Disc() публичный статический Метод

Make a 3D disc that can be dragged with the mouse.

public static Disc ( Quaternion rotation, Vector3 position, Vector3 axis, float size, bool cutoffPlane, float snap ) : Quaternion
rotation UnityEngine.Quaternion The rotation of the disc.
position Vector3 The center of the disc.
axis Vector3 The axis to rotate around.
size float The size of the disc in world space.
cutoffPlane bool If true, only the front-facing half of the circle is draw / draggable. This is useful when you have many overlapping rotation axes (like in the default rotate tool) to avoid clutter.
snap float The grid size to snap to.
Результат UnityEngine.Quaternion
Пример #1
        private void DrawSingleCollision(PhysicsDebugDraw.VisContactPoint contactPoint, Color impulseColor, bool useRandomColor)
            var primaryColor = useRandomColor ? GetHashedColor(contactPoint.thisColliderInstanceID) : PhysicsVisualizationSettings.contactColor;
            var inverseColor = useRandomColor ? GetInverseColor(primaryColor) : PhysicsVisualizationSettings.contactSeparationColor;

            var colliderScale1 = GetColliderScale(contactPoint.thisCollider);
            var colliderScale2 = GetColliderScale(contactPoint.otherCollider);
            var colliderScale  = Mathf.Min(colliderScale1, colliderScale2);

            Handles.color = primaryColor;
            Handles.ArrowHandleCap(0, contactPoint.point, Quaternion.LookRotation(contactPoint.normal), colliderScale, EventType.Repaint);

            if (PhysicsVisualizationSettings.showContactSeparation && contactPoint.separation > 0.01f)
                Vector3 p2 = contactPoint.point - (contactPoint.normal * contactPoint.separation);

                Handles.color = inverseColor;
                // The line that displays the separation
                Handles.DrawLine(p2, contactPoint.point, 2f);
                Handles.Disc(Quaternion.identity, contactPoint.point
                             , contactPoint.normal, contactPoint.separation / 2f, false, 1f);

                // Looks really good but maybe computationally too expensive?
                var discFillingColor = inverseColor;
                discFillingColor.a = 0.2f;

                Handles.color = discFillingColor;
                Handles.DrawSolidDisc(contactPoint.point, contactPoint.normal, contactPoint.separation / 2f);

            // Impulse arrow
            if (PhysicsVisualizationSettings.showContactImpulse && contactPoint.impulse.sqrMagnitude > 0.001f)
                Handles.color = impulseColor;
                Handles.ArrowHandleCap(0, contactPoint.point, Quaternion.LookRotation(contactPoint.impulse), contactPoint.impulse.magnitude, EventType.Repaint);