SetMinMaxSizes() публичный Метод

public SetMinMaxSizes ( Vector2 min, Vector2 max ) : void
min Vector2
max Vector2
Результат void
Пример #1
        internal void ShowWithMode(ShowMode mode)
            if (m_Parent == null)
                SavedGUIState oldState = SavedGUIState.Create();

                ContainerWindow cw = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <ContainerWindow>();
                cw.title = titleContent.text;
                HostView host = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <HostView>();
                host.actualView = this; // Among other things, this sets m_Parent to host

                Rect r = m_Parent.borderSize.Add(new Rect(position.x, position.y, position.width, position.height));
                // Order is important here: first set rect of container, then assign main view, then apply various settings, then show.
                // Otherwise the rect won't be set until first resize happens.
                cw.position = r;
                cw.rootView = host;
                cw.Show(mode, loadPosition: true, displayImmediately: false, setFocus: true);
                // set min/max size now that native window is not null so that it will e.g., use proper styleMask on macOS
                cw.SetMinMaxSizes(minSize, maxSize);
