public void UpdateInput(RenderingState renderingState) { while (TouchPanel.IsGestureAvailable) { var touchGesture = TouchPanel.ReadGesture(); Ray pickRay; switch (touchGesture.GestureType) { case GestureType.Tap: Polygon target = null; pickRay = calculateRay(new Vector2(touchGesture.Position.X, touchGesture.Position.Y), renderingState); target = calculateTargetPolygon(pickRay, renderingState); if (touchGesture.Position.X > 700 && touchGesture.Position.Y > 415) { AudioState aux = content.ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(AudioState)) as AudioState; aux.playConfirm(); ManageQuest(); CompleteQuest(); } break; } } }
private Ray calculateRay(Vector2 position, RenderingState renderingState) { /* * Calculate from the tap position X and Y the ray * that intersects the polygon bounding sphere */ Vector3 nearPoint = new Vector3(position.X, position.Y, 0); Vector3 farPoint = new Vector3(position.X, position.Y, 1); nearPoint = renderingState.spriteBatch.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Unproject (nearPoint, renderingState.projection, renderingState.view,; farPoint = renderingState.spriteBatch.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Unproject (farPoint, renderingState.projection, renderingState.view,; Vector3 direction = Vector3.Normalize(farPoint - nearPoint); return new Ray(nearPoint, direction); }
private Polygon calculateTargetPolygon(Ray pickRay, RenderingState renderingState) { /* * check if the ray itersects a polygon on the screen */ GameState gs = content.ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(GameState)) as GameState; Polygon target = null; foreach (Polygon p in gs.polygons) { Vector3 position = p.coordinates; BoundingSphere boundingSphere = renderingState.boundingSphereCube; boundingSphere.Center = position; if (pickRay.Intersects(boundingSphere) != null) { if (p.selected) { /* * abort the selection of the polygon */ p.selected = false; target = null; return target; } else { /* * allow the selection of the polygon */ AudioState aux = content.ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(AudioState)) as AudioState; aux.playRayPick(); p.selected = true; target = p; return target; } } } return target; }
public void UpdateInputWindows(RenderingState renderingState) { MouseState touchGesture = Mouse.GetState(); Ray pickRay; /* * Grab mouse position * */ float clickX = touchGesture.X; float clickY = touchGesture.Y; if (touchGesture.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) { Polygon target = null; pickRay = calculateRay(new Vector2(clickX, clickY), renderingState); target = calculateTargetPolygon(pickRay, renderingState); if (clickX > 700 && clickY > 415) { AudioState aux = content.ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(AudioState)) as AudioState; aux.playConfirm(); ManageQuest(); CompleteQuest(); } } }