1 ? (byte)2 : (byte)1; Agent opp; switch (opponent) { case "brute": opp = new BruteForceAgent(oppnumber); break; case "minimax4": opp = new MinimaxAgent(4, oppnumber); break; case "minimax3": opp = new MinimaxAgent(3, oppnumber); break; case "minimax2": opp = new MinimaxAgent(2, oppnumber); break; default: opp = new BruteForceAgent(oppnumber); break; } int n = 0; while (File.Exists("qwinlog" + n)) { n++; } StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("qwinlog" + n); for (int i = 1; i <= iterations; i++) { int winner = RunGame(virus, qnumber == 1 ? (Agent)agent : opp, qnumber == 2 ? (Agent)agent : opp); wins += winner == 1 ? 1 : 0; virus = new Virus(2, size); } writer.WriteLine(wins); Console.WriteLine("Iteration: " + iterations); Console.WriteLine("Wins: " + wins); wins = 0; writer.Close(); }
public override void EndGame(Virus percept) { Move(percept); prevState = default(VirusBoard); prevAction = default(Move); prevReward = 0; }
private void MouseClickHandler1(Object sender, MouseEventArgs args) { if (players[virus.CurrentPlayer].Name.StartsWith("AI")) { if (!immediateAI) { if ((args.X > this.Width - 60) && (args.Y > virus.Size * tileSize)) { if (players[virus.CurrentPlayer].ID == PlayerID) { AINetworkMove(); } } } } else if (!immediateRunning) { int tileX = args.X / tileSize; int tileY = virus.Size - (args.Y / tileSize) - 1; PlayerMove(tileX, tileY); } if (gameWon) { foreach (Agent a in agents) { if (a != null) { a.EndGame(virus); } } gameWon = false; virus = new Virus(virus.Players, virus.Size); this.Refresh(); } if (immediateAI && !immediateRunning) { ImmediateHandler(); } }