Пример #1
        private void ParsingStoreHandlerNQuadsExplicitActual()

            TripleStore store = new TripleStore();
            StreamParams ps = new StreamParams("test.nq", Encoding.ASCII);

            NQuadsParser parser = new NQuadsParser();
            parser.Load(new StoreHandler(store), ps);

            Assert.IsTrue(store.HasGraph(new Uri("http://www.dotnetrdf.org/configuration#")), "Configuration Vocab Graph should have been parsed from Dataset");
            Graph configOrig = new Graph();
            IGraph config = store.Graph(new Uri("http://www.dotnetrdf.org/configuration#"));
            Assert.AreEqual(configOrig, config, "Configuration Vocab Graphs should have been equal");

            Assert.IsTrue(store.HasGraph(new Uri("http://www.dotnetrdf.org/leviathan#")), "Leviathan Function Library Graph should have been parsed from Dataset");
            Graph lvnOrig = new Graph();
            IGraph lvn = store.Graph(new Uri("http://www.dotnetrdf.org/leviathan#"));
            Assert.AreEqual(lvnOrig, lvn, "Leviathan Function Library Graphs should have been equal");

Пример #2
        private void ParsingStoreHandlerTriXCountingActual()

            StreamParams ps = new StreamParams("test.xml", Encoding.ASCII);

            TriXParser parser = new TriXParser();
            StoreCountHandler counter = new StoreCountHandler();
            parser.Load(counter, ps);

            Graph configOrig = new Graph();
            Graph lvnOrig = new Graph();

            Assert.AreEqual(2, counter.GraphCount, "Expected 2 Graphs to be counted");
            Assert.AreEqual(configOrig.Triples.Count + lvnOrig.Triples.Count, counter.TripleCount, "Expected Triple Count to be sum of Triple Counts in two input Graphs");
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts an RDF Dataset which details the Constraints violated (if any) and whether Constraints are satisified
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="callback">Callback to invoke when the operation completes</param>
        /// <param name="state">State to pass to the callback</param>
        public void Validate(TripleStoreCallback callback, Object state)
            HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(this.Endpoint.Uri);
            request.Method = this.Endpoint.HttpMethods.First();
            request.Accept = MimeTypesHelper.CustomHttpAcceptHeader(this.MimeTypes, MimeTypesHelper.SupportedRdfDatasetMimeTypes);

            #if DEBUG
            if (Options.HttpDebugging)

            request.BeginGetResponse(result =>
                    using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.EndGetResponse(result))
            #if DEBUG
                        if (Options.HttpDebugging)
                        IStoreReader parser = MimeTypesHelper.GetStoreParser(response.ContentType);
                        TripleStore store = new TripleStore();
                        StreamParams parameters = new StreamParams(response.GetResponseStream());
                        parser.Load(store, parameters);

                        callback(store, state);
                }, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts an RDF Dataset which details the Constraints violated (if any) and whether Constraints are satisified
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ITripleStore Validate()
            HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(this.Endpoint.Uri);
            request.Method = this.Endpoint.HttpMethods.First();
            request.Accept = MimeTypesHelper.CustomHttpAcceptHeader(this.MimeTypes, MimeTypesHelper.SupportedRdfDatasetMimeTypes);

            #if DEBUG
            if (Options.HttpDebugging)

                using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
            #if DEBUG
                    if (Options.HttpDebugging)
                    IStoreReader parser = MimeTypesHelper.GetStoreParser(response.ContentType);
                    TripleStore store = new TripleStore();
                    StreamParams parameters = new StreamParams(response.GetResponseStream());
                    parser.Load(store, parameters);

                    return store;
            catch (WebException webEx)
            #if DEBUG
                if (Options.HttpDebugging)
                    if (webEx.Response != null) Tools.HttpDebugResponse((HttpWebResponse)webEx.Response);
                throw new RdfReasoningException("A HTTP error occurred while communicating with the Pellet Server", webEx);
Пример #5
        public void Dispose()
            //Create all of the directories required for the file
            var f = new FileInfo(_outputPath);

            if (this._outputFormat == ERdfFormat.RdfXml)
                using (XmlTextWriter xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(_outputPath, new UTF8Encoding(false)))
                    //Set encoding
            else if (this._outputFormat == ERdfFormat.TriG)
                string fileNameAsTrig = GetFilePathBasedOnFormat();
                var outparams = new StreamParams(fileNameAsTrig);
                outparams.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
                var writer = new TriGWriter();

                if (_store == null)
                    var g = GetXmlDocumentAsGraph();
                    _store = new TripleStore();
                    _store.Add(g, true);

                writer.Save(_store, outparams);
            else if (this._outputFormat == ERdfFormat.Turtle)
                var g = GetXmlDocumentAsGraph();
                string filePathForFormat = GetFilePathBasedOnFormat();
                var writer = new TurtleWriter(TurtleSyntax.W3C);
                writer.Save(g, filePathForFormat);
            else if (this._outputFormat == ERdfFormat.NTriples)
                var g = GetXmlDocumentAsGraph();
                string filePathForFormat = GetFilePathBasedOnFormat();
                var writer = new NTriplesWriter();
                writer.Save(g, filePathForFormat);
            else if (this._outputFormat == ERdfFormat.N3)
                var g = GetXmlDocumentAsGraph();
                string filePathForFormat = GetFilePathBasedOnFormat();
                var writer = new Notation3Writer();
                writer.Save(g, filePathForFormat);
            else if (this._outputFormat == ERdfFormat.NQuads)
                string filePathForFormat = GetFilePathBasedOnFormat();
                var outparams = new StreamParams(filePathForFormat);
                outparams.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;

                if (_store == null)
                    var g = GetXmlDocumentAsGraph();
                    _store = new TripleStore();
                    _store.Add(g, true);

                var writer = new NQuadsWriter();
                writer.Save(_store, outparams);

            //make sure it's not null - can happen if no graphs have yet to be asserted!!
            if (_store != null)
                foreach (var graph in _store.Graphs)