Пример #1
 static void NavMeshTriangulation_indices(JSVCall vc)
     if (vc.bGet)
         UnityEngine.NavMeshTriangulation _this = (UnityEngine.NavMeshTriangulation)vc.csObj;
         var result = _this.indices;
         var arrRet = result;
         for (int i = 0; arrRet != null && i < arrRet.Length; i++)
             JSApi.setInt32((int)JSApi.SetType.SaveAndTempTrace, arrRet[i]);
         JSApi.setArrayS((int)JSApi.SetType.Rval, (arrRet != null ? arrRet.Length : 0), true);
         System.Int32[] arg0 = JSDataExchangeMgr.GetJSArg <System.Int32[]>(() =>
             int jsObjID = JSApi.getObject((int)JSApi.GetType.Arg);
             int length  = JSApi.getArrayLength(jsObjID);
             var ret     = new System.Int32[length];
             for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
                 JSApi.getElement(jsObjID, i);
                 ret[i] = (System.Int32)JSApi.getInt32((int)JSApi.GetType.SaveAndRemove);
         UnityEngine.NavMeshTriangulation _this = (UnityEngine.NavMeshTriangulation)vc.csObj;
         _this.indices = arg0;
         JSMgr.changeJSObj(vc.jsObjID, _this);
Пример #2
        public static NavMeshTriangulation CalculateTriangulation()
            NavMeshTriangulation result = default(NavMeshTriangulation);

            NavMesh.TriangulateInternal(ref result.vertices, ref result.indices, ref result.areas);
Пример #3
    static void Build()
        GameObject g  = new GameObject("navMesh");
        MeshFilter mf = g.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();

        UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshTriangulation triangles = UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh.CalculateTriangulation();
        UnityEngine.NavMeshTriangulation triangles = UnityEngine.NavMesh.CalculateTriangulation();
        Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
        mesh.vertices  = triangles.vertices;
        mesh.triangles = triangles.indices;
        Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[mesh.vertices.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < uvs.Length; i++)
            uvs[i] = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
        mesh.uv = uvs;

        mf.mesh = mesh;
//		MeshRenderer mr= g.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>();
Пример #4
 static public int set_layers(IntPtr l)
     UnityEngine.NavMeshTriangulation o = (UnityEngine.NavMeshTriangulation)checkSelf(l);
     System.Int32[] v;
     checkType(l, 2, out v);
     o.layers = v;
     setBack(l, o);
Пример #5
 static public int set_vertices(IntPtr l)
     UnityEngine.NavMeshTriangulation o = (UnityEngine.NavMeshTriangulation)checkSelf(l);
     UnityEngine.Vector3[]            v;
     checkType(l, 2, out v);
     o.vertices = v;
     setBack(l, o);
	static public int constructor(IntPtr l) {
		try {
			UnityEngine.NavMeshTriangulation o;
			o=new UnityEngine.NavMeshTriangulation();
			return 2;
		catch(Exception e) {
			return error(l,e);
Пример #7
 static public int CalculateTriangulation_s(IntPtr l)
         UnityEngine.NavMeshTriangulation ret = UnityEngine.NavMesh.CalculateTriangulation();
         pushValue(l, ret);
     catch (Exception e) {
         LuaDLL.luaL_error(l, e.ToString());
 static public int constructor(IntPtr l)
     try {
         UnityEngine.NavMeshTriangulation o;
         o = new UnityEngine.NavMeshTriangulation();
         pushValue(l, true);
         pushValue(l, o);
     catch (Exception e) {
         return(error(l, e));
 public static int constructor(IntPtr l)
     try {
         UnityEngine.NavMeshTriangulation o;
         o=new UnityEngine.NavMeshTriangulation();
         return 1;
     catch(Exception e) {
         LuaDLL.luaL_error(l, e.ToString());
         return 0;
 static public int constructor(IntPtr l)
     try {
         UnityEngine.NavMeshTriangulation o;
         o = new UnityEngine.NavMeshTriangulation();
         pushValue(l, o);
     catch (Exception e) {
         LuaDLL.luaL_error(l, e.ToString());
Пример #11
        //private GameObject navmeshGo;

        void Start()
            navMeshTri = UnityEngine.NavMesh.CalculateTriangulation();
            this.name  = "NavmeshGo";
            MeshFilter rMeshFilter = this.gameObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
            Mesh       rMesh       = new Mesh();

            rMesh.vertices = navMeshTri.vertices;
            rMesh.SetIndices(navMeshTri.indices, MeshTopology.Triangles, 0);
            rMeshFilter.sharedMesh = rMesh;

            MeshRenderer rMeshRenderer = this.gameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();

            rMeshRenderer.sharedMaterial = mat;
 static int _CreateNavMeshTriangulation(IntPtr L)
     LuaScriptMgr.CheckArgsCount(L, 0);
     NavMeshTriangulation obj = new NavMeshTriangulation();
     LuaScriptMgr.PushValue(L, obj);
     return 1;
Пример #13
 static public int get_layers(IntPtr l)
     UnityEngine.NavMeshTriangulation o = (UnityEngine.NavMeshTriangulation)checkSelf(l);
     pushValue(l, o.layers);
Пример #14
    /// \brief Modifies the given NavMesh so that only the Navigation areas are present in the mesh.  This is done only 
    ///        by swapping, so that no new memory is allocated.
    /// The data stored outside of the returned array sizes should be considered invalid and will contain garbage data.
    /// \param navMesh NavMesh data to modify
    /// \param area Area mask to include in returned mesh.  Areas outside of this mask are culled.
    /// \param vert_size New size of navMesh.vertices
    /// \param tri_size New size of navMesh.areas and one third of the size of navMesh.indices
    private static void CullNavmeshTriangulation(ref NavMeshTriangulation navMesh, int area, out int vert_size, out int tri_size)
        // Step 1: re-order triangles so that valid areas are in front.  Then determine tri_size.
        tri_size = navMesh.indices.Length / 3;
        for(int i=0; i < tri_size; i++)
            Vector3 p1 = navMesh.vertices[navMesh.indices[i * 3]];
            Vector3 p2 = navMesh.vertices[navMesh.indices[i * 3 + 1]];
            Vector3 p3 = navMesh.vertices[navMesh.indices[i * 3 + 2]];
            Plane p = new Plane(p1, p2, p3);
            bool vertical = Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(p.normal, Vector3.up)) > 0.99f;

            // If the current triangle isn't flat (normal is up) or if it doesn't match
            // with the provided mask, we should cull it.
            if(((1 << navMesh.areas[i]) & area) == 0 || !vertical) // If true this triangle should be culled.
                // Swap area indices and triangle indices with the end of the array
                int t_ind = tri_size - 1;

                int t_area = navMesh.areas[t_ind];
                navMesh.areas[t_ind] = navMesh.areas[i];
                navMesh.areas[i] = t_area;

                for(int j=0;j<3;j++)
                    int t_v = navMesh.indices[t_ind * 3 + j];
                    navMesh.indices[t_ind * 3 + j] = navMesh.indices[i * 3 + j];
                    navMesh.indices[i * 3 + j] = t_v;

                // Then reduce the size of the array, effectively cutting off the previous triangle
                // Stay on the same index so that we can check the triangle we just swapped.

        // Step 2: Cull the vertices that aren't used.
        vert_size = 0;
        for(int i=0; i < tri_size * 3; i++)
            int prv = navMesh.indices[i];
            if (prv >= vert_size)
                int nxt = vert_size;

                // Bring the current vertex to the end of the "active" array by swapping it with what's currently there
                Vector3 t_v = navMesh.vertices[prv];
                navMesh.vertices[prv] = navMesh.vertices[nxt];
                navMesh.vertices[nxt] = t_v;

                // Now change around the values in the triangle indices to reflect the swap
                for(int j=i; j < tri_size * 3; j++)
                    if (navMesh.indices[j] == prv)
                        navMesh.indices[j] = nxt;
                    else if (navMesh.indices[j] == nxt)
                        navMesh.indices[j] = prv;

                // Increase the size of the vertex array to reflect the changes.
Пример #15
    /// \brief Converts a NavMesh (or a NavMesh area) into a standard Unity mesh.  This is later used
    ///        to render the mesh on-screen using Unity's standard rendering tools.
    /// \param navMesh Precalculated Nav Mesh Triangulation
    /// \param vert_size size of vertex array
    /// \param tri_size size of triangle array
    private static Mesh ConvertNavmeshToMesh(NavMeshTriangulation navMesh, int vert_size, int tri_size)
        Mesh ret = new Mesh();

        if(vert_size >= 65535)
            Debug.LogError("Playable NavMesh too big (vertex count >= 65535)!  Limit the size of the playable area using"+
                "Area Masks.  For now no preview mesh will render.");
            return ret;

        Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[vert_size];
        for (int x = 0; x < vertices.Length; x++)
            // Note: Unity navmesh is offset 0.05m from the ground.  This pushes it down to 0
            vertices[x] = navMesh.vertices[x];

        int[] triangles = new int[tri_size * 3];
        for (int x = 0; x < triangles.Length; x++)
            triangles[x] = navMesh.indices[x];

        ret.name = "Navmesh";
        ret.vertices = vertices;
        ret.triangles = triangles;



        return ret;
Пример #16
        public GenerateGraph(Vector3 start)
            //get nav mesh characteristics from pre-made nav mesh. Will write script later that generates
            //a nav-mesh for any map.
            navmesh = NavMesh.CalculateTriangulation();

            //initialize triangles array
            meshTriangles = new Triangle[navmesh.indices.Length/3];

            //will contain mapping from a string containing the Vector3 pair side and the lane type of a node(ex: (1,2,3) and (4,5,6)
            //in "middle" will be respresented as "1,2,3 - 4,5,6 middle" with the smaller Vector3 coming first) to the node on that
            //side with that lane type.
            Dictionary<string, Node> sideToNode = new Dictionary<string, Node>();
            //will contain mapping from a Node to the list of Triangles that contain that Node on a side
            Dictionary<Node, List<Triangle>> nodeToTriangles = new Dictionary<Node, List<Triangle>>();
            nodes = new List<Node>();
            //will contain a mapping from Vector3 coordinates (ex: (1,2,3) will be represented as "1,2,3") to
            //a Node
            Dictionary<string, Node> coordinatesToNode = new Dictionary<string, Node>();

            //Made sure nav mesh indices is a multiple of 3
            for (int i = 0; i < navmesh.indices.Length / 3; i++) {
                Vector3[] currentVectors = new Vector3[3];
                Vector3 v1 = navmesh.vertices[navmesh.indices[i*3]];
                Vector3 v2 = navmesh.vertices[navmesh.indices[i*3 + 1]];
                Vector3 v3 = navmesh.vertices[navmesh.indices[i*3 + 2]];
                meshTriangles[i] = new Triangle(v1, v2, v3, NavMesh.GetAreaCost(navmesh.areas[i]));

                List<Vector3Pair> trianglePairs = new List<Vector3Pair>();
                //Add the pair v1, v2 to trianglePairs
                trianglePairs.Add(new Vector3Pair(v1, v2));
                //Add the pair v2, v3 trianglePairs
                trianglePairs.Add(new Vector3Pair(v2, v3));
                //Add the pair v1, v3
                trianglePairs.Add(new Vector3Pair(v1, v3));
                //Calculate bisections. Needed to generate smoother paths
                foreach (Vector3Pair currentVector3Pair in trianglePairs) {
                    Vector3 currentFirst = currentVector3Pair.first;
                    Vector3 currentSecond = currentVector3Pair.second;
                    Vector3 bisect1 = new Vector3((currentFirst.x + currentSecond.x)/2, (currentFirst.y + currentSecond.y)/2,
                                                  (currentFirst.z + currentSecond.z)/2);
                    Vector3 bisect2 = new Vector3((bisect1.x + currentFirst.x)/2, (bisect1.y + currentFirst.y)/2,
                                                  (bisect1.z + currentFirst.z)/2);
                    Vector3 bisect3 = new Vector3((bisect1.x + currentSecond.x)/2, (bisect1.y + currentSecond.y)/2,
                                                  (bisect1.z + currentSecond.z)/2);
                    Node bisect1Node = getNodeWithVectorCoordinates(ref coordinatesToNode, bisect1, "middle");
                    Node bisect2Node = getNodeWithVectorCoordinates(ref coordinatesToNode, bisect2, "outer");
                    Node bisect3Node = getNodeWithVectorCoordinates(ref coordinatesToNode, bisect3, "outer");
                    AddToDictionary(ref nodeToTriangles, bisect1Node, meshTriangles[i]);
                    AddToDictionary(ref nodeToTriangles, bisect2Node, meshTriangles[i]);
                    AddToDictionary(ref nodeToTriangles, bisect3Node, meshTriangles[i]);
                    sideToNode[GetPairString(currentFirst, currentSecond) + " middle"] = bisect1Node;
                    sideToNode[GetPairString(currentFirst, currentSecond) + " outer1"] = bisect2Node;
                    sideToNode[GetPairString(currentFirst, currentSecond) + " outer2"] = bisect3Node;
                Vector3 currentCentroid = meshTriangles[i].Centroid ();
                Node centroidNode = getNodeWithVectorCoordinates(ref coordinatesToNode, currentCentroid, "middle");
                AddToDictionary(ref nodeToTriangles, centroidNode, meshTriangles[i]);
                sideToNode[GetPairString (currentCentroid, currentCentroid) + " middle"] = centroidNode;


            //set neighbors of each node
            foreach (var item in nodeToTriangles) {
                Node currentNode = item.Key;
                //iterate through all triangles that contain the currentNode on a side
                foreach (Triangle t in item.Value) {
                    List<Vector3Pair> trianglePairs = new List<Vector3Pair>();
                    trianglePairs.Add(new Vector3Pair(t.vertex1, t.vertex2));
                    trianglePairs.Add(new Vector3Pair(t.vertex2, t.vertex3));
                    trianglePairs.Add(new Vector3Pair(t.vertex1, t.vertex3));
                    foreach (Vector3Pair trianglePair in trianglePairs) {
                        Vector3 currentFirst = trianglePair.first;
                        Vector3 currentSecond = trianglePair.second;
                        if (currentNode.laneType == "middle") {
                            addNodeNeighbor(sideToNode, ref currentNode, currentFirst, currentSecond, "middle");
                        } else {
                            addNodeNeighbor(sideToNode, ref currentNode, currentFirst, currentSecond, "outer1");
                            addNodeNeighbor(sideToNode, ref currentNode, currentFirst, currentSecond, "outer2");

            //set start node of the car
            startNode = getClosestNode(start);
            //set end node of the car
            int possible_end_node = 900;
            endNode = getClosestNode (GameObject.Find ("FinishLine").transform.position);
            /*while (true) {
                if (nodes[possible_end_node].laneType == startNode.laneType) {
                    endNode = nodes[possible_end_node];
                } else {
                    possible_end_node = possible_end_node + 1;