Пример #1
    public void OnDrop(PointerEventData eventData)
        EasyDrag d = eventData.pointerDrag.GetComponent <EasyDrag>();

        if (d != null && d.active)
            if (d.cardType == EasyDrag.CardType.Number && this.transform.gameObject.name == "Answer2")
                d.gameObject.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>().alpha = 1f;
            else if (d.cardType == EasyDrag.CardType.Operator && (this.transform.gameObject.name == "Answer1" || this.transform.gameObject.name == "Answer3"))
            else if (d.cardType == EasyDrag.CardType.Answer && d.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text == "")
            else if ((this.gameObject.name == "Answer1" &&
                      (d.gameObject.name == "Answer2")) ||
                     (this.gameObject.name == "Answer3" &&
                      (d.gameObject.name == "Answer2") ||
                      (this.gameObject.name == "Answer2" &&
                       (d.gameObject.name == "Answer1" || d.gameObject.name == "Answer3"))))
            else if (d.cardType == EasyDrag.CardType.Answer)
                string text = this.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text;
                UnityEngine.FontStyle fontStyle = this.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().fontStyle;
                int fontSize = this.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().fontSize;
                UnityEngine.TextAnchor align = this.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().alignment;

                this.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text      = d.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text;
                this.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().fontStyle = d.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().fontStyle;
                this.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().fontSize  = d.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().fontSize;
                this.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().alignment = d.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().alignment;
                this.gameObject.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>().alpha = 1f;

                d.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text      = text;
                d.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().fontStyle = fontStyle;
                d.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().fontSize  = fontSize;
                d.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().alignment = align;
                d.gameObject.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>().alpha = 1f;

                d.active            = true;
                d.droppedToLocation = true;
                string num = this.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text;

                this.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text      = d.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text;
                this.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().fontStyle = d.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().fontStyle;
                this.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().fontSize  = d.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().fontSize;
                this.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().alignment = d.transform.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().alignment;
                this.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>().alpha        = 1f;

                if (d.cardType == EasyDrag.CardType.Number)
                    d.gameObject.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>().alpha = 0.6f;
                    d.active            = false;
                    d.droppedToLocation = true;

                    if (game.numberOne.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text == num && !game.numberOne.GetComponent <EasyDrag>().active)
                        game.numberOne.GetComponent <EasyDrag>().active = true;
                        game.numberOne.GetComponent <EasyDrag>().GetComponent <CanvasGroup>().alpha = 1f;
                    else if (game.numberTwo.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text == num && !game.numberTwo.GetComponent <EasyDrag>().active)
                        game.numberTwo.GetComponent <EasyDrag>().active = true;
                        game.numberTwo.GetComponent <EasyDrag>().GetComponent <CanvasGroup>().alpha = 1f;
                    d.gameObject.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>().alpha = 1f;
                    d.active = true;
Пример #2
 public static UnityEngine.FontStyle UnityFontStyle(this UnityEngine.FontStyle style)
    UISkinObject t;                   //A reference of the type we're making an inspector for

    //Override the OnInspectorGUI method
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        //We need to cast the 'target' which we get naturally to our actual class
        t = (UISkinObject)target;

        //You can add all sorts of interesting extra information to your inspectors and editors
        EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("This object serves as a design tool for plug and play UI skins", MessageType.Info);

        DrawDefaultInspector(); //The colour values are all good as they are, so we won't re-draw them

        //Draw custom image to preview colour selection
        //This is a whole other thing so don't worry about it too much here, but it's a common use case
        Texture2D displayTex = new Texture2D(100, 100);

        Color[] pix = new Color[100 * 100];
        Color[,] desPix = new Color[100, 100];
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
                if ((i < 25 || i > 75) || (j < 25 || j > 75))
                    desPix[i, j] = t.backingColour;
                else if (j < 50)
                    desPix[i, j] = t.highHealthColour;
                else if (j > 50)
                    desPix[i, j] = t.lowHealthColour;
                pix[i * 100 + j] = desPix[i, j];

        //Back to editor things. This tells our inspector to listen for changes so it knows to save/undo stuff

        //EditorGUILayout is the main bread and butter, it has a heap of layout methods and controls that it places
        //for us so we don't have to do any per pixel placement or anything

        //We can now access the values in our object and make controls to control their values

        //Make sure you're assigning the target to the outcome of the control, but also have the target's value as the value
        //inside the control.
        //If we don't do the former, our control won't do anything.
        //If we don't do the later, we won't know that it's done anything and we'll probably keep overriding our changes.
        t.healthFont.font = (Font)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Font Style", t.healthFont.font, typeof(Font), false);

        //All of these controls have a heap of possible overloads, the script reference and intellisence will be your friends
        t.healthFont.point = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("Point Size", t.healthFont.point, 1, 20);

        //An advantage of redrawing even simple controls is that we can reposition them and change what we label them
        t.healthFont.isBold   = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Bold?", t.healthFont.isBold);
        t.healthFont.isItalic = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Italic?", t.healthFont.isItalic);


        //End our change check and if anything changed, set it to 'dirty' which tells the editor to save it.
        //If we don't do this, the values won't be saved
        //If we used serialized properties instead we wouldn't need to do this, but that makes getting into our struct
        //super complicated
        if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())

        //Add some spaces before we draw our test content
        //You can add all sorts of interesting extra information to your inspectors and editors
        EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Helper Examples", MessageType.None);


        //Draw in that custom texture
        //GetControlRect is a really handy way of getting where EditorGUILayout WOULD have drawn a field now.
        Rect DisplayPos = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect();
        Rect drawPos    = new Rect(DisplayPos.x, DisplayPos.y, 100, 100);

        EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(drawPos, displayTex);

        //Set up a GUIStyle based on our font so we can display an example
        GUIStyle guiStyle = new GUIStyle();

        guiStyle.fontSize = t.healthFont.point;
        //This following code is a bit of a mess, it's just matching up the FontStyle enum unity has with our two bools
        UnityEngine.FontStyle style = new UnityEngine.FontStyle();
        if (t.healthFont.isBold)
            if (t.healthFont.isItalic)
                style = UnityEngine.FontStyle.BoldAndItalic;
                style = UnityEngine.FontStyle.Bold;
        else if (t.healthFont.isItalic)
            style = UnityEngine.FontStyle.Italic;
            style = UnityEngine.FontStyle.Normal;
        guiStyle.fontStyle = style;
        guiStyle.font      = t.healthFont.font;

        //Draw the example text
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Test", guiStyle);

Пример #4
		public GUIButton(string text, U.Vector3 position, U.Rect rect, System.Action onClick, U.FontStyle fontStyle = U.FontStyle.Normal, U.Color? color = null)
			: base(text, position, rect, fontStyle, color)
			this.onClick = onClick;
Пример #5
		public GUIButton(string text, U.Rect rect, System.Action onClick, U.FontStyle fontStyle, U.Color? color = null)
			: base(text, rect, fontStyle, color)
			this.onClick = onClick;
Пример #6
		public GUILabel(string text, U.Vector3 position, U.Rect rect, U.FontStyle fontStyle = U.FontStyle.Normal, U.Color? color = null)
			: base(text, position, rect, fontStyle, color)
Пример #7
		public GUILabel(string text, U.Vector3 position, U.FontStyle fontStyle, U.Color? color = null)
			: base(text, position, fontStyle, color)
Пример #8
		public GUILabel(string text, U.Rect rect, U.FontStyle fontStyle, U.Color? color = null)
			: base(text, rect, fontStyle, color)