private IEnumerator LoadAndTellPosition(object[] param) { NetworkPlayer player = (NetworkPlayer)param[0]; String id = param[1] as String; Debug.Log("Started player load Coroutine for id: " + id); Unturned.Entity.Player plr = Database.provider.LoadPlayer(id); yield return(plr); try { Debug.Log("Coroutine received player data for id: " + id); if (plr.PositionX == 0 && plr.PositionY == 0) { loadPositionFromSerial(player, String.Empty); } else { Debug.Log("Sending tellPosition to player..."); base.networkView.RPC("tellPosition", player, new object[] { new Vector3(plr.PositionX, plr.PositionY, plr.PositionZ), plr.ViewDirection }); } } catch { Debug.Log("Exception in loader coroutine: " + id + " Client dropped!"); Network.CloseConnection(player, false); } }
private IEnumerator LoadPlayerFromDatabase() { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Requesting player from db: " +; long startTime = DateTime.Now.Millisecond; #endif Unturned.Entity.Player plr = Database.provider.LoadPlayer(; yield return(plr); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Loaded player " + + " in " + (DateTime.Now.Millisecond - startTime) + "ms"); #endif TellLoaded(plr); }
private IEnumerator GetRepuAndLogin(object[] param) { Unturned.Entity.Player plr = null; int repu = 0; String id = param[3] as String; Thread playerLoadThread = new Thread(delegate() { plr = Database.provider.LoadPlayer(id); }); playerLoadThread.Start(); while (plr == null && playerLoadThread.IsAlive) { yield return(null); } if (plr == null) { Console.WriteLine("Thread ended, but no user loaded.. WTF?!"); } else { repu = plr.Reputation; } base.networkView.RPC("addNetworkUser", RPCMode.All, new object[] { param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3], param[4], repu, param[6] }); yield return(plr); }
private void TellLoaded(Unturned.Entity.Player plr) { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Loading inventory..."); #endif // Clothes Clothes clothes = GetComponent <Clothes>(); clothes.item = -1; clothes.state = string.Empty; clothes.networkView.RPC("tellAllClothes", RPCMode.All, new object[] { clothes.face, plr.Clothes.Shirt, plr.Clothes.Pants, plr.Clothes.Hat,, plr.Clothes.Backpack, plr.Clothes.Vest, clothes.item, clothes.state, clothes.skinColor, clothes.hairColor, clothes.arm }); clothes.loaded = true; if (!clothes.networkView.isMine) { clothes.networkView.RPC("tellLoadedClothes", base.networkView.owner, new object[] { true }); } #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Loading inventory..."); #endif // Inventory Inventory inventory = GetComponent <Inventory>(); inventory.resize(plr.Inventory.Width, plr.Inventory.Height, plr.Inventory.Capacity); foreach (InventoryItem item in plr.Inventory.Items) { inventory.items[item.X, item.Y] = new ClientItem( item.ItemID, item.Amount, item.State); } inventory.UpdateItems(); inventory.syncWeight(); inventory.loaded = true; if (!inventory.networkView.isMine) { inventory.networkView.RPC("tellLoadedInventory", base.networkView.owner, new object[] { true }); } #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Loading skills..."); #endif // Skills Skills skills = GetComponent <Skills>(); skills.loadAllKnowledgeFromSerial(plr.Skills.Experience + ";" + plr.Skills.Skills); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Loading life..."); #endif // Life Life life = GetComponent <Life>(); life.bleeding = plr.Life.Bleeding; life.bones = plr.Life.BrokenBones; = plr.Life.Health; life.water = plr.Life.Water; = plr.Life.Food; life.sickness = plr.Life.Sickness; life.FixStats(); life.FinalizeLoad(); }
public void save() { if (false) // TODO: implement config manager { this.saveAllOrientation(); base.GetComponent <Inventory>().saveAllItems(); base.GetComponent <Clothes>().saveAllClothing(); base.GetComponent <Life>().saveAllVitality(); base.GetComponent <Skills>().saveAllKnowledge(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } else { // Remote database woooh :P #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Saving player: " +; #endif var plr = new Unturned.Entity.Player(); plr.Reputation = owner.reputation; plr.SteamID =; plr.Name = name; plr.PositionX = transform.position.x; plr.PositionY = transform.position.y; plr.PositionZ = transform.position.z; plr.ViewDirection = transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y; #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Serializing inventory"); #endif // Inventory Inventory inv = GetComponent <Inventory>(); plr.Inventory = new PlayerInventory(inv.height, inv.width, inv.capacity); plr.Inventory.Items = new List <InventoryItem>(); for (int i = 0; i < inv.height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < inv.width; j++) { ClientItem item = inv.items[j, i]; if ( != -1) { plr.Inventory.Items.Add(new InventoryItem(, item.amount, item.state, j, i)); } } } #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Serializing Clothes"); #endif // Clothes Clothes cloth = GetComponent <Clothes>(); plr.Clothes = new PlayerClothes( cloth.shirt, cloth.pants, cloth.hat, cloth.backpack, cloth.vest); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Serializing Life"); #endif // Life Life life = GetComponent <Life>(); plr.Life = new PlayerLife(,, life.water, life.sickness, life.bleeding, life.bones); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Serializing Skills"); #endif // Skills Skills skills = GetComponent <Skills>(); plr.Skills = new PlayerSkills(); plr.Skills.Experience = skills.experience; String skillLine = ""; for (int j = 0; j < (int)skills.skills.Length; j++) { skillLine = string.Concat(skillLine, skills.skills[j].level, ";"); } plr.Skills.Skills = skillLine; #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Writing player to file"); #endif Database.provider.SavePlayer(plr); plr = null; } }