private Texture2D GetTexture(Material mat, string name) { try { UnityTexEnv texEnv = mat.m_SavedProperties.GetTex(name); return texEnv.m_Texture.instance; } catch { return null; } }
public dynamic LoadComponent(Stream stream, int index, NotLoaded comp) { stream.Position = comp.offset; try { switch (comp.classID1) { case UnityClassID.AnimationClip: { AnimationClip animationClip = new AnimationClip(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, animationClip, comp); animationClip.LoadFrom(stream); return animationClip; } case UnityClassID.Animator: { Animator animator = new Animator(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, animator, comp); animator.LoadFrom(stream); return animator; } case UnityClassID.AnimatorController: { AnimatorController animatorController = new AnimatorController(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, animatorController, comp); animatorController.LoadFrom(stream); return animatorController; } case UnityClassID.AssetBundle: { AssetBundle assetBundle = new AssetBundle(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, assetBundle, comp); assetBundle.LoadFrom(stream); return assetBundle; } case UnityClassID.AudioClip: { if (loadingReferencials) { return comp; } AudioClip ac = new AudioClip(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, ac, comp); ac.LoadFrom(stream); return ac; } case UnityClassID.AudioListener: { AudioListener audioListener = new AudioListener(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, audioListener, comp); audioListener.LoadFrom(stream); return audioListener; } case UnityClassID.AudioSource: { AudioSource audioSrc = new AudioSource(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, audioSrc, comp); audioSrc.LoadFrom(stream); return audioSrc; } case UnityClassID.Avatar: { if (loadingReferencials) { return comp; } Avatar avatar = new Avatar(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, avatar, comp); avatar.LoadFrom(stream); return avatar; } case UnityClassID.BoxCollider: { BoxCollider boxCol = new BoxCollider(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, boxCol, comp); boxCol.LoadFrom(stream); return boxCol; } case UnityClassID.Camera: { Camera camera = new Camera(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, camera, comp); camera.LoadFrom(stream); return camera; } case UnityClassID.CapsuleCollider: { CapsuleCollider capsuleCol = new CapsuleCollider(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, capsuleCol, comp); capsuleCol.LoadFrom(stream); return capsuleCol; } case UnityClassID.Cubemap: { Cubemap cubemap = new Cubemap(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, cubemap, comp); cubemap.LoadFrom(stream); Parser.Textures.Add(cubemap); return cubemap; } case UnityClassID.EllipsoidParticleEmitter: { EllipsoidParticleEmitter ellipsoid = new EllipsoidParticleEmitter(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, ellipsoid, comp); ellipsoid.LoadFrom(stream); return ellipsoid; } case UnityClassID.FlareLayer: { FlareLayer flareLayer = new FlareLayer(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, flareLayer, comp); flareLayer.LoadFrom(stream); return flareLayer; } case UnityClassID.Light: { Light light = new Light(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, light, comp); light.LoadFrom(stream); return light; } case UnityClassID.LinkToGameObject: { LinkToGameObject link = new LinkToGameObject(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, link, comp); link.LoadFrom(stream); return link; } case UnityClassID.LinkToGameObject223: { LinkToGameObject223 link = new LinkToGameObject223(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, link, comp); link.LoadFrom(stream); return link; } case UnityClassID.LinkToGameObject225: { LinkToGameObject225 link = new LinkToGameObject225(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, link, comp); link.LoadFrom(stream); return link; } case UnityClassID.GameObject: { GameObject gameObj = new GameObject(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, gameObj, comp); gameObj.LoadFrom(stream); return gameObj; } case UnityClassID.Material: { Material mat = new Material(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, mat, comp); mat.LoadFrom(stream); return mat; } case UnityClassID.Mesh: { if (loadingReferencials) { return comp; } Mesh mesh = new Mesh(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, mesh, comp); mesh.LoadFrom(stream); return mesh; } case UnityClassID.MeshCollider: { MeshCollider meshCol = new MeshCollider(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, meshCol, comp); meshCol.LoadFrom(stream); return meshCol; } case UnityClassID.MeshFilter: { MeshFilter meshFilter = new MeshFilter(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, meshFilter, comp); meshFilter.LoadFrom(stream); return meshFilter; } case UnityClassID.MeshRenderer: { MeshRenderer meshRenderer = new MeshRenderer(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, meshRenderer, comp); meshRenderer.LoadFrom(stream); return meshRenderer; } default: if (comp.classID2 == UnityClassID.MonoBehaviour) { if (Types.Count > 0) { MonoBehaviour monoBehaviour = new MonoBehaviour(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, monoBehaviour, comp); monoBehaviour.LoadFrom(stream); return monoBehaviour; } else { string message = comp.classID2 + " unhandled because of absence of Types in Cabinet (*.assets)"; if (!reported.Contains(message)) { Report.ReportLog(message); reported.Add(message); } return comp; } } else { string message = "Unhandled class: " + comp.classID1 + "/" + comp.classID2; if (!reported.Contains(message)) { Report.ReportLog(message); reported.Add(message); } } break; case UnityClassID.MonoScript: { if (loadingReferencials) { return comp; } MonoScript monoScript = new MonoScript(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, monoScript, comp); monoScript.LoadFrom(stream); return monoScript; } case UnityClassID.MultiLink: { MultiLink multi = new MultiLink(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, multi, comp); multi.LoadFrom(stream); return multi; } case UnityClassID.ParticleAnimator: { ParticleAnimator particleAnimator = new ParticleAnimator(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, particleAnimator, comp); particleAnimator.LoadFrom(stream); return particleAnimator; } case UnityClassID.ParticleRenderer: { ParticleRenderer particleRenderer = new ParticleRenderer(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, particleRenderer, comp); particleRenderer.LoadFrom(stream); return particleRenderer; } case UnityClassID.ParticleSystem: { ParticleSystem particleSystem = new ParticleSystem(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, particleSystem, comp); particleSystem.LoadFrom(stream); return particleSystem; } case UnityClassID.ParticleSystemRenderer: { ParticleSystemRenderer particleSystemRenderer = new ParticleSystemRenderer(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, particleSystemRenderer, comp); particleSystemRenderer.LoadFrom(stream); return particleSystemRenderer; } case UnityClassID.Projector: { Projector projector = new Projector(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, projector, comp); projector.LoadFrom(stream); return projector; } case UnityClassID.Rigidbody: { RigidBody rigidBody = new RigidBody(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, rigidBody, comp); rigidBody.LoadFrom(stream); return rigidBody; } case UnityClassID.Shader: { Shader shader = new Shader(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, shader, comp); shader.LoadFrom(stream); return shader; } case UnityClassID.SkinnedMeshRenderer: { SkinnedMeshRenderer sMesh = new SkinnedMeshRenderer(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, sMesh, comp); sMesh.LoadFrom(stream); return sMesh; } case UnityClassID.SphereCollider: { SphereCollider sphereCol = new SphereCollider(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, sphereCol, comp); sphereCol.LoadFrom(stream); return sphereCol; } case UnityClassID.Sprite: { Sprite sprite = new Sprite(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, sprite, comp); sprite.LoadFrom(stream); return sprite; } case UnityClassID.SpriteRenderer: { SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer = new SpriteRenderer(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, spriteRenderer, comp); spriteRenderer.LoadFrom(stream); return spriteRenderer; } case UnityClassID.TextAsset: { if (loadingReferencials) { return comp; } TextAsset ta = new TextAsset(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, ta, comp); ta.LoadFrom(stream); return ta; } case UnityClassID.Texture2D: { if (loadingReferencials) { return comp; } Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, tex, comp); tex.LoadFrom(stream); Parser.Textures.Add(tex); return tex; } case UnityClassID.Transform: { Transform trans = new Transform(this, comp.pathID, comp.classID1, comp.classID2); ReplaceSubfile(index, trans, comp); trans.LoadFrom(stream); return trans; } } } catch { Report.ReportLog("Failed to load " + comp.classID1 + "/" + comp.classID2 + " PathID=" + comp.pathID); foreach (NotLoaded notLoaded in RemovedList) { if (notLoaded == comp) { RemovedList.Remove(notLoaded); Components.RemoveAt(index); notLoaded.replacement = null; Components.Insert(index, notLoaded); break; } } } return null; }
private Color4 GetColour(Material mat, string name) { try { return mat.m_SavedProperties.GetColour(name); } catch { return new Color4(Color.White); } }
private float GetFloat(Material mat, string name) { try { return mat.m_SavedProperties.GetFloat(name); } catch { return 1f; } }
public void CopyTo(Material dest, bool cloneTextures) { dest.m_Name = m_Name; if (dest.file == file || m_Shader.instance == null) { dest.m_Shader = m_Shader; } else { Shader shader = m_Shader.instance.Clone(dest.file); dest.m_Shader = new PPtr<Shader>(shader); } dest.m_ShaderKeywords = new List<string>(m_ShaderKeywords); dest.m_CustomRenderQueue = m_CustomRenderQueue; m_SavedProperties.CopyTo(dest, cloneTextures); }
public void CopyTo(Material dest, bool cloneTextures) { dest.m_SavedProperties.m_TexEnvs = new List<KeyValuePair<FastPropertyName, UnityTexEnv>>(m_TexEnvs.Count); foreach (var src in m_TexEnvs) { UnityTexEnv texEnv = new UnityTexEnv(dest.file); src.Value.CopyTo(texEnv, cloneTextures); dest.m_SavedProperties.m_TexEnvs.Add(new KeyValuePair<FastPropertyName, UnityTexEnv>(src.Key, texEnv)); } dest.m_SavedProperties.m_Floats = new List<KeyValuePair<FastPropertyName, float>>(m_Floats.Count); foreach (var src in m_Floats) { dest.m_SavedProperties.m_Floats.Add(src); } dest.m_SavedProperties.m_Colors = new List<KeyValuePair<FastPropertyName, Color4>>(m_Colors.Count); foreach (var src in m_Colors) { dest.m_SavedProperties.m_Colors.Add(src); } }
public static void ReplaceMaterial(Material mat, ImportedMaterial material) { if (mat == null) { throw new Exception("Replacing a material currently requires an existing material with the same name"); } for (int i = 0; i < mat.m_SavedProperties.m_Colors.Count; i++) { var col = mat.m_SavedProperties.m_Colors[i]; Color4 att; switch ( { case "_Color": att = material.Diffuse; break; case "_SColor": att = material.Ambient; break; case "_ReflectColor": att = material.Emissive; break; case "_SpecColor": att = material.Specular; break; case "_RimColor": case "_OutlineColor": case "_ShadowColor": default: continue; } mat.m_SavedProperties.m_Colors.RemoveAt(i); col = new KeyValuePair<FastPropertyName, Color4>(col.Key, att); mat.m_SavedProperties.m_Colors.Insert(i, col); } for (int i = 0; i < mat.m_SavedProperties.m_Floats.Count; i++) { var flt = mat.m_SavedProperties.m_Floats[i]; float att; switch ( { case "_Shininess": att = material.Power; break; case "_RimPower": case "_Outline": default: continue; } mat.m_SavedProperties.m_Floats.RemoveAt(i); flt = new KeyValuePair<FastPropertyName, float>(flt.Key, att); mat.m_SavedProperties.m_Floats.Insert(i, flt); } for (int i = 0; i < material.Textures.Length && i < mat.m_SavedProperties.m_TexEnvs.Count; i++) { try { Texture2D tex = null; if (material.Textures[i] != string.Empty) { tex = mat.file.Parser.GetTexture(material.Textures[i]); } if (mat.m_SavedProperties.m_TexEnvs[i].Value.m_Texture.asset != tex) { mat.m_SavedProperties.m_TexEnvs[i].Value.m_Texture = new PPtr<Texture2D>(tex); } } catch (Exception e) { Report.ReportLog(e.ToString()); } } }
public Material Clone(AssetCabinet file, bool cloneTextures) { Component mat = file.Bundle != null ? file.Bundle.FindComponent(m_Name, UnityClassID.Material) : null; if (mat == null) { file.MergeTypeDefinition(this.file, UnityClassID.Material); mat = new Material(file); if (file.Bundle != null) { file.Bundle.AddComponent(m_Name, mat); } CopyTo((Material)mat, cloneTextures); } else if (mat is NotLoaded) { NotLoaded notLoaded = (NotLoaded)mat; if (notLoaded.replacement != null) { mat = notLoaded.replacement; } else { mat = file.LoadComponent(file.SourceStream, notLoaded); } } return (Material)mat; }
public void MergeMaterial(Material mat) { Material oldMat = Operations.FindMaterial(Materials, mat.m_Name); if (oldMat != null) { if (oldMat == mat) { return; } mat.CopyTo(oldMat, false); if (Parser.file.Bundle != null) { Parser.file.Bundle.RegisterForUpdate(oldMat); } } else { Material newMat; Component m = Parser.file.Bundle != null ? Parser.file.Bundle.FindComponent(mat.m_Name, UnityClassID.Material) : null; if (m == null) { newMat = mat.Clone(Parser.file, false); } else { if (m is NotLoaded) { NotLoaded notLoaded = (NotLoaded)m; if (notLoaded.replacement != null) { m = (Material)notLoaded.replacement; } else { m = Parser.file.LoadComponent(notLoaded.pathID); } } oldMat = (Material)m; mat.CopyTo(oldMat, false); if (Parser.file.Bundle != null) { Parser.file.Bundle.RegisterForUpdate(oldMat); } newMat = oldMat; } if (!Materials.Contains(newMat)) { Materials.Add(newMat); } } Changed = true; }
private void AddMaterialToEditor(Material mat) { Materials.Add(mat); if (mat.m_Shader.asset is NotLoaded) { Shader shader = (Shader)((NotLoaded)mat.m_Shader.asset).replacement; if (shader == null) { shader = Parser.file.LoadComponent(Parser.file.SourceStream, (NotLoaded)mat.m_Shader.asset); } mat.m_Shader = new PPtr<Shader>(shader); } foreach (var pair in mat.m_SavedProperties.m_TexEnvs) { if (pair.Value.m_Texture.asset is NotLoaded) { Texture2D loadedTex = (Texture2D)((NotLoaded)pair.Value.m_Texture.asset).replacement; if (loadedTex == null) { loadedTex = Parser.file.LoadComponent(Parser.file.SourceStream, (NotLoaded)pair.Value.m_Texture.asset); } pair.Value.m_Texture = new PPtr<Texture2D>(loadedTex); } Texture2D tex = pair.Value.m_Texture.instance; if (tex != null && !Textures.Contains(tex)) { Textures.Add(tex); } } }
private void Export(string dest, Material mat, Texture2D tex) { DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(dest)); if (!dir.Exists) { dir.Create(); } usedTextures = new List<Texture2D>(1); using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(dest, false)) { writer.WriteLine("Metasequoia Document"); writer.WriteLine("Format Text Ver 1.0"); writer.WriteLine(); if (mat != null) { writer.WriteLine("Material 1 {"); string s = "\t\"" + mat.m_Name + "\" vcol(1) col(0.800 0.800 0.800 1.000) dif(0.500) amb(0.100) emi(0.500) spc(0.100) power(30.00)"; if (tex != null) { string extension = tex.m_TextureFormat == TextureFormat.DXT1 || tex.m_TextureFormat == TextureFormat.DXT5 ? ".dds" : ".tga"; s += " tex(\"" + tex.m_Name + extension + "\")"; usedTextures.Add(tex); } writer.WriteLine(s); writer.WriteLine("}"); } Mesh mesh = Operations.GetMesh(morphObj); Random rand = new Random(); int vertListIdx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mesh.m_Shapes.shapes.Count; i++) { float[] color = new float[3]; for (int k = 0; k < color.Length; k++) { color[k] = (float)((rand.NextDouble() / 2) + 0.5); } writer.WriteLine("Object \"" + mesh.m_Shapes.channels[i].name + "\" {"); writer.WriteLine("\tvisible 0"); writer.WriteLine("\tshading 1"); writer.WriteLine("\tcolor " + color[0].ToFloatString() + " " + color[1].ToFloatString() + " " + color[2].ToFloatString()); writer.WriteLine("\tcolor_type 1"); SB3Utility.Mqo.ExporterCommon.WriteMeshObject(writer, vertLists[vertListIdx++], faceList, mat != null ? 0 : -1, colorLists[i]); writer.WriteLine("}"); } writer.WriteLine("Eof"); } }
private void ConvertMaterial(Material mat) { ImportedMaterial iMat = ImportedHelpers.FindMaterial(mat.m_Name, MaterialList); if (iMat != null) { return; } iMat = new ImportedMaterial(); iMat.Name = mat.m_Name; foreach (var col in mat.m_SavedProperties.m_Colors) { switch ( { case "_Color": iMat.Diffuse = col.Value; break; case "_SColor": iMat.Ambient = col.Value; break; case "_ReflectColor": iMat.Emissive = col.Value; break; case "_SpecColor": iMat.Specular = col.Value; break; case "_RimColor": case "_OutlineColor": case "_ShadowColor": break; } } foreach (var flt in mat.m_SavedProperties.m_Floats) { switch ( { case "_Shininess": iMat.Power = flt.Value; break; case "_RimPower": case "_Outline": break; } } iMat.Textures = new string[4]; int numTex = mat.m_SavedProperties.m_TexEnvs.Count > 4 ? 4 : mat.m_SavedProperties.m_TexEnvs.Count; for (int i = 0; i < numTex; i++) { var tex = mat.m_SavedProperties.m_TexEnvs[i]; Texture2D tex2D = tex.Value.m_Texture.instance; if (tex2D != null) { iMat.Textures[i] = tex2D.m_Name + "-" + tex2D.m_TextureFormat + (tex2D.m_TextureFormat == TextureFormat.DXT1 || tex2D.m_TextureFormat == TextureFormat.DXT5 ? ".dds" : ".tga"); ConvertTexture2D(tex2D, iMat.Textures[i]); } } MaterialList.Add(iMat); }
public void PasteAllMarked() { int components = Parser.Cabinet.Components.Count; try { Parser.Cabinet.BeginLoadingSkippedComponents(); foreach (object obj in Gui.Scripting.Variables.Values) { if (obj is Unity3dEditor && (Unity3dEditor)obj != this) { Unity3dEditor editor = (Unity3dEditor)obj; HashSet <Component> remove = new HashSet <Component>(); HashSet <Component> replace = new HashSet <Component>(); foreach (Component asset in editor.Marked) { Component loaded; if (asset is NotLoaded) { loaded = editor.Parser.Cabinet.LoadComponent(asset.pathID); remove.Add(asset); replace.Add(loaded); } else { loaded = asset; } switch (asset.classID2) { case UnityClassID.Texture2D: Texture2D tex = (Texture2D)loaded; tex.Clone(Parser.Cabinet); break; case UnityClassID.Cubemap: Cubemap cubemap = (Cubemap)loaded; cubemap.Clone(Parser.Cabinet); break; case UnityClassID.Material: Material mat = (Material)loaded; mat.Clone(Parser.Cabinet); break; case UnityClassID.Mesh: Mesh mesh = (Mesh)loaded; mesh.Clone(Parser.Cabinet); break; case UnityClassID.Shader: Shader shader = (Shader)loaded; shader.Clone(Parser.Cabinet); break; case UnityClassID.Sprite: Sprite sprite = (Sprite)loaded; sprite.Clone(Parser.Cabinet); break; case UnityClassID.Animator: Parser.Cabinet.MergeTypeDefinition(loaded.file, UnityClassID.GameObject); Parser.Cabinet.MergeTypeDefinition(loaded.file, UnityClassID.Transform); Animator anim = (Animator)loaded; anim.m_GameObject.instance.Clone(Parser.Cabinet); break; case UnityClassID.GameObject: Parser.Cabinet.MergeTypeDefinition(loaded.file, UnityClassID.GameObject); Parser.Cabinet.MergeTypeDefinition(loaded.file, UnityClassID.Transform); GameObject gameObj = (GameObject)loaded; Component clone = gameObj.Clone(Parser.Cabinet); Animator vAnim = new Animator(Parser.Cabinet, 0, 0, 0); vAnim.m_Avatar = new PPtr <Avatar>((Component)null); vAnim.m_GameObject = new PPtr <GameObject>(clone); if (loaded.file.Bundle.numContainerEntries(gameObj.m_Name, UnityClassID.GameObject) > 1) { Report.ReportLog("Warning! Animator " + gameObj.m_Name + " has multiple entries in the AssetBundle's Container."); } vAnim.file.Bundle.AddComponent(vAnim.m_GameObject.instance.m_Name, clone); VirtualAnimators.Add(vAnim); if (loaded != asset) { foreach (Animator a in editor.VirtualAnimators) { if (a.m_GameObject.asset == asset) { a.m_GameObject = new PPtr <GameObject>(loaded); break; } } } break; case UnityClassID.Avatar: Avatar avatar = (Avatar)loaded; avatar.Clone(Parser.Cabinet); break; case UnityClassID.MonoBehaviour: MonoBehaviour monoB = (MonoBehaviour)loaded; monoB.Clone(Parser.Cabinet); break; case UnityClassID.TextAsset: TextAsset text = (TextAsset)loaded; text.Clone(Parser.Cabinet); break; case UnityClassID.AnimationClip: AnimationClip clip = (AnimationClip)loaded; clip.Clone(Parser.Cabinet); break; } } do { HashSet <Tuple <Component, Component> > loopSet = new HashSet <Tuple <Component, Component> >(AssetCabinet.IncompleteClones); AssetCabinet.IncompleteClones.Clear(); foreach (var pair in loopSet) { Component src = pair.Item1; Component dest = pair.Item2; Type t = src.GetType(); MethodInfo info = t.GetMethod("CopyTo", new Type[] { t }); info.Invoke(src, new object[] { dest }); } }while (AssetCabinet.IncompleteClones.Count > 0); foreach (Component asset in remove) { editor.Marked.Remove(asset); } foreach (Component asset in replace) { editor.Marked.Add(asset); } } } } finally { Parser.Cabinet.EndLoadingSkippedComponents(); if (components != Parser.Cabinet.Components.Count) { Changed = true; } } }