Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Update/Create initial Cost Record.
        /// Check first for     Purchase Price List,
        /// then Product    Purchase Costs
        /// and then        Price List
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="as1">accounting schema</param>
        /// <param name="create">create record</param>
        /// <returns>costs</returns>
        private Decimal?UpdateCostsOld(MAcctSchema as1, bool create)
            //  Create Zero Record
            if (create)
                StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("INSERT INTO M_Product_Costing "
                                                      + "(M_Product_ID,C_AcctSchema_ID,"
                                                      + " AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,"
                                                      + " CurrentCostPrice,CostStandard,FutureCostPrice,"
                                                      + " CostStandardPOQty,CostStandardPOAmt,CostStandardCumQty,CostStandardCumAmt,"
                                                      + " CostAverage,CostAverageCumQty,CostAverageCumAmt,"
                                                      + " PriceLastPO,PriceLastInv, TotalInvQty,TotalInvAmt) "
                                                      + "VALUES (");
                .Append("'Y',SysDate,0,SysDate,0, 0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,  0,0,  0,0)");
                int no = DataBase.DB.ExecuteQuery(sql.ToString(), null, _trx);
                if (no == 1)

            //  Try to find non ZERO Price
            String  costSource = "PriceList-PO";
            Decimal?costs      = GetPriceList(as1, true);

            if (costs == null || costs.Equals(Env.ZERO))
                costSource = "PO Cost";
                costs      = GetPOCost(as1);
            if (costs == null || costs.Equals(Env.ZERO))
                costSource = "PriceList";
                costs      = GetPriceList(as1, false);

            //  if not found use $1 (to be able to do material transactions)
            if (costs == null || costs.Equals(Env.ZERO))
                costSource = "Not Found";
                costs      = 1;//new Decimal(1);

            //  update current costs
            StringBuilder sql1 = new StringBuilder("UPDATE M_Product_Costing ");

            sql1.Append("SET CurrentCostPrice=").Append(costs)
            .Append(" WHERE M_Product_ID=").Append(_M_Product_ID)
            .Append(" AND C_AcctSchema_ID=").Append(as1.GetC_AcctSchema_ID());
            int no1 = DataBase.DB.ExecuteQuery(sql1.ToString(), null, _trx);

            if (no1 == 1)
                log.Fine(costSource + " - " + costs);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get PO Cost from Purchase Info - and convert it to AcctSchema Currency
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="as1">accounting schema</param>
        /// <returns>po cost</returns>
        private Decimal?GetPOCost(MAcctSchema as1)
            String sql = "SELECT C_Currency_ID, PriceList,PricePO,PriceLastPO "
                         + "FROM M_Product_PO WHERE M_Product_ID=" + _M_Product_ID
                         + "ORDER BY IsCurrentVendor DESC";

            int         C_Currency_ID = 0;
            Decimal?    PriceList     = null;
            Decimal?    PricePO       = null;
            Decimal?    PriceLastPO   = null;
            IDataReader idr           = null;

                idr = DataBase.DB.ExecuteReader(sql, null, null);
                if (idr.Read())
                    C_Currency_ID = Utility.Util.GetValueOfInt(idr[0]);     //.getInt(1);
                    PriceList     = Utility.Util.GetValueOfDecimal(idr[1]); //.getBigDecimal(2);
                    PricePO       = Utility.Util.GetValueOfDecimal(idr[2]); //.getBigDecimal(3);
                    PriceLastPO   = Utility.Util.GetValueOfDecimal(idr[3]); //.getBigDecimal(4);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (idr != null)
                    idr = null;
                log.Log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);
            //  nothing found
            if (C_Currency_ID == 0)

            Decimal?cost = PriceLastPO;   //  best bet

            if (cost == null || cost.Equals(Env.ZERO))
                cost = PricePO;
            if (cost == null || cost.Equals(Env.ZERO))
                cost = PriceList;
            //  Convert - standard precision!! - should be costing precision
            if (cost != null && !cost.Equals(Env.ZERO))
                cost = MConversionRate.Convert(as1.GetCtx(), Utility.Util.GetValueOfDecimal(cost), C_Currency_ID, as1.GetC_Currency_ID(), as1.GetAD_Client_ID(), as1.GetAD_Org_ID());