Пример #1
      public override void Run()
            Trace.TraceInformation("PoP.ServiceTier entry point called");

            var queueValetKeyUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MediaIngestionQueueValetKeyUrl"];
            var queueValet = new QueueValet(queueValetKeyUrl);

            var blobValetKeyUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MediaStorageValetKeyUrl"];
            var blobValet = new BlobValet(blobValetKeyUrl);

            InitStorage(queueValet, blobValet);

            while (true)
               Trace.TraceInformation("Working on the next iteration from PoP.ServiceTier.Run");

               NewMediaProcessor.ProcessNextMediaMessage(queueValet, blobValet);
         catch (Exception)
            Trace.TraceError("PoP.ServiceTier.Run has detected an uncaught exception was thrown - this should never happen", "Error");
Пример #2
      private static void InitStorage(QueueValet queueValet, BlobValet blobValet)
          blobValet.CreateBlobContainer("popmedia", true);
          var container = blobValet.CreateBlobContainer("popuploads", false);

          string sasPolicy = BlobValet.CreateBlobSASPolicy(
              new SharedAccessBlobPermissions[] { SharedAccessBlobPermissions.Write }
Пример #3
      /// <summary>
      /// Upload the blob and then (if nothing went wrong) drop a message on the queue announcing the blob
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="queueValet"></param>
      /// <param name="mediaByteStream">Might be from File Upload via web page</param>
      /// <param name="origFilename"></param>
      /// <param name="mimeType"></param>
      /// <param name="byteCount">Count of bytes in the stream. Not used at this time. May be used in future to optimize the upload to blob storage, for telemetry, or to block uploads over a certain size.</param>
      /// <param name="destinationUrl"></param>
      /// <param name="blobValet"></param>
      public static void CaptureUploadedMedia(BlobValet blobValet, QueueValet queueValet, Stream mediaByteStream,
         string origFilename,
         string mimeType, int byteCount, string destinationUrl)
            // TODO: obviate MediaStorageUrlFile.ExtTemplate by basing on MediaStorageValetKeyUrl value --- value="{0}{1}" & ";si=open-wide-container-access-policy&amp;sig=X0yGw1Ydmu%2BCwk%2FTY7nj5HFgzv%2BIYg%2Bun%2BHQhNMmThk%3D"

#if false
               var destinationUrl =
                     new FileInfo(origFilename).Extension
               var valetKeyUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MediaStorageValetKeyUrl"];

               // if that worked, notify via queue
               var mediaIngestionQueueValetKeyUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MediaIngestionQueueValetKeyUrl"];
            blobValet.UploadStream(new Uri(destinationUrl), mediaByteStream, mimeType); // TODO: at moment is sync (not async) to avoid race condition mentioned below
            var info = new MediaUploadModel
               BlobUrl = destinationUrl,
               Username = "******"

            // prep  an arbitrary object to send on the queue, not just a string (not rich enough for our use case)
            var queueMessage = new CloudQueueMessage(ByteArraySerializer<MediaUploadModel>.Serialize(info));

            // TODO: race condition when both uploading a BLOB and posting the Queue message - the queue message processing
            // TODO: ... can begin before the blob upload is complete -- need to sync these
            // TODO: ... BUT! for now it will still FUNCTION CORRECTLY (if inefficiently) due to Queue-Centric Workflow Pattern retries IF not determined to be a Poison Message

            // There is no real need for a 50ms delay before the message can appear in queue, but just showing how to do it.
            // Technique is sometimes useful when there's a reason to delay its processing. You could use it to implement a
            // scheduler, for example. In the case of PoP, there are no obvious use cases. A made-up use case might be if PoP
            // introduced a way to make photos show up in the future allowing the user uploading them to indicate PoP should
            // delay processing for, say, up to 24 hours, and let the user optionally specify a delay within that range.
            queueValet.AddMessage(queueMessage, initialVisibilityDelay: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50));
         catch (StorageException ex)
            System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceError("Exception thrown in BlobExtensions.UploadFile: " + ex);
Пример #4
      public static void ProcessNextMediaMessage(QueueValet queueValet, BlobValet blobValet)
            var msg = queueValet.GetMessage(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));

            if (msg != null)
               if (msg.DequeueCount <= 1)
                  Trace.TraceInformation("DequeueCount = {0}", msg.DequeueCount);
                  Trace.TraceWarning("DequeueCount = {0}", msg.DequeueCount);

//TODO:               if (msg.DequeueCount > 5) return;

               // Is it a photo or video? -- only photo supported for now... so assume that
               // (alternatively, might have a photo queue and a video queue)

               var mediaUploadInfo = ByteArraySerializer<MediaUploadModel>.Deserialize(msg.AsBytes);

               var uploadedPhotoUrl = mediaUploadInfo.BlobUrl;
               var username = mediaUploadInfo.Username;

               ProcessNextPhotoUpload(username, uploadedPhotoUrl, blobValet);


               // TODO: Ensure proper Poison Message Handling
         catch (Exception ex)
            // this method CANNOT throw an exception - that's bad manners - even if there is a failure
            // SEE: Queue-Centric Workflow Pattern (chapter 3) plus Poison Message and Reliable Queue concepts
            // SEE: Strong Exception Guarantee http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exception_safety 
            // or relate to the NoFail Guaranteed from http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?ExceptionGuarantee

            var debugMsg =
               String.Format("Exception in PoP.ServiceTier.NewMediaProcessor.ProcessNextMediaMessage [{0}]\n[{1}]",
                  ex.GetBaseException(), ex);
Пример #5
      private static void ProcessNextPhotoUpload(string username, string origImageUrl, BlobValet blobValet)
         var httpClient = new HttpClient();
         var origStream = httpClient.GetStreamAsync(origImageUrl).Result;
         var origMime = blobValet.GetSupportedMimeTypeFromFileName(origImageUrl);
         var origImage = Image.FromStream(origStream);

         // create thumb version of image
         var thumbUrl = BuildThumbnailVersionOfBlobUrl(origImageUrl);
         var thumbUri = new Uri(thumbUrl);
         var thumbMime = origMime;
#if true
         var thumbStream = MediaFormatter.PopImageThumbnailer.GetThumbnailStream(origImage, thumbMime);
         var thumb = MediaFormatter.PopImageThumbnailer.GetThumbnail(origImage);
         var thumbStream = File.Open(@"d:\temp\foo.png", FileMode.Open);

#if true
         blobValet.UploadStream(thumbUri, thumbStream, thumbMime);
         using (var thumbStream2 = new MemoryStream())
            origImage.GetThumbnailImage(100, 100, () => false, IntPtr.Zero).Save(thumbStream2, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
            thumbStream2.Position = 0;
            blobValet.UploadStream(thumbUri, thumbStream2);

         // now attach it to an account
         var userMediaRepo = new UserMediaRepository(CloudStorageAccount.DevelopmentStorageAccount, "usermedia");

         var userMedia = new UserMedia(username)
            StorageFormat = origMime,
            Url = origImageUrl,
            ThumbUrl = thumbUrl,
            UserName = "******" // TODO: << may not want to store this long-term since we have UserId (in SQL Azuregi)
Пример #6
      public ActionResult Upload(IEnumerable<HttpPostedFileBase> files)
         var fileList = String.Empty;
         var firstFile = true;

         foreach (var file in files.Where(file => file != null && file.ContentLength > 0))
            Contract.Assert(file.FileName == Path.GetFileName(file.FileName)); // browsers should not send path info - but synthetic test could

            var fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName);
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileExtension)) fileExtension = fileExtension.ToLower();
            var destinationUrl = String.Format(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MediaStorageUrlFile.ExtTemplate"], Guid.NewGuid(), fileExtension);
            var blobValetKeyUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MediaStorageValetKeyUrl"];
            var queueValetKeyUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MediaIngestionQueueValetKeyUrl"];

            var blobValet = new BlobValet(blobValetKeyUrl);
            var queueValet = new QueueValet(queueValetKeyUrl);

            MediaIngester.CaptureUploadedMedia(blobValet, queueValet, file.InputStream, file.FileName, file.ContentType, file.ContentLength, destinationUrl);

            if (!firstFile) fileList += ", ";
            fileList += file.FileName;
            firstFile = false;
         if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileList))
            return RedirectToAction("Upload");
            var message = String.Format("Upload successful for: {0}", fileList);
            return RedirectToAction("Upload", new { msg = message });