/// <summary>
        /// Loads the fingerprint DLL.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="initType">The type to initialise the driver with.</param>
        /// <param name="users">The users that you want to load into the driver.</param>
        /// <returns>A message if the DLL failed to load else returns an empty string.</returns>
        public string LoadDLL(FingerPrintTemplateDLL.InitTypes initType, List<User> users)
            string message = "";
                if (this.DLLoaded)
                    message = this.Init(initType, users);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message))
                        return message;
                    return "";
                this.DLLoaded = false;
                if (!File.Exists("FingerPrint.dll"))
                    return "Cannot find FingerPrint.dll.";
                _DLLHandle = Assembly.LoadFrom("FingerPrint.dll");

                if (_DLLHandle == null) return "Cannot find FingerPrint.dll.";

                Type[] DLLTypes = _DLLHandle.GetTypes();
                _DLLType = null;
                foreach (Type t in DLLTypes)
                    if (!IsSubclassOfRawGeneric(t)) continue;
                    _miInitBase = t.GetMethod("InitBase", new Type[] { typeof(FingerPrintTemplateDLL.InitTypes), typeof(Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, byte[]>>), typeof(string).MakeByRefType() });//return bool
                    _miReadPacket = t.GetMethod("ReadPacket");//return FingerPrintPacket
                    _miDeInitBase = t.GetMethod("DeInitBase");
                    if (_miInitBase == null ||
                        _miReadPacket == null ||
                        _miDeInitBase == null) continue;
                    _DLLType = t;

                if (_DLLType == null)
                    return "Cannot find the entry point for the FingerPrint.dll.";
                this.DLLoaded = true;
                message = this.Init(initType, users);
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message))
                    return message;
                return "";
            catch (Exception ex)
                return "FingerPrint.LoadDLL: " + ex.Message + ".";
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads the fingerprint DLL.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="initType">The type to initialise the driver with.</param>
 /// <returns>A message if the DLL failed to load else returns an empty string.</returns>
 public string LoadDLL(FingerPrintTemplateDLL.InitTypes initType)
     return LoadDLL(initType, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the fingerprint DLL.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A message if the DLL failed to initialize else returns an empty string.</returns>
        private string Init(FingerPrintTemplateDLL.InitTypes initType, List<User> users)
            string message = "";
            object[] args = null;
                _instance = Activator.CreateInstance(_DLLType);
                Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, byte[]>> fingerPrints = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, byte[]>>();
                if (users != null)
                    foreach (User usr in users)
                        fingerPrints.Add(usr.ID, new Dictionary<int, byte[]>());
                        foreach (FingerPrint fp in usr.FingerPrints)
                            fingerPrints[usr.ID].Add(fp.PrintNumber, fp.Print);

                args = new object[] { initType, fingerPrints, "" };
                bool result = (bool)_miInitBase.Invoke(_instance, args);
                if (!result)
                    message = "Failed to initialize \"FingerPrint.dll\".";
                    if (args != null && args.Length > 2)
                        message += " " + args[2].ToString();
                    return message;
                return "";
            catch (Exception ex)
                message = "Failed To Load \"Includes\\FingerPrint.dll\". " + ex.Message;
                args = null;
            return message;