void DrawChildren(float yMin)
            int listKeyboardControlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Keyboard);

            var backgroundRect = new Rect(0, yMin, m_WindowWidth, k_SearchHeight);

            GUI.Label(backgroundRect, GUIContent.none, Styles.searchBackground);

            var searchRect = new Rect(k_OffsetX + k_Padding, backgroundRect.y + k_Padding, m_WindowWidth - 2 * k_OffsetX - k_Padding, Styles.searchFieldStyle.fixedHeight);

            m_SearchFilterString = EditorGUI.ToolbarSearchField(searchRect, m_SearchFilterString, false);
            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())

            if (m_Enumerator != null)

            yMin = searchRect.height + (m_ListArea.gridSize < k_MinIconSize ? 11f : 0f);
            var listRect = new Rect(k_Padding, searchRect.y + yMin, m_WindowWidth - 2 * k_Padding, k_SearchHeight - yMin - k_Padding);

            m_ListArea.OnGUI(listRect, listKeyboardControlID);

            if (m_Enumerator == null && m_Results.Length == 0)
                var labelRect = new Rect(m_NoResultsX, backgroundRect.y + 69f, m_WindowWidth, EditorGUI.kSingleLineHeight);
                EditorGUI.LabelField(backgroundRect, m_SearchFilter.nameFilter.Length == 0 ? Styles.noChildrenLabel : Styles.noResultsLabel, Styles.centered);
        void SearchArea(Rect toolbarRect)
            GUI.Label(toolbarRect, GUIContent.none, s_Styles.searchBg);

            // ESC clears search field and removes it's focus. But if we get an esc event we only want to clear search field.
            // So we need special handling afterwards.
            bool wasEscape = Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Escape;

            string newSearchFilter = EditorGUI.SearchField(new Rect(5, 5, toolbarRect.width - 10, 15), m_SearchString);

            if (wasEscape && Event.current.type == EventType.Used)
                // If we hit esc and the string WAS empty, it's an actual cancel event.
                if (m_SearchString != string.Empty)
                    // Otherwise the string has been cleared and focus has been lost. We don't have anything else to recieve focus, so we want to refocus the search field.
                    m_FocusSearchFilter = true;

            if (newSearchFilter != m_SearchString || m_FocusSearchFilter)
                m_SearchString = newSearchFilter;

            if (m_FocusSearchFilter)
                if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                    m_FocusSearchFilter = false;
Пример #3
        // This is our search field
        void SearchArea()
            GUI.Label(new Rect(0, 0, position.width, kToolbarHeight), GUIContent.none, EditorStyles.toolbar);

            // ESC clears search field and removes it's focus. But if we get an esc event we only want to clear search field.
            // So we need special handling afterwards.
            bool wasEscape = Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Escape;

            string searchFilter = EditorGUI.ToolbarSearchField(new Rect(2, 2, position.width - 2, 16), m_SearchFilter, false);

            if (wasEscape && Event.current.type == EventType.Used)
                // If we hit esc and the string WAS empty, it's an actual cancel event.
                if (m_SearchFilter == "")

                // Otherwise the string has been cleared and focus has been lost. We don't have anything else to recieve focus, so we want to refocus the search field.
                m_FocusSearchFilter = true;

            if (searchFilter != m_SearchFilter || m_FocusSearchFilter)
                m_SearchFilter = searchFilter;

            if (m_FocusSearchFilter)
                m_FocusSearchFilter = false;

            GUI.changed = false;

            GUI.Label(new Rect(0, kToolbarHeight, position.width, kToolbarHeight), GUIContent.none, EditorStyles.toolbar);

            // TAB BAR
            GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(4, kToolbarHeight, position.width - 4, kToolbarHeight));

            // Asset Tab
            bool showAssets = GUILayout.Toggle(m_IsShowingAssets, Styles.assetsTabLabel, Styles.tab);

            if (!m_IsShowingAssets && showAssets)
                m_IsShowingAssets = true;

            // The Scene Tab
            if (!m_AllowSceneObjects)
                GUI.enabled = false;
                GUI.color   = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0);

            bool showingSceneTab = !m_IsShowingAssets;

            showingSceneTab = GUILayout.Toggle(showingSceneTab, Styles.sceneTabLabel, Styles.tab);
            if (m_IsShowingAssets && showingSceneTab)
                m_IsShowingAssets = false;

            if (!m_AllowSceneObjects)
                GUI.color   = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
                GUI.enabled = true;


            if (GUI.changed)

            var size = new Vector2(0, 0);

            if (m_IsShowingAssets)
                Styles.packagesVisibilityContent.text = PackageManagerUtilityInternal.HiddenPackagesCount.ToString();
                size = EditorStyles.toolbarButton.CalcSize(Styles.packagesVisibilityContent);

            if (m_ListArea.CanShowThumbnails())
                var newGridSize = (int)GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(position.width - (60 + size.x), kToolbarHeight + GUI.skin.horizontalSlider.margin.top, 55, EditorGUI.kSingleLineHeight), m_ListArea.gridSize, m_ListArea.minGridSize, m_ListArea.maxGridSize);
                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                    m_ListArea.gridSize = newGridSize;

            if (m_IsShowingAssets)
                var skipHiddenPackages = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(position.width - size.x, kToolbarHeight, size.x, EditorStyles.toolbarButton.fixedHeight), m_SkipHiddenPackages, Styles.packagesVisibilityContent, EditorStyles.toolbarButtonRight);
                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                    m_SkipHiddenPackages = skipHiddenPackages;
        public override void OnGUI(Rect rect)
            if (editorWindow.position.y != targetPositionY)
                editorWindow.position = new Rect(editorWindow.position)
                    y = targetPositionY

            // Escape closes the window
            if (Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Escape)

            if (!DrawHeader())

            float height = k_HeaderHeight;

            if (target.isVariant)
                height += DrawVariantHierarchy();

            height += DrawChildrenLabel(height);

            if (displayChildren)

            if (materialEditor.convertState == ConvertAction.Flatten)
                materialEditor.convertState = ConvertAction.None;
                Undo.RecordObject(target, "Flatten Material Variant");
                target.parent = null;

        bool DrawHeader()
            Rect headerRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(20, windowWidth, k_HeaderHeight, k_HeaderHeight);

            EditorGUI.DrawRect(headerRect, Colors.headerBackground);

            var   headerLabel = target.isVariant ? Styles.variantLabel : Styles.instanceLabel;
            float labelSize   = Styles.boldRightAligned.CalcSize(headerLabel).x;

            Rect labelRect   = new Rect(k_OffsetX, headerRect.y + k_Padding, labelSize, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight);
            Rect contentRect = new Rect(labelRect.x + labelRect.width + k_Padding, labelRect.y, windowWidth, labelRect.height);

            GUI.Label(labelRect, headerLabel, Styles.boldRightAligned);
            DoObjectLabel(contentRect, target, EditorStyles.boldLabel);

            labelRect.y = labelRect.height + 2 * k_Padding;
            if (materialEditor.convertState == ConvertAction.None)
                int result;
                labelRect.width = k_ConvertLabelWidth;
                using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(!enabled))
                    result = EditorGUI.Popup(labelRect, target.isVariant ? 1 : 0, Styles.headerPopupOptions);
                if (result == 0 && target.isVariant)
                    materialEditor.convertState = ConvertAction.Flatten;
                    targetPositionY             = singleLinePositionY;
                if (result == 1 && !target.isVariant)
                    materialEditor.convertState = ConvertAction.Convert;
                    targetPositionY             = singleLinePositionY + k_PositionShiftY;
            else if (materialEditor.convertState == ConvertAction.Convert)
                GUI.enabled     = false;
                labelRect.width = 200f;
                EditorGUI.Button(labelRect, Styles.convertingLabel);
                GUI.enabled = true;

                // Conversion helper
                labelRect.y     = k_HeaderHeight;
                labelRect.width = windowWidth;
                EditorGUI.LabelField(labelRect, Styles.conversionHelpLabel);

                labelRect.x = windowWidth - 14;
                if (GUI.Button(labelRect, GUIContent.none, EditorStyles.toolbarSearchFieldCancelButton))
                    materialEditor.convertState = ConvertAction.None;
                    targetPositionY             = singleLinePositionY;

                labelRect.x = k_OffsetX;
                var oldLabelWidth = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth;
                EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 70;
                var parent = target.parent;
                materialEditor.ParentField(new Rect(k_OffsetX, labelRect.yMax + k_Padding, windowWidth - 2 * k_OffsetX, k_EntryHeight));
                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && parent != target.parent)
                    materialEditor.convertState = ConvertAction.None;
                EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = oldLabelWidth;


        float DrawVariantHierarchy()
            // Draw table header
            Rect entryRect = new Rect(0, k_HeaderHeight, windowWidth, k_EntryHeight);

            EditorGUI.DrawRect(entryRect, Colors.rowBackground(0));

            var labelRect = entryRect;

            labelRect.x = k_TitleWidth;
            GUI.Label(labelRect, Styles.ancestorLabel, EditorStyles.miniLabel);

            labelRect.x = overridesX + k_Padding;
            GUI.Label(labelRect, Styles.overridesLabel, EditorStyles.miniLabel);

            labelRect.x = locksX + k_Padding;
            GUI.Label(labelRect, Styles.locksLabel, EditorStyles.miniLabel);

            float tableHeight = Mathf.Min(numRows, k_MaxTableRows) * k_EntryHeight + (namesWidth > maxNameWidth ? k_ScrollbarHeight : 0);
            float realHeight  = numRows * k_EntryHeight + (namesWidth > maxNameWidth ? k_ScrollbarHeight : 0);
            var   tableRect   = new Rect(0, k_HeaderHeight + k_EntryHeight, windowWidth - 1, tableHeight);

            scroll.y = GUI.BeginScrollView(tableRect, scroll, new Rect(tableRect)
                width = tableRect.width - k_ScrollbarWidth, height = realHeight

            // Draw overrides and locks table
            int      i       = numRows;
            Material current = target;

            while (current != null)
                entryRect.y = k_HeaderHeight + i * k_EntryHeight;
                EditorGUI.DrawRect(entryRect, Colors.rowBackground(i--));

                DisplayOverridesAndLocks(entryRect, current);
                current = current.parent;

            var scrollRect = new Rect(k_TitleWidth, k_HeaderHeight + k_EntryHeight, Mathf.Min(namesWidth, maxNameWidth), numRows * k_EntryHeight);

            scroll.x = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(scrollRect)
                height = scrollRect.height + k_ScrollbarHeight
            }, scroll, new Rect(scrollRect)
                width = namesWidth

            // Draw scrollable table
            i           = numRows;
            current     = target;
            entryRect.x = k_TitleWidth;
            while (i != 0)
                entryRect.y = k_HeaderHeight + i-- *k_EntryHeight;

                if (current == null)
                    GUI.Label(entryRect, EditorGUIUtility.TempContent("Missing (Material)"));
                DoObjectLabel(entryRect, current);
                current = current.parent;


            float height = tableHeight + k_EntryHeight;

            // Draw selected label
            labelRect.x     = k_OffsetX;
            labelRect.y     = k_HeaderHeight + numRows * k_EntryHeight;
            labelRect.width = k_TitleWidth - labelRect.x;
            GUI.Label(labelRect, Styles.selectedLabel);

            // Draw parent label
            labelRect.y = k_HeaderHeight + (numRows - 1) * k_EntryHeight;
            GUI.Label(labelRect, Styles.parentLabel);

            // Draw root label
            if (labelRect.y != k_HeaderHeight + k_EntryHeight)
                labelRect.y = k_HeaderHeight + k_EntryHeight;
                GUI.Label(labelRect, Styles.rootLabel);

            // Draw vertical splits
            Rect splitBar = new Rect(overridesX - k_SplitWidth, k_HeaderHeight, k_SplitWidth, (numRows + 1) * k_EntryHeight);

            EditorGUI.DrawRect(splitBar, Colors.headerBackground);
            splitBar.x = locksX - k_SplitWidth;
            EditorGUI.DrawRect(splitBar, Colors.headerBackground);



        float DrawChildrenLabel(float yMin)
            var labelRect = new Rect(k_OffsetX, yMin, 100, k_EntryHeight);

            if (target.isVariant)
                displayChildren = EditorGUI.Foldout(labelRect, displayChildren, Styles.childrenLabel, true);
                EditorGUI.LabelField(labelRect, Styles.childrenLabel);

            if (displayChildren)
                if (listArea == null)

                labelRect = new Rect(labelRect.x + 58 + (target.isVariant ? 12 : 0), labelRect.y + 2, k_SliderWidth, EditorGUI.kSingleLineHeight);
                if (results.Length != 0)
                    EditorGUI.LabelField(labelRect, results.Length.ToString(), Styles.boldNumber);

                labelRect.x = windowWidth - k_OffsetX - k_SliderWidth;
                var newGridSize = (int)GUI.HorizontalSlider(labelRect, listArea.gridSize, listArea.minGridSize, listArea.maxGridSize);
                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                    listArea.gridSize = newGridSize;


        void DrawChildren(float yMin)
            var backgroundRect = new Rect(0, yMin, windowWidth, k_SearchHeight);

            GUI.Label(backgroundRect, GUIContent.none, Styles.searchBackground);

            var searchRect = new Rect(k_OffsetX + k_Padding, backgroundRect.y + k_Padding, windowWidth - 2 * k_OffsetX - k_Padding, Styles.searchFieldStyle.fixedHeight);

            searchFilterString = EditorGUI.ToolbarSearchField(searchRect, searchFilterString, false);
            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())

            if (enumerator != null)

            yMin = searchRect.height + (listArea.gridSize < k_MinIconSize ? 11f : 0f);
            var listRect = new Rect(k_Padding, searchRect.y + yMin, windowWidth - 2 * k_Padding, k_SearchHeight - yMin - k_Padding);

            int listKeyboardControlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Keyboard);

            listArea.OnGUI(listRect, listKeyboardControlID);

            if (enumerator == null && results.Length == 0)
                var labelRect = new Rect(noResultsX, backgroundRect.y + 69f, windowWidth, EditorGUI.kSingleLineHeight);
                EditorGUI.LabelField(backgroundRect, searchFilter.nameFilter.Length == 0 ? Styles.noChildrenLabel : Styles.noResultsLabel, Styles.centered);

        void InitListArea()
            listArea = new ObjectListArea(s_ListAreaState, editorWindow, false)
                allowDeselection      = true,
                allowMultiSelect      = false,
                allowRenaming         = false,
                allowBuiltinResources = true,

            listArea.itemSelectedCallback += (bool doubleClicked) =>
                if (listArea.GetSelection().Length == 0)
                var selection = listArea.GetSelection()[0];
                GUIUtility.keyboardControl = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Keyboard);
                if (doubleClicked)
                    Selection.SetActiveObjectWithContext(EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(selection), null);
