Пример #1
        private unsafe int FindNonDefaultSharedComponentIndex(int typeIndex, int hashCode, void *newData,
                                                              FastEquality.TypeInfo typeInfo)
            int itemIndex;
            NativeMultiHashMapIterator <int> iter;

            if (!m_HashLookup.TryGetFirstValue(hashCode, out itemIndex, out iter))

                var data = m_SharedComponentData[itemIndex];
                if (data != null && m_SharedComponentType[itemIndex] == typeIndex)
                    ulong handle;
                    var   value = PinGCObjectAndGetAddress(data, out handle);
                    var   res   = FastEquality.Equals(newData, value, typeInfo);

                    if (res)
            } while (m_HashLookup.TryGetNextValue(out itemIndex, ref iter));

Пример #2
            public TypeInfo(Type type, int typeIndex, int size, TypeCategory category, FastEquality.TypeInfo typeInfo, EntityOffsetInfo[] entityOffsets, EntityOffsetInfo[] blobAssetRefOffsets, ulong memoryOrdering, int bufferCapacity, int elementSize, int alignmentInBytes, ulong stableTypeHash, int *writeGroups, int writeGroupCount, int maximumChunkCapacity)
                Type                    = type;
                TypeIndex               = typeIndex;
                SizeInChunk             = size;
                Category                = category;
                FastEqualityTypeInfo    = typeInfo;
                EntityOffsetCount       = entityOffsets?.Length ?? 0;
                EntityOffsets           = entityOffsets;
                BlobAssetRefOffsetCount = blobAssetRefOffsets?.Length ?? 0;
                BlobAssetRefOffsets     = blobAssetRefOffsets;
                MemoryOrdering          = memoryOrdering;
                BufferCapacity          = bufferCapacity;
                ElementSize             = elementSize;
                AlignmentInBytes        = alignmentInBytes;
                StableTypeHash          = stableTypeHash;
                WriteGroups             = writeGroups;
                WriteGroupCount         = writeGroupCount;
                MaximumChunkCapacity    = maximumChunkCapacity;
                // System state shared components are also considered system state components
                bool isSystemStateSharedComponent = typeof(ISystemStateSharedComponentData).IsAssignableFrom(type);
                bool isSystemStateBufferElement   = typeof(ISystemStateBufferElementData).IsAssignableFrom(type);
                bool isSystemStateComponent       = isSystemStateSharedComponent || isSystemStateBufferElement || typeof(ISystemStateComponentData).IsAssignableFrom(type);

                if (typeIndex != 0)
                    if (SizeInChunk == 0)
                        TypeIndex |= ZeroSizeTypeFlag;

                    if (Category == TypeCategory.ISharedComponentData)
                        TypeIndex |= SharedComponentTypeFlag;

                    if (isSystemStateComponent)
                        TypeIndex |= SystemStateTypeFlag;

                    if (isSystemStateSharedComponent)
                        TypeIndex |= SystemStateSharedComponentTypeFlag;

                    if (BufferCapacity >= 0)
                        TypeIndex |= BufferComponentTypeFlag;

                    if (EntityOffsetCount == 0)
                        TypeIndex |= HasNoEntityReferencesFlag;
Пример #3
        private static unsafe int GetHashCodeFast(object target, FastEquality.TypeInfo typeInfo)
            ulong handle;
            var   ptr      = PinGCObjectAndGetAddress(target, out handle);
            var   hashCode = FastEquality.GetHashCode(ptr, typeInfo);


Пример #4
 public ComponentType(Type type, int size, TypeCategory category, FastEquality.TypeInfo typeInfo, EntityOffsetInfo[] entityOffsets, UInt64 memoryOrdering, int bufferCapacity, int elementSize)
     Type                 = type;
     SizeInChunk          = size;
     Category             = category;
     FastEqualityTypeInfo = typeInfo;
     EntityOffsets        = entityOffsets;
     MemoryOrdering       = memoryOrdering;
     BufferCapacity       = bufferCapacity;
     ElementSize          = elementSize;
Пример #5
 public TypeInfo(Type type, int size, TypeCategory category, FastEquality.TypeInfo typeInfo, EntityOffsetInfo[] entityOffsets, UInt64 memoryOrdering, int bufferCapacity, int elementSize)
     Type                         = type;
     SizeInChunk                  = size;
     Category                     = category;
     FastEqualityTypeInfo         = typeInfo;
     EntityOffsets                = entityOffsets;
     MemoryOrdering               = memoryOrdering;
     BufferCapacity               = bufferCapacity;
     ElementSize                  = elementSize;
     IsSystemStateSharedComponent = typeof(ISystemStateSharedComponentData).IsAssignableFrom(type);
     IsSystemStateComponent       = typeof(ISystemStateComponentData).IsAssignableFrom(type);
Пример #6
 public TypeInfo(System.Type type, int size, TypeManager.TypeCategory category, FastEquality.TypeInfo typeInfo, TypeManager.EntityOffsetInfo[] entityOffsets, ulong memoryOrdering, int bufferCapacity, int elementSize)
     this.Type                         = type;
     this.SizeInChunk                  = size;
     this.Category                     = category;
     this.FastEqualityTypeInfo         = typeInfo;
     this.EntityOffsets                = entityOffsets;
     this.MemoryOrdering               = memoryOrdering;
     this.BufferCapacity               = bufferCapacity;
     this.ElementSize                  = elementSize;
     this.IsSystemStateSharedComponent = typeof(ISystemStateSharedComponentData).IsAssignableFrom(type);
     this.IsSystemStateComponent       = typeof(ISystemStateComponentData).IsAssignableFrom(type);
Пример #7
 public TypeInfo(Type type, int size, TypeCategory category, FastEquality.TypeInfo typeInfo, EntityOffsetInfo[] entityOffsets, ulong memoryOrdering, int bufferCapacity, int elementSize, int alignmentInBytes, ulong stableTypeHash)
     Type                         = type;
     SizeInChunk                  = size;
     Category                     = category;
     FastEqualityTypeInfo         = typeInfo;
     EntityOffsetCount            = entityOffsets != null ? entityOffsets.Length : 0;
     EntityOffsets                = entityOffsets;
     MemoryOrdering               = memoryOrdering;
     BufferCapacity               = bufferCapacity;
     ElementSize                  = elementSize;
     AlignmentInBytes             = alignmentInBytes;
     IsSystemStateSharedComponent = typeof(ISystemStateSharedComponentData).IsAssignableFrom(type);
     IsSystemStateComponent       = typeof(ISystemStateComponentData).IsAssignableFrom(type);
     StableTypeHash               = stableTypeHash;
Пример #8
        internal unsafe int InsertSharedComponentAssumeNonDefault(int typeIndex, int hashCode, object newData,
                                                                  FastEquality.TypeInfo typeInfo)
            ulong handle;
            var   newDataPtr = PinGCObjectAndGetAddress(newData, out handle);

            var index = FindNonDefaultSharedComponentIndex(typeIndex, hashCode, newDataPtr, typeInfo);


            if (-1 == index)
                index = Add(typeIndex, hashCode, newData);
                m_SharedComponentRefCount[index] += 1;

Пример #9
        public static TypeInfo BuildComponentType(Type type)
            TypeCategory componentData;
            int          size = 0;

            FastEquality.TypeInfo @null         = FastEquality.TypeInfo.Null;
            EntityOffsetInfo[]    entityOffsets = null;
            int   bufferCapacity = -1;
            ulong memoryOrdering = CalculateMemoryOrdering(type);
            int   num4           = 0;

            if (type.IsInterface)
                throw new ArgumentException($"{type} is an interface. It must be a concrete type.");
            if (typeof(IComponentData).IsAssignableFrom(type))
                if (!type.IsValueType)
                    throw new ArgumentException($"{type} is an IComponentData, and thus must be a struct.");
                if (!UnsafeUtility.IsBlittable(type))
                    throw new ArgumentException($"{type} is an IComponentData, and thus must be blittable (No managed object is allowed on the struct).");
                componentData = TypeCategory.ComponentData;
                if (IsZeroSizeStruct(type))
                    size = 0;
                    size = UnsafeUtility.SizeOf(type);
                @null         = FastEquality.CreateTypeInfo(type);
                entityOffsets = EntityRemapUtility.CalculateEntityOffsets(type);
            else if (typeof(IBufferElementData).IsAssignableFrom(type))
                if (!type.IsValueType)
                    throw new ArgumentException($"{type} is an IBufferElementData, and thus must be a struct.");
                if (!UnsafeUtility.IsBlittable(type))
                    throw new ArgumentException($"{type} is an IBufferElementData, and thus must be blittable (No managed object is allowed on the struct).");
                componentData = TypeCategory.BufferData;
                num4          = UnsafeUtility.SizeOf(type);
                InternalBufferCapacityAttribute customAttribute = (InternalBufferCapacityAttribute)type.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(InternalBufferCapacityAttribute));
                if (customAttribute != null)
                    bufferCapacity = customAttribute.Capacity;
                    bufferCapacity = 0x80 / num4;
                size          = sizeof(BufferHeader) + (bufferCapacity * num4);
                @null         = FastEquality.CreateTypeInfo(type);
                entityOffsets = EntityRemapUtility.CalculateEntityOffsets(type);
            else if (typeof(ISharedComponentData).IsAssignableFrom(type))
                if (!type.IsValueType)
                    throw new ArgumentException($"{type} is an ISharedComponentData, and thus must be a struct.");
                componentData = TypeCategory.ISharedComponentData;
                @null         = FastEquality.CreateTypeInfo(type);
                if (!type.IsClass)
                    throw new ArgumentException($"{type} is not a valid component.");
                componentData = TypeCategory.Class;
                if (type.FullName == "Unity.Entities.GameObjectEntity")
                    throw new ArgumentException("GameObjectEntity cannot be used from EntityManager. The component is ignored when creating entities for a GameObject.");
                if (UnityEngineComponentType == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException($"{type} cannot be used from EntityManager. If it inherits UnityEngine.Component, you must first register {typeof(TypeManager)}.{"UnityEngineComponentType"} or include the Unity.Entities.Hybrid assembly in your build.");
                if (!UnityEngineComponentType.IsAssignableFrom(type))
                    throw new ArgumentException($"{type} must inherit {UnityEngineComponentType}.");
            int num5 = 0;

            foreach (Type type2 in s_SingularInterfaces)
                if (type2.IsAssignableFrom(type))
            if (num5 > 1)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Component {type} can only implement one of IComponentData, ISharedComponentData and IBufferElementData");
            return(new TypeInfo(type, size, componentData, @null, entityOffsets, memoryOrdering, bufferCapacity, (num4 > 0) ? num4 : size));