Пример #1
        protected AudioSource PlaySound(AudioClip clip, float volume, float pitch)
            if (clip != null)
                if (m_Listener == null)
                    m_Listener = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(AudioListener)) as AudioListener;

                    if (m_Listener == null)
                        Camera cam = Camera.main;
                        if (cam == null) cam = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(Camera)) as Camera;
                        if (cam != null) m_Listener = cam.gameObject.AddComponent<AudioListener>();

                if (m_Listener != null)
                    AudioSource source = m_Listener.audio;
                    if (source == null) source = m_Listener.gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
                    source.pitch = pitch;
                    source.PlayOneShot(clip, volume);
                    return source;
            return null;
    protected override void MapObjects()
        //Main Camera
        GameObject gameObject12310 = new GameObject();

        SetObject(12310, gameObject12310);
        Transform transform12316 = gameObject12310.transform;

        SetObject(12316, transform12316);
        UnityEngine.Camera component12314 = gameObject12310.AddComponent <UnityEngine.Camera>();
        SetObject(12314, component12314);
        UnityEngine.AudioListener component12312 = gameObject12310.AddComponent <UnityEngine.AudioListener>();
        SetObject(12312, component12312);

        //Directional Light
        GameObject gameObject12318 = new GameObject();

        SetObject(12318, gameObject12318);
        Transform transform12322 = gameObject12318.transform;

        SetObject(12322, transform12322);
        UnityEngine.Light component12320 = gameObject12318.AddComponent <UnityEngine.Light>();
        SetObject(12320, component12320);

        GameObject gameObject_2144 = new GameObject();

        SetObject(-2144, gameObject_2144);
        Transform transform_2146 = gameObject_2144.transform;

        SetObject(-2146, transform_2146);
        NewBehaviourScript1 component_2224 = gameObject_2144.AddComponent <NewBehaviourScript1>();

        SetObject(-2224, component_2224);
        // Use this for initialization
        private void Start()
            if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Nb change", 0) == 1)
            else if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Nb change", 0) == 2)
            Volume.value = 1;
            m_CharacterController = GetComponent<CharacterController>();
            m_Camera = Camera.main;
            m_OriginalCameraPosition = m_Camera.transform.localPosition;
            m_HeadBob.Setup(m_Camera, m_StepInterval);
            m_StepCycle = 0f;
            m_NextStep = m_StepCycle/2f;
            m_Jumping = false;
            m_AudioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
			m_MouseLook.Init(transform , m_Camera.transform);
            Listener = GetComponentInChildren<AudioListener>();
            if (Application.loadedLevel == 1)
                m_CharacterController.transform.position = new Vector3(PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Xpos", 21.9f), PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Ypos",1),PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Zpos", -23.32f));
            m_CharacterController.transform.rotation= new Quaternion(PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Xrot", 0), PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Yrot", 0), PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Zrot", 0),0);
 static public int set_velocityUpdateMode(IntPtr l)
     try {
                     #if DEBUG
         var    method     = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod();
         string methodName = GetMethodName(method);
                     #if UNITY_5_5_OR_NEWER
         UnityEngine.AudioListener           self = (UnityEngine.AudioListener)checkSelf(l);
         UnityEngine.AudioVelocityUpdateMode v;
         v = (UnityEngine.AudioVelocityUpdateMode)LuaDLL.luaL_checkinteger(l, 2);
         self.velocityUpdateMode = v;
         pushValue(l, true);
     catch (Exception e) {
         return(error(l, e));
             #if DEBUG
     finally {
                     #if UNITY_5_5_OR_NEWER
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Read the data into the specified value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">Value.</param>
        /// <param name="reader">Reader.</param>
        public override void ReadInto(object value, ISaveGameReader reader)
            UnityEngine.AudioListener audioListener = (UnityEngine.AudioListener)value;
            foreach (string property in reader.Properties)
                switch (property)
                case "velocityUpdateMode":
                    audioListener.velocityUpdateMode = reader.ReadProperty <UnityEngine.AudioVelocityUpdateMode> ();

                case "enabled":
                    audioListener.enabled = reader.ReadProperty <System.Boolean> ();

                case "tag":
                    audioListener.tag = reader.ReadProperty <System.String> ();

                case "name":
                    audioListener.name = reader.ReadProperty <System.String> ();

                case "hideFlags":
                    audioListener.hideFlags = reader.ReadProperty <UnityEngine.HideFlags> ();
 static public int constructor(IntPtr l)
     UnityEngine.AudioListener o;
     o = new UnityEngine.AudioListener();
     pushObject(l, o);
Пример #7
 static public int set_velocityUpdateMode(IntPtr l)
     UnityEngine.AudioListener           o = (UnityEngine.AudioListener)checkSelf(l);
     UnityEngine.AudioVelocityUpdateMode v;
     checkEnum(l, 2, out v);
     o.velocityUpdateMode = v;
 static public void FastSetter(this UnityEngine.AudioListener o, string propertyName, UnityEngine.AudioVelocityUpdateMode value)
     switch (propertyName)
     case "velocityUpdateMode":
         o.velocityUpdateMode = value; return;
     LBoot.LogUtil.Error("UnityEngine.AudioListener no Setter Found : " + propertyName);
 static public void FastSetter(this UnityEngine.AudioListener o, string propertyName, System.Boolean value)
     switch (propertyName)
     case "enabled":
         o.enabled = value; return;
     LBoot.LogUtil.Error("UnityEngine.AudioListener no Setter Found : " + propertyName);
Пример #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Write the specified value using the writer.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">Value.</param>
 /// <param name="writer">Writer.</param>
 public override void Write(object value, ISaveGameWriter writer)
     UnityEngine.AudioListener audioListener = (UnityEngine.AudioListener)value;
     writer.WriteProperty("velocityUpdateMode", audioListener.velocityUpdateMode);
     writer.WriteProperty("enabled", audioListener.enabled);
     writer.WriteProperty("tag", audioListener.tag);
     writer.WriteProperty("name", audioListener.name);
     writer.WriteProperty("hideFlags", audioListener.hideFlags);
 static public int get_velocityUpdateMode(IntPtr l)
     try {
         UnityEngine.AudioListener self = (UnityEngine.AudioListener)checkSelf(l);
         pushEnum(l, (int)self.velocityUpdateMode);
     catch (Exception e) {
         return(error(l, e));
 static public int constructor(IntPtr l)
     try {
         UnityEngine.AudioListener o;
         o = new UnityEngine.AudioListener();
         pushValue(l, o);
     catch (Exception e) {
         return(error(l, e));
	static public int constructor(IntPtr l) {
		try {
			UnityEngine.AudioListener o;
			o=new UnityEngine.AudioListener();
			return 2;
		catch(Exception e) {
			return error(l,e);
 static public int set_velocityUpdateMode(IntPtr l)
     try {
         UnityEngine.AudioListener           self = (UnityEngine.AudioListener)checkSelf(l);
         UnityEngine.AudioVelocityUpdateMode v;
         checkEnum(l, 2, out v);
         self.velocityUpdateMode = v;
     catch (Exception e) {
         return(error(l, e));
Пример #15
 static int set_al(IntPtr L)
         UnityEngine.AudioListener arg0 = (UnityEngine.AudioListener)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 2, typeof(UnityEngine.AudioListener));
         PreLoadingScene.al = arg0;
     catch (Exception e)
         return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e));
 public static int constructor(IntPtr l)
     try {
         UnityEngine.AudioListener o;
         o=new UnityEngine.AudioListener();
         return 1;
     catch(Exception e) {
         LuaDLL.luaL_error(l, e.ToString());
         return 0;
Пример #17
 static public int constructor(IntPtr l)
     LuaDLL.lua_remove(l, 1);
     UnityEngine.AudioListener o;
     if (matchType(l, 1))
         o = new UnityEngine.AudioListener();
         pushObject(l, o);
     LuaDLL.luaL_error(l, "New object failed.");
Пример #18
 static public int constructor(IntPtr l)
     try {
         UnityEngine.AudioListener o;
         o = new UnityEngine.AudioListener();
         pushValue(l, o);
     catch (Exception e) {
         LuaDLL.luaL_error(l, e.ToString());
Пример #19
		protected AudioSource PlaySound(AudioClip clip, float volume, float pitch)
            //apply global sound config
            volume *= Xft.GlobalConfig.SoundVolume;
			if (clip != null)
            	if (m_Listener == null)
                	m_Listener = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(AudioListener)) as AudioListener;

                	if (m_Listener == null)
                    	Camera cam = Camera.main;
                    	if (cam == null) cam = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(Camera)) as Camera;
                    	if (cam != null) m_Listener = cam.gameObject.AddComponent<AudioListener>();

            	if (m_Listener != null)
                	AudioSource source = m_Listener.audio;
                	if (source == null) source = m_Listener.gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
                	source.pitch = pitch;
                    source.loop = m_owner.IsSoundLoop;
                    if (!m_owner.IsSoundLoop)
                        source.PlayOneShot(clip, volume);
                        source.clip = clip;
                        source.volume = volume;

                	return source;
        	return null;
 static void AudioListener_velocityUpdateMode(JSVCall vc)
     if (vc.bGet)
         UnityEngine.AudioListener _this = (UnityEngine.AudioListener)vc.csObj;
         var result = _this.velocityUpdateMode;
         JSApi.setEnum((int)JSApi.SetType.Rval, (int)result);
         UnityEngine.AudioVelocityUpdateMode arg0  = (UnityEngine.AudioVelocityUpdateMode)JSApi.getEnum((int)JSApi.GetType.Arg);
         UnityEngine.AudioListener           _this = (UnityEngine.AudioListener)vc.csObj;
         _this.velocityUpdateMode = arg0;
    static public void FastSetter(this UnityEngine.AudioListener o, string propertyName, object value)
        switch (propertyName)
        case "velocityUpdateMode":
            o.velocityUpdateMode = (UnityEngine.AudioVelocityUpdateMode)value; return;

        case "tag":
            o.tag = (System.String)value; return;

        case "enabled":
            o.enabled = (bool)value; return;
        LBoot.LogUtil.Error("UnityEngine.AudioListener no Setter Found : " + propertyName);
    static int set_velocityUpdateMode(IntPtr L)
        object o = null;

            o = ToLua.ToObject(L, 1);
            UnityEngine.AudioListener           obj  = (UnityEngine.AudioListener)o;
            UnityEngine.AudioVelocityUpdateMode arg0 = (UnityEngine.AudioVelocityUpdateMode)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 2, typeof(UnityEngine.AudioVelocityUpdateMode));
            obj.velocityUpdateMode = arg0;
        catch (Exception e)
            return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e, o, "attempt to index velocityUpdateMode on a nil value"));
Пример #23
    static int get_AudioListener(IntPtr L)
        object o = null;

            o = ToLua.ToObject(L, 1);
            Arthas.SoundCompoent      obj = (Arthas.SoundCompoent)o;
            UnityEngine.AudioListener ret = obj.AudioListener;
            ToLua.PushSealed(L, ret);
        catch (Exception e)
            return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e, o, "attempt to index AudioListener on a nil value"));
Пример #24
    static int set_AudioListener(IntPtr L)
        object o = null;

            o = ToLua.ToObject(L, 1);
            Arthas.SoundCompoent      obj  = (Arthas.SoundCompoent)o;
            UnityEngine.AudioListener arg0 = (UnityEngine.AudioListener)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 2, typeof(UnityEngine.AudioListener));
            obj.AudioListener = arg0;
        catch (Exception e)
            return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e, o, "attempt to index AudioListener on a nil value"));
    static int get_velocityUpdateMode(IntPtr L)
        object o = null;

            o = ToLua.ToObject(L, 1);
            UnityEngine.AudioListener           obj = (UnityEngine.AudioListener)o;
            UnityEngine.AudioVelocityUpdateMode ret = obj.velocityUpdateMode;
            ToLua.Push(L, ret);
        catch (Exception e)
            return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e, o, "attempt to index velocityUpdateMode on a nil value"));
Пример #26
		public void Initialize(PureData pureData) {
			listener = Object.FindObjectOfType<AudioListener>();
			if (listener == null) {
				GameObject newListener = new GameObject("Listener");
				listener = newListener.AddComponent<AudioListener>();
				Logger.LogWarning("No listener was found in the scene. One was automatically created.");
			// HACK Trick to activate OnAudioFilterRead
			listener.enabled = false;
			filterRead = listener.GetOrAddComponent<PureDataFilterRead>();
			listener.enabled = true;
			transform = listener.transform;
Пример #27
		public List<AudioSource>[] playersForClipId = new List<AudioSource>[SOUND.COUNT];	// 音效播放器

		/// <summary>
		/// 创建音效播放器和音乐播放器
		/// </summary>
		void Awake()
			DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject);

			listener = gameObject.AddComponent<AudioListener> ();
			musicPlayer = gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource> ();
			for (int i = 0; i < playersForClipId.Length; i++) {
				playersForClipId [i] = new List<AudioSource> (1);
				playersForClipId [i].Add(gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource> ());

			audio = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
			if (null == audio) {
				audio = gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource> ();
Пример #28
    private GameObject mainCamera_Init()
        GameObject gomainCamera_12566 = (GetObject(12566) as GameObject);

        gomainCamera_12566.name = "Main Camera";
        gomainCamera_12566.tag  = "MainCamera";
        UnityEngine.Transform commainCamera_transform_0_12572 = (GetObject(12572) as UnityEngine.Transform);
        commainCamera_transform_0_12572.position      = new Vector3(0f, 1f, -10f);
        commainCamera_transform_0_12572.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 1f, -10f);
        commainCamera_transform_0_12572.tag           = "MainCamera";
        UnityEngine.Camera commainCamera_camera_0_12570 = (GetObject(12570) as UnityEngine.Camera);
        commainCamera_camera_0_12570.depth = -1f;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12570.layerCullDistances  = new System.Single[] { 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f };
        commainCamera_camera_0_12570.cullingMatrix       = new Matrix4x4(new Vector4(0.9761558f, 0f, 0f, 0f), new Vector4(0f, 1.732051f, 0f, 0f), new Vector4(0f, 0f, 1.0006f, 1f), new Vector4(0f, -1.732051f, 9.405821f, 10f));
        commainCamera_camera_0_12570.worldToCameraMatrix = new Matrix4x4(new Vector4(1f, 0f, 0f, 0f), new Vector4(0f, 1f, 0f, 0f), new Vector4(0f, 0f, -1f, 0f), new Vector4(0f, -1f, -10f, 1f));
        commainCamera_camera_0_12570.tag = "MainCamera";
        UnityEngine.AudioListener commainCamera_audiolistener_0_12568 = (GetObject(12568) as UnityEngine.AudioListener);
        commainCamera_audiolistener_0_12568.velocityUpdateMode = UnityEngine.AudioVelocityUpdateMode.Dynamic;
        commainCamera_audiolistener_0_12568.tag = "MainCamera";
    static int _CreateUnityEngine_AudioListener(IntPtr L)
            int count = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L);

            if (count == 0)
                UnityEngine.AudioListener obj = new UnityEngine.AudioListener();
                ToLua.PushSealed(L, obj);
                return(LuaDLL.luaL_throw(L, "invalid arguments to ctor method: UnityEngine.AudioListener.New"));
        catch (Exception e)
            return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e));
    static public object FastGetter(this UnityEngine.AudioListener o, string propertyName)
        switch (propertyName)
        case "velocityUpdateMode":

        case "transform":

        case "gameObject":

        case "tag":

        case "enabled":
        LBoot.LogUtil.Error("UnityEngine.AudioListener no Getter Found : " + propertyName);
Пример #31
    protected override void MapObjects()
        //Main Camera
        GameObject gameObject12228 = new GameObject();

        SetObject(12228, gameObject12228);
        Transform transform12234 = gameObject12228.transform;

        SetObject(12234, transform12234);
        UnityEngine.Camera component12232 = gameObject12228.AddComponent <UnityEngine.Camera>();
        SetObject(12232, component12232);
        UnityEngine.AudioListener component12230 = gameObject12228.AddComponent <UnityEngine.AudioListener>();
        SetObject(12230, component12230);

        //Directional Light
        GameObject gameObject12236 = new GameObject();

        SetObject(12236, gameObject12236);
        Transform transform12240 = gameObject12236.transform;

        SetObject(12240, transform12240);
        UnityEngine.Light component12238 = gameObject12236.AddComponent <UnityEngine.Light>();
        SetObject(12238, component12238);
Пример #32
    protected virtual void Start() {
        if (onIconActivatePlayAudio) {
            cachedAudioListener = FindObjectOfType(typeof(AudioListener)) as AudioListener;
            if (cachedAudioListener == null) {
                Debug.LogError("Cannot find an audio listener for this scene. Audio will not be played");

        if (Application.isPlaying) {
            bool looked = false;
            if (lookAtLastLevel) {
                looked = LookAtLastPlayedLevel();

            if (!looked) {
                // need to look at other type of level
         * Updates the current remote audio listener. We need to attach a component to the game object
         * marked as the remote audio listener. It is possible to swap audio listeners at runtime.
         * We disable the attached component on the object that is no longer active. Either parameter
         * can be null.
        public void UpdateAudioListener(AudioListener previouslistener, AudioListener newlistener)
            CastRemoteDisplayAudioInterceptor previousInterceptor =
              previouslistener == null ? null :
              CastRemoteDisplayAudioInterceptor newInterceptor =
              newlistener == null ? null :

              // If we have a valid listener that doesn't have an interceptor yet, add it.
              if (newInterceptor == null && newlistener != null) {
            newInterceptor = newlistener.gameObject.AddComponent<CastRemoteDisplayAudioInterceptor>();

              if (previousInterceptor != null && previousInterceptor != newInterceptor) {
            previousInterceptor.enabled = false;

              if (newInterceptor != null) {
            newInterceptor.enabled = true;
Пример #34
 /// <summary>
 /// Read the data using the reader.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reader">Reader.</param>
 public override object Read(ISaveGameReader reader)
     UnityEngine.AudioListener audioListener = SaveGameType.CreateComponent <UnityEngine.AudioListener> ();
     ReadInto(audioListener, reader);
Пример #35
        public void CreateCamera()
            this.MainCamera    = UnityEngine.Camera.main;
            this.MainCameraFOV = this.MainCamera.fieldOfView;
            if (this.CameraFoV == 0)
                this.CameraFoV = this.MainCameraFOV;
            if (this.CameraNearClip == 0)
                this.CameraNearClip = this.MainCamera.nearClipPlane;
            if (this.CameraForClip == 0)
                this.CameraForClip = this.MainCamera.farClipPlane;
            this.MainCamera.enabled = false;
            // free camera on
            this.MainCamera.GetComponent <RideCameraController>().ONGNOMCJBGE = true;
            // copy camera object
            this.CameraObject      = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(this.MainCamera.gameObject);
            this.CameraObject.name = "Camera";
            this.Camera            = this.CameraObject.GetComponent <UnityEngine.Camera>();
            this.Camera.enabled    = true;
            this.CameraTransform   = this.CameraObject.transform;
            if (this.RootObject != null)
            this.CameraObject.transform.position = this.MainCamera.transform.position;
            // delete components
            UnityEngine.AudioListener audioLis = this.CameraObject.GetComponent <UnityEngine.AudioListener>();
            if (audioLis != null)
            audioLis = null;

            UnityEngine.GUILayer guilayer = this.CameraObject.GetComponent <UnityEngine.GUILayer>();
            if (guilayer != null)
            guilayer = null;

            RideCameraController rideCamCntrl = this.CameraObject.GetComponent <RideCameraController>();

            rideCamCntrl.ONGNOMCJBGE = true;
            if (rideCamCntrl != null)
            rideCamCntrl = null;

            Skybox skybox = this.CameraObject.GetComponent <Skybox>();

            if (skybox != null)
            skybox = null;

            this.cameraDestoryer = CameraDestoryer.Create(this);
Пример #36
 static public int get_velocityUpdateMode(IntPtr l)
     UnityEngine.AudioListener o = (UnityEngine.AudioListener)checkSelf(l);
     pushValue(l, o.velocityUpdateMode);
Пример #37
        // Use this for initialization
        void Start()
            GameSystem.GamePaused = false;
            //setup the camera
            //if we haven't been passed a rigidbody, lookup one in our children
            movedCurr = false;
            movedPrev = false;
            shivCurr = false;
            shivPrev = false;
            handsUpCurr = false;
            handsUpPrev = false;
            rotatedCurr = false;
            rotatedPrev = false;
            jumpCurr = false;
            jumpPrev = false;
            if (ActorCamera != null)
                audioDev = ActorCamera.GetComponentInChildren<AudioListener>();
            //get info from the network if available.
            if (ActorCtrl.IsNetworked)
                if (ActorCtrl.IsClientControlled)
                    networkID = Matchmaker.GetPlayerNum();
            //add ourselves to the AI system
            aiManager = AIManager.GetInstance();

            //we don't want the friggin' mouse moving around!
            Screen.lockCursor = true;
Пример #38
        static AudioSource Play(AudioClip audio, float volume = 1f, float pitch = 1f, bool loop = false)
            if (audio != null && volume > 0.01f)
                if (mListener == null || !GameObjectUtil.GetActive(mListener))
                    AudioListener[] listeners = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(AudioListener)) as AudioListener[];

                    if (listeners != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < listeners.Length; ++i)
                            if (GameObjectUtil.GetActive(listeners[i]))
                                mListener = listeners[i];

                    if (mListener == null)
                        Camera cam = Camera.main;
                        if (cam == null) cam = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(Camera)) as Camera;
                        if (cam != null) mListener = cam.gameObject.AddComponent<AudioListener>();

                if (mListener != null && mListener.enabled && GameObjectUtil.GetActive(mListener.gameObject))
                    AudioSource source = mListener.audio;
                    if (source == null) source = mListener.gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>();
                    source.pitch = pitch;
                    source.loop = loop;
                    source.volume = volume;
                    source.clip = audio;
                    return source;
            return null;
Пример #39
       *    \fn      void Awake()
       *             起動時処理
       *    \date    2014.12.25(Thu)
       *    \author  Masayoshi.Matsuyama@Donuts
			void Awake () {
				isOnTimePlaying = false;
				if (myAudioListener == null) {
					// AudioListenerが設定されてないなら、このGameObjectにAudioListenerがいるかチェック
					myAudioListener = this.gameObject.GetComponent<AudioListener>();
					if (myAudioListener == null) {
						// AudioListenerが居ないので追加する
						myAudioListener = this.gameObject.AddComponent<AudioListener>();
Пример #40
    private GameObject mainCamera_Init()
        GameObject gomainCamera_12228 = (GetObject(12228) as GameObject);

        gomainCamera_12228.name = "Main Camera";
        gomainCamera_12228.tag  = "MainCamera";
        UnityEngine.Transform commainCamera_transform_0_12234 = (GetObject(12234) as UnityEngine.Transform);
        commainCamera_transform_0_12234.position         = new Vector3(0f, 1f, -10f);
        commainCamera_transform_0_12234.localPosition    = new Vector3(0f, 1f, -10f);
        commainCamera_transform_0_12234.eulerAngles      = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
        commainCamera_transform_0_12234.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
        commainCamera_transform_0_12234.right            = new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f);
        commainCamera_transform_0_12234.up                = new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f);
        commainCamera_transform_0_12234.forward           = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f);
        commainCamera_transform_0_12234.rotation          = new Quaternion(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f);
        commainCamera_transform_0_12234.localRotation     = new Quaternion(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f);
        commainCamera_transform_0_12234.localScale        = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f);
        commainCamera_transform_0_12234.parent            = null;
        commainCamera_transform_0_12234.hasChanged        = true;
        commainCamera_transform_0_12234.hierarchyCapacity = 1;
        commainCamera_transform_0_12234.tag               = "MainCamera";
        commainCamera_transform_0_12234.hideFlags         = UnityEngine.HideFlags.None;
        UnityEngine.Camera commainCamera_camera_0_12232 = (GetObject(12232) as UnityEngine.Camera);
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.nearClipPlane          = 0.3f;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.farClipPlane           = 1000f;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.fieldOfView            = 60f;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.renderingPath          = UnityEngine.RenderingPath.UsePlayerSettings;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.allowHDR               = true;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.allowMSAA              = true;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.allowDynamicResolution = false;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.forceIntoRenderTexture = false;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.orthographicSize       = 5f;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.orthographic           = false;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.opaqueSortMode         = UnityEngine.Rendering.OpaqueSortMode.Default;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.transparencySortMode   = UnityEngine.TransparencySortMode.Default;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.transparencySortAxis   = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f);
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.depth                         = -1f;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.aspect                        = 1.777778f;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.cullingMask                   = -1;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.eventMask                     = -1;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.layerCullSpherical            = false;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.cameraType                    = UnityEngine.CameraType.Game;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.overrideSceneCullingMask      = 0;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.layerCullDistances            = new System.Single[] { 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f };
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.useOcclusionCulling           = true;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.cullingMatrix                 = new Matrix4x4(new Vector4(0.9742786f, 0f, 0f, 0f), new Vector4(0f, 1.732051f, 0f, 0f), new Vector4(0f, 0f, 1.0006f, 1f), new Vector4(0f, -1.732051f, 9.405821f, 10f));
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.backgroundColor               = new Color(0.1921569f, 0.3019608f, 0.4745098f, 0f);
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.clearFlags                    = UnityEngine.CameraClearFlags.Skybox;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.depthTextureMode              = UnityEngine.DepthTextureMode.None;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.clearStencilAfterLightingPass = false;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.usePhysicalProperties         = false;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.sensorSize                    = new Vector2(36f, 24f);
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.lensShift                     = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.focalLength                   = 50f;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.gateFit                       = UnityEngine.Camera.GateFitMode.Horizontal;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.rect                        = new Rect(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f);
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.pixelRect                   = new Rect(0f, 0f, 304f, 171f);
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.targetTexture               = null;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.targetDisplay               = 0;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.worldToCameraMatrix         = new Matrix4x4(new Vector4(1f, 0f, 0f, 0f), new Vector4(0f, 1f, 0f, 0f), new Vector4(0f, 0f, -1f, 0f), new Vector4(0f, -1f, -10f, 1f));
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.projectionMatrix            = new Matrix4x4(new Vector4(0.9742786f, 0f, 0f, 0f), new Vector4(0f, 1.732051f, 0f, 0f), new Vector4(0f, 0f, -1.0006f, -1f), new Vector4(0f, 0f, -0.60018f, 0f));
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.nonJitteredProjectionMatrix = new Matrix4x4(new Vector4(0.9742786f, 0f, 0f, 0f), new Vector4(0f, 1.732051f, 0f, 0f), new Vector4(0f, 0f, -1.0006f, -1f), new Vector4(0f, 0f, -0.60018f, 0f));
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.useJitteredProjectionMatrixForTransparentRendering = true;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.scene             = GetScene();
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.stereoSeparation  = 0.022f;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.stereoConvergence = 10f;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.stereoTargetEye   = UnityEngine.StereoTargetEyeMask.Both;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.enabled           = true;
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.tag       = "MainCamera";
        commainCamera_camera_0_12232.hideFlags = UnityEngine.HideFlags.None;
        UnityEngine.AudioListener commainCamera_audiolistener_0_12230 = (GetObject(12230) as UnityEngine.AudioListener);
        commainCamera_audiolistener_0_12230.velocityUpdateMode = UnityEngine.AudioVelocityUpdateMode.Dynamic;
        commainCamera_audiolistener_0_12230.enabled            = true;
        commainCamera_audiolistener_0_12230.tag       = "MainCamera";
        commainCamera_audiolistener_0_12230.hideFlags = UnityEngine.HideFlags.None;
Пример #41
        private void Start()
            #if !UltimateFPSIsPresent

            ACDebug.LogWarning ("'UltimateFPSIsPresent' must be listed in your Unity Player Setting's 'Scripting define symbols' for AC's UFPS integration to work.");


            // Assign the UFPS components, and report warnings if they are not present
            fpCamera = GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPCamera>();
            fpController = GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPController>();
            fpInput = GetComponentInChildren <vp_FPInput>();
            _audioListener = GetComponentInChildren <AudioListener>();

            if (fpController == null)
                ACDebug.LogWarning ("Cannot find UFPS script 'vp_FPController' anywhere on '" + gameObject.name + "'.");
            if (fpInput == null)
                ACDebug.LogWarning ("Cannot find UFPS script 'vp_FPInput' anywhere on '" + gameObject.name + "'.");
            if (fpCamera == null)
                ACDebug.LogWarning ("Cannot find UFPS script 'vp_FPCamera' anywhere on '" + gameObject.name + "'.");
            if (KickStarter.settingsManager != null && KickStarter.settingsManager.movementMethod != MovementMethod.FirstPerson)
                ACDebug.Log ("The Ultimate FPS integration script requires the Settings Manager's 'Movement method' is set to 'First Person'");

            // Tell the AC Player component that we'l be controlling movement/rotation manually during Cutscenes
            player = GetComponent <Player>();
            player.FirstPersonCamera = fpCamera.transform;
            player.SetAnimEngine (AnimationEngine.Custom);
            player.motionControl = MotionControl.Manual;

            // Assign a short delay whenever we load a saved game, to prevent firing when click
            if (KickStarter.saveSystem)
                KickStarter.saveSystem.SetGameplayReturnTime (0.1f);

            // Fixes gun sounds from not always playing
            AudioListener.pause = false;

Пример #42
        public void OnAwake()
            gameObject.tag = Tags.mainCamera;

            hideSceneWhileLoading = true;

            AssignOwnCamera ();

            if (GetComponent <AudioListener>())
                _audioListener = GetComponent <AudioListener>();
            else if (_camera != null && _camera.GetComponent <AudioListener>())
                _audioListener = _camera.GetComponent <AudioListener>();

            if (this.transform.parent && this.transform.parent.name != "_Cameras")
                ACDebug.LogWarning ("Note: The MainCamera is parented to an unknown object. Be careful when moving the parent, as it may cause mis-alignment when the MainCamera is attached to a GameCamera.");

            if (KickStarter.settingsManager.forceAspectRatio)
                #if !UNITY_IPHONE
                KickStarter.settingsManager.landscapeModeOnly = false;
                if (SetAspectRatio ())
                    CreateBorderCamera ();
                SetCameraRect ();
Пример #43
    public static string serialize(GameObject obj)
        string serialized = "";                        //Message.GO_UPDATE.ToString();

        serMarkerFlag serMarker = new serMarkerFlag(); //Put the marker flag info on the string first !!!

        serMarker.flag = obj.GetComponent <MarkerFlag>();

        if (obj.transform.parent == null)
            serMarker.flag.parentID = "__";
            serMarker.flag.parentID = obj.transform.parent.GetComponent <MarkerFlag>().id;

        string flagData = new string(serMarker.toChar());

        serialized += flagData;

        int hashLoc = genHashCode(serMarker.flag.id);
        int xLoc    = hashLoc % 10;
        int yLoc    = hashLoc % 100;

        //TODO check location if it already is there
        objectMap[xLoc, yLoc].Add(serMarker.flag);

        serialized += obj.name + "|";
        serialized += obj.tag + "|";
        serialized += obj.layer + "|";
        serialized += obj.isStatic + "|";
        Component[] comps;
        comps = obj.GetComponents <Component>();
        for (int i = 0; i < comps.Length; i++)
            if (comps[i] != null)
                if (comps[i].GetType() == typeof(UnityEngine.Transform))
                    UnityEngine.Transform newTransform = comps[i] as UnityEngine.Transform;

                    Transform serNewTransform = new Transform();
                    serNewTransform.pos   = newTransform.position;
                    serNewTransform.rot   = newTransform.rotation;
                    serNewTransform.scale = newTransform.localScale;
                    string transformString = new string(serNewTransform.toChar());
                    serialized += transformString;
                else if (comps[i].GetType() == typeof(UnityEngine.BoxCollider))
                    UnityEngine.BoxCollider newBoxCollider = comps[i] as UnityEngine.BoxCollider;

                    BoxCollider serNewBoxCollider = new BoxCollider();
                    serNewBoxCollider.center    = newBoxCollider.center;
                    serNewBoxCollider.size      = newBoxCollider.size;
                    serNewBoxCollider.isTrigger = newBoxCollider.isTrigger;
                    string boxColliderString = new string(serNewBoxCollider.toChar());
                    serialized += boxColliderString;
                else if (comps[i].GetType() == typeof(UnityEngine.SphereCollider))
                    UnityEngine.SphereCollider newSphereCollider = comps[i] as UnityEngine.SphereCollider;

                    SphereCollider serNewSphereCollider = new SphereCollider();
                    serNewSphereCollider.center    = newSphereCollider.center;
                    serNewSphereCollider.radius    = newSphereCollider.radius;
                    serNewSphereCollider.isTrigger = newSphereCollider.isTrigger;
                    string sphereColliderString = new string(serNewSphereCollider.toChar());
                    serialized += sphereColliderString;
                else if (comps[i].GetType() == typeof(UnityEngine.CapsuleCollider))
                    UnityEngine.CapsuleCollider newCapsuleCollider = comps[i] as UnityEngine.CapsuleCollider;

                    CapsuleCollider serNewCapsuleCollider = new CapsuleCollider();
                    serNewCapsuleCollider.center        = newCapsuleCollider.center;
                    serNewCapsuleCollider.radius        = newCapsuleCollider.radius;
                    serNewCapsuleCollider.height        = newCapsuleCollider.height;
                    serNewCapsuleCollider.directionAxis = newCapsuleCollider.direction;
                    serNewCapsuleCollider.isTrigger     = newCapsuleCollider.isTrigger;
                    string capsuleColliderString = new string(serNewCapsuleCollider.toChar());
                    serialized += capsuleColliderString;
                else if (comps[i].GetType() == typeof(UnityEngine.Rigidbody))
                    UnityEngine.Rigidbody newRigidBody = comps[i] as UnityEngine.Rigidbody;

                    RigidBody serNewRigidBody = new RigidBody();
                    serNewRigidBody.mass               = newRigidBody.mass;
                    serNewRigidBody.drag               = newRigidBody.drag;
                    serNewRigidBody.angularDrag        = newRigidBody.angularDrag;
                    serNewRigidBody.interpolate        = (int)newRigidBody.interpolation;
                    serNewRigidBody.collisionDetection = newRigidBody.detectCollisions;
                    serNewRigidBody.freeze             = (int)newRigidBody.constraints;
                    serNewRigidBody.isKinematic        = newRigidBody.isKinematic;
                    serNewRigidBody.useGravity         = newRigidBody.useGravity;
                    serNewRigidBody.collisionDetection = newRigidBody.detectCollisions;
                    string rigidBodyString = new string(serNewRigidBody.toChar());
                    serialized += rigidBodyString;
                else if (comps[i].GetType() == typeof(UnityEngine.Camera))
                    UnityEngine.Camera newCamera = comps[i] as UnityEngine.Camera;

                    Camera serNewCamera = new Camera();
                    serNewCamera.clearFlags       = (int)newCamera.clearFlags;
                    serNewCamera.background       = newCamera.backgroundColor;
                    serNewCamera.cullingMask      = newCamera.cullingMask;
                    serNewCamera.projection       = newCamera.projectionMatrix.ToString();
                    serNewCamera.near             = newCamera.nearClipPlane;
                    serNewCamera.far              = newCamera.farClipPlane;
                    serNewCamera.viewportRect     = newCamera.rect;
                    serNewCamera.renderingPath    = (int)newCamera.renderingPath;
                    serNewCamera.HDR              = newCamera.allowHDR;
                    serNewCamera.MSAA             = newCamera.allowMSAA;
                    serNewCamera.occlusionCulling = newCamera.useOcclusionCulling;
                    serNewCamera.depth            = newCamera.depth;
                    serNewCamera.fov              = newCamera.fieldOfView;
                    serNewCamera.targetDisplay    = newCamera.targetDisplay;

                    string cameraString = new string(serNewCamera.toChar());
                    serialized += cameraString;
                else if (comps[i].GetType() == typeof(UnityEngine.MeshFilter))
                    //Gather Meshfilter information on current GO
                    UnityEngine.MeshFilter gOMeshFilter = comps[i] as UnityEngine.MeshFilter;
                    Mesh gOMesh = gOMeshFilter.sharedMesh;

                    //Pack data into our meshfilter object
                    MeshFilter meshStruct = new MeshFilter();
                    meshStruct.filePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(gOMesh);
                    meshStruct.meshName = gOMesh.name;

                    //Convert the data into a string and add it to the overall data stream
                    string sStream = new string(meshStruct.toChar());
                    serialized += sStream;
                else if (comps[i].GetType() == typeof(UnityEngine.MeshRenderer))
                    UnityEngine.MeshRenderer gOMeshRenderer = comps[i] as UnityEngine.MeshRenderer;

                    //Pack data into our MeshRenderer obj
                    MeshRenderer meshStruct = new MeshRenderer();
                    meshStruct.lightProbe      = (int)gOMeshRenderer.lightProbeUsage;
                    meshStruct.reflectionProbe = (int)gOMeshRenderer.reflectionProbeUsage;
                    meshStruct.castShadows     = (int)gOMeshRenderer.shadowCastingMode;
                    meshStruct.receiveShadows  = gOMeshRenderer.receiveShadows;
                    meshStruct.motionVectors   = (int)gOMeshRenderer.motionVectorGenerationMode;
                    meshStruct.lightmapStatic  = false;

                    Material[] gOMaterials = gOMeshRenderer.sharedMaterials;
                    for (int q = 0; q < gOMaterials.Length; ++q)
                        string materialPath = "";
                        if (gOMaterials[q] == null || gOMaterials[q].name == "Default-Material")
                            materialPath = "Default-Material";
                            materialPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(gOMaterials[q]);

                    string sStream = new string(meshStruct.toChar());
                    serialized += sStream;
                else if (comps[i].GetType() == typeof(UnityEngine.Light))
                    UnityEngine.Light newLight = comps[i] as UnityEngine.Light;

                    Light serNewLight = new Light();
                    serNewLight.type        = (int)newLight.type;
                    serNewLight.shadows     = (int)newLight.shadows;
                    serNewLight.mode        = (int)newLight.renderMode;
                    serNewLight.cullingMask = newLight.cullingMask;
                    serNewLight.color       = newLight.color;
                    serNewLight.intensity   = newLight.intensity;
                    serNewLight.cookie      = newLight.cookieSize;

                    string lightString = new string(serNewLight.toChar());
                    serialized += lightString;
                else if (comps[i].GetType() == typeof(UnityEngine.GUILayer))
                    UnityEngine.GUILayer newGuiLayer = comps[i] as UnityEngine.GUILayer;

                    string lightString = "guilayer|";
                    serialized += lightString;
                else if (comps[i].GetType() == typeof(UnityEngine.FlareLayer))
                    UnityEngine.FlareLayer newGuiLayer = comps[i] as UnityEngine.FlareLayer;

                    string lightString = "flarelayer|";
                    serialized += lightString;
                else if (comps[i].GetType() == typeof(UnityEngine.AudioListener))
                    UnityEngine.AudioListener newGuiLayer = comps[i] as UnityEngine.AudioListener;

                    string lightString = "audiolistener|";
                    serialized += lightString;

Пример #44
        private void Awake()
            gameObject.tag = Tags.mainCamera;

            hideSceneWhileLoading = true;

            AssignOwnCamera ();

            if (GetComponent <AudioListener>())
                _audioListener = GetComponent <AudioListener>();
            else if (_camera != null && _camera.GetComponent <AudioListener>())
                _audioListener = _camera.GetComponent <AudioListener>();

            if (this.transform.parent && this.transform.parent.name != "_Cameras")
                if (GameObject.Find ("_Cameras"))
                    this.transform.parent = GameObject.Find ("_Cameras").transform;
                    this.transform.parent = null;

            if (KickStarter.settingsManager.forceAspectRatio)
                #if !UNITY_IPHONE
                KickStarter.settingsManager.landscapeModeOnly = false;
                if (SetAspectRatio ())
                    CreateBorderCamera ();
                SetCameraRect ();
Пример #45
    public static void componentSerialize(string ser)
        GameObject gameObject = null;

        MarkerFlag objMarker = deserializeMarkerFlag(ref ser);

        int hashLoc = genHashCode(objMarker.id);

        int xLoc = hashLoc % 10;
        int yLoc = hashLoc % 100;

        MarkerFlag thisFlag = findInList(objMarker.id, xLoc, yLoc);

        if (thisFlag == null) //Make a new game object with given flag if you need to
            gameObject = new GameObject();
            thisFlag   = gameObject.AddComponent <MarkerFlag>();
            gameObject = thisFlag.gameObject;

        thisFlag.id       = objMarker.id;
        thisFlag.parentID = objMarker.parentID;
        thisFlag.isLocked = objMarker.isLocked;
        if (thisFlag.parentID != "_")
            int        parentHash = genHashCode(thisFlag.parentID);
            int        xParent    = parentHash % 10;
            int        yParent    = parentHash % 100;
            MarkerFlag parentFlag = findInList(thisFlag.parentID, xParent, yParent);
            if (parentFlag != null)

        gameObject.name     = deserializeString(ref ser);
        gameObject.tag      = deserializeString(ref ser);
        gameObject.layer    = deserializeInt(ref ser);
        gameObject.isStatic = deserializeBool(ref ser);
        while (ser.Length > 0)
            string tag = deserializeString(ref ser); //Identifies the component type

            if (tag == "transform")
                UnityEngine.Transform trans = gameObject.transform;
                trans.position   = deserializeVector3(ref ser);
                trans.rotation   = deserializeQuaternion(ref ser);
                trans.localScale = deserializeVector3(ref ser);

                if (expectedObjs > -1)
                    thisFlag.ogPos   = trans.position;
                    thisFlag.ogRot   = trans.rotation;
                    thisFlag.ogScale = trans.localScale;
            else if (tag == "boxCollider")
                UnityEngine.BoxCollider col = gameObject.GetComponent <UnityEngine.BoxCollider>();
                if (col == null)
                    col = gameObject.AddComponent <UnityEngine.BoxCollider>();
                col.center    = deserializeVector3(ref ser);
                col.size      = deserializeVector3(ref ser);
                col.isTrigger = deserializeBool(ref ser);
            else if (tag == "sphereCollider")
                UnityEngine.SphereCollider col = gameObject.GetComponent <UnityEngine.SphereCollider>();
                if (col == null)
                    col = gameObject.AddComponent <UnityEngine.SphereCollider>();
                col.center    = deserializeVector3(ref ser);
                col.radius    = deserializeFloat(ref ser);
                col.isTrigger = deserializeBool(ref ser);
            else if (tag == "capsuleCollider")
                UnityEngine.CapsuleCollider col = gameObject.GetComponent <UnityEngine.CapsuleCollider>();
                if (col == null)
                    col = gameObject.AddComponent <UnityEngine.CapsuleCollider>();
                col.center    = deserializeVector3(ref ser);
                col.radius    = deserializeFloat(ref ser);
                col.height    = deserializeFloat(ref ser);
                col.direction = deserializeInt(ref ser);
                col.isTrigger = deserializeBool(ref ser);
            else if (tag == "rigidbody")
                UnityEngine.Rigidbody col = gameObject.GetComponent <UnityEngine.Rigidbody>();
                if (col == null)
                    col = gameObject.AddComponent <UnityEngine.Rigidbody>();
                col.mass             = deserializeFloat(ref ser);
                col.drag             = deserializeFloat(ref ser);
                col.angularDrag      = deserializeFloat(ref ser);
                col.interpolation    = (RigidbodyInterpolation)deserializeInt(ref ser);
                col.constraints      = (RigidbodyConstraints)deserializeInt(ref ser);
                col.useGravity       = deserializeBool(ref ser);
                col.isKinematic      = deserializeBool(ref ser);
                col.detectCollisions = deserializeBool(ref ser);
            else if (tag == "camera")
                UnityEngine.Camera cam = gameObject.GetComponent <UnityEngine.Camera>();
                if (cam == null)
                    cam = gameObject.AddComponent <UnityEngine.Camera>();
                cam.clearFlags          = (CameraClearFlags)deserializeInt(ref ser);
                cam.backgroundColor     = deserializeColor(ref ser);
                cam.cullingMask         = deserializeInt(ref ser);
                cam.nearClipPlane       = deserializeFloat(ref ser);
                cam.farClipPlane        = deserializeFloat(ref ser);
                cam.rect                = deserializeRect(ref ser);
                cam.renderingPath       = (RenderingPath)deserializeInt(ref ser);
                cam.allowHDR            = deserializeBool(ref ser);
                cam.allowMSAA           = deserializeBool(ref ser);
                cam.useOcclusionCulling = deserializeBool(ref ser);
                cam.depth               = deserializeFloat(ref ser);
                cam.fieldOfView         = deserializeFloat(ref ser);
                cam.targetDisplay       = deserializeInt(ref ser);
            else if (tag == "light")
                UnityEngine.Light li = gameObject.GetComponent <UnityEngine.Light>();
                if (li == null)
                    li = gameObject.AddComponent <UnityEngine.Light>();
                li.type        = (LightType)deserializeInt(ref ser);
                li.shadows     = (LightShadows)deserializeInt(ref ser);
                li.renderMode  = (LightRenderMode)deserializeInt(ref ser);
                li.cullingMask = deserializeInt(ref ser);
                li.color       = deserializeColor(ref ser);
                li.intensity   = deserializeFloat(ref ser);
                li.cookieSize  = deserializeFloat(ref ser);
            else if (tag == "meshfilter")
                UnityEngine.MeshFilter meshFilter = gameObject.GetComponent <UnityEngine.MeshFilter>();
                if (meshFilter == null)
                    meshFilter = gameObject.AddComponent <UnityEngine.MeshFilter>();
                string filePath = deserializeString(ref ser);
                string meshName = deserializeString(ref ser);

                UnityEngine.Object[] assets = AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath(filePath);
                for (int x = 0; x < assets.Length; ++x)
                    if (assets[x].name == meshName)
                        gameObject.GetComponent <UnityEngine.MeshFilter>().mesh = assets[x] as UnityEngine.Mesh;
            else if (tag == "meshRenderer")
                UnityEngine.MeshRenderer gOMeshRenderer = gameObject.GetComponent <UnityEngine.MeshRenderer>();
                if (gOMeshRenderer == null)
                    gOMeshRenderer = gameObject.AddComponent <UnityEngine.MeshRenderer>();

                gOMeshRenderer.lightProbeUsage            = (UnityEngine.Rendering.LightProbeUsage)deserializeInt(ref ser);
                gOMeshRenderer.reflectionProbeUsage       = (UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeUsage)deserializeInt(ref ser);
                gOMeshRenderer.shadowCastingMode          = (UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode)deserializeInt(ref ser);
                gOMeshRenderer.receiveShadows             = deserializeBool(ref ser);
                gOMeshRenderer.motionVectorGenerationMode = (UnityEngine.MotionVectorGenerationMode)deserializeInt(ref ser);
                //Light map static junk
                deserializeBool(ref ser);

                string          materialsList   = deserializeString(ref ser);
                List <Material> renderMaterials = new List <Material>();
                if (materialsList.Length > 1)
                    while (materialsList != "")
                        int length = materialsList.IndexOf(",");
                        if (length > 0)
                            string ret = materialsList.Substring(0, length);
                            materialsList = materialsList.Remove(0, length + 1);
                            Material newMat = null;
                            if (ret == "Default-Material" || ret == "" || ret == "Resources/unity_builtin_extra")
                                newMat = AssetDatabase.GetBuiltinExtraResource <Material>("Default-Diffuse.mat");
                                newMat = (Material)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(ret, typeof(Material));

                    if (renderMaterials.Count > 0)
                        gOMeshRenderer.GetComponent <Renderer>().materials = renderMaterials.ToArray();
            else if (tag == "guilayer")
                UnityEngine.GUILayer gOGuiLayer = gameObject.GetComponent <GUILayer>();
                if (gOGuiLayer == null)
                    gOGuiLayer = gameObject.AddComponent <GUILayer>();
            else if (tag == "flarelayer")
                UnityEngine.FlareLayer gOFlareLayer = gameObject.GetComponent <FlareLayer>();
                if (gOFlareLayer == null)
                    gOFlareLayer = gameObject.AddComponent <FlareLayer>();
            else if (tag == "audiolistener")
                UnityEngine.AudioListener gOAudioListener = gameObject.GetComponent <AudioListener>();
                if (gOAudioListener == null)
                    gOAudioListener = gameObject.AddComponent <AudioListener>();
                Debug.Log("Unkown Componenet Type " + tag);