public static void SentAlterEmail(int failedRecordCount, string errorNotes) { if (failedRecordCount == 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorNotes) == true) { return; } Controler Controler = new Controler(); Controler.getControler(); Owner _owner = null; foreach (Owner _item in Controler.Owners) { if (_item.OwnerCode == Common.OwnerCode) { _owner = _item; break; } } WComm.MyEmail _mail = new MyEmail(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["SMTPServer"]) == true) { _mail.SMTPServer = "localhost"; } else { _mail.SMTPServer = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["SMTPServer"].ToString(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["LogErrorEmailFrom"]) == true) { _mail.Address_From = "*****@*****.**"; } else { _mail.Address_From = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["LogErrorEmailFrom"].ToString(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["LogErrorEmailTo"]) == true) { _mail.Address_To = "*****@*****.**"; } else { _mail.Address_To = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["LogErrorEmailTo"].ToString(); } _mail.Subject = "Failure : [" + _owner.Name + "] -- " + Common.ProcessType; if (Convert.ToBoolean(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["IsTestMode"].ToString()) == true) { _mail.Subject = "[Test] " + _mail.Subject; } string _notes = ""; _notes = _notes + "Program : " + "FIBI" + "\r\n"; _notes = _notes + "DATE : " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm CST") + "\r\n"; _notes = _notes + "Record(s) : " + failedRecordCount.ToString() + "\r\n" + "\r\n"; _notes = _notes += "DETAILS : " + "\r\n"; _notes = _notes + errorNotes + "\r\n\r\n"; _notes = _notes += "This is a ZOYTO CONFIDENTIAL email. Do not reply to this email."; _mail.BodyText = _notes; string _mailresult = ""; try { _mailresult = _mail.Send(); } catch (Exception ex) { Common.Log("SentAlterEmail---ER \r\n" + ex.ToString()); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_mailresult) == true) { Common.Log("SentAlterEmail---OK Failed Record(s): " + failedRecordCount.ToString()); } else { Common.Log("SentAlterEmail---ER \r\n" + _mailresult); } string path = "App_Log_PHTransfer.log"; string _message = "Date:" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\r\n" + "Address From:" + _mail.Address_From + "\r\n" + "Address To:" + _mail.Address_To + "\r\n" + "Address Bcc:" + _mail.Bcc + "\r\n" + "Subject:" + _mail.Subject + "\r\n" + _mail.BodyText + "\r\n" + "SMTP Server:" + _mail.SMTPServer + "\r\n\r\n"; if (!File.Exists(path)) { using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(path)) { sw.WriteLine(_message); } } else { using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(path)) { if ((File.GetAttributes(path) & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) == FileAttributes.ReadOnly) { File.SetAttributes(path, FileAttributes.Normal); } sw.WriteLine(_message); } } }
public ReturnValue Run(string ownerCode, string action, string oid) { ReturnValue _result = new ReturnValue(); #region get Owner List Controler Controler = new Controler(); _result = Controler.getControler(); if (_result.Success == false) { Common.ProcessError(_result, true); return(_result); } #endregion foreach (Owner owner in Controler.Owners) { if (ownerCode == "999" || ownerCode == owner.OwnerCode.ToString()) { #region check and set onwer setting bool enableRun = false; if (owner.Actions.ContainsKey(action.ToUpper()) == true) { enableRun = Convert.ToBoolean(owner.Actions[action.ToUpper()].ToString()); } if (enableRun == false) { continue; } Common.OwnerCode = owner.OwnerCode; WComm.ConInfo.Url = owner.RegSubKey; VCBusiness.BaseOrder Order = Common.CreateObject(owner, "Order") as VCBusiness.BaseOrder; Order.Owner = owner; VCBusiness.BaseProduct Product = Common.CreateObject(owner, "Product") as VCBusiness.BaseProduct; Product.Owner = owner; Common.ProcessType = action; #endregion #region Run function if (action.ToUpper() == "OrderDownload".ToUpper()) { Common.Log("Start OrderDownload"); _result = Order.Download(); } if (action.ToUpper() == "UpdateShipment".ToUpper()) { Common.Log("Start Update Shipment"); _result = Order.UpdateShipment(); } if (action.ToUpper() == "ProductDownload".ToUpper()) { Common.Log("Start Product Download"); _result = Product.ProductDownload(); } if (action.ToUpper() == "UpdateInventoryStatus".ToUpper()) { Common.Log("Start UpdateInventoryStatus"); _result = Product.UpdateInventoryStatus(); } if (action.ToUpper() == "ShipConfirmEmail".ToUpper()) { #region ShipConfirmEmail Common.Log("Start ShipConfirmEmail"); VCBusiness.Model.TProgram_Email _tProgram_Email = Common.CreateObject(owner, "TProgram_Email") as VCBusiness.Model.TProgram_Email; _result = _tProgram_Email.getEmailTemplate("SHIP_CONFIRMATION"); if (_result.Success == false) { return(_result); } _tProgram_Email = _result.Object as TProgram_Email; VCBusiness.EmailFactory EmailFactory = Common.CreateObject(owner, "EmailFactory") as VCBusiness.EmailFactory; _result = EmailFactory.GetMailContent(int.Parse(oid), 1, _tProgram_Email); if (_result.Success == false) { return(_result); } EmailMessage email = _result.ObjectValue as EmailMessage; _result = EmailFactory.SentEmail(int.Parse(oid), 1, email); if (_result.Success == false) { return(_result); } #endregion } if (action.ToUpper() == "ImportDMOrderDetail".ToUpper()) { _result = Order.ImportDMOrderDetail(int.Parse(oid)); } if (action.ToUpper() == "GenerateInvoicePDF".ToUpper()) { VCBusiness.TecnifibreInvoicePDF TecnifibreInvoicePDF = new TecnifibreInvoicePDF(); _result = TecnifibreInvoicePDF.PrintInvoice(int.Parse(oid)); } if (action.ToUpper() == "InvoiceEmail".ToUpper()) { VCBusiness.TecnifibreEmailFactory EmailFactory = new TecnifibreEmailFactory(); _result = EmailFactory.ReSentInvoiceEmail(); } #region Tecnifibre Tecnifibre Tecnifibre = new Tecnifibre(); if (action.ToUpper() == "TFDueInvoices".ToUpper()) { Common.Log("Start TFDueInvoices"); _result = Tecnifibre.DueInvoices(); } if (action.ToUpper() == "TFPastDue".ToUpper()) { Common.Log("Start TFPastDue"); _result = Tecnifibre.PastDue(); } if (action.ToUpper() == "TFCancelOrder".ToUpper()) { Common.Log("Start TFCancelOrder"); _result = Tecnifibre.CancelHDOrder(); } if (action.ToUpper() == "TFWishList".ToUpper()) { Common.Log("Start TFWishList"); _result = Tecnifibre.WishList(); } #endregion #endregion if (_result.Success == false) { Common.ProcessError(_result, false); } Common.Log("Finish"); } } return(_result); }