public override bool Allows(IntVec3 c, Map map)
            CellRect cellRect = CellRect.CenteredOn(c, this.radius);

            for (int i = cellRect.minZ; i <= cellRect.maxZ; i++)
                for (int j = cellRect.minX; j <= cellRect.maxX; j++)
                    IntVec3 c2 = new IntVec3(j, 0, i);
                    if (!c2.InBounds(map))
                    if (c2.InNoBuildEdgeArea(map))
                    if (this.affordance != null && !c2.GetTerrain(map).affordances.Contains(this.affordance))
Пример #2
            internal bool <> m__0(IntVec3 c)
                int num = this.cellIndices.CellToIndex(c);

                if (this.traverseParams.mode == TraverseMode.PassAllDestroyableThingsNotWater || this.traverseParams.mode == TraverseMode.NoPassClosedDoorsOrWater)
                    if (c.GetTerrain(this.$
                if (this.traverseParams.mode == TraverseMode.PassAllDestroyableThings || this.traverseParams.mode == TraverseMode.PassAllDestroyableThingsNotWater)
                    if (!this.pathGrid.WalkableFast(num))
                        Building edifice = c.GetEdifice(this.$;
                        if (edifice == null || !PathFinder.IsDestroyable(edifice))
                else if (this.traverseParams.mode != TraverseMode.NoPassClosedDoorsOrWater)
                    Log.ErrorOnce("Do not use this method for non-cell based modes!", 938476762, false);
                    if (!this.pathGrid.WalkableFast(num))
                Region region = this.directRegionGrid[num];

                return(region == null || region.Allows(this.traverseParams, false));
Пример #3
        public void Notify_TerrainBurned(IntVec3 c)
            TerrainDef terrain = c.GetTerrain(;

            if (terrain.burnedDef != null)
                this.SetTerrain(c, terrain.burnedDef);
Пример #4
 public string DebugStringAt(IntVec3 c)
     if (c.InBounds(map))
         TerrainDef terrain    = c.GetTerrain(map);
         TerrainDef terrainDef = underGrid[map.cellIndices.CellToIndex(c)];
         return("top: " + ((terrain != null) ? terrain.defName : "null") + ", under=" + ((terrainDef != null) ? terrainDef.defName : "null"));
     return("out of bounds");
 public string DebugStringAt(IntVec3 c)
     if (c.InBounds(
         TerrainDef terrain    = c.GetTerrain(;
         TerrainDef terrainDef = this.underGrid[];
         return("top: " + ((terrain == null) ? "null" : terrain.defName) + ", under=" + ((terrainDef == null) ? "null" : terrainDef.defName));
     return("out of bounds");
Пример #6
 protected virtual void ExplosionDamageTerrain(Explosion explosion, IntVec3 c)
     if (def == DamageDefOf.Bomb && explosion.Map.terrainGrid.CanRemoveTopLayerAt(c))
         TerrainDef terrain = c.GetTerrain(explosion.Map);
         if (!(terrain.destroyOnBombDamageThreshold < 0f) && (float)explosion.GetDamageAmountAt(c) >= terrain.destroyOnBombDamageThreshold)
Пример #7
 protected virtual void defaultDamageTerrain(Explosion explosion, IntVec3 c)
     if (this.def == DamageDefOf.Bomb)
         if (explosion.Map.terrainGrid.CanRemoveTopLayerAt(c))
             TerrainDef terrain = c.GetTerrain(explosion.Map);
             if (terrain.destroyOnBombDamageThreshold >= 0f)
                 float num = (float)explosion.GetDamageAmountAt(c);
                 if (num >= terrain.destroyOnBombDamageThreshold)
Пример #8
        public void MouseoverReadoutOnGUI()
            if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint || Find.MainTabsRoot.OpenTab != null)
            GenUI.DrawTextWinterShadow(new Rect(256f, UI.screenHeight - 256, -256f, 256f));
            Text.Font = GameFont.Small;
            GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.8f);
            IntVec3 c = UI.MouseCell();

            if (!c.InBounds(Find.CurrentMap))
            float num = 0f;

            if (c.Fogged(Find.CurrentMap))
                Widgets.Label(new Rect(BotLeft.x, (float)UI.screenHeight - BotLeft.y - num, 999f, 999f), "Undiscovered".Translate());
                GUI.color = Color.white;
            Rect rect = new Rect(BotLeft.x, (float)UI.screenHeight - BotLeft.y - num, 999f, 999f);
            int  num2 = Mathf.RoundToInt(Find.CurrentMap.glowGrid.GameGlowAt(c) * 100f);

            Widgets.Label(rect, glowStrings[num2]);
            num += 19f;
            Rect       rect2   = new Rect(BotLeft.x, (float)UI.screenHeight - BotLeft.y - num, 999f, 999f);
            TerrainDef terrain = c.GetTerrain(Find.CurrentMap);

            if (terrain != cachedTerrain)
                string t = ((double)terrain.fertility > 0.0001) ? (" " + "FertShort".TranslateSimple() + " " + terrain.fertility.ToStringPercent()) : "";
                cachedTerrainString = terrain.LabelCap + ((terrain.passability != Traversability.Impassable) ? (" (" + "WalkSpeed".Translate(SpeedPercentString(terrain.pathCost)) + t + ")") : ((TaggedString)null));
                cachedTerrain       = terrain;
            Widgets.Label(rect2, cachedTerrainString);
            num += 19f;
            Zone zone = c.GetZone(Find.CurrentMap);

            if (zone != null)
                Rect   rect3 = new Rect(BotLeft.x, (float)UI.screenHeight - BotLeft.y - num, 999f, 999f);
                string label = zone.label;
                Widgets.Label(rect3, label);
                num += 19f;
            float depth = Find.CurrentMap.snowGrid.GetDepth(c);

            if (depth > 0.03f)
                Rect         rect4        = new Rect(BotLeft.x, (float)UI.screenHeight - BotLeft.y - num, 999f, 999f);
                SnowCategory snowCategory = SnowUtility.GetSnowCategory(depth);
                string       label2       = SnowUtility.GetDescription(snowCategory) + " (" + "WalkSpeed".Translate(SpeedPercentString(SnowUtility.MovementTicksAddOn(snowCategory))) + ")";
                Widgets.Label(rect4, label2);
                num += 19f;
            List <Thing> thingList = c.GetThingList(Find.CurrentMap);

            for (int i = 0; i < thingList.Count; i++)
                Thing thing = thingList[i];
                if (thing.def.category != ThingCategory.Mote)
                    Rect   rect5          = new Rect(BotLeft.x, (float)UI.screenHeight - BotLeft.y - num, 999f, 999f);
                    string labelMouseover = thing.LabelMouseover;
                    Widgets.Label(rect5, labelMouseover);
                    num += 19f;
            RoofDef roof = c.GetRoof(Find.CurrentMap);

            if (roof != null)
                Widgets.Label(new Rect(BotLeft.x, (float)UI.screenHeight - BotLeft.y - num, 999f, 999f), roof.LabelCap);
                num += 19f;
            GUI.color = Color.white;
Пример #9
 public static bool SupportsStructureType(this IntVec3 c, Map map, TerrainAffordanceDef surfaceType)
Пример #10
 public void MouseoverReadoutOnGUI()
     if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
         if (Find.MainTabsRoot.OpenTab == null)
             GenUI.DrawTextWinterShadow(new Rect(256f, (float)(UI.screenHeight - 256), -256f, 256f));
             Text.Font = GameFont.Small;
             GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.8f);
             IntVec3 c = UI.MouseCell();
             if (c.InBounds(Find.CurrentMap))
                 float num = 0f;
                 if (c.Fogged(Find.CurrentMap))
                     Rect rect = new Rect(MouseoverReadout.BotLeft.x, (float)UI.screenHeight - MouseoverReadout.BotLeft.y - num, 999f, 999f);
                     Widgets.Label(rect, "Undiscovered".Translate());
                     GUI.color = Color.white;
                     Rect rect = new Rect(MouseoverReadout.BotLeft.x, (float)UI.screenHeight - MouseoverReadout.BotLeft.y - num, 999f, 999f);
                     int  num2 = Mathf.RoundToInt(Find.CurrentMap.glowGrid.GameGlowAt(c, false) * 100f);
                     Widgets.Label(rect, this.glowStrings[num2]);
                     num += 19f;
                     rect = new Rect(MouseoverReadout.BotLeft.x, (float)UI.screenHeight - MouseoverReadout.BotLeft.y - num, 999f, 999f);
                     TerrainDef terrain = c.GetTerrain(Find.CurrentMap);
                     if (terrain != this.cachedTerrain)
                         string str = ((double)terrain.fertility <= 0.0001) ? "" : (" " + "FertShort".Translate() + " " + terrain.fertility.ToStringPercent());
                         this.cachedTerrainString = terrain.LabelCap + ((terrain.passability == Traversability.Impassable) ? null : (" (" + "WalkSpeed".Translate(new object[]
                         }) + str + ")"));
                         this.cachedTerrain = terrain;
                     Widgets.Label(rect, this.cachedTerrainString);
                     num += 19f;
                     Zone zone = c.GetZone(Find.CurrentMap);
                     if (zone != null)
                         rect = new Rect(MouseoverReadout.BotLeft.x, (float)UI.screenHeight - MouseoverReadout.BotLeft.y - num, 999f, 999f);
                         string label = zone.label;
                         Widgets.Label(rect, label);
                         num += 19f;
                     float depth = Find.CurrentMap.snowGrid.GetDepth(c);
                     if (depth > 0.03f)
                         rect = new Rect(MouseoverReadout.BotLeft.x, (float)UI.screenHeight - MouseoverReadout.BotLeft.y - num, 999f, 999f);
                         SnowCategory snowCategory = SnowUtility.GetSnowCategory(depth);
                         string       label2       = SnowUtility.GetDescription(snowCategory) + " (" + "WalkSpeed".Translate(new object[]
                         }) + ")";
                         Widgets.Label(rect, label2);
                         num += 19f;
                     List <Thing> thingList = c.GetThingList(Find.CurrentMap);
                     for (int i = 0; i < thingList.Count; i++)
                         Thing thing = thingList[i];
                         if (thing.def.category != ThingCategory.Mote)
                             rect = new Rect(MouseoverReadout.BotLeft.x, (float)UI.screenHeight - MouseoverReadout.BotLeft.y - num, 999f, 999f);
                             string labelMouseover = thing.LabelMouseover;
                             Widgets.Label(rect, labelMouseover);
                             num += 19f;
                     RoofDef roof = c.GetRoof(Find.CurrentMap);
                     if (roof != null)
                         rect = new Rect(MouseoverReadout.BotLeft.x, (float)UI.screenHeight - MouseoverReadout.BotLeft.y - num, 999f, 999f);
                         Widgets.Label(rect, roof.LabelCap);
                         num += 19f;
                     GUI.color = Color.white;
Пример #11
 public void MouseoverReadoutOnGUI()
     if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && Find.MainTabsRoot.OpenTab == null)
         GenUI.DrawTextWinterShadow(new Rect(256f, (float)(UI.screenHeight - 256), -256f, 256f));
         Text.Font = GameFont.Small;
         GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.8f);
         IntVec3 c = UI.MouseCell();
         if (c.InBounds(Find.CurrentMap))
             float num  = 0f;
             Rect  rect = default(Rect);
             if (c.Fogged(Find.CurrentMap))
                 Vector2 botLeft  = BotLeft;
                 float   x        = botLeft.x;
                 float   num2     = (float)UI.screenHeight;
                 Vector2 botLeft2 = BotLeft;
                 rect = new Rect(x, num2 - botLeft2.y - num, 999f, 999f);
                 Widgets.Label(rect, "Undiscovered".Translate());
                 GUI.color = Color.white;
                 Vector2 botLeft3 = BotLeft;
                 float   x2       = botLeft3.x;
                 float   num3     = (float)UI.screenHeight;
                 Vector2 botLeft4 = BotLeft;
                 rect = new Rect(x2, num3 - botLeft4.y - num, 999f, 999f);
                 int num4 = Mathf.RoundToInt(Find.CurrentMap.glowGrid.GameGlowAt(c) * 100f);
                 Widgets.Label(rect, glowStrings[num4]);
                 num += 19f;
                 Vector2 botLeft5 = BotLeft;
                 float   x3       = botLeft5.x;
                 float   num5     = (float)UI.screenHeight;
                 Vector2 botLeft6 = BotLeft;
                 rect = new Rect(x3, num5 - botLeft6.y - num, 999f, 999f);
                 TerrainDef terrain = c.GetTerrain(Find.CurrentMap);
                 if (terrain != cachedTerrain)
                     string str = (!((double)terrain.fertility > 0.0001)) ? string.Empty : (" " + "FertShort".Translate() + " " + terrain.fertility.ToStringPercent());
                     cachedTerrainString = terrain.LabelCap + ((terrain.passability == Traversability.Impassable) ? null : (" (" + "WalkSpeed".Translate(SpeedPercentString((float)terrain.pathCost)) + str + ")"));
                     cachedTerrain       = terrain;
                 Widgets.Label(rect, cachedTerrainString);
                 num += 19f;
                 Zone zone = c.GetZone(Find.CurrentMap);
                 if (zone != null)
                     Vector2 botLeft7 = BotLeft;
                     float   x4       = botLeft7.x;
                     float   num6     = (float)UI.screenHeight;
                     Vector2 botLeft8 = BotLeft;
                     rect = new Rect(x4, num6 - botLeft8.y - num, 999f, 999f);
                     string label = zone.label;
                     Widgets.Label(rect, label);
                     num += 19f;
                 float depth = Find.CurrentMap.snowGrid.GetDepth(c);
                 if (depth > 0.03f)
                     Vector2 botLeft9  = BotLeft;
                     float   x5        = botLeft9.x;
                     float   num7      = (float)UI.screenHeight;
                     Vector2 botLeft10 = BotLeft;
                     rect = new Rect(x5, num7 - botLeft10.y - num, 999f, 999f);
                     SnowCategory snowCategory = SnowUtility.GetSnowCategory(depth);
                     string       label2       = SnowUtility.GetDescription(snowCategory) + " (" + "WalkSpeed".Translate(SpeedPercentString((float)SnowUtility.MovementTicksAddOn(snowCategory))) + ")";
                     Widgets.Label(rect, label2);
                     num += 19f;
                 List <Thing> thingList = c.GetThingList(Find.CurrentMap);
                 for (int i = 0; i < thingList.Count; i++)
                     Thing thing = thingList[i];
                     if (thing.def.category != ThingCategory.Mote)
                         Vector2 botLeft11 = BotLeft;
                         float   x6        = botLeft11.x;
                         float   num8      = (float)UI.screenHeight;
                         Vector2 botLeft12 = BotLeft;
                         rect = new Rect(x6, num8 - botLeft12.y - num, 999f, 999f);
                         string labelMouseover = thing.LabelMouseover;
                         Widgets.Label(rect, labelMouseover);
                         num += 19f;
                 RoofDef roof = c.GetRoof(Find.CurrentMap);
                 if (roof != null)
                     Vector2 botLeft13 = BotLeft;
                     float   x7        = botLeft13.x;
                     float   num9      = (float)UI.screenHeight;
                     Vector2 botLeft14 = BotLeft;
                     rect = new Rect(x7, num9 - botLeft14.y - num, 999f, 999f);
                     Widgets.Label(rect, roof.LabelCap);
                     num += 19f;
                 GUI.color = Color.white;