public bool BeginRename(string name, int userData, float delay) { if (this.m_IsRenaming) { Debug.LogError("BeginRename fail: already renaming"); return false; } this.m_Name = name; this.m_OriginalName = name; this.m_UserData = userData; this.m_UserAcceptedRename = false; this.m_IsWaitingForDelay = delay > 0f; this.m_IsRenaming = true; this.m_EditFieldRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f); this.m_ClientGUIView = GUIView.current; if (delay > 0f) { this.m_DelayedCallback = new DelayedCallback(new Action(this, (IntPtr) this.BeginRenameInternalCallback), (double) delay); } else { this.BeginRenameInternalCallback(); } return true; }
internal static void ControlHighlightGUI(GUIView self) { if (((s_View != null) && (self.window == s_View.window)) && (activeVisible && !searching)) { if ((Event.current.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand) && (Event.current.commandName == "HandleControlHighlight")) { if (self.screenPosition.Overlaps(s_RepaintRegion)) { self.Repaint(); } } else if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { Rect rect = GUIUtility.ScreenToGUIRect(activeRect); rect = highlightStyle.padding.Add(rect); float num = (Mathf.Cos(((s_HighlightElapsedTime * 3.141593f) * 2f) * 0.45f) + 1f) * 0.5f; float num2 = Mathf.Min((float) 1f, (float) (0.01f + (s_HighlightElapsedTime / 0.33f))); num2 += Mathf.Sin(num2 * 3.141593f) * 0.5f; Vector2 vector = (Vector2) (new Vector2(((rect.width + 5f) / rect.width) - 1f, ((rect.height + 5f) / rect.height) - 1f) * num); Vector2 scale = (Vector2) (( + vector) * num2); Matrix4x4 matrix = GUI.matrix; Color color = GUI.color; GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.8f - (0.3f * num)); GUIUtility.ScaleAroundPivot(scale,; highlightStyle.Draw(rect, false, false, false, false); GUI.color = color; GUI.matrix = matrix; } } }
private static string GetGUIViewName(GUIView view) { HostView view2 = view as HostView; if (view2 != null) { return view2.actualView.GetType().Name; } return "Window"; }
private bool CanInspectView(GUIView view) { if (view == null) { return false; } EditorWindow editorWindow = GetEditorWindow(view); if ((editorWindow != null) && ((editorWindow == this) || (editorWindow == this.m_InstructionOverlayWindow))) { return false; } return true; }
public void Show(GUIView view, Rect instructionRect, GUIStyle style) { base.minSize =; this.m_InstructionStyle = style; this.m_InspectedGUIView = view; this.m_InstructionRect = instructionRect; Rect rect = new Rect(instructionRect); rect.x += this.m_InspectedGUIView.screenPosition.x; rect.y += this.m_InspectedGUIView.screenPosition.y; base.position = rect; this.m_RenderTextureNeedsRefresh = true; base.ShowWithMode(ShowMode.NoShadow); base.m_Parent.window.m_DontSaveToLayout = true; base.Repaint(); }
private void Show(GUIView sourceView) { this.m_DelegateView = sourceView; ContainerWindow instance = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<ContainerWindow>(); instance.m_DontSaveToLayout = true; instance.title = "EyeDropper"; instance.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; instance.mainView = (View) this; instance.Show(ShowMode.PopupMenu, true, false); this.AddToAuxWindowList(); instance.SetInvisible(); this.SetMinMaxSizes(new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f), new Vector2(10000f, 10000f)); instance.position = new Rect(-5000f, -5000f, 10000f, 10000f); this.wantsMouseMove = true; this.StealMouseCapture(); }
public void BeginGUI() { if (this.m_IgnoreBeginGUI) { return; } if (GUIUtility.keyboardControl == this.controlID) { this.controlThatHadFocus = GUIUtility.keyboardControl; this.controlThatHadFocusValue = this.content.text; this.viewThatHadFocus = GUIView.current; } else { this.controlThatHadFocus = 0; } }
void DoWindowPopup() { string selectedName = inspected == null ? Styles.defaultWindowPopupText : GetViewName(inspected); GUILayout.Label(Styles.inspectedWindowLabel, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); Rect popupPosition = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(GUIContent.Temp(selectedName), EditorStyles.toolbarDropDown, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); if (GUI.Button(popupPosition, GUIContent.Temp(selectedName), EditorStyles.toolbarDropDown)) { List <GUIView> views = new List <GUIView>(); GUIViewDebuggerHelper.GetViews(views); List <GUIContent> options = new List <GUIContent>(views.Count + 1); options.Add(EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("None")); int selectedIndex = 0; List <GUIView> selectableViews = new List <GUIView>(views.Count + 1); for (int i = 0; i < views.Count; ++i) { GUIView view = views[i]; //We can't inspect ourselves, otherwise we get infinite recursion. //Also avoid the InstructionOverlay if (!CanInspectView(view)) { continue; } GUIContent label = new GUIContent(string.Format("{0}. {1}", options.Count, GetViewName(view))); options.Add(label); selectableViews.Add(view); if (view == inspected) { selectedIndex = selectableViews.Count; } } //TODO: convert this to a Unity Window style popup. This way we could highlight the window on hover ;) EditorUtility.DisplayCustomMenu(popupPosition, options.ToArray(), selectedIndex, OnWindowSelected, selectableViews); } }
public void Show(GUIView view, Rect instructionRect, GUIStyle style) { Rect rect; base.minSize =; this.m_InstructionStyle = style; this.m_InspectedGUIView = view; this.m_InstructionRect = instructionRect; rect = new Rect(instructionRect) { x = rect.x + this.m_InspectedGUIView.screenPosition.x, y = rect.y + this.m_InspectedGUIView.screenPosition.y }; base.position = rect; this.m_RenderTextureNeedsRefresh = true; base.ShowWithMode(ShowMode.NoShadow); base.m_Parent.window.m_DontSaveToLayout = true; base.Repaint(); }
public static void FlagStyleSheetChange() { StyleSheetCache.ClearCaches(); Dictionary <int, Panel> .Enumerator panelsIterator = UIElementsUtility.GetPanelsIterator(); while (panelsIterator.MoveNext()) { KeyValuePair <int, Panel> current = panelsIterator.Current; Panel value = current.Value; if (value.contextType == ContextType.Editor) { value.styleContext.DirtyStyleSheets(); value.visualTree.Dirty(ChangeType.Styles); GUIView gUIView = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(value.instanceID) as GUIView; if (gUIView != null) { gUIView.Repaint(); } } } }
public static void Show(Gradient newGradient) { GUIView current = GUIView.current; if (s_GradientPicker == null) { s_GradientPicker = (GradientPicker)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(GradientPicker), true, "Gradient Editor", false); Vector2 vector = new Vector2(360f, 224f); Vector2 vector2 = new Vector2(1900f, 3000f); s_GradientPicker.minSize = vector; s_GradientPicker.maxSize = vector2; s_GradientPicker.wantsMouseMove = true; s_GradientPicker.ShowAuxWindow(); } else { s_GradientPicker.Repaint(); } s_GradientPicker.m_DelegateView = current; s_GradientPicker.Init(newGradient); }
bool CanInspectView(GUIView view) { if (view == null) { return(false); } EditorWindow editorWindow = GetEditorWindow(view); if (editorWindow == null) { return(true); } if (editorWindow == this) { return(false); } return(true); }
public static void Show(Gradient newGradient) { GUIView current = GUIView.current; if ((UnityEngine.Object)GradientPicker.s_GradientPicker == (UnityEngine.Object)null) { GradientPicker.s_GradientPicker = (GradientPicker)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(GradientPicker), true, "Gradient Editor", false); Vector2 vector2_1 = new Vector2(360f, 224f); Vector2 vector2_2 = new Vector2(1900f, 3000f); GradientPicker.s_GradientPicker.minSize = vector2_1; GradientPicker.s_GradientPicker.maxSize = vector2_2; GradientPicker.s_GradientPicker.wantsMouseMove = true; GradientPicker.s_GradientPicker.ShowAuxWindow(); } else { GradientPicker.s_GradientPicker.Repaint(); } GradientPicker.s_GradientPicker.m_DelegateView = current; GradientPicker.s_GradientPicker.Init(newGradient); }
protected override void SetPosition(Rect newPos) { Rect windowPosition = base.windowPosition; base.SetPosition(newPos); if (windowPosition == base.windowPosition) { this.Internal_SetPosition(base.windowPosition); } else { this.Internal_SetPosition(base.windowPosition); this.m_BackgroundValid = false; this.panel.visualTree.SetSize(base.windowPosition.size); if (GUIView.positionChanged != null) { GUIView.positionChanged(this); } this.Repaint(); } }
internal static void ControlHighlightGUI(GUIView self) { if (Highlighter.s_View == null || self.window != Highlighter.s_View.window) { return; } if (!Highlighter.activeVisible || Highlighter.searching) { return; } if (Event.current.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand && Event.current.commandName == "HandleControlHighlight") { if (self.screenPosition.Overlaps(Highlighter.s_RepaintRegion)) { self.Repaint(); } return; } if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint) { return; } Rect rect = GUIUtility.ScreenToGUIRect(Highlighter.activeRect); rect = Highlighter.highlightStyle.padding.Add(rect); float num = (Mathf.Cos(Highlighter.s_HighlightElapsedTime * 3.14159274f * 2f * 0.45f) + 1f) * 0.5f; float num2 = Mathf.Min(1f, 0.01f + Highlighter.s_HighlightElapsedTime / 0.33f); num2 += Mathf.Sin(num2 * 3.14159274f) * 0.5f; Vector2 b = new Vector2((rect.width + 5f) / rect.width - 1f, (rect.height + 5f) / rect.height - 1f) * num; Vector2 scale = ( + b) * num2; Matrix4x4 matrix = GUI.matrix; Color color = GUI.color; GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.8f - 0.3f * num); GUIUtility.ScaleAroundPivot(scale,; Highlighter.highlightStyle.Draw(rect, false, false, false, false); GUI.color = color; GUI.matrix = matrix; }
private void DoWindowPopup() { string t = "<Please Select>"; if (this.m_Inspected != null) { t = GetViewName(this.m_Inspected); } GUILayoutOption[] options = new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false) }; GUILayout.Label("Inspected Window: ", options); GUILayoutOption[] optionArray2 = new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true) }; Rect position = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(GUIContent.Temp(t), EditorStyles.toolbarDropDown, optionArray2); if (GUI.Button(position, GUIContent.Temp(t), EditorStyles.toolbarDropDown)) { List <GUIView> views = new List <GUIView>(); GUIViewDebuggerHelper.GetViews(views); List <GUIContent> list2 = new List <GUIContent>(views.Count + 1) { new GUIContent("None") }; int selected = 0; List <GUIView> userData = new List <GUIView>(views.Count + 1); for (int i = 0; i < views.Count; i++) { GUIView view = views[i]; if (this.CanInspectView(view)) { GUIContent item = new GUIContent(list2.Count + ". " + GetViewName(view)); list2.Add(item); userData.Add(view); if (view == this.m_Inspected) { selected = userData.Count; } } } EditorUtility.DisplayCustomMenu(position, list2.ToArray(), selected, new EditorUtility.SelectMenuItemFunction(this.OnWindowSelected), userData); } }
public static void Show(Gradient newGradient) { GUIView current = GUIView.current; if (GradientPicker.s_GradientPicker == null) { GradientPicker.s_GradientPicker = (GradientPicker)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(GradientPicker), true, "Gradient Editor", false); Vector2 minSize = new Vector2(360f, 224f); Vector2 maxSize = new Vector2(1900f, 3000f); GradientPicker.s_GradientPicker.minSize = minSize; GradientPicker.s_GradientPicker.maxSize = maxSize; GradientPicker.s_GradientPicker.wantsMouseMove = true; GradientPicker.s_GradientPicker.ShowAuxWindow(); } else { GradientPicker.s_GradientPicker.Repaint(); } GradientPicker.s_GradientPicker.m_DelegateView = current; GradientPicker.s_GradientPicker.Init(newGradient); GradientPreviewCache.ClearCache(); }
private static void Start(GUIView viewToUpdate, Action <Color> colorPickedCallback, bool stealFocus) { EyeDropper.instance.m_DelegateView = viewToUpdate; EyeDropper.instance.m_ColorPickedCallback = colorPickedCallback; ContainerWindow containerWindow = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <ContainerWindow>(); containerWindow.m_DontSaveToLayout = true; containerWindow.title = "EyeDropper"; containerWindow.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; containerWindow.rootView = EyeDropper.instance; containerWindow.Show(ShowMode.PopupMenu, true, false); EyeDropper.instance.AddToAuxWindowList(); containerWindow.SetInvisible(); EyeDropper.instance.SetMinMaxSizes(new Vector2(0f, 0f), new Vector2(8192f, 8192f)); containerWindow.position = new Rect(-4096f, -4096f, 8192f, 8192f); EyeDropper.instance.wantsMouseMove = true; EyeDropper.instance.StealMouseCapture(); if (stealFocus) { EyeDropper.instance.Focus(); } }
public static void Show(GUIView viewToUpdate, Color col, bool showAlpha) { ColorPicker.get.m_DelegateView = viewToUpdate; ColorPicker.color = col; ColorPicker.get.m_OriginalColor = col; ColorPicker.get.m_ShowAlpha = showAlpha; ColorPicker.get.m_ModalUndoGroup = Undo.GetCurrentGroup(); if (ColorPicker.get.m_IsOSColorPicker) { OSColorPicker.Show(showAlpha); } else { ColorPicker get = ColorPicker.get; get.title = "Color"; float y = (float)EditorPrefs.GetInt("CPickerHeight", (int)get.position.height); get.minSize = new Vector2(193f, y); get.maxSize = new Vector2(193f, y); get.InitIfNeeded(); get.ShowAuxWindow(); } }
public void HighlightInstruction(GUIView view, Rect instructionRect, GUIStyle style) { if (this.m_ShowHighlighter) { this.ClearInstructionHighlighter(); if (this.m_PaddingHighlighter == null) { this.m_PaddingHighlighter = new VisualElement(); = GUIViewDebuggerWindow.Styles.paddingHighlighterColor; this.m_ContentHighlighter = new VisualElement(); = GUIViewDebuggerWindow.Styles.contentHighlighterColor; } this.m_PaddingHighlighter.layout = instructionRect; view.visualTree.Add(this.m_PaddingHighlighter); if (style != null) { instructionRect = style.padding.Remove(instructionRect); } this.m_ContentHighlighter.layout = instructionRect; view.visualTree.Add(this.m_ContentHighlighter); } }
private void DoWindowPopup() { string t = (!(this.inspected == null)) ? GUIViewDebuggerWindow.GetViewName(this.inspected) : GUIViewDebuggerWindow.Styles.defaultWindowPopupText; GUILayout.Label(GUIViewDebuggerWindow.Styles.inspectedWindowLabel, new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false) }); Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(GUIContent.Temp(t), EditorStyles.toolbarDropDown, new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true) }); if (GUI.Button(rect, GUIContent.Temp(t), EditorStyles.toolbarDropDown)) { List <GUIView> list = new List <GUIView>(); GUIViewDebuggerHelper.GetViews(list); List <GUIContent> list2 = new List <GUIContent>(list.Count + 1); list2.Add(EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("None", null, null)); int selected = 0; List <GUIView> list3 = new List <GUIView>(list.Count + 1); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { GUIView gUIView = list[i]; if (this.CanInspectView(gUIView)) { GUIContent item = new GUIContent(string.Format("{0}. {1}", list2.Count, GUIViewDebuggerWindow.GetViewName(gUIView))); list2.Add(item); list3.Add(gUIView); if (gUIView == this.inspected) { selected = list3.Count; } } } EditorUtility.DisplayCustomMenu(rect, list2.ToArray(), selected, new EditorUtility.SelectMenuItemFunction(this.OnWindowSelected), list3); } }
private void OnWindowSelected(object userdata, string[] options, int selected) { --selected; GUIView guiView = selected < 0 ? (GUIView)null : ((List <GUIView>)userdata)[selected]; if ((UnityEngine.Object) this.m_Inspected != (UnityEngine.Object)guiView) { if ((UnityEngine.Object) this.m_InstructionOverlayWindow != (UnityEngine.Object)null) { this.m_InstructionOverlayWindow.Close(); } this.m_Inspected = guiView; if ((UnityEngine.Object) this.m_Inspected != (UnityEngine.Object)null) { GUIViewDebuggerHelper.DebugWindow(this.m_Inspected); this.m_Inspected.Repaint(); } this.m_ListViewState.row = -1; this.m_ListViewState.selectionChanged = true; this.m_Instruction = (GUIViewDebuggerWindow.GUIInstruction)null; } this.Repaint(); }
private static void UpdateSchedulersInternal(HashSet <UnityEngine.Object> tmpDirtySet) { DataWatchService.sharedInstance.PollNativeData(); Dictionary <int, Panel> .Enumerator panelsIterator = UIElementsUtility.GetPanelsIterator(); while (panelsIterator.MoveNext()) { KeyValuePair <int, Panel> current = panelsIterator.Current; Panel value = current.Value; if (value.contextType == ContextType.Editor) { IScheduler scheduler = value.scheduler; value.timerEventScheduler.UpdateScheduledEvents(); if (value.visualTree.IsDirty(ChangeType.Repaint)) { GUIView gUIView = value.ownerObject as GUIView; if (gUIView != null) { gUIView.Repaint(); } } } } }
public static void Show(string tooltip, Rect rect, GUIView hostView = null) { if (s_guiView == null) { s_guiView = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <TooltipView>(); } if (s_guiView.window == null) { var newWindow = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <ContainerWindow>(); newWindow.m_DontSaveToLayout = true; newWindow.rootView = s_guiView; newWindow.SetMinMaxSizes(new Vector2(10.0f, 10.0f), new Vector2(2000.0f, 2000.0f)); s_guiView.SetWindow(newWindow); } if (s_guiView.m_tooltip.text == tooltip && rect == s_guiView.m_hoverRect) { return; } s_guiView.Setup(tooltip, rect, hostView); }
private static void UpdateSchedulers() { Dictionary <int, Panel> .Enumerator panelsIterator = UIElementsUtility.GetPanelsIterator(); while (panelsIterator.MoveNext()) { KeyValuePair <int, Panel> current = panelsIterator.Current; Panel value = current.Value; if (value.contextType == ContextType.Editor) { IScheduler scheduler = value.scheduler; value.timerEventScheduler.UpdateScheduledEvents(); DataWatchService dataWatchService = value.dataWatch as DataWatchService; dataWatchService.ProcessNotificationQueue(); if (value.visualTree.IsDirty(ChangeType.Repaint)) { GUIView gUIView = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(value.instanceID) as GUIView; if (gUIView != null) { gUIView.Repaint(); } } } } }
private static bool SetWindow(string windowTitle) { Object[] objectsOfTypeAll = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(GUIView)); GUIView guiView1 = (GUIView)null; foreach (GUIView guiView2 in objectsOfTypeAll) { if (guiView2 is HostView) { if ((guiView2 as HostView).actualView.titleContent.text == windowTitle) { guiView1 = guiView2; break; } } else if ((bool)((Object)guiView2.window) && guiView2.GetType().Name == windowTitle) { guiView1 = guiView2; break; } } Highlighter.s_View = guiView1; return((Object)guiView1 != (Object)null); }
public void HighlightInstruction(GUIView view, Rect instructionRect, GUIStyle style) { if (!m_ShowHighlighter) { return; } ClearInstructionHighlighter(); if (m_PaddingHighlighter == null) { var borderWidth = 1f; m_PaddingHighlighter = new VisualElement(); = UIElementsDebugger.Styles.kSizePaddingSecondaryColor; = borderWidth; = borderWidth; = borderWidth; = borderWidth; m_PaddingHighlighter.pickingMode = PickingMode.Ignore; m_ContentHighlighter = new VisualElement(); = UIElementsDebugger.Styles.kSizeSecondaryColor; = borderWidth; = borderWidth; = borderWidth; = borderWidth; m_ContentHighlighter.pickingMode = PickingMode.Ignore; } m_PaddingHighlighter.layout = instructionRect; view.visualTree.Add(m_PaddingHighlighter); if (style != null) { instructionRect = style.padding.Remove(instructionRect); } m_ContentHighlighter.layout = instructionRect; view.visualTree.Add(m_ContentHighlighter); }
private void OnWindowSelected(object userdata, string[] options, int selected) { --selected; GUIView guiView = selected < 0 ? (GUIView) null : ((List<GUIView>) userdata)[selected]; if ((UnityEngine.Object) this.m_Inspected != (UnityEngine.Object) guiView) { if ((UnityEngine.Object) this.m_InstructionOverlayWindow != (UnityEngine.Object) null) this.m_InstructionOverlayWindow.Close(); this.m_Inspected = guiView; if ((UnityEngine.Object) this.m_Inspected != (UnityEngine.Object) null) { GUIViewDebuggerHelper.DebugWindow(this.m_Inspected); this.m_Inspected.Repaint(); } this.m_ListViewState.row = -1; this.m_ListViewState.selectionChanged = true; this.m_Instruction = (GUIViewDebuggerWindow.GUIInstruction) null; } this.Repaint(); }
private bool CanInspectView(GUIView view) { EditorWindow editorWindow = GUIViewDebuggerWindow.GetEditorWindow(view); return (UnityEngine.Object) editorWindow == (UnityEngine.Object) null || !((UnityEngine.Object) editorWindow == (UnityEngine.Object) this) && !((UnityEngine.Object) editorWindow == (UnityEngine.Object) this.m_InstructionOverlayWindow); }
internal void GrabPixels(RenderTexture rd, Rect rect) { GUIView.INTERNAL_CALL_GrabPixels(this, rd, ref rect); }
public PopupMenuEvent(string cmd, GUIView v) { this.commandName = cmd; this.receiver = v; }
private void HighlightInstruction(GUIView view, Rect instructionRect, GUIStyle style) { if (this.m_ListViewState.row < 0 || !this.m_ShowOverlay) return; if ((UnityEngine.Object) this.m_InstructionOverlayWindow == (UnityEngine.Object) null) this.m_InstructionOverlayWindow = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<InstructionOverlayWindow>(); this.m_InstructionOverlayWindow.Show(view, instructionRect, style); this.Focus(); }
internal void Show(UnityEngine.Object obj, Type requiredType, SerializedProperty property, bool allowSceneObjects, List<int> allowedInstanceIDs) { this.m_AllowSceneObjects = allowSceneObjects; this.m_IsShowingAssets = true; this.m_AllowedIDs = allowedInstanceIDs; string text = string.Empty; if (property != null) { text = property.objectReferenceTypeString; obj = property.objectReferenceValue; UnityEngine.Object targetObject = property.serializedObject.targetObject; if (targetObject != null && EditorUtility.IsPersistent(targetObject)) { this.m_AllowSceneObjects = false; } } else { if (requiredType != null) { text = requiredType.Name; } } if (this.m_AllowSceneObjects) { if (obj != null) { if (typeof(Component).IsAssignableFrom(obj.GetType())) { obj = ((Component)obj).gameObject; } this.m_IsShowingAssets = (EditorUtility.IsPersistent(obj) || ObjectSelector.GuessIfUserIsLookingForAnAsset(text, false)); } else { this.m_IsShowingAssets = ObjectSelector.GuessIfUserIsLookingForAnAsset(text, true); } } else { this.m_IsShowingAssets = true; } this.m_DelegateView = GUIView.current; this.m_RequiredType = text; this.m_SearchFilter = string.Empty; this.m_OriginalSelection = obj; this.m_ModalUndoGroup = Undo.GetCurrentGroup(); ContainerWindow.SetFreezeDisplay(true); base.ShowWithMode(ShowMode.AuxWindow); base.title = "Select " + text; Rect position = this.m_Parent.window.position; position.width = EditorPrefs.GetFloat("ObjectSelectorWidth", 200f); position.height = EditorPrefs.GetFloat("ObjectSelectorHeight", 390f); base.position = position; base.minSize = new Vector2(200f, 335f); base.maxSize = new Vector2(10000f, 10000f); this.SetupPreview(); base.Focus(); ContainerWindow.SetFreezeDisplay(false); this.m_FocusSearchFilter = true; this.m_Parent.AddToAuxWindowList(); int num = (!(obj != null)) ? 0 : obj.GetInstanceID(); if (property != null && property.hasMultipleDifferentValues) { num = 0; } if (ObjectSelector.ShouldTreeViewBeUsed(text)) { this.m_ObjectTreeWithSearch.Init(base.position, this, new UnityAction<ObjectTreeForSelector.TreeSelectorData>(this.CreateAndSetTreeView), new UnityAction<TreeViewItem>(this.TreeViewSelection), new UnityAction(this.ItemWasDoubleClicked), num, 0); } else { this.InitIfNeeded(); this.m_ListArea.InitSelection(new int[] { num }); if (num != 0) { this.m_ListArea.Frame(num, true, false); } } }
public void SetHostView(GUIView view);
public virtual void OnGUI(Rect rect, float xScroll) { Event current = Event.current; if (this.m_GUIView == null) { this.m_GUIView = GUIView.current; } this.DetectSizeChanges(rect); GUIClip.Push(rect, new Vector2(-xScroll, 0f),, false); Rect totalHeaderRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, rect.width, rect.height); float widthOfAllVisibleColumns = this.state.widthOfAllVisibleColumns; float width = ((totalHeaderRect.width <= widthOfAllVisibleColumns) ? widthOfAllVisibleColumns : totalHeaderRect.width) +; Rect position = new Rect(0f, 0f, width, totalHeaderRect.height); GUI.Label(position, GUIContent.none, DefaultStyles.background); if ((current.type == EventType.ContextClick) && position.Contains(current.mousePosition)) { current.Use(); this.DoContextMenu(); } this.UpdateColumnHeaderRects(totalHeaderRect); for (int i = 0; i < this.state.visibleColumns.Length; i++) { int index = this.state.visibleColumns[i]; MultiColumnHeaderState.Column column = this.state.columns[index]; Rect headerRect = this.m_ColumnRects[i]; Rect dividerRect = new Rect(headerRect.xMax - 1f, headerRect.y + 4f, 1f, headerRect.height - 8f); this.DrawDivider(dividerRect); Rect rect6 = new Rect(dividerRect.x - (this.m_DividerWidth * 0.5f), totalHeaderRect.y, this.m_DividerWidth, totalHeaderRect.height); column.width = EditorGUI.WidthResizer(rect6, column.width, column.minWidth, column.maxWidth); this.ColumnHeaderGUI(column, headerRect, index); } GUIClip.Pop(); }
public PopupCallbackInfo(int controlID) { this.m_ControlID = controlID; this.m_SourceView = GUIView.current; }
private static EditorWindow GetEditorWindow(GUIView view) { HostView hostView = view as HostView; if ((UnityEngine.Object) hostView != (UnityEngine.Object) null) return hostView.actualView; return (EditorWindow) null; }
private static extern void INTERNAL_CALL_Internal_SetPosition(GUIView self, ref Rect windowPosition);
private static string GetViewName(GUIView view) { EditorWindow editorWindow = GUIViewDebuggerWindow.GetEditorWindow(view); if ((UnityEngine.Object) editorWindow != (UnityEngine.Object) null) return editorWindow.titleContent.text; return view.GetType().Name; }
private static extern void INTERNAL_CALL_GrabPixels(GUIView self, RenderTexture rd, ref Rect rect);
public static void Start(GUIView viewToUpdate) { EyeDropper.get.Show(viewToUpdate); }
private static void ShowCurvePopup(GUIView viewToUpdate, Rect ranges) { CurveEditorSettings settings = new CurveEditorSettings(); if ((double) ranges.width > 0.0 && (double) ranges.height > 0.0 && ((double) ranges.width != double.PositiveInfinity && (double) ranges.height != double.PositiveInfinity)) { settings.hRangeMin = ranges.xMin; settings.hRangeMax = ranges.xMax; settings.vRangeMin = ranges.yMin; settings.vRangeMax = ranges.yMax; } CurveEditorWindow.instance.Show(GUIView.current, settings); }
public void InitWebView(GUIView host, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool showResizeHandle);
private static bool SetWindow(string windowTitle) { UnityEngine.Object[] objArray = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(GUIView)); GUIView view = null; foreach (GUIView view2 in objArray) { if (view2 is HostView) { if (!((view2 as HostView).actualView.titleContent.text == windowTitle)) { continue; } view = view2; break; } if ((view2.window != null) && (view2.GetType().Name == windowTitle)) { view = view2; break; } } s_View = view; return (view != null); }
public void Show(GUIView viewToUpdate, CurveEditorSettings settings) { this.delegateView = viewToUpdate; this.Init(settings); base.ShowAuxWindow(); base.titleContent = new GUIContent("Curve"); base.minSize = new Vector2(240f, 286f); base.maxSize = new Vector2(10000f, 10000f); }
public static void Unmaximize(EditorWindow win) { HostView parent = win.m_Parent; if (parent == null) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Host view was not found"); WindowLayout.RevertFactorySettings(); } else { UnityEngine.Object[] array = InternalEditorUtility.LoadSerializedFileAndForget(Path.Combine(WindowLayout.layoutsProjectPath, "CurrentMaximizeLayout.dwlt")); if (array.Length < 2) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Maximized serialized file backup not found"); WindowLayout.RevertFactorySettings(); } else { SplitView splitView = array[0] as SplitView; EditorWindow editorWindow = array[1] as EditorWindow; if (splitView == null) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Maximization failed because the root split view was not found"); WindowLayout.RevertFactorySettings(); } else { ContainerWindow window = win.m_Parent.window; if (window == null) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Maximization failed because the root split view has no container window"); WindowLayout.RevertFactorySettings(); } else { try { ContainerWindow.SetFreezeDisplay(true); if (!parent.parent) { throw new Exception(); } int idx = parent.parent.IndexOfChild(parent); Rect position = parent.position; View parent2 = parent.parent; parent2.RemoveChild(idx); parent2.AddChild(splitView, idx); splitView.position = position; DockArea dockArea = editorWindow.m_Parent as DockArea; int idx2 = dockArea.m_Panes.IndexOf(editorWindow); parent.actualView = null; win.m_Parent = null; dockArea.AddTab(idx2, win); dockArea.RemoveTab(editorWindow); UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(editorWindow); UnityEngine.Object[] array2 = array; for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++) { UnityEngine.Object @object = array2[i]; EditorWindow editorWindow2 = @object as EditorWindow; if (editorWindow2 != null) { editorWindow2.MakeParentsSettingsMatchMe(); } } parent2.Initialize(parent2.window); parent2.position = parent2.position; splitView.Reflow(); UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(parent); win.Focus(); window.DisplayAllViews(); win.m_Parent.MakeVistaDWMHappyDance(); } catch (Exception arg) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Maximization failed: " + arg); WindowLayout.RevertFactorySettings(); } try { if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor && SystemInfo.operatingSystem.Contains("10.7") && SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVendor.Contains("ATI")) { UnityEngine.Object[] array3 = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(GUIView)); for (int j = 0; j < array3.Length; j++) { GUIView gUIView = (GUIView)array3[j]; gUIView.Repaint(); } } } finally { ContainerWindow.SetFreezeDisplay(false); } } } } } }
public static void Start(GUIView viewToUpdate) { get.Show(viewToUpdate); }
private static extern void INTERNAL_CALL_SetInternalGameViewRect(GUIView self, ref Rect rect);
internal static extern void DebugWindow(GUIView view);
private void Internal_SetPosition(Rect windowPosition) { GUIView.INTERNAL_CALL_Internal_SetPosition(this, ref windowPosition); }
public static void ShowPopup(GUIView viewToUpdate) { instance.Show(viewToUpdate, null); }
public void SetInternalGameViewDimensions(Rect rect, Rect clippedRect, Vector2 targetSize) { GUIView.INTERNAL_CALL_SetInternalGameViewDimensions(this, ref rect, ref clippedRect, ref targetSize); }
public void HandleEdgesStart(Rect windowPosition) { bool left = windowPosition.x == 0f; bool flag = windowPosition.y == 0f; bool flag2 = Mathf.Abs(windowPosition.xMax - this.position.width) < 2f; bool bottom = Mathf.Abs(windowPosition.yMax - this.position.height) < 2f; ContainerWindow.InitIcons(); if (ContainerWindow.macEditor) { if (flag2 && flag && this.showMode != ShowMode.Utility && this.showMode != ShowMode.PopupMenu) { GUIView focusedView = GUIView.focusedView; GUIStyle style; GUIStyle style2; GUIStyle style3; if (focusedView && focusedView.window == this) { style = ContainerWindow.s_ButtonClose; style2 = ContainerWindow.s_ButtonMin; style3 = ContainerWindow.s_ButtonMax; } else { style2 = (style = (style3 = ContainerWindow.s_ButtonInactive)); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(windowPosition.width - 13f - 4f, 0f, 13f, 13f), GUIContent.none, style)) { this.Close(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(windowPosition.width - 26f - 3f - 4f, 0f, 13f, 13f), GUIContent.none, style2)) { this.Minimize(); GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(windowPosition.width - 39f - 6f - 4f, 0f, 13f, 13f), GUIContent.none, style3)) { this.ToggleMaximize(); } } if (this.MacWindowCanResize(windowPosition)) { this.DragWindowEdgesMac(left, flag, flag2, bottom, windowPosition); } } else { if (flag2 && flag && this.showMode != ShowMode.Utility && this.showMode != ShowMode.PopupMenu) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(windowPosition.width - 13f - 4f, 0f, 13f, 13f), GUIContent.none, ContainerWindow.s_ButtonClose)) { this.Close(); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(windowPosition.width - 26f - 3f - 4f, 0f, 13f, 13f), GUIContent.none, ContainerWindow.s_ButtonMax)) { this.ToggleMaximize(); } } if (!this.maximized) { this.DragWindowEdgesWin(left, flag, flag2, bottom, windowPosition); } } }
public static void Show(GUIView viewToUpdate, Color col) { ColorPicker.Show(viewToUpdate, col, true, false, (ColorPickerHDRConfig) null); }
private static extern void INTERNAL_CALL_SetInternalGameViewDimensions(GUIView self, ref Rect rect, ref Rect clippedRect, ref Vector2 targetSize);
public static void Show(GUIView viewToUpdate, Color col, bool showAlpha, bool hdr, ColorPickerHDRConfig hdrConfig) { ColorPicker get = ColorPicker.get; get.m_HDR = hdr; get.m_HDRConfig = new ColorPickerHDRConfig(hdrConfig ?? ColorPicker.defaultHDRConfig); get.m_DelegateView = viewToUpdate; get.SetColor(col); get.m_OriginalColor = ColorPicker.get.m_Color; get.m_ShowAlpha = showAlpha; get.m_ModalUndoGroup = Undo.GetCurrentGroup(); if (get.m_HDR) get.m_IsOSColorPicker = false; if (get.m_IsOSColorPicker) { OSColorPicker.Show(showAlpha); } else { get.titleContent = !hdr ? EditorGUIUtility.TextContent("Color") : EditorGUIUtility.TextContent("HDR Color"); float y = (float) EditorPrefs.GetInt("CPickerHeight", (int) get.position.height); get.minSize = new Vector2(233f, y); get.maxSize = new Vector2(233f, y); get.InitIfNeeded(); get.ShowAuxWindow(); } }
private static bool SetWindow(string windowTitle) { Object[] objectsOfTypeAll = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof (GUIView)); GUIView guiView1 = (GUIView) null; foreach (GUIView guiView2 in objectsOfTypeAll) { if (guiView2 is HostView) { if ((guiView2 as HostView).actualView.titleContent.text == windowTitle) { guiView1 = guiView2; break; } } else if ((bool) ((Object) guiView2.window) && guiView2.GetType().Name == windowTitle) { guiView1 = guiView2; break; } } Highlighter.s_View = guiView1; return (Object) guiView1 != (Object) null; }
internal static void ControlHighlightGUI(GUIView self) { if ((Object) Highlighter.s_View == (Object) null || (Object) self.window != (Object) Highlighter.s_View.window || (!Highlighter.activeVisible || Highlighter.searching)) return; if (Event.current.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand && Event.current.commandName == "HandleControlHighlight") { if (!self.screenPosition.Overlaps(Highlighter.s_RepaintRegion)) return; self.Repaint(); } else { if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint) return; Rect position = Highlighter.highlightStyle.padding.Add(GUIUtility.ScreenToGUIRect(Highlighter.activeRect)); float num1 = (float) (((double) Mathf.Cos((float) ((double) Highlighter.s_HighlightElapsedTime * 3.14159274101257 * 2.0 * 0.449999988079071)) + 1.0) * 0.5); float num2 = Mathf.Min(1f, (float) (0.00999999977648258 + (double) Highlighter.s_HighlightElapsedTime / 0.330000013113022)); float num3 = num2 + Mathf.Sin(num2 * 3.141593f) * 0.5f; Vector2 scale = ( + new Vector2((float) (((double) position.width + 5.0) / (double) position.width - 1.0), (float) (((double) position.height + 5.0) / (double) position.height - 1.0)) * num1) * num3; Matrix4x4 matrix = GUI.matrix; Color color = GUI.color; GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, (float) (0.800000011920929 - 0.300000011920929 * (double) num1)); GUIUtility.ScaleAroundPivot(scale,; Highlighter.highlightStyle.Draw(position, false, false, false, false); GUI.color = color; GUI.matrix = matrix; } }