Пример #1

         * Set Hue [0..1], Saturation [0..1] and Value [0..1]
        public void SetHSV(float hue, float saturation, float brightness, float alpha = 1.0f)
            hue        = CgMath.Saturate(hue);
            saturation = CgMath.Saturate(saturation);
            brightness = CgMath.Saturate(brightness);
            float hseg = 6 * hue;
            float c    = saturation * brightness;
            float x    = c * (1 - Math.Abs(hseg % 2 - 1));
            int   i    = (int)Math.Floor(hseg);

            switch (i)
            case 0: R = c; G = x; B = 0; break;

            case 1: R = x; G = c; B = 0; break;

            case 2: R = 0; G = c; B = x; break;

            case 3: R = 0; G = x; B = c; break;

            case 4: R = x; G = 0; B = c; break;

            default: R = c; G = 0; B = x; break;
            float m = brightness - c;

            R += m;
            G += m;
            B += m;
            A  = alpha;
Пример #2
         * Returns the point on this line segment that is closest to the vector.
        public Vector2D SnapDelta(Vector2D v)
            Vector2D toEnd = End - Start;
            float    sr    = toEnd.Dot(v - Start) / toEnd.LengthSquared;

            return(Start + toEnd * CgMath.Saturate(sr) - v);
Пример #3
        public float DistanceSquared(LineSegment2D other)
            //see IsIntersecting...
            Vector2D v  = StartToEnd;
            Vector2D ov = other.StartToEnd;
            Vector2D s  = Start - other.Start;

            float denom = v.Cross(ov);

            if (denom == 0) //lines are parallel
                float d = Direction.OrthogonalizedClockwise().Dot(s);
                return(d * d);

            float a = CgMath.Saturate(ov.Cross(s) / denom);
            float b = CgMath.Saturate(v.Cross(s) / denom);

            return(Math.Min(other.DistanceSquared(Sample(a)), this.DistanceSquared(other.Sample(b))));