void OnSceneLoaded(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode mode)
            string sceneName = scene.name;

            if (GameManager.IsMainMenuScene(sceneName))

            if (movingPlayer)
                if (GameManager.playerExists)
                    MoveDynamicObjectToTransform(GameManager.player, movePlayerTarget.position, movePlayerTarget.rotation, false);
                movingPlayer = false;

            // tODO: objects that are pre placed already alias refed might be copy if
            // existing state already has loaded object
            // e.g. (maybe a companion traveled with player back to where it was originally placed in editor)

            // get all the active objects that are default in the current scene
            List <DynamicObject> editorPlacedObjects = FilterObjectsForScene(sceneName, DynamicObject.GetInstancesThatNeedID());

            // get reference to all states that were pre defined programatically for this scene...
            // (before we add the states for the manually placed ones)
            List <DynamicObjectState> states = GetStatesForScene(sceneName);

            if (scenesAlreadyLoaded.Contains(sceneName))
                // add them to the pool for availablity
                for (int i = 0; i < editorPlacedObjects.Count; i++)
                    // if it needs a guid it comes with the scene... so this shouldnt matter (maybe...)

            // scene loaded for the first time
            // create object states and id's for default placed objects

                // give id's and states for those default objects
                for (int i = 0; i < editorPlacedObjects.Count; i++)
                    string id = null;
                    if (editorPlacedObjects[i].usesAlias)
                        id = editorPlacedObjects[i].GetID();
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                            DynamicObjectState aliasedState = GetStateByID(id);

                            // if our aliased state is untouched then we use this object
                            if (aliasedState.isUntouched)
                                // dotn load in this scene again, just in case we were trying to
                                if (states.Contains(aliasedState))

                                editorPlacedObjects[i].AdjustState(aliasedState, sceneName, editorPlacedObjects[i].transform.position, editorPlacedObjects[i].transform.rotation.eulerAngles, false);

                                aliasedState.isUntouched = false;

                            // we've adjusted the state, disable this object and use the state

                            // if our aliased state scene is this one,

                    id = GetNewGUID();
                    id2ObjectState.Add(id, editorPlacedObjects[i].AdjustState(new DynamicObjectState(id, sceneName, editorPlacedObjects[i].prefabRef, false), sceneName, editorPlacedObjects[i].transform.position, editorPlacedObjects[i].transform.rotation.eulerAngles, false));

            for (int i = 0; i < states.Count; i++)
                LoadNewDynamicObjectWithState(states[i], !states[i].isUntouched);
 public static void MoveObject(DynamicObject key, string alias)
     MoveObject(key, LocationAliases.GetLocationKey(alias));
 public static void MoveObject(DynamicObject key, Location location)
     MoveObject(key, location.GetKey());
 protected override bool EffectValid(DynamicObject caster, DynamicObject obj)
     return(obj.GetObjectScript <GameEffectsHandler>() != null);
 protected override bool OnEffectStart(DynamicObject caster, DynamicObject obj, float magnitude, float duration)
     obj.GetObjectScript <GameEffectsHandler>().RemoveEffects(keywords);
Пример #6
 protected abstract bool EffectValid(DynamicObject caster, DynamicObject obj);
 protected override void OnEffectUpdate(DynamicObject caster, DynamicObject obj, float deltaTime, float timeAdded, float currentTime, float magnitude, float duration, out bool removeEffect)
     removeEffect = false;
Пример #8
 public static void TriggerEffectsOnObject(GameEffectCollection effects, DynamicObject caster, DynamicObject obj)
     TriggerEffectsOnObject(effects, caster, obj.GetPosition(), obj);
Пример #9
 public static void TriggerEffectsOnObject(GameEffectCollection effects, DynamicObject caster, Vector3 pos, DynamicObject obj)
     TriggerEffects(effects, caster, pos, obj, true);
Пример #10
 public static void TriggerEffectsOnSelf(GameEffectCollection effects, DynamicObject caster)
     TriggerEffectsOnSelf(effects, caster, caster.transform.position);
Пример #11
 public static void TriggerEffectsOnSelf(GameEffectCollection effects, DynamicObject caster, Vector3 pos)
     TriggerEffectsOnObject(effects, caster, pos, caster);
Пример #12
 public abstract void OnEffectRemove(DynamicObject caster, DynamicObject obj, float magnitude, float duration);
Пример #13
 protected abstract void OnEffectUpdate(DynamicObject caster, DynamicObject obj, float deltaTime, float timeAdded, float currentTime, float magnitude, float duration, out bool removeEffect);
Пример #14
 protected abstract bool OnEffectStart(DynamicObject caster, DynamicObject obj, float magnitude, float duration);
Пример #15
 public void UpdateEffect(DynamicObject obj, float deltaTime, float currentTime, out bool removeEffect)
     effect.UpdateEffect(caster, obj, deltaTime, timeAdded, currentTime, magnitude, duration, out removeEffect);
 public override void OnEffectRemove(DynamicObject caster, DynamicObject obj, float magnitude, float duration)
Пример #17
 public void OnEffectRemove(DynamicObject obj)
     effect.OnEffectRemove(caster, obj, magnitude, duration);
Пример #18
        public static void TriggerEffects(GameEffectCollection effects, DynamicObject caster, Vector3 pos, DynamicObject obj, bool isCast, bool isFromRadiusRecast = false)
            ModifierEntryPoints casterEntryPoints = null;

            if (caster != null)
                casterEntryPoints = caster.GetObjectScript <ModifierEntryPoints>();

            EffectContext context = isCast ? effects.cast : effects.dispell;

            float radius = context.radius;

            if (!isFromRadiusRecast && radius > 0)
                if (casterEntryPoints != null)
                    radius = casterEntryPoints.ModifyValue("EffectRadius", radius, new Dictionary <string, object>()
                        { "Caster", caster }, { "EffectCollection", effects }

                RetriggerEffectsForArea(effects, caster, pos, radius, context.mask, context.checkLOSOnRadiusCast, isCast);

            if (obj == null)

            GameEffectsHandler targetEffectsHandler = obj.GetObjectScript <GameEffectsHandler>();

            if (targetEffectsHandler != null && targetEffectsHandler.IsAffectedBy(effects))

            Dictionary <string, object> epRunSubjects = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "Caster", caster }, { "AffectedObject", obj }, { "EffectCollection", effects }, { "Effect", null }
            Dictionary <string, object> runSubjects = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "Caster", caster }, { "AffectedObject", obj }

            List <GameEffect> effectsToHold = new List <GameEffect>();
            List <float>      magnitudes    = new List <float>();
            List <float>      durations     = new List <float>();

            for (int i = 0; i < context.effects.Length; i++)
                GameEffectItem effectItem = context.effects[i];
                GameEffect     effect     = effectItem.effect;

                if (effect.PlayerOnly() && !obj.isPlayer)

                bool needsToBeAdded = effect.AddToEffectsList();

                if (needsToBeAdded)
                    if (isCast)
                        if (targetEffectsHandler == null)
                            Debug.LogWarning("'" + obj.name + "' Doesnt have a GameEffectsHandler, and game effect '" + effect.name + " Needs To Be Kept In An Effect Handler List");
                        Debug.LogWarning("Game effect '" + effect.name + " Needs To Be Kept In An Effect Handler List, So It Cant Be Used As a Dispell Effect....");
                if (!effect.EffectValid(caster, obj))

                if (!Conditions.ConditionsMet(effectItem.conditions, runSubjects))
                if (!Conditions.ConditionsMet(effect.conditions, runSubjects))

                float magnitude = effectItem.magnitude;
                float duration  = effectItem.duration;
                if (casterEntryPoints != null)
                    epRunSubjects["Effect"] = effectItem.effect;
                    magnitude = casterEntryPoints.ModifyValue("EffectMagnitude", magnitude, epRunSubjects);
                    if (duration > 0)
                        duration = casterEntryPoints.ModifyValue("EffectDuration", duration, epRunSubjects);

                 *  TODO: figure out garbage created by create copy
                // if dispell we should already be out by now if needsToBeAdded...
                if (needsToBeAdded && effect.CreateCopy())
                    effect = Object.Instantiate(effect);

                // in case there was a problem with the effect start
                // return out before we add the effect possibly
                if (!effect.OnEffectStart(caster, obj, magnitude, duration))

                if (needsToBeAdded)

            if (effectsToHold.Count > 0)
                targetEffectsHandler.AddEffectsToList(effects, caster, effectsToHold, magnitudes, durations);

            // TODO: choose scheme for msg...
            if (obj.isPlayer)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.message))
                    UIEvents.ShowMessage(0, context.message, false, UIColorScheme.Normal, false);