Represents a Sprite object for use in 2D gameplay.
public Button(DisplayObject upState, string text ="", DisplayObject downState=null, TextFormat format=null) { //if (upState == null) throw new ErrorEvent("Texture cannot be null"); mParent = upState.parent; mUpState = upState; mDownState = downState != null ? downState : upState; mBackground = upState; mTextFormat = format; mScaleWhenDown = 0.9f; mAlphaWhenDisabled = 0.5f; mEnabled = true; mIsDown = false; mUseHandCursor = true; mTextBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, upState.width, upState.height); mContents = new Sprite(); mContents.addChild(mBackground); addChild(mContents); //addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH, onTouch); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown); if (text.Length > 0) this.text = text; this.x = upState.x; this.y = upState.y; upState.x = upState.y = 0; if(mParent != null) (mParent as MovieClip).addChild(this); }
public void GenerateBall(int number, Vector3 position, Sprite mySprite){ text = transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Text>(); GetComponent<Image>().sprite = mySprite; GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = position; ballNumber = number; text.text = number.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// 주어진 정보를 이용하여 BackgroundScript 인스턴스를 초기화합니다. /// </summary> /// <param name="spriteToUse">사용할 Sprite 파일을 가리킵니다.</param> /// <param name="isWrappingUI">이 스크립트가 현재 UI를 덮어서 적용되는 것인지 결정합니다.</param> public BackgroundScript(Sprite spriteToUse, bool isWrappingUI) { base.ScriptCode = (int)ScriptTypeCode.BackgroundScript; base.IsStepScript = false; this.BackgroundSprite = spriteToUse; this.IsWrappingUI = isWrappingUI; }
public Notification(string text) { this.Text = text; var tex = Resources.Load(GameJolt.API.Constants.DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_ASSET_PATH) as Texture2D; this.Image = Sprite.Create(tex, new Rect(0, 0, tex.width, tex.height), new Vector2(.5f, .5f), tex.width); }
private void CreateSprite(Color pointColor) { Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(1, 1, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); tex.SetPixel(0, 0, new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); tex.SetPixel(0, 0, pointColor); _sprite = Sprite.Create(tex, new Rect(,, * 0.5f); }
public Text txtName; //Used to Store and Display Name from the server #endregion Fields #region Methods public void AssignValues(string fId, string picUrl, string txtName, Sprite imgPic) { this.fId = fId; this.picUrl = picUrl; this.txtName.text = txtName; this.imgPic.sprite = imgPic; }
/// <summary> /// 在x,y(UV)点绘制一个精灵,无论这个精灵是单独的还是多重组合的. /// </summary> /// <param name="x"></param> /// <param name="y"></param> /// <param name="sprite"></param> public static void DrawSprite(float x, float y, Sprite sprite) { Texture t = sprite.texture; Rect tr = sprite.rect; Rect r = new Rect(tr.x / t.width, tr.y / t.height, tr.width / t.width, tr.height / t.height); GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(new Rect(x, y, tr.width, tr.height), t, r); }
private Texture2D CreateTexture(Sprite sprite) { if (!sprite) { return null; } Texture2D texture = null; try { texture = SetupTexture(sprite); } catch { string path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(sprite); TextureImporter importer = (TextureImporter)AssetImporter.GetAtPath(path); importer.isReadable = true; AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(path); try { texture = SetupTexture(sprite); } catch { Debug.LogError("Texture error!"); } } return texture; }
/// <summary> /// エディタ上に保存してあるデータをロード /// </summary> void Load() { gameScreenWidth = UtageEditorPrefs.LoadInt(UtageEditorPrefs.Key.GameScreenWidth, 800); gameScreenHeight = UtageEditorPrefs.LoadInt(UtageEditorPrefs.Key.GameScreenHegiht, 600); font = UtageEditorPrefs.LoadAsset<FontData>(UtageEditorPrefs.Key.CreateAdvEngineWindowFont, "Assets/Utage/Examples/ScriptableObject/Example FontData.asset"); clickSe = UtageEditorPrefs.LoadAsset<AudioClip>(UtageEditorPrefs.Key.CreateAdvEngineWindowClickSe, "Assets/Utage/Examples/Audio/mouse_click.wav"); transitionFadeBg = UtageEditorPrefs.LoadAsset<Sprite>(UtageEditorPrefs.Key.CreateAdvEngineWindowTransitionFadeBg, "Assets/Utage/Examples/Textures/UI/transitionFadeBg.png"); msgWindowSprite = UtageEditorPrefs.LoadAsset<Sprite>(UtageEditorPrefs.Key.CreateAdvEngineWindowMsgWindowSprite, "Assets/Utage/Examples/Textures/UI/MessageWindow.png"); isEnableCloseButton = UtageEditorPrefs.LoadBool(UtageEditorPrefs.Key.CreateAdvEngineWindowIsEnableCloseButton, true); closeButtonSprite = UtageEditorPrefs.LoadAsset<Sprite>(UtageEditorPrefs.Key.CreateAdvEngineWindowCloseButtonSprite, "Assets/Utage/Examples/Textures/UI/CloseIcon.png"); selectionItemPrefab = UtageEditorPrefs.LoadPrefab<AdvUiSelection>(UtageEditorPrefs.Key.CreateAdvEngineWindowSelectionItemPrefab, "Assets/Utage/Examples/Prefabs/SelectionItem.prefab"); isEnableBackLog = UtageEditorPrefs.LoadBool(UtageEditorPrefs.Key.CreateAdvEngineWindowIsEnableCloseButton,true); backLogButtonSprite = UtageEditorPrefs.LoadAsset<Sprite>(UtageEditorPrefs.Key.CreateAdvEngineWindowBackLogButtonSprite, "Assets/Utage/Examples/Textures/UI/SystemButtonSS.png"); backLogFilterSprite = UtageEditorPrefs.LoadAsset<Sprite>(UtageEditorPrefs.Key.CreateAdvEngineWindowBackLogFilterSprite, "Assets/Utage/Examples/Textures/UI/filterBg.png"); backLogScrollUpArrow = UtageEditorPrefs.LoadAsset<Sprite>(UtageEditorPrefs.Key.CreateAdvEngineWindowBackLogScrollUpArrow, "Assets/Utage/Examples/Textures/UI/AllowUp.png"); backLogItemPrefab = UtageEditorPrefs.LoadPrefab<AdvUiBacklog>(UtageEditorPrefs.Key.CreateAdvEngineWindowBackLogItemPrefab, "Assets/Utage/Examples/Prefabs/BacklogItem.prefab"); backLogCloseButtonSprite = UtageEditorPrefs.LoadAsset<Sprite>(UtageEditorPrefs.Key.CreateAdvEngineWindowBackLogCloseButtonSprite, "Assets/Utage/Examples/Textures/UI/SystemButtonSS.png"); }
public override void Validate(Object item) { base.Validate(item); if (item == null) { if (this.tempSprite != null) { item = this.tempSprite; } if (item == null) return; } this.tempSprite = item as Sprite; if (this.tempSprite != null) { var imp = UnityEditor.TextureImporter.GetAtPath(this.assetPath) as UnityEditor.TextureImporter; this.multiObjects = false; if (imp.spriteImportMode == UnityEditor.SpriteImportMode.Multiple) { var allObjects = Resources.LoadAll(this.resourcesPath); this.multiObjects = true; this.objectIndex = System.Array.IndexOf(allObjects, item); } } }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { board = new Logic.Board(); board.CreateAnimals(); boardSprite = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite; }
public override void Reset() { base.Reset(); this.tempSprite = null; }
public override void Reset() { gameObject = null; resetOnExit = false; spriteToSwap = new Sprite(); }
public static SpriteMesh CreateSpriteMesh(Sprite sprite) { SpriteMesh spriteMesh = SpriteMeshPostprocessor.GetSpriteMeshFromSprite(sprite); SpriteMeshData spriteMeshData = null; if(!spriteMesh && sprite) { string spritePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(sprite); string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(spritePath); string assetPath = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(directory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + + ".asset"); spriteMesh = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<SpriteMesh>(); InitFromSprite(spriteMesh,sprite); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(spriteMesh,assetPath); spriteMeshData = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<SpriteMeshData>(); = + "_Data"; spriteMeshData.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy; InitFromSprite(spriteMeshData,sprite); AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset(spriteMeshData,assetPath); UpdateAssets(spriteMesh,spriteMeshData); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(assetPath); Selection.activeObject = spriteMesh; } return spriteMesh; }
private void LoadExternalCoroutine(string name, UIImage image) { string url = "file://" + GameManager.Instance.mainGame.ExternalResourcePath + "/" + name + ".jpg"; Debug.Log(name); WWW www = new WWW(url); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { www.LoadImageIntoTexture(loaderTexture); Sprite sprite = Sprite.Create(loaderTexture, new Rect(0, 0, loaderTexture.width, loaderTexture.height), // new Rect(0, 0, www.texture.width, www.texture.height), //->this eat up memory!! new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), 100.0f); Sprite[] sprites = new Sprite[1]; sprites[0] = sprite; image.SetSprites(sprites); image.Sprite = 0; DestroyImmediate(www.texture); } else { Debug.LogWarning(www.error); image.SetSprites(UIManager.LoadSprite(name)); image.Sprite = 0; } www.Dispose(); www = null; }
public void Awake() { Instance = this; // Set up persistent stuff if (uiAtlas == null) { uiAtlas = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("ContractConfigurator/ui/MissionControl", false); itemEnabled = UnityEngine.Sprite.Create(uiAtlas, new Rect(101, 205, 26, 50), new Vector2(13, 25), 100.0f, 0, SpriteMeshType.Tight, new Vector4(16, 6, 6, 6)); itemDisabled = UnityEngine.Sprite.Create(uiAtlas, new Rect(101, 153, 26, 50), new Vector2(13, 25), 100.0f, 0, SpriteMeshType.Tight, new Vector4(16, 6, 6, 6)); prestigeSprites[0] = UnityEngine.Sprite.Create(uiAtlas, new Rect(58, 223, 35, 11), new Vector2(17.5f, 5.5f)); prestigeSprites[1] = UnityEngine.Sprite.Create(uiAtlas, new Rect(58, 234, 35, 11), new Vector2(17.5f, 5.5f)); prestigeSprites[2] = UnityEngine.Sprite.Create(uiAtlas, new Rect(58, 245, 35, 11), new Vector2(17.5f, 5.5f)); // Set up item status image state array itemStatusStates[0] = new UIStateImage.ImageState(); itemStatusStates[1] = new UIStateImage.ImageState(); itemStatusStates[2] = new UIStateImage.ImageState(); itemStatusStates[3] = new UIStateImage.ImageState(); itemStatusStates[0].name = "Offered"; itemStatusStates[1].name = "Active"; itemStatusStates[2].name = "Completed"; itemStatusStates[3].name = "Unavailable"; itemStatusStates[0].sprite = UnityEngine.Sprite.Create(uiAtlas, new Rect(118, 20, 1, 1), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)); itemStatusStates[1].sprite = UnityEngine.Sprite.Create(uiAtlas, new Rect(118, 20, 10, 10), new Vector2(5f, 5f)); itemStatusStates[2].sprite = UnityEngine.Sprite.Create(uiAtlas, new Rect(118, 10, 10, 10), new Vector2(5f, 5f)); itemStatusStates[3].sprite = UnityEngine.Sprite.Create(uiAtlas, new Rect(118, 0, 10, 10), new Vector2(5f, 5f)); // Set up group status image state array groupExpandedActive = UnityEngine.Sprite.Create(uiAtlas, new Rect(0, 156, 97, 52), new Vector2(78f, 25f), 100.0f, 0, SpriteMeshType.Tight, new Vector4(81, 6, 6, 6)); groupExpandedInactive = UnityEngine.Sprite.Create(uiAtlas, new Rect(0, 104, 97, 52), new Vector2(78f, 25f), 100.0f, 0, SpriteMeshType.Tight, new Vector4(81, 6, 6, 6)); groupUnexpandedActive = UnityEngine.Sprite.Create(uiAtlas, new Rect(0, 52, 97, 52), new Vector2(78f, 25f), 100.0f, 0, SpriteMeshType.Tight, new Vector4(81, 6, 6, 6)); groupUnexpandedInactive = UnityEngine.Sprite.Create(uiAtlas, new Rect(0, 0, 97, 52), new Vector2(78f, 25f), 100.0f, 0, SpriteMeshType.Tight, new Vector4(81, 6, 6, 6)); } }
public void DownloadImage(Action<bool> callback = null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ImageURL)) { Misc.DownloadImage(ImageURL, (Sprite image) => { if (image != null) { Image = image; } else { var tex = Resources.Load(GameJolt.API.Constants.DEFAULT_TROPHY_ASSET_PATH) as Texture2D; Image = Sprite.Create(tex, new Rect(0, 0, tex.width, tex.height), new Vector2(.5f, .5f), tex.width); } if (callback != null) { callback(image != null); } }); } else { if (callback != null) { callback(false); } } }
/** * Sets the image sprite */ public void SetImage(Sprite sprite) { if(this.image != null) { this.image.sprite = sprite; } }
/* Action (string actionName, Sprite actionSprite, ActionType actionType) { Name = actionName; Sprite = actionSprite; Type = actionType; Enabled = true; }*/ public void setAction(string actionName, Sprite actionSprite, ActionType actionType) { Name = actionName; Sprite = actionSprite; Type = actionType; Enabled = true; }
/// <summary> /// Open the MessageBox /// </summary> /// <param name="title">Title.</param> /// <param name="text">Text.</param> /// <param name="icon">Icon.</param> /// <param name="result">Result.</param> /// <param name="buttons">Buttons.</param> public virtual void Open(string title, string text, Sprite icon, UnityAction<string> result, params string[] buttons) { for (int i=0; i<buttonCache.Count; i++) { buttonCache[i].gameObject.SetActive(false); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (title)) { this.title.text = title; this.title.gameObject.SetActive (true); } else { this.title.gameObject.SetActive(false); } this.text.text = text; if(icon != null){ this.icon.sprite = icon; this.icon.transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(true); }else{ this.icon.transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(false); } button.gameObject.SetActive (false); for (int i=0; i<buttons.Length; i++) { string caption=buttons[i]; AddButton(caption).onClick.AddListener(delegate() { result.Invoke(caption); Close(); }); } base.Open (); }
public ISQuality() { _name = ""; _icon = new Sprite(); GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0; }
public void ShowSystemMessage(string messageText, Sprite messageImage) { Show(); systemMessageText.text = messageText; systemMessageImage.sprite = messageImage; currentTimer += systemMessageTimer; }
public void addSprite(string path, Sprite sprite) { SerialObject obj = new SerialObject(); obj.m_sprite = sprite; obj.m_path = path; m_objList.Add(obj); }
public ComboBoxItem(string caption, Sprite image, bool disabled, Action onSelect) { _caption = caption; _image = image; _isDisabled = disabled; OnSelect = onSelect; }
public BlueprintObject(string name, Sprite sprite, float x_location, float y_location) { = name; this.sprite = sprite; x = x_location; y = y_location; }
public DebugVisualVoxel(Vector3 pos, double elementSize) { size = (float)elementSize; size *= 0.5f; gameObject = new GameObject(); gameObject.transform.position = pos; gameObject.transform.localScale = * size; if(sprite == null) { sprite = UnityEngine.Sprite.Create(GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("FerramAerospaceResearch/Textures/sprite_debug_voxel", false), new Rect(0, 0, 16, 16), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), 4); } /*if (mesh == null) { Points = new List<Vector3>(); Points.Add(new Vector3(-size, size, -size)); Points.Add(new Vector3(size, size, -size)); Points.Add(new Vector3(size, -size, -size)); Points.Add(new Vector3(-size, -size, -size)); Points.Add(new Vector3(size, size, size)); Points.Add(new Vector3(-size, size, size)); Points.Add(new Vector3(-size, -size, size)); Points.Add(new Vector3(size, -size, size)); Verts = new List<Vector3>(); Tris = new List<int>(); UVs = new List<Vector2>(); }*/ InitVoxel(); }
public static pb_GUIStyle Create( Color color, Color? normalColor = null, Color? highlightedColor = null, Color? pressedColor = null, Color? disabledColor = null, Texture2D image = null, Sprite sprite = null, Font font = null, Color? fontColor = null) { pb_GUIStyle style = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<pb_GUIStyle>(); style.color = color; style.image = image; style.sprite = sprite; style.font = font; if(normalColor != null) style.normalColor = (Color) normalColor; if(highlightedColor != null) style.highlightedColor = (Color) highlightedColor; if(pressedColor != null) style.pressedColor = (Color) pressedColor; if(disabledColor != null) style.disabledColor = (Color) disabledColor; if(fontColor != null) style.fontColor = (Color) fontColor; return style; }
// Draw the specified Image. public static void DrawSprite(Sprite sprite, Rect drawArea, Color color) { if (sprite == null) return; Texture2D tex = sprite.texture; if (tex == null) return; Rect outer = sprite.rect; Rect inner = outer; inner.xMin += sprite.border.x; inner.yMin += sprite.border.y; inner.xMax -= sprite.border.z; inner.yMax -= sprite.border.w; Vector4 uv4 = UnityEngine.Sprites.DataUtility.GetOuterUV(sprite); Rect uv = new Rect(uv4.x, uv4.y, uv4.z - uv4.x, uv4.w - uv4.y); Vector4 padding = UnityEngine.Sprites.DataUtility.GetPadding(sprite); padding.x /= outer.width; padding.y /= outer.height; padding.z /= outer.width; padding.w /= outer.height; DrawSprite(tex, drawArea, padding, outer, inner, uv, color, null); }
private void CreateMoochiSpots() { var d = Sprite.Create(LevelTex, new Rect(DifferenceRect.x, DifferenceRect.y, DifferenceRect.width, DifferenceRect.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), 128); var dTex = d.Crop(); Debug.Log("Fake: " + dTex.width + " " + dTex.height); for (var y = 0; y < dTex.height; ++y) { for (var x = 0; x < dTex.width ; ++x) { var c = dTex.GetPixel(x, y); if (c.r < 0.9f || c.g > 0.1f || c.b > 0.1f || c.a < 1f) continue; var bounds = FloodFill.floodFill(dTex,, new Vector2(x, y)); if (!bounds.Equals(new Rect())) SpotFrames.Add(bounds); } } Debug.Log(SpotFrames.Count); dTex.Apply(); spriteTex = dTex; sprite = Sprite.Create(dTex, new Rect(0, 0, dTex.width, dTex.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f),128); if (ShowDifferences) Replace.sprite = sprite; }
public void AddWeapon(string name, int atk, Sprite sprite) { Name = name; Atk = atk; SpriteWeapon = sprite; _listWeapons.Add (this); }
/// <summary> /// Convenience function that changes the sprite. /// </summary> protected void SetSprite(UnityEngine.Sprite sp) { if (sp != null && mSprite2D != null && mSprite2D.sprite2D != sp) { mSprite2D.sprite2D = sp; if (pixelSnap) { mSprite2D.MakePixelPerfect(); } } }
public override void UpdateProperties() { base.UpdateProperties(); spriteRender = (SpriteRenderer)GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); sprite = spriteRender.sprite; var rect = sprite.rect; width = rect.width; height = rect.height; textureName =; textureOffset = sprite.textureRectOffset; }
static public int constructor(IntPtr l) { try { UnityEngine.Sprite o; o = new UnityEngine.Sprite(); pushValue(l, o); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int GetPhysicsShapeCount(IntPtr l) { try { UnityEngine.Sprite self = (UnityEngine.Sprite)checkSelf(l); var ret = self.GetPhysicsShapeCount(); pushValue(l, ret); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int get_border(IntPtr l) { try { UnityEngine.Sprite self = (UnityEngine.Sprite)checkSelf(l); pushValue(l, true); pushValue(l, self.border); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int get_packingRotation(IntPtr l) { try { UnityEngine.Sprite self = (UnityEngine.Sprite)checkSelf(l); pushValue(l, true); pushEnum(l, (int)self.packingRotation); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int get_textureRectOffset(IntPtr l) { try { UnityEngine.Sprite self = (UnityEngine.Sprite)checkSelf(l); pushValue(l, true); pushValue(l, self.textureRectOffset); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int get_associatedAlphaSplitTexture(IntPtr l) { try { UnityEngine.Sprite self = (UnityEngine.Sprite)checkSelf(l); pushValue(l, true); pushValue(l, self.associatedAlphaSplitTexture); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int get_packingRotation(IntPtr l) { try { UnityEngine.Sprite self = (UnityEngine.Sprite)checkSelf(l); pushEnum(l, (int)self.packingRotation); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { LuaDLL.luaL_error(l, e.ToString()); return(0); } }
static public int get_border(IntPtr l) { try { UnityEngine.Sprite self = (UnityEngine.Sprite)checkSelf(l); pushValue(l, self.border); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { LuaDLL.luaL_error(l, e.ToString()); return(0); } }
public SNProjectile(float projSpeed, float projSize, Sprite projSprite, SpellNode timeoutSpell = null, float timeoutTime = 0, SpellNode contactSpell = null, SpellNode trailSpell = null, float trailDelay = 0) : base(timeoutSpell, timeoutTime) { this.projSpeed = projSpeed; this.projSize = projSize; this.projSprite = projSprite; this.contactSpell = contactSpell; this.trailSpell = trailSpell; this.trailDelay = trailDelay; }
/// <summary> /// Update the sprite in case it was animated. /// </summary> public override void Update() { if (nextSprite != null) { if (nextSprite != mSprite) { sprite2D = nextSprite; } nextSprite = null; } base.Update(); }
protected override void Awake() { _image = GetComponent <Image>(); _tabs = GetComponentInParent <TabControl>(); if (_active == null) { _active = spriteState.highlightedSprite; } onClick.AddListener(OnClick); }
/// <summary> /// Update the sprite in case it was animated. /// </summary> protected override void OnUpdate() { if (nextSprite != null) { if (nextSprite != mSprite) { sprite2D = nextSprite; } nextSprite = null; } base.OnUpdate(); }
static public int constructor(IntPtr l) { LuaDLL.lua_remove(l, 1); UnityEngine.Sprite o; if (matchType(l, 1)) { o = new UnityEngine.Sprite(); pushObject(l, o); return(1); } LuaDLL.luaL_error(l, "New object failed."); return(0); }
static public int constructor(IntPtr l) { try { UnityEngine.Sprite o; o = new UnityEngine.Sprite(); pushValue(l, o); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { LuaDLL.luaL_error(l, e.ToString()); return(0); } }
static public int OverridePhysicsShape(IntPtr l) { try { UnityEngine.Sprite self = (UnityEngine.Sprite)checkSelf(l); System.Collections.Generic.IList <UnityEngine.Vector2[]> a1; checkType(l, 2, out a1); self.OverridePhysicsShape(a1); return(0); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
void Start() { rOnes = GameObject.Find("EnhancedTextHandler/Ones").GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); rTens = GameObject.Find("EnhancedTextHandler/Tens").GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); rHuns = GameObject.Find("EnhancedTextHandler/Hundreds").GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); rOnes.transform.position = new Vector3(rOnes.transform.localScale.x * 2.1f, Camera.main.orthographicSize - (rOnes.transform.localScale.y * 2), 0); rTens.transform.position = new Vector3(0, Camera.main.orthographicSize - (rOnes.transform.localScale.y * 2), 0); rHuns.transform.position = new Vector3(-rOnes.transform.localScale.x * 2.1f, Camera.main.orthographicSize - (rOnes.transform.localScale.y * 2), 0); ones = Resources.Load <UnityEngine.Sprite> ("Pong/Numbers/1black"); initStrings("white"); }
static void Sprite_uv(JSVCall vc) { UnityEngine.Sprite _this = (UnityEngine.Sprite)vc.csObj; var result = _this.uv; var arrRet = result; for (int i = 0; arrRet != null && i < arrRet.Length; i++) { JSApi.setVector2S((int)JSApi.SetType.SaveAndTempTrace, arrRet[i]); JSApi.moveSaveID2Arr(i); } JSApi.setArrayS((int)JSApi.SetType.Rval, (arrRet != null ? arrRet.Length : 0), true); }
/** * <summary>Links the UI GameObjects to the class, based on the supplied uiButtonID.</summary> * <param name = "canvas">The Canvas that contains the UI GameObjects</param> * <param name = "linkUIGraphic">What Image component the Element's Graphics should be linked to (ImageComponent, ButtonTargetGraphic)</param> * <param name = "emptySlotTexture">If set, the texture to use when a slot is considered empty</param> */ public void LinkUIElements(Canvas canvas, LinkUIGraphic linkUIGraphic, Texture2D emptySlotTexture = null) { if (canvas != null) { uiButton = Serializer.GetGameObjectComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Button> (uiButtonID, canvas.gameObject); } else { uiButton = null; } if (uiButton) { #if TextMeshProIsPresent uiText = uiButton.GetComponentInChildren <TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI>(); #else uiText = uiButton.GetComponentInChildren <Text>(); #endif uiRawImage = uiButton.GetComponentInChildren <RawImage>(); if (linkUIGraphic == LinkUIGraphic.ImageComponent) { uiImage = uiButton.GetComponentInChildren <Image>(); } else if (linkUIGraphic == LinkUIGraphic.ButtonTargetGraphic) { if (uiButton.targetGraphic != null) { if (uiButton.targetGraphic is Image) { uiImage = uiButton.targetGraphic as Image; } else { ACDebug.LogWarning("Cannot assign UI Image for " + + "'s target graphic as " + uiButton.targetGraphic + " is not an Image component.", canvas); } } else { ACDebug.LogWarning("Cannot assign UI Image for " + + "'s target graphic because it has none.", canvas); } } originalColour = uiButton.colors.normalColor; } if (emptySlotTexture != null) { emptySprite = Sprite.Create(emptySlotTexture, new Rect(0f, 0f, emptySlotTexture.width, emptySlotTexture.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), 100f, 0, SpriteMeshType.FullRect); } }
/// <summary> /// Cache the sprite we'll be working with. /// </summary> protected override void OnInit() { base.OnInit(); mSprite = (mWidget as UISprite); mSprite2D = (mWidget as UI2DSprite); if (mSprite != null) { mNormalSprite = mSprite.spriteName; } if (mSprite2D != null) { mNormalSprite2D = mSprite2D.sprite2D; } }
static public int GetPhysicsShapePointCount(IntPtr l) { try { UnityEngine.Sprite self = (UnityEngine.Sprite)checkSelf(l); System.Int32 a1; checkType(l, 2, out a1); var ret = self.GetPhysicsShapePointCount(a1); pushValue(l, ret); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
public void OnDrop(PointerEventData data) { this.containerImage.color = this.normalColor; if ((Object)this.receivingImage == (Object)null) { return; } UnityEngine.Sprite dropSprite = this.GetDropSprite(data); if (!((Object)dropSprite != (Object)null)) { return; } this.receivingImage.overrideSprite = dropSprite; }
/// <summary> /// UnityEngine.Sprite drawn by this widget. /// </summary> virtual public void FastSetSprite(UnityEngine.Sprite spr) { if (mSprite != null) { mSprite = spr; nextSprite = null; //enabled = true; } else { sprite2D = spr; //enabled = true; } }
void DoSetImageSourceValue() { if (_image == null) { return; } if (resetOnExit.Value) { _originalSprite = _image.sprite; } _image.sprite = (UnityEngine.Sprite)sprite.Value; }
public Mesh Get(SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer, Vector2 size, Vector2 uv0, Vector2 uv1) { Rect uvRect = new Rect(); Vector2 scale =; UnityEngine.Sprite sprite = spriteRenderer.sprite; if (spriteRenderer == null || sprite == null || sprite.texture == null) { return(null); } Rect spriteRect = sprite.textureRect; uvRect.x = spriteRect.x / sprite.texture.width; uvRect.y = spriteRect.y / sprite.texture.height; uvRect.width = spriteRect.width / sprite.texture.width; uvRect.height = spriteRect.height / sprite.texture.height; // Vertex Position Calculation scale.x = (float)sprite.texture.width / spriteRect.width; scale.y = (float)sprite.texture.height / spriteRect.height; size.x /= scale.x; size.y /= scale.y; size.x *= (float)sprite.texture.width / (sprite.pixelsPerUnit * 2); size.y *= (float)sprite.texture.height / (sprite.pixelsPerUnit * 2); mesh.vertices = new Vector3[] { new Vector3(-size.x, -size.y), new Vector3(size.x, -size.y), new Vector3(size.x, size.y), new Vector3(-size.x, size.y) }; mesh.triangles = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0 }; Vector2[] meshUV = new Vector2[] { new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(1, 0), new Vector2(1, 1), new Vector2(0, 1) }; meshUV[0].x = uvRect.x + uvRect.width * uv0.x; meshUV[0].y = uvRect.y + uvRect.height * uv0.y; meshUV[1].x = uvRect.x + uvRect.width * uv1.x; meshUV[1].y = uvRect.y + uvRect.height * uv0.y;; meshUV[2].x = uvRect.x + uvRect.width * uv1.x; meshUV[2].y = uvRect.y + uvRect.height * uv1.y; meshUV[3].x = uvRect.x + uvRect.width * uv0.x;; meshUV[3].y = uvRect.y + uvRect.height * uv1.y; mesh.uv = meshUV; return(mesh); }
private UnityEngine.Sprite[] remove(UnityEngine.Sprite[] arr, int removePt) { UnityEngine.Sprite[] newArr = new UnityEngine.Sprite[arr.Length - 1]; int k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) { if (i != removePt) { newArr[k] = arr[i]; k++; } } return(newArr); }
public static Minimap.MinimapIcon Create(RectTransform parent, GameObject trackedObject, Minimap.IconStyle style) { UnityEngine.Sprite spriteForStyle = Minimap.GetSpriteForStyle(style); GameObject uiElement = new GameObject("MinimapIcon"); RectTransform transform = uiElement.AddComponent <RectTransform>(); transform.anchorMin = transform.anchorMax = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f); transform.sizeDelta = new Vector2((float)spriteForStyle.texture.width, (float)spriteForStyle.texture.height); Image image = uiElement.AddComponent <Image>(); image.sprite = spriteForStyle; image.type = Image.Type.Simple; uiElement.transform.SetParent(parent, false); return(new Minimap.MinimapIcon(trackedObject, uiElement, style)); }
// fields // properties static void SpriteRenderer_sprite(JSVCall vc) { if (vc.bGet) { UnityEngine.SpriteRenderer _this = (UnityEngine.SpriteRenderer)vc.csObj; var result = _this.sprite; JSMgr.datax.setObject((int)JSApi.SetType.Rval, result); } else { UnityEngine.Sprite arg0 = (UnityEngine.Sprite)JSMgr.datax.getObject((int)JSApi.GetType.Arg); UnityEngine.SpriteRenderer _this = (UnityEngine.SpriteRenderer)vc.csObj; _this.sprite = arg0; } }
static public int OverrideGeometry(IntPtr l) { try { UnityEngine.Sprite self = (UnityEngine.Sprite)checkSelf(l); UnityEngine.Vector2[] a1; checkType(l, 2, out a1); System.UInt16[] a2; checkType(l, 3, out a2); self.OverrideGeometry(a1, a2); return(0); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }