Пример #1
        private void AppendAttribute(CSharpTextBuilder builder, UField field, UnrealModuleInfo module, bool isCollapsedMember)
            UnrealModuleType moduleType;
            UnrealModuleType moduleAssetType;
            string           moduleName = GetModuleName(field, out moduleType, out moduleAssetType);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(moduleName))
                moduleName = module.Name;

            List <string> attributes = new List <string>();

            // TODO: Combine all of this into EPropertyType (add some TypeCode into UField?)
            bool          isInterface  = false;
            UEnum         unrealEnum   = field as UEnum;
            UClass        unrealClass  = field as UClass;
            UScriptStruct unrealStruct = field as UScriptStruct;

            UFunction unrealFunction = field as UFunction;

            if (unrealFunction != null)
                if (unrealFunction.HasAnyFunctionFlags(EFunctionFlags.Delegate))
                    string additionalFunctionInfo = string.Empty;

                    // TODO: Only get the script name for virtual functions / interface functions as we currently only need
                    //       this for finding the base function for hooking things up to the native base types.
                    string scriptFunctionName;
                    if (unrealFunction.GetScriptName(out scriptFunctionName))
                        additionalFunctionInfo += ", OriginalName=\"" + unrealFunction.GetName() + "\"";

                    if (isCollapsedMember)
                        // The Flags here might not contain too useful information if there is both a get/set function.
                        // Maybe include a second flags var?
                        attributes.Add("UFunctionAsProp(Flags=0x" + ((uint)unrealFunction.FunctionFlags).ToString("X8") + additionalFunctionInfo + ")");
                        attributes.Add("UFunction(Flags=0x" + ((uint)unrealFunction.FunctionFlags).ToString("X8") + additionalFunctionInfo + ")");

            UProperty unrealProperty = field as UProperty;

            if (unrealProperty != null)
                attributes.Add("UProperty(Flags=(PropFlags)0x" + ((ulong)unrealProperty.PropertyFlags).ToString("X16") + ")");

            if (unrealStruct != null)
                attributes.Add("UStruct(Flags=0x" + ((uint)unrealStruct.StructFlags).ToString("X8") + ")");
            else if (unrealClass != null)
                // Abstract isn't really required but might help with code browsing to know what is abstract
                // and what isn't. Therefore put it at the start of the attributes list.
                if (unrealClass.HasAnyClassFlags(EClassFlags.Abstract))

                isInterface = unrealClass.IsChildOf <UInterface>();
                if (isInterface)
                    attributes.Add("UInterface(Flags=0x" + ((uint)unrealClass.ClassFlags).ToString("X8") + ")");
                    attributes.Add("UClass(Flags=(ClassFlags)0x" + ((uint)unrealClass.ClassFlags).ToString("X8") + ")");

            if (unrealEnum != null)

            if (unrealEnum != null || unrealClass != null || unrealStruct != null)
                bool blueprintType = false;
                bool blueprintable = false;
                if (unrealEnum != null)
                    blueprintType = field.GetBoolMetaData(MDClass.BlueprintType);
                    GetBlueprintability(field as UStruct, out blueprintType, out blueprintable);
                if (blueprintType)
                if (unrealClass != null && blueprintable)

                attributes.Add("UMetaPath(\"" + field.GetPathName() + "\"" +
                               (isInterface ? ", InterfaceImpl=typeof(" + GetTypeName(unrealClass, null) + "Impl" + ")" : string.Empty) + ")");
                attributes.Add("UMetaPath(\"" + field.GetPathName() + "\")");

            if (attributes.Count > 0)
                builder.AppendLine("[" + string.Join(", ", attributes) + "]");