Пример #1
    public void OnDrawGizmos()
        if (LocalDirection.Equals(Vector3.zero))

        var originalColor  = Gizmos.color;
        var originalMatrix = Gizmos.matrix;

        Gizmos.color = Color.red;

        // Calculate the final Physics Body runtime coordinate system which bakes out skew from non-uniform scaling in parent
        var worldFromLocalRigidTransform = Math.DecomposeRigidBodyTransform(transform.localToWorldMatrix);
        var worldFromLocal = Matrix4x4.TRS(worldFromLocalRigidTransform.pos, worldFromLocalRigidTransform.rot, Vector3.one);

        Vector3 directionWorld = worldFromLocal.MultiplyVector(LocalDirection.normalized);
        Vector3 offsetWorld    = worldFromLocal.MultiplyPoint(LocalOffset);

        // Calculate the final world Thrust coordinate system from the world Body transform and local offset and direction
        Math.CalculatePerpendicularNormalized(directionWorld, out _, out var directionPerpendicular);
        var worldFromThrust = Matrix4x4.TRS(offsetWorld, Quaternion.LookRotation(directionWorld, directionPerpendicular), Vector3.one);

        Gizmos.matrix = worldFromThrust;

        float Shift = Magnitude * 0.1f;

        Gizmos.DrawFrustum(new Vector3(0, 0, -Shift), UnityEngine.Random.Range(1.0f, 2.5f), Magnitude, Shift, 1.0f);

        Gizmos.matrix = originalMatrix;
        Gizmos.color  = originalColor;
Пример #2
        public void Solve(ref MotionVelocity velocityA, ref MotionVelocity velocityB, float timestep, float invTimestep)
            // Predict the relative orientation at the end of the step
            quaternion futureBFromA = JacobianUtilities.IntegrateOrientationBFromA(BFromA, velocityA.AngularVelocity, velocityB.AngularVelocity, timestep);

            // Find the future axis and angle of rotation between the free axes
            float3 jacA0, jacA1, jacA2, jacB0, jacB1, jacB2;
            float3 effectiveMass; // first column of 3x3 effective mass matrix, don't need the others because only jac0 can have nonzero error
            float  futureAngle;
                // Calculate the relative rotation between joint spaces
                quaternion jointOrientation = math.mul(math.inverse(RefBFromA), futureBFromA);

                // Find the axis and angle of rotation
                jacA0 = jointOrientation.value.xyz;
                float sinHalfAngleSq  = math.lengthsq(jacA0);
                float invSinHalfAngle = Math.RSqrtSafe(sinHalfAngleSq);
                float sinHalfAngle    = sinHalfAngleSq * invSinHalfAngle;
                futureAngle = math.asin(sinHalfAngle) * 2.0f;

                jacA0 = math.select(jacA0 * invSinHalfAngle, new float3(1, 0, 0), invSinHalfAngle == 0.0f);
                jacA0 = math.select(jacA0, -jacA0, jointOrientation.value.w < 0.0f);
                Math.CalculatePerpendicularNormalized(jacA0, out jacA1, out jacA2);

                jacB0 = math.mul(futureBFromA, -jacA0);
                jacB1 = math.mul(futureBFromA, -jacA1);
                jacB2 = math.mul(futureBFromA, -jacA2);

                // Calculate the effective mass
                float3 invEffectiveMassDiag = new float3(
                    math.csum(jacA0 * jacA0 * velocityA.InverseInertiaAndMass.xyz + jacB0 * jacB0 * velocityB.InverseInertiaAndMass.xyz),
                    math.csum(jacA1 * jacA1 * velocityA.InverseInertiaAndMass.xyz + jacB1 * jacB1 * velocityB.InverseInertiaAndMass.xyz),
                    math.csum(jacA2 * jacA2 * velocityA.InverseInertiaAndMass.xyz + jacB2 * jacB2 * velocityB.InverseInertiaAndMass.xyz));
                float3 invEffectiveMassOffDiag = new float3(
                    math.csum(jacA0 * jacA1 * velocityA.InverseInertiaAndMass.xyz + jacB0 * jacB1 * velocityB.InverseInertiaAndMass.xyz),
                    math.csum(jacA0 * jacA2 * velocityA.InverseInertiaAndMass.xyz + jacB0 * jacB2 * velocityB.InverseInertiaAndMass.xyz),
                    math.csum(jacA1 * jacA2 * velocityA.InverseInertiaAndMass.xyz + jacB1 * jacB2 * velocityB.InverseInertiaAndMass.xyz));
                JacobianUtilities.InvertSymmetricMatrix(invEffectiveMassDiag, invEffectiveMassOffDiag, out float3 effectiveMassDiag, out float3 effectiveMassOffDiag);
                effectiveMass = JacobianUtilities.BuildSymmetricMatrix(effectiveMassDiag, effectiveMassOffDiag).c0;

            // Calculate the error, adjust by tau and damping, and apply an impulse to correct it
            float  futureError   = JacobianUtilities.CalculateError(futureAngle, MinAngle, MaxAngle);
            float  solveError    = JacobianUtilities.CalculateCorrection(futureError, InitialError, Tau, Damping);
            float  solveVelocity = -solveError * invTimestep;
            float3 impulseA      = solveVelocity * (jacA0 * effectiveMass.x + jacA1 * effectiveMass.y + jacA2 * effectiveMass.z);
            float3 impulseB      = solveVelocity * (jacB0 * effectiveMass.x + jacB1 * effectiveMass.y + jacB2 * effectiveMass.z);

Пример #3
        public static unsafe Result CapsuleCapsule(CapsuleCollider *capsuleA, CapsuleCollider *capsuleB, MTransform aFromB)
            // Transform capsule B into A-space
            float3 pointB = Mul(aFromB, capsuleB->Vertex0);
            float3 edgeB  = math.mul(aFromB.Rotation, capsuleB->Vertex1 - capsuleB->Vertex0);

            // Get point and edge of A
            float3 pointA = capsuleA->Vertex0;
            float3 edgeA  = capsuleA->Vertex1 - capsuleA->Vertex0;

            // Get the closest points on the capsules
            SegmentSegment(pointA, edgeA, pointB, edgeB, out float3 closestA, out float3 closestB);
            float3 diff           = closestA - closestB;
            float  coreDistanceSq = math.lengthsq(diff);

            if (coreDistanceSq < distanceEpsSq)
                // Special case for extremely small distances, should be rare
                float3 normal = math.cross(edgeA, edgeB);
                if (math.lengthsq(normal) < 1e-5f)
                    float3 edge = math.normalizesafe(edgeA, math.normalizesafe(edgeB, new float3(1, 0, 0))); // edges are parallel or one of the capsules is a sphere
                    Math.CalculatePerpendicularNormalized(edge, out normal, out float3 unused);              // normal is anything perpendicular to edge
                    normal = math.normalize(normal); // normal is cross of edges, sign doesn't matter
                return(new Result
                    NormalInA = normal,
                    PositionOnAinA = pointA - normal * capsuleA->Radius,
                    Distance = -capsuleA->Radius - capsuleB->Radius
            return(PointPoint(closestA, closestB, capsuleA->Radius, capsuleA->Radius + capsuleB->Radius));
Пример #4
    protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps)
        if (m_ContactModifierGroup.CalculateLength() == 0)

        if (m_StepPhysicsWorld.Simulation.Type == SimulationType.NoPhysics)

        SimulationCallbacks.Callback preparationCallback = (ref ISimulation simulation, JobHandle inDeps) =>
            inDeps.Complete();  // shouldn't be needed (jobify the below)

            SimulationData.Contacts.Iterator iterator = simulation.Contacts.GetIterator();
            while (iterator.HasItemsLeft())
                ContactHeader manifold = iterator.GetNextContactHeader();

                // JacobianModifierFlags format for this example
                // UserData 0 - soft contact
                // UserData 1 - surface velocity
                // UserData 2 - infinite inertia
                // UserData 3 - no torque
                // UserData 4 - clip impulse
                // UserData 5 - disabled contact

                if (0 != (manifold.BodyCustomDatas.CustomDataA & (byte)(1 << 0)) ||
                    0 != (manifold.BodyCustomDatas.CustomDataB & (byte)(1 << 0)))
                    manifold.JacobianFlags |= JacobianFlags.UserFlag0; // Soft Contact
                if (0 != (manifold.BodyCustomDatas.CustomDataA & (byte)(1 << 1)) ||
                    0 != (manifold.BodyCustomDatas.CustomDataB & (byte)(1 << 1)))
                    manifold.JacobianFlags |= JacobianFlags.EnableSurfaceVelocity;
                if (0 != (manifold.BodyCustomDatas.CustomDataA & (byte)(1 << 2)) ||
                    0 != (manifold.BodyCustomDatas.CustomDataB & (byte)(1 << 2)))
                    manifold.JacobianFlags |= JacobianFlags.EnableMassFactors;
                if (0 != (manifold.BodyCustomDatas.CustomDataA & (byte)(1 << 3)) ||
                    0 != (manifold.BodyCustomDatas.CustomDataB & (byte)(1 << 3)))
                    manifold.JacobianFlags |= JacobianFlags.UserFlag1; // No Torque
                if (0 != (manifold.BodyCustomDatas.CustomDataA & (byte)(1 << 4)) ||
                    0 != (manifold.BodyCustomDatas.CustomDataB & (byte)(1 << 4)))
                    manifold.JacobianFlags |= JacobianFlags.EnableMaxImpulse; // No Torque
                if (0 != (manifold.BodyCustomDatas.CustomDataA & (byte)(1 << 5)) ||
                    0 != (manifold.BodyCustomDatas.CustomDataB & (byte)(1 << 5)))
                    manifold.JacobianFlags |= JacobianFlags.Disabled;


                // Just read contacts
                for (int i = 0; i < manifold.NumContacts; i++)


        SimulationCallbacks.Callback jacobianModificationCallback = (ref ISimulation simulation, JobHandle inDeps) =>
            inDeps.Complete();  // shouldn't be needed (jobify the below)

            JacobianIterator iterator = simulation.Jacobians.Iterator;
            while (iterator.HasJacobiansLeft())
                // JacobianModifierFlags format for this example
                // UserFlag0 - soft contact
                // UserFlag1 - no torque

                // Jacobian header
                ref JacobianHeader jacHeader = ref iterator.ReadJacobianHeader();

                // Triggers can only be disabled, other modifiers have no effect
                if (jacHeader.Type == JacobianType.Contact)
                    // Contact jacobian modification
                    ref ContactJacobian contactJacobian = ref jacHeader.AccessBaseJacobian <ContactJacobian>();
                        // Check if NoTorque modifier
                        if ((jacHeader.Flags & JacobianFlags.UserFlag1) != 0)
                            // Disable all friction angular effects
                            contactJacobian.Friction0.AngularA       = 0.0f;
                            contactJacobian.Friction1.AngularA       = 0.0f;
                            contactJacobian.AngularFriction.AngularA = 0.0f;
                            contactJacobian.Friction0.AngularB       = 0.0f;
                            contactJacobian.Friction1.AngularB       = 0.0f;
                            contactJacobian.AngularFriction.AngularB = 0.0f;

                        // Check if SurfaceVelocity present
                        if (jacHeader.HasSurfaceVelocity)
                            // Since surface normal can change, make sure angular velocity is always relative to it, not independent
                            float3 angVel = contactJacobian.BaseJacobian.Normal * (new float3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
                            float3 linVel = float3.zero;

                            Math.CalculatePerpendicularNormalized(contactJacobian.BaseJacobian.Normal, out float3 dir0, out float3 dir1);
                            float linVel0 = math.dot(linVel, dir0);
                            float linVel1 = math.dot(linVel, dir1);

                            float angVelProj = math.dot(angVel, contactJacobian.BaseJacobian.Normal);

                            jacHeader.SurfaceVelocity = new SurfaceVelocity {
                                ExtraFrictionDv = new float3(linVel0, linVel1, angVelProj)
Пример #5
        public void Execute(ref ModifiableJacobianHeader jacHeader, ref ModifiableContactJacobian contactJacobian)
            Entity entityA = jacHeader.Entities.EntityA;
            Entity entityB = jacHeader.Entities.EntityB;

            ModifyContactJacobians.ModificationType typeA = ModifyContactJacobians.ModificationType.None;
            if (modificationData.Exists(entityA))
                typeA = modificationData[entityA].type;

            ModifyContactJacobians.ModificationType typeB = ModifyContactJacobians.ModificationType.None;
            if (modificationData.Exists(entityB))
                typeB = modificationData[entityB].type;

                // Check for jacobians we want to ignore:
                if (typeA == ModifyContactJacobians.ModificationType.DisabledContact || typeB == ModifyContactJacobians.ModificationType.DisabledContact)
                    jacHeader.Flags = jacHeader.Flags | JacobianFlags.Disabled;

                // Check if NoTorque modifier
                if (typeA == ModifyContactJacobians.ModificationType.NoAngularEffects || typeB == ModifyContactJacobians.ModificationType.NoAngularEffects)
                    // Disable all friction angular effects
                    var friction0 = contactJacobian.Friction0;
                    friction0.AngularA        = 0.0f;
                    friction0.AngularB        = 0.0f;
                    contactJacobian.Friction0 = friction0;

                    var friction1 = contactJacobian.Friction1;
                    friction1.AngularA        = 0.0f;
                    friction1.AngularB        = 0.0f;
                    contactJacobian.Friction1 = friction1;

                    var angularFriction = contactJacobian.AngularFriction;
                    angularFriction.AngularA        = 0.0f;
                    angularFriction.AngularB        = 0.0f;
                    contactJacobian.AngularFriction = angularFriction;

                // Check if SurfaceVelocity present
                if (jacHeader.HasSurfaceVelocity &&
                    (typeA == ModifyContactJacobians.ModificationType.SurfaceVelocity || typeB == ModifyContactJacobians.ModificationType.SurfaceVelocity))
                    // Since surface normal can change, make sure angular velocity is always relative to it, not independent
                    float3 angVel = contactJacobian.Normal * (new float3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
                    float3 linVel = float3.zero;

                    Math.CalculatePerpendicularNormalized(contactJacobian.Normal, out float3 dir0, out float3 dir1);
                    float linVel0 = math.dot(linVel, dir0);
                    float linVel1 = math.dot(linVel, dir1);

                    float angVelProj = math.dot(angVel, contactJacobian.Normal);

                    //jacHeader.SurfaceVelocity = new SurfaceVelocity { ExtraFrictionDv = new float3(linVel0, linVel1, angVelProj) };

                 * // Check if MaxImpulse present
                 * if (jacHeader.HasMaxImpulse &&
                 *  (typeA == ModifyContactJacobians.ModificationType.ClippedImpulse || typeB == ModifyContactJacobians.ModificationType.ClippedImpulse))
                 * {
                 *  // Max impulse in Ns (Newton-second)
                 *  jacHeader.MaxImpulse = 20.0f;
                 * }

                // Check if MassFactors present
                if (jacHeader.HasMassFactors &&
                    (typeA == ModifyContactJacobians.ModificationType.InfiniteInertia || typeB == ModifyContactJacobians.ModificationType.InfiniteInertia))
                    // Give both bodies infinite inertia
                    jacHeader.MassFactors = new MassFactors
                        InvInertiaAndMassFactorA = new float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f),
                        InvInertiaAndMassFactorB = new float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)

            // Angular jacobian modifications
            for (int i = 0; i < contactJacobian.NumContacts; i++)
                ContactJacAngAndVelToReachCp jacobianAngular = jacHeader.GetAngularJacobian(i);

                // Check if NoTorque modifier
                if (typeA == ModifyContactJacobians.ModificationType.NoAngularEffects || typeB == ModifyContactJacobians.ModificationType.NoAngularEffects)
                    // Disable all angular effects
                    jacobianAngular.Jac.AngularA = 0.0f;
                    jacobianAngular.Jac.AngularB = 0.0f;

                // Check if SoftContact modifier
                if (typeA == ModifyContactJacobians.ModificationType.SoftContact || typeB == ModifyContactJacobians.ModificationType.SoftContact)
                    jacobianAngular.Jac.EffectiveMass *= 0.1f;
                    if (jacobianAngular.VelToReachCp > 0.0f)
                        jacobianAngular.VelToReachCp *= 0.5f;

                jacHeader.SetAngularJacobian(i, jacobianAngular);
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Generalized convex-convex distance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="verticesA">Vertices of the first collider in local space</param>
        /// <param name="verticesB">Vertices of the second collider in local space</param>
        /// <param name="aFromB">Transform from the local space of B to the local space of A</param>
        /// <param name="penetrationHandling">How to compute penetration.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static unsafe Result ConvexConvex(
            float3 *verticesA, int numVerticesA, float3 *verticesB, int numVerticesB,
            MTransform aFromB, PenetrationHandling penetrationHandling)
            const float epsTerminationSq = 1e-8f; // Main loop quits when it cannot find a point that improves the simplex by at least this much
            const float epsPenetrationSq = 1e-9f; // Epsilon used to check for penetration.  Should be smaller than shape cast ConvexConvex keepDistance^2.

            // Initialize simplex.
            Simplex simplex = new Simplex();

            simplex.NumVertices    = 1;
            simplex.A              = GetSupportingVertex(new float3(1, 0, 0), verticesA, numVerticesA, verticesB, numVerticesB, aFromB);
            simplex.Direction      = simplex.A.Xyz;
            simplex.ScaledDistance = math.lengthsq(simplex.A.Xyz);
            float scaleSq = simplex.ScaledDistance;

            // Iterate.
            int       iteration     = 0;
            bool      penetration   = false;
            const int maxIterations = 64;

            for (; iteration < maxIterations; ++iteration)
                // Find a new support vertex
                SupportVertex newSv = GetSupportingVertex(-simplex.Direction, verticesA, numVerticesA, verticesB, numVerticesB, aFromB);

                // If the new vertex is not significantly closer to the origin, quit
                float scaledImprovement = math.dot(simplex.A.Xyz - newSv.Xyz, simplex.Direction);
                if (scaledImprovement * math.abs(scaledImprovement) < epsTerminationSq * scaleSq)

                // Add the new vertex and reduce the simplex
                switch (simplex.NumVertices++)
                case 1: simplex.B = newSv; break;

                case 2: simplex.C = newSv; break;

                default: simplex.D = newSv; break;

                // Check for penetration
                scaleSq = math.lengthsq(simplex.Direction);
                float scaledDistanceSq = simplex.ScaledDistance * simplex.ScaledDistance;
                if (simplex.NumVertices == 4 || scaledDistanceSq <= epsPenetrationSq * scaleSq)
                    penetration = true;

            // Finalize result.
            var ret = new Result {
                Iterations = iteration + 1

            // Handle penetration.
            if (penetration && penetrationHandling != PenetrationHandling.DotNotCompute)
                // Allocate a hull for EPA
                int verticesCapacity = 64;
                int triangleCapacity = 2 * verticesCapacity;
                ConvexHullBuilder.Vertex *  vertices  = stackalloc ConvexHullBuilder.Vertex[verticesCapacity];
                ConvexHullBuilder.Triangle *triangles = stackalloc ConvexHullBuilder.Triangle[triangleCapacity];
                var hull = new ConvexHullBuilder(vertices, verticesCapacity, triangles, triangleCapacity);

                // Initialize int space
                // TODO - either the hull should be robust when int space changes after points are already added, or the ability to do so should be removed, probably the latter
                // Currently for example a valid triangle can collapse to a line segment when the bounds grow
                hull.IntegerSpaceAabb = GetSupportingAabb(verticesA, numVerticesA, verticesB, numVerticesB, aFromB);

                // Add simplex vertices to the hull, remove any vertices from the simplex that do not increase the hull dimension
                hull.AddPoint(simplex.A.Xyz, simplex.A.Id);
                if (simplex.NumVertices > 1)
                    hull.AddPoint(simplex.B.Xyz, simplex.B.Id);
                    if (simplex.NumVertices > 2)
                        int dimension = hull.Dimension;
                        hull.AddPoint(simplex.C.Xyz, simplex.C.Id);
                        if (dimension == 0 && hull.Dimension == 1)
                            simplex.B = simplex.C;
                        if (simplex.NumVertices > 3)
                            dimension = hull.Dimension;
                            hull.AddPoint(simplex.D.Xyz, simplex.D.Id);
                            if (dimension > hull.Dimension)
                                if (dimension == 0)
                                    simplex.B = simplex.D;
                                else if (dimension == 1)
                                    simplex.C = simplex.D;
                simplex.NumVertices = (hull.Dimension + 1);

                // If the simplex is not 3D, try expanding the hull in all directions
                while (hull.Dimension < 3)
                    // Choose expansion directions
                    float3 support0, support1, support2;
                    switch (simplex.NumVertices)
                    case 1:
                        support0 = new float3(1, 0, 0);
                        support1 = new float3(0, 1, 0);
                        support2 = new float3(0, 0, 1);

                    case 2:
                        Math.CalculatePerpendicularNormalized(math.normalize(simplex.B.Xyz - simplex.A.Xyz), out support0, out support1);
                        support2 = float3.zero;

                        UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert.IsTrue(simplex.NumVertices == 3);
                        support0 = math.cross(simplex.B.Xyz - simplex.A.Xyz, simplex.C.Xyz - simplex.A.Xyz);
                        support1 = float3.zero;
                        support2 = float3.zero;

                    // Try each one
                    int  numSupports = 4 - simplex.NumVertices;
                    bool success     = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < numSupports; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) // +/- each direction
                            SupportVertex vertex = GetSupportingVertex(support0, verticesA, numVerticesA, verticesB, numVerticesB, aFromB);
                            hull.AddPoint(vertex.Xyz, vertex.Id);
                            if (hull.Dimension == simplex.NumVertices)
                                switch (simplex.NumVertices)
                                case 1: simplex.B = vertex; break;

                                case 2: simplex.C = vertex; break;

                                default: simplex.D = vertex; break;

                                // Next dimension
                                success = true;
                                i = numSupports;
                            support0 = -support0;
                        support0 = support1;
                        support1 = support2;

                    if (!success)

                // We can still fail to build a tetrahedron if the minkowski difference is really flat.
                // In those cases just find the closest point to the origin on the infinite extension of the simplex (point / line / plane)
                if (hull.Dimension != 3)
                    switch (simplex.NumVertices)
                    case 1:
                        ret.ClosestPoints.Distance  = math.length(simplex.A.Xyz);
                        ret.ClosestPoints.NormalInA = -math.normalizesafe(simplex.A.Xyz, new float3(1, 0, 0));

                    case 2:
                        float3 edge      = math.normalize(simplex.B.Xyz - simplex.A.Xyz);
                        float3 direction = math.cross(math.cross(edge, simplex.A.Xyz), edge);
                        Math.CalculatePerpendicularNormalized(edge, out float3 safeNormal, out float3 unused);     // backup, take any direction perpendicular to the edge
                        float3 normal = math.normalizesafe(direction, safeNormal);
                        ret.ClosestPoints.Distance  = math.dot(normal, simplex.A.Xyz);
                        ret.ClosestPoints.NormalInA = -normal;

                        UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert.IsTrue(simplex.NumVertices == 3);
                        float3 normal = math.normalize(math.cross(simplex.B.Xyz - simplex.A.Xyz, simplex.C.Xyz - simplex.A.Xyz));
                        float  dot    = math.dot(normal, simplex.A.Xyz);
                        ret.ClosestPoints.Distance  = math.abs(dot);
                        ret.ClosestPoints.NormalInA = math.select(-normal, normal, dot < 0);
                    int   closestTriangleIndex;
                    Plane closestPlane  = new Plane();
                    float stopThreshold = 1e-4f;
                    uint *uidsCache     = stackalloc uint[triangleCapacity];
                    for (int i = 0; i < triangleCapacity; i++)
                        uidsCache[i] = 0;
                    float *distancesCache = stackalloc float[triangleCapacity];
                        // Select closest triangle.
                        closestTriangleIndex = -1;
                        foreach (int triangleIndex in hull.Triangles.Indices)
                            if (hull.Triangles[triangleIndex].Uid != uidsCache[triangleIndex])
                                uidsCache[triangleIndex]      = hull.Triangles[triangleIndex].Uid;
                                distancesCache[triangleIndex] = hull.ComputePlane(triangleIndex).Distance;
                            if (closestTriangleIndex == -1 || distancesCache[closestTriangleIndex] < distancesCache[triangleIndex])
                                closestTriangleIndex = triangleIndex;
                        closestPlane = hull.ComputePlane(closestTriangleIndex);

                        // Add supporting vertex or exit.
                        SupportVertex sv  = GetSupportingVertex(closestPlane.Normal, verticesA, numVerticesA, verticesB, numVerticesB, aFromB);
                        float         d2P = math.dot(closestPlane.Normal, sv.Xyz) + closestPlane.Distance;
                        if (math.abs(d2P) > stopThreshold && hull.AddPoint(sv.Xyz, sv.Id))
                            stopThreshold *= 1.3f;
                    } while (++iteration < maxIterations);

                    // Generate simplex.
                    ConvexHullBuilder.Triangle triangle = hull.Triangles[closestTriangleIndex];
                    simplex.NumVertices    = 3;
                    simplex.A.Xyz          = hull.Vertices[triangle.Vertex0].Position; simplex.A.Id = hull.Vertices[triangle.Vertex0].UserData;
                    simplex.B.Xyz          = hull.Vertices[triangle.Vertex1].Position; simplex.B.Id = hull.Vertices[triangle.Vertex1].UserData;
                    simplex.C.Xyz          = hull.Vertices[triangle.Vertex2].Position; simplex.C.Id = hull.Vertices[triangle.Vertex2].UserData;
                    simplex.Direction      = -closestPlane.Normal;
                    simplex.ScaledDistance = closestPlane.Distance;

                    // Set normal and distance.
                    ret.ClosestPoints.NormalInA = -closestPlane.Normal;
                    ret.ClosestPoints.Distance  = closestPlane.Distance;
                // Compute distance and normal.
                float lengthSq    = math.lengthsq(simplex.Direction);
                float invLength   = math.rsqrt(lengthSq);
                bool  smallLength = lengthSq < 1e-10f;
                ret.ClosestPoints.Distance  = math.select(simplex.ScaledDistance * invLength, 0.0f, smallLength);
                ret.ClosestPoints.NormalInA = math.select(simplex.Direction * invLength, new float3(1, 0, 0), smallLength);

                // Make sure the normal is always valid.
                if (!math.all(math.isfinite(ret.ClosestPoints.NormalInA)))
                    ret.ClosestPoints.NormalInA = new float3(1, 0, 0);

            // Compute position.
            float3 closestPoint = ret.ClosestPoints.NormalInA * ret.ClosestPoints.Distance;
            float4 coordinates  = simplex.ComputeBarycentricCoordinates(closestPoint);

            ret.ClosestPoints.PositionOnAinA =
                verticesA[simplex.A.IdA] * coordinates.x +
                verticesA[simplex.B.IdA] * coordinates.y +
                verticesA[simplex.C.IdA] * coordinates.z +
                verticesA[simplex.D.IdA] * coordinates.w;

            // Encode simplex.
            ret.Simplex.x = simplex.A.Id;
            ret.Simplex.y = simplex.NumVertices >= 2 ? simplex.B.Id : Result.InvalidSimplexVertex;
            ret.Simplex.z = simplex.NumVertices >= 3 ? simplex.C.Id : Result.InvalidSimplexVertex;

            // Done.
            UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert.IsTrue(math.abs(math.lengthsq(ret.ClosestPoints.NormalInA) - 1.0f) < 1e-5f);
            public unsafe static void Execute(ref JacobiansJobData <T> jobData, IntPtr additionalData,
                                              IntPtr bufferRangePatchData, ref JobRanges ranges, int jobIndex)
                ModifiableJacobianHeader  modifiableHeader;
                ModifiableContactJacobian modifiableContact;
                byte *headerBuffer  = stackalloc byte[JacobianHeader.CalculateSize(JacobianType.Contact, (JacobianFlags)0xff, 4)]; //<todo.eoin.modifier How to verify correct sizes?
                byte *contactBuffer = stackalloc byte[sizeof(ContactJacobian)];

                Havok.Physics.HpGrid *curGrid = jobData.FixedJacobianGrid;
                int *pluginIndexToLocal       = jobData.PluginIndexToLocal->Data;

                for (int g = 0; g < 2; g++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < curGrid->m_size; i++)
                        HpCsContactJacRange *gridRange = curGrid->m_entries + i;
                        var range = (Havok.Physics.HpLinkedRange *)UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref gridRange->m_range);
                        while (range != null)
                            var reader = new Havok.Physics.HpBlockStreamReader(range);
                            while (reader.HasItems)
                                var hpHeader = (Havok.Physics.HpJacHeader *)reader.Peek();
                                modifiableHeader                    = new ModifiableJacobianHeader {
                                modifiableContact                   = new ModifiableContactJacobian {
                                modifiableHeader.m_Header           = (JacobianHeader *)headerBuffer;
                                modifiableContact.m_ContactJacobian = (ContactJacobian *)contactBuffer;

                                int bodyIndexA = pluginIndexToLocal[hpHeader->m_bodyIdA & 0x00ffffff];
                                int bodyIndexB = pluginIndexToLocal[hpHeader->m_bodyIdB & 0x00ffffff];

                                modifiableHeader.m_Header->BodyPair = new BodyIndexPair
                                    BodyIndexA = bodyIndexA,
                                    BodyIndexB = bodyIndexB

                                modifiableHeader.EntityPair = new EntityPair
                                    EntityA = jobData.Bodies[bodyIndexA].Entity,
                                    EntityB = jobData.Bodies[bodyIndexB].Entity

                                modifiableHeader.m_Header->Type = JacobianType.Contact;
                                modifiableContact.m_ContactJacobian->BaseJacobian.NumContacts = hpHeader->m_numPoints;
                                modifiableContact.m_ContactJacobian->BaseJacobian.Normal      = hpHeader->m_normal.xyz;
                                Havok.Physics.HPManifoldCollisionCache *manifoldCache = hpHeader->m_manifoldCollisionCache;
                                modifiableContact.m_ContactJacobian->CoefficientOfFriction = manifoldCache->m_friction.Value;

                                // Fill in friction data
                                if (HpJacHeader.hasAnyFriction(hpHeader->m_flagsAndDimB))
                                    Havok.Physics.HpJac3dFriction *jf = hpHeader->accessJacFriction();
                                    modifiableContact.m_ContactJacobian->Friction0.AngularA       = jf->m_jacDir0_angular0.xyz;
                                    modifiableContact.m_ContactJacobian->Friction0.AngularB       = jf->m_jacDir0_angular1.xyz;
                                    modifiableContact.m_ContactJacobian->Friction1.AngularA       = jf->m_jacDir1_angular0.xyz;
                                    modifiableContact.m_ContactJacobian->Friction1.AngularB       = jf->m_jacDir1_angular1.xyz;
                                    modifiableContact.m_ContactJacobian->AngularFriction.AngularA = jf->m_jacAng_angular0.xyz;
                                    modifiableContact.m_ContactJacobian->AngularFriction.AngularB = jf->m_jacAng_angular1.xyz;

                                Havok.Physics.HpPerManifoldProperty *cdp = manifoldCache->GetCustomPropertyStorage();
                                modifiableHeader.m_Header->Flags = (JacobianFlags)cdp->m_jacobianFlags;

                                if ((cdp->m_jacobianFlags & (byte)JacobianFlags.EnableMassFactors) != 0)
                                    modifiableHeader.MassFactors = *hpHeader->accessMassFactors();

                                for (int p = 0; p < hpHeader->m_numPoints; p++)
                                    Havok.Physics.HpJacAngular *hpAng = hpHeader->accessJacAngular(p);
                                    var ang = new ContactJacAngAndVelToReachCp
                                        Jac = new ContactJacobianAngular
                                            AngularA      = hpAng->m_angular0.xyz,
                                            AngularB      = hpAng->m_angular1.xyz,
                                            EffectiveMass = hpAng->m_angular0.w,
                                        VelToReachCp = hpAng->m_angular1.w,

                                    // Access the angular jacobian from the header directly,
                                    // to avoid the modifiable header marking itself dirty.
                                    modifiableHeader.m_Header->AccessAngularJacobian(p) = ang;

                                jobData.UserJobData.Execute(ref modifiableHeader, ref modifiableContact);

                                if (((byte)modifiableHeader.Flags & (byte)JacobianFlags.Disabled) != 0)
                                    // Don't check the "changed" state of the jacobian - this flag is set on the contact
                                    hpHeader->m_flagsAndDimB |= 1 << 10; // JH_MANIFOLD_IS_NOT_NORMAL
                                    hpHeader->m_manifoldType  = 3;       // hknpManifoldType::DISABLED

                                if (modifiableHeader.AngularChanged || modifiableHeader.ModifiersChanged)
                                    // Need to disable jacobian caching, since we can't tell what modifications the user has done
                                    manifoldCache->m_qualityFlags &= (0xffff ^ (1 << 10)); //hknpBodyQuality::ENABLE_CONTACT_CACHING

                                if (modifiableHeader.AngularChanged)
                                    for (int p = 0; p < hpHeader->m_numPoints; p++)
                                        Havok.Physics.HpJacAngular * hpAng = hpHeader->accessJacAngular(p);
                                        ContactJacAngAndVelToReachCp ang   = modifiableHeader.GetAngularJacobian(p);

                                        hpAng->m_angular0 = new float4(ang.Jac.AngularA, ang.Jac.EffectiveMass);
                                        hpAng->m_angular1 = new float4(ang.Jac.AngularB, ang.VelToReachCp);

                                if (modifiableHeader.ModifiersChanged && (cdp->m_jacobianFlags & (byte)JacobianFlags.EnableMassFactors) != 0)
                                    *hpHeader->accessMassFactors() = modifiableHeader.MassFactors;

                                if (modifiableHeader.ModifiersChanged && (cdp->m_jacobianFlags & (byte)JacobianFlags.EnableSurfaceVelocity) != 0)
                                    var surfVel = modifiableHeader.SurfaceVelocity;

                                    float angVelProj = math.dot(surfVel.AngularVelocity, modifiableContact.Normal);
                                    if (manifoldCache != null)
                                        float frictionRhs = manifoldCache->getFrictionRhsMultiplierValue();
                                        float frictRhsMul = frictionRhs * jobData.TimeStep;

                                        // Update cached integrated friction rhs
                                        float4 vel  = new float4(-surfVel.LinearVelocity, -angVelProj);
                                        float4 rhs4 = manifoldCache->m_integratedFrictionRhs;
                                        rhs4 += frictRhsMul * vel;
                                        manifoldCache->m_integratedFrictionRhs = rhs4;

                                    if (HpJacHeader.hasAnyFriction(hpHeader->m_flagsAndDimB))
                                        Math.CalculatePerpendicularNormalized(modifiableContact.Normal, out float3 dir0, out float3 dir1);
                                        float linVel0 = math.dot(surfVel.LinearVelocity, dir0);
                                        float linVel1 = math.dot(surfVel.LinearVelocity, dir1);

                                        // Check JH_SURFACE_VELOCITY_DIRTY flag and clear it if it was set
                                        const ushort jhSurfaceVelocityDirty = 1 << 3;
                                        if ((hpHeader->m_flagsAndDimB & jhSurfaceVelocityDirty) != 0)
                                            *hpHeader->accessSurfaceVelocity() = new float3(linVel0, linVel1, angVelProj);
                                            hpHeader->m_flagsAndDimB &= 0xffff ^ jhSurfaceVelocityDirty;
                                            *hpHeader->accessSurfaceVelocity() += new float3(linVel0, linVel1, angVelProj);

                                        // Update friction Jacobian
                                            Havok.Physics.HpJac3dFriction *jf = hpHeader->accessJacFriction();

                                            float dRhs0 = jf->m_jacDir0_linear0.w;
                                            float dRhs1 = jf->m_jacDir1_linear0.w;
                                            float dRhs  = jf->m_jacAng_angular1.w;

                                            float frictRhsMul = hpHeader->m_manifoldCollisionCache->getFrictionRhsMultiplierValue();
                                            dRhs0 -= frictRhsMul * linVel0;
                                            dRhs1 -= frictRhsMul * linVel1;
                                            dRhs  -= frictRhsMul * angVelProj;

                                            jf->m_jacDir0_linear0.w = dRhs0;
                                            jf->m_jacDir1_linear0.w = dRhs1;
                                            jf->m_jacAng_angular1.w = dRhs;

                                if (modifiableContact.Modified)
                                    hpHeader->m_normal.xyz          = modifiableContact.Normal;
                                    manifoldCache->m_friction.Value = modifiableContact.CoefficientOfFriction;

                                    if (HpJacHeader.hasAnyFriction(hpHeader->m_flagsAndDimB))
                                        Havok.Physics.HpJac3dFriction *jf = hpHeader->accessJacFriction();
                                        jf->m_jacDir0_angular0.xyz = modifiableContact.Friction0.AngularA;
                                        jf->m_jacDir0_angular1.xyz = modifiableContact.Friction0.AngularB;
                                        jf->m_jacDir1_angular0.xyz = modifiableContact.Friction1.AngularA;
                                        jf->m_jacDir1_angular1.xyz = modifiableContact.Friction1.AngularB;
                                        jf->m_jacAng_angular0.xyz  = modifiableContact.AngularFriction.AngularA;
                                        jf->m_jacAng_angular1.xyz  = modifiableContact.AngularFriction.AngularB;

                                reader.Advance(hpHeader->m_sizeDiv16 * 16);

                            range = range->m_next;

                    curGrid = jobData.MovingJacobianGrid;