AddService() публичный Метод

Adds a new service to the provider (or replaces an existing service).
public AddService ( System.Guid serviceGuid, object instance ) : void
serviceGuid System.Guid
instance object
Результат void
Пример #1
		public static void Initialize() {
			// If we're in a real VS process, or if we already initialized, do nothing.
			if (Shell.ServiceProvider.GlobalProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsSettingsManager)) != null)

			// If the App() ctor didn't set a version, we're in the designer
			// The designer pre-loads our referenced assemblies, so we can't
			// use any other version.
			if (VsLoader.VsVersion == null)
				VsLoader.Load(new Version(11, 0, 0, 0));

			var esm = ExternalSettingsManager.CreateForApplication(Path.Combine(VsLoader.InstallationDirectory, "devenv.exe"));
			var sp = new VsServiceProvider
				UIShell = new ThemedVsUIShell(),
				serviceInstances = {
					// Used by Shell.ServiceProvider initialization
					{ typeof(SVsActivityLog).GUID, new StubVsActivityLog() },

					// Used by ColorThemeService
					{ typeof(SVsSettingsManager).GUID, new SettingsManagerWrapper(esm) },

					// Used by Shell.VsResourceKeys
					{ new Guid("45652379-D0E3-4EA0-8B60-F2579AA29C93"), new SimpleVsWindowManager() },

					// Used by KnownUIContexts
					{ typeof(IVsMonitorSelection).GUID, new StubVsMonitorSelection() },

					// Used by ShimCodeLensPresenterStyle
					{ typeof(SUIHostLocale).GUID, new SystemUIHostLocale() },
					{ typeof(SVsFontAndColorCacheManager).GUID, new StubVsFontAndColorCacheManager() },

					// Used by Roslyn's VisualStudioWaitIndicator
					{ typeof(SVsThreadedWaitDialogFactory).GUID, new BaseWaitDialogFactory() },

					// Used by Dev14's VsImageLoader, which is needed for Roslyn IntelliSense
					{ typeof(SVsAppId).GUID, new SimpleVsAppId() },

					// Used by DocumentPeekResult; service is SVsUIThreadInvokerPrivate
					{ new Guid("72FD1033-2341-4249-8113-EF67745D84EA"), new AppDispatcherInvoker() },

					// Used by KeyBindingHelper.GetKeyBinding, which is used by VSLightBulbPresenterStyle.
					{ typeof(SDTE).GUID, new StubDTE() },

					// Used by VsTaskSchedulerService; see below
					{ typeof(SVsShell).GUID, new StubVsShell() },


			sp.AddService(typeof(SVsUIShell), sp.UIShell);

			Instance = sp;

			// Add services that use IServiceProvider here

			// The designer loads Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.XX.0,
			// which we cannot reference directly (to avoid breaking
			// older versions). Therefore, I set the global property
			// for every available version using Reflection instead.
			foreach (var vsVersion in VsLoader.FindAllVersions().Where(v => v.Major >= 10)) {
				var type = Type.GetType("Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.ServiceProvider, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell." + vsVersion.ToString(2));
				if (type == null)
				type.GetMethod("CreateFromSetSite", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static)
					.Invoke(null, new[] { sp });
Пример #2
        public static void Initialize()
            // If we're in a real VS process, or if we already initialized, do nothing.
            if (Shell.ServiceProvider.GlobalProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsSettingsManager)) != null)

            // If the App() ctor didn't set a version, we're in the designer
            // The designer pre-loads our referenced assemblies, so we can't
            // use any other version.
            if (VsLoader.VsVersion == null)
                VsLoader.Load(new Version(11, 0, 0, 0));

            var esm = ExternalSettingsManager.CreateForApplication(Path.Combine(VsLoader.InstallationDirectory, "devenv.exe"));
            var sp  = new VsServiceProvider
                UIShell          = new ThemedVsUIShell(),
                serviceInstances =
                    // Used by Shell.ServiceProvider initialization
                    { typeof(SVsActivityLog).GUID,                      new StubVsActivityLog()              },

                    // Used by ColorThemeService
                    { typeof(SVsSettingsManager).GUID,                  new SettingsManagerWrapper(esm)      },

                    // Used by Shell.VsResourceKeys
                    { new Guid("45652379-D0E3-4EA0-8B60-F2579AA29C93"), new SimpleVsWindowManager()          },

                    // Used by KnownUIContexts
                    { typeof(IVsMonitorSelection).GUID,                 new StubVsMonitorSelection()         },

                    // Used by ShimCodeLensPresenterStyle
                    { typeof(SUIHostLocale).GUID,                       new SystemUIHostLocale()             },
                    { typeof(SVsFontAndColorCacheManager).GUID,         new StubVsFontAndColorCacheManager() },

                    // Used by Roslyn's VisualStudioWaitIndicator
                    { typeof(SVsThreadedWaitDialogFactory).GUID,        new BaseWaitDialogFactory()          },

                    // Used by Dev14's VsImageLoader, which is needed for Roslyn IntelliSense
                    { typeof(SVsAppId).GUID,                            new SimpleVsAppId()                  },

                    // Used by DocumentPeekResult; service is SVsUIThreadInvokerPrivate
                    { new Guid("72FD1033-2341-4249-8113-EF67745D84EA"), new AppDispatcherInvoker()           },

                    // Used by KeyBindingHelper.GetKeyBinding, which is used by VSLightBulbPresenterStyle.
                    { typeof(SDTE).GUID,                                new StubDTE()                        },

                    // Used by VsTaskSchedulerService; see below
                    { typeof(SVsShell).GUID,                            new StubVsShell()                    },

            sp.AddService(typeof(SVsUIShell), sp.UIShell);

            Instance = sp;

            // Add services that use IServiceProvider here

            // The designer loads Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.XX.0,
            // which we cannot reference directly (to avoid breaking
            // older versions). Therefore, I set the global property
            // for every available version using Reflection instead.
            foreach (var vsVersion in VsLoader.FindAllVersions().Where(v => v.Major >= 10))
                var type = Type.GetType("Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.ServiceProvider, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell." + vsVersion.ToString(2));
                if (type == null)
                type.GetMethod("CreateFromSetSite", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static)
                .Invoke(null, new[] { sp });