private void DeactiveLastInteractible()
            if (m_LastInteractible == null)

            m_LastInteractible = null;
        public void Cmd_touchObject(string itmName) {
            //not that kind of touch, you pervs.
            GameObject itemObj = NetworkServer.FindLocalObject(GameObject.Find(itmName).GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>().netId);
            itemObj.GetComponent<VRInteractiveItem>().hasBeenTouched = true;
        private void EyeRaycast()
            // Show the debug ray if required
            if (m_ShowDebugRay) {
                Debug.DrawRay(m_Camera.position, m_Camera.forward * m_DebugRayLength,, m_DebugRayDuration);

            // Create a ray that points forwards from the camera.
            Ray ray = new Ray(m_Camera.position, m_Camera.forward);
            RaycastHit hit;

            // Do the raycast forweards to see if we hit an interactive item
            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, m_RayLength, ~m_ExclusionLayers)) {
                //set flashlight reference object transform
                //GameObject flashlightObj = transform.Find("Camera Player/pFlashLight").gameObject;
                //flashlightObj.transform.position = hit.point;

                VRInteractiveItem_Single interactible = hit.collider.GetComponent<VRInteractiveItem_Single>(); //attempt to get the VRInteractiveItem on the hit object
                m_CurrentInteractible = interactible;

                //If the object hit by the raycast has a VRInteractiveItem Script, tell that object to get the inventory script from the raycasting player
                if (interactible != null) {

                    currentInteractibleName =; //For Ryan

                    //This will most likely need a Cmd written for it. Let me test it first -R
                    hit.transform.SendMessage("RetrieveInventoryScript", gameObject);

                    //If there is a manipulate script attached to the object you're looking at, send it the player's inspect point transform
                    if (hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent<VRStandardAssets.Examples.spt_interactiveItemManipulate>() != null) hit.transform.SendMessage("RetrieveLookPoint", gameObject);

                    //also ensure we flag that this has been interacted with.

                    //If the player presses A while looking at an interactible, set that interactible to touched
                    //if ( Input.GetButtonDown( "Fire1" ) ) Cmd_touchObject(;

                // If we hit an interactive item and it's not the same as the last interactive item, then call Over
                if (interactible && interactible != m_LastInteractible)

                // Deactive the last interactive item
                if (interactible != m_LastInteractible)

                m_LastInteractible = interactible;

                // Something was hit, set at the hit position.
                if (m_Reticle) {
                    racyCastTouch = true;

                if (OnRaycasthit != null) {

            else {
                // Nothing was hit, deactive the last interactive item.
                m_CurrentInteractible = null;
                racyCastTouch = false;

                // Position the reticle at default distance.
                if (m_Reticle)