Пример #1
        void CalculateGridPlacement(SceneView view)
            var cam = view.camera;

            bool wasOrtho = GridIsOrthographic;

            GridIsOrthographic = cam.orthographic && Snapping.IsRounded(view.rotation.eulerAngles.normalized);

            m_CameraDirection = Snapping.Sign(m_Pivot - cam.transform.position);

            if (GridIsOrthographic && !wasOrtho || GridIsOrthographic != menuIsOrtho)
                OnSceneBecameOrtho(view == SceneView.lastActiveSceneView);

            if (!GridIsOrthographic && wasOrtho)
                OnSceneBecamePersp(view == SceneView.lastActiveSceneView);

            if (GridIsOrthographic)

            if (FullGridEnabled)
                m_Pivot = m_GridIsLocked || Selection.activeTransform == null ? m_Pivot : Selection.activeTransform.position;
                Vector3 sceneViewPlanePivot = m_Pivot;

                Ray   ray   = new Ray(cam.transform.position, cam.transform.forward);
                Plane plane = new Plane(Vector3.up, m_Pivot);

                // the only time a locked grid should ever move is if it's m_Pivot is out
                // of the camera's frustum.
                if ((m_GridIsLocked && !cam.InFrustum(m_Pivot)) || !m_GridIsLocked || view != SceneView.lastActiveSceneView)
                    float dist;

                    if (plane.Raycast(ray, out dist))
                        sceneViewPlanePivot = ray.GetPoint(Mathf.Min(dist, m_PlaneGridDrawDistance / 2f));
                        sceneViewPlanePivot = ray.GetPoint(Mathf.Min(cam.farClipPlane / 2f, m_PlaneGridDrawDistance / 2f));

                if (m_GridIsLocked)
                    m_Pivot = EnumExtension.InverseAxisMask(sceneViewPlanePivot, m_RenderPlane) + EnumExtension.AxisMask(m_Pivot, m_RenderPlane);
                    m_Pivot = Selection.activeTransform == null ? m_Pivot : Selection.activeTransform.position;

                    if (Selection.activeTransform == null || !cam.InFrustum(m_Pivot))
                        m_Pivot = EnumExtension.InverseAxisMask(sceneViewPlanePivot, m_RenderPlane) + EnumExtension.AxisMask(Selection.activeTransform == null ? m_Pivot : Selection.activeTransform.position, m_RenderPlane);
Пример #2
        static void DrawOrthographic(Camera camera, Axis camAxis, Color color, float snapValue, float angle)
            Color previousColor = Handles.color;
            Color primaryColor  = new Color(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a + s_AlphaBump);

            Vector3 bottomLeft  = Snapping.Floor(camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(Vector2.zero), snapValue);
            Vector3 bottomRight =
                Snapping.Floor(camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector2(camera.pixelWidth, 0f)), snapValue);
            Vector3 topLeft  = Snapping.Floor(camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector2(0f, camera.pixelHeight)), snapValue);
            Vector3 topRight =
                Snapping.Floor(camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector2(camera.pixelWidth, camera.pixelHeight)),

            Vector3 axis = EnumExtension.VectorWithAxis(camAxis);

            float width  = Vector3.Distance(bottomLeft, bottomRight);
            float height = Vector3.Distance(bottomRight, topRight);

            // Shift lines to 10m forward of the camera
            var camTrs     = camera.transform;
            var camForward = camTrs.forward;
            var camRight   = camTrs.right;
            var camUp      = camTrs.up;

            bottomLeft  += axis * Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(camForward, axis)) * 10f;
            topRight    += axis * Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(camForward, axis)) * 10f;
            bottomRight += axis * Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(camForward, axis)) * 10f;
            topLeft     += axis * Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(camForward, axis)) * 10f;

            // Draw Vertical Lines

            float snapValueAtResolution = snapValue;

            int segs = (int)Mathf.Ceil(width / snapValueAtResolution) + 2;

            float n = 2f;

            while (segs > k_MaxLines)
                snapValueAtResolution = snapValueAtResolution * n;
                segs = (int)Mathf.Ceil(width / snapValueAtResolution) + 2;

            // Screen start and end
            Vector3 bl = (camRight.x + camRight.y + camRight.z) > 0
                                ? Snapping.Floor(bottomLeft, camRight, snapValueAtResolution * k_PrimaryColorIncrement)
                                : Snapping.Ceil(bottomLeft, camRight, snapValueAtResolution * k_PrimaryColorIncrement);
            Vector3 start = bl - camUp * (height + snapValueAtResolution * 2);
            Vector3 end   = bl + camUp * (height + snapValueAtResolution * 2);

            segs += k_PrimaryColorIncrement;

            // The current line start and end
            Vector3 lineStart;
            Vector3 lineEnd;

            for (int i = -1; i < segs; i++)
                lineStart     = start + (i * (camRight * snapValueAtResolution));
                lineEnd       = end + (i * (camRight * snapValueAtResolution));
                Handles.color = i % k_PrimaryColorIncrement == 0 ? primaryColor : color;
                Handles.DrawLine(lineStart, lineEnd);

            // Draw Horizontal Lines
            segs = (int)Mathf.Ceil(height / snapValueAtResolution) + 2;

            n = 2;
            while (segs > k_MaxLines)
                snapValueAtResolution = snapValueAtResolution * n;
                segs = (int)Mathf.Ceil(height / snapValueAtResolution) + 2;

            Vector3 tl = (camUp.x + camUp.y + camUp.z) > 0
                                ? Snapping.Ceil(topLeft, camUp, snapValueAtResolution * k_PrimaryColorIncrement)
                                : Snapping.Floor(topLeft, camUp, snapValueAtResolution * k_PrimaryColorIncrement);

            start = tl - camRight * (width + snapValueAtResolution * 2);
            end   = tl + camRight * (width + snapValueAtResolution * 2);

            segs += (int)k_PrimaryColorIncrement;

            for (int i = -1; i < segs; i++)
                lineStart     = start + (i * (-camUp * snapValueAtResolution));
                lineEnd       = end + (i * (-camUp * snapValueAtResolution));
                Handles.color = i % k_PrimaryColorIncrement == 0 ? primaryColor : color;
                Handles.DrawLine(lineStart, lineEnd);

            if (angle > 0f)
                Vector3 cen = Snapping.Round(((topRight + bottomLeft) / 2f), snapValue);

                float half = (width > height) ? width : height;

                float opposite = Mathf.Tan(Mathf.Deg2Rad * angle) * half;

                Vector3 up    = camera.transform.up * opposite;
                Vector3 right = camera.transform.right * half;

                Vector3 bottomLeftAngle = cen - (up + right);
                Vector3 topRightAngle   = cen + (up + right);

                Vector3 bottomRightAngle = cen + (right - up);
                Vector3 topLeftAngle     = cen + (up - right);

                Handles.color = primaryColor;

                // y = 1x+1
                Handles.DrawLine(bottomLeftAngle, topRightAngle);

                // y = -1x-1
                Handles.DrawLine(topLeftAngle, bottomRightAngle);

            Handles.color = previousColor;
Пример #3
 public float SnapValueInUnityUnits()
     return(SnapValue * EnumExtension.SnapUnitValue(SnapUnit) * SnapMultiplierFrac());