Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Serialize the given World to a YAML file, for logging and analysis purpose
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityManager">Entity Manager of the World to serialize</param>
        /// <param name="writer">The stream we will write the data to</param>
        /// <param name="dumpChunkRawData">If <value>true</value> the binary data of each chunk section (header, component data of each entity) will be saved.
        /// This will increase the volume of data being written drastically, but you will be able to diff at the binary level
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Analysing a serialized sub-scene for instance is not easy because the data is raw binary. It is even harder if we want to compare two distinct serialization of the same sub-scene.
        /// This method will allow us to save the data of a given World in YAML.
        /// Note that so far the data being saved is not totally complete, it will improve over time.
        /// </remarks>
        public static unsafe void SerializeWorldIntoYAML(EntityManager entityManager, StreamWriter writer, bool dumpChunkRawData)
            if (writer.NewLine != "\n")
                throw new ArgumentException("YAML World serialization must be done with a line ending being \\n on all platforms", nameof(writer));

            var yaml = new YamlWriter(writer);

            WriteArchetypes(yaml, entityManager);

            var entityComponentStore = entityManager.EntityComponentStore;

            GetAllArchetypes(entityComponentStore, out var archetypeToIndex, out var archetypeArray);

            using (yaml.WriteCollection(k_ChunksDataCollectionTag))
                for (int archetypeIndex = 0; archetypeIndex < archetypeArray.Length; ++archetypeIndex)
                    var archetype = archetypeArray[archetypeIndex].Archetype;
                    using (yaml.WriteCollection(k_ArchetypeCollectionTag))
                        yaml.WriteKeyValue("name", archetype->ToString());

                        for (var ci = 0; ci < archetype->Chunks.Count; ++ci)
                            var chunk = archetype->Chunks.p[ci];
                            WriteChunkData(yaml, entityManager, chunk, archetype, dumpChunkRawData);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Serialize the given World to a YAML file, for logging and analysis purpose
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityManager">Entity Manager of the World to serialize</param>
        /// <param name="writer">The stream we will write the data to</param>
        /// <param name="dumpChunkRawData">If <value>true</value> the binary data of each chunk section (header, component data of each entity) will be saved.
        /// This will increase the volume of data being written drastically, but you will be able to diff at the binary level
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Analysing a serialized sub-scene for instance is not easy because the data is raw binary. It is even harder if we want to compare two distinct serialization of the same sub-scene.
        /// This method will allow us to save the data of a given World in YAML.
        /// Note that so far the data being saved is not totally complete, it will improve over time.
        /// </remarks>
        public static unsafe void SerializeWorldIntoYAML(EntityManager entityManager, StreamWriter writer, bool dumpChunkRawData)
            if (writer.NewLine != "\n")
                throw new ArgumentException("YAML World serialization must be done with a line ending being \\n on all platforms", nameof(writer));

            var yaml = new YamlWriter(writer);

            WriteArchetypes(yaml, entityManager);

            var access = entityManager.GetCheckedEntityDataAccess();
            var entityComponentStore = access->EntityComponentStore;

            using (var archetypeArray = GetAllArchetypes(entityComponentStore, Allocator.Temp))
                using (yaml.WriteCollection(k_ChunksDataCollectionTag))
                    for (int a = 0; a < archetypeArray.Length; ++a)
                        var archetype = archetypeArray.Ptr[a];
                        using (yaml.WriteCollection(k_ArchetypeCollectionTag))
                            yaml.WriteKeyValue("name", archetype->ToString());

                            for (var ci = 0; ci < archetype->Chunks.Count; ++ci)
                                var chunk = archetype->Chunks[ci];
                                WriteChunkData(yaml, entityManager, chunk, archetype, dumpChunkRawData);
Пример #3
        static unsafe void WriteChunkData(YamlWriter writer, EntityManager entityManager, NativeArray <EntityRemapUtility.EntityRemapInfo> entityRemapInfos, Chunk *initialChunk, Archetype *archetype, int archetypeIndex, bool dumpChunkRawData)
            var    tempChunkMem = stackalloc byte[Chunk.kChunkSize];
            Chunk *tempChunk    = (Chunk *)tempChunkMem;

            if (dumpChunkRawData)
                UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(tempChunk, initialChunk, Chunk.kChunkSize);

                byte *tempChunkBuffer = tempChunk->Buffer;

                EntityRemapUtility.PatchEntities(archetype->ScalarEntityPatches, archetype->ScalarEntityPatchCount, archetype->BufferEntityPatches, archetype->BufferEntityPatchCount, tempChunkBuffer, tempChunk->Count, ref entityRemapInfos);
                ChunkDataUtility.MemsetUnusedChunkData(tempChunk, 0);

                tempChunk->Archetype = (Archetype *)archetypeIndex;

            using (writer.WriteCollection(k_ChunkDataCollectionTag))
                using (writer.WriteCollection("Header"))
                    WriteEntity(writer, nameof(Chunk.metaChunkEntity), initialChunk->metaChunkEntity);
                    writer.WriteKeyValue(nameof(Chunk.Capacity), initialChunk->Capacity);
                    writer.WriteKeyValue(nameof(Chunk.Count), initialChunk->Count);

                    if (dumpChunkRawData)
                        writer.WriteFormattedBinaryData("Header-RawData", tempChunk, Chunk.kBufferOffset);

                // First pass to sort by component type
                var entitiesByChunkIndex   = new Dictionary <int, Entity>();
                var componentDataList      = new List <int>();
                var chunkComponentDataList = new List <int>();
                var chunkTypes             = archetype->Types;
                for (int typeI = 0; typeI < archetype->TypesCount; typeI++)
                    var componentType         = &chunkTypes[typeI];
                    var type                  = TypeManager.GetType(componentType->TypeIndex);
                    ref readonly var typeInfo = ref TypeManager.GetTypeInfo(componentType->TypeIndex);
Пример #4
        static unsafe void WriteArchetypes(YamlWriter writer, EntityManager entityManager)
            var entityComponentStore = entityManager.EntityComponentStore;

            GetAllArchetypes(entityComponentStore, out var archetypeToIndex, out var archetypeArray);

            using (writer.WriteCollection(k_ArchetypesCollectionTag))
                foreach (var archetype in archetypeArray)
                    using (writer.WriteCollection(k_ArchetypeCollectionTag))
                        var a = *archetype.Archetype;
                        writer.WriteKeyValue("name", a.ToString())
                        .WriteKeyValue(nameof(Archetype.TypesCount), a.TypesCount)
                        .WriteKeyValue(nameof(EntityArchetype.ChunkCount), archetype.ChunkCount)
                        .WriteKeyValue(nameof(EntityArchetype.ChunkCapacity), archetype.ChunkCapacity);

                        var props = new List <string>();
                        if (a.SystemStateCleanupComplete)
                        if (a.SystemStateCleanupNeeded)
                        if (a.Disabled)
                        if (a.Prefab)
                        if (a.HasChunkComponents)
                        if (a.HasChunkHeader)
                        if (a.ContainsBlobAssetRefs)
                        writer.WriteInlineSequence("properties", props);

Пример #5
        static unsafe void WriteArchetypes(YamlWriter writer, EntityManager entityManager)
            var access = entityManager.GetCheckedEntityDataAccess();
            var entityComponentStore = access->EntityComponentStore;

            using (var archetypeArray = GetAllArchetypes(entityComponentStore, Allocator.Temp))
                using (writer.WriteCollection(k_ArchetypesCollectionTag))
                    for (int i = 0; i != archetypeArray.Length; i++)
                        var a = archetypeArray.Ptr[i];
                        using (writer.WriteCollection(k_ArchetypeCollectionTag))
                            writer.WriteKeyValue("name", a->ToString())
                            .WriteKeyValue(nameof(Archetype.TypesCount), a->TypesCount)
                            .WriteKeyValue(nameof(EntityArchetype.ChunkCount), a->Chunks.Count)
                            .WriteKeyValue(nameof(EntityArchetype.ChunkCapacity), a->ChunkCapacity);

                            var props = new List <string>();
                            if (a->SystemStateCleanupComplete)
                            if (a->SystemStateCleanupNeeded)
                            if (a->Disabled)
                            if (a->Prefab)
                            if (a->HasChunkComponents)
                            if (a->HasChunkHeader)
                            if (a->ContainsBlobAssetRefs)
                            writer.WriteInlineSequence("properties", props);
Пример #6
        static unsafe void WriteChunkData(YamlWriter writer, EntityManager entityManager, Chunk *initialChunk, Archetype *archetype, bool dumpChunkRawData)
            using (writer.WriteCollection(k_ChunkDataCollectionTag))
                using (writer.WriteCollection("Header"))
                    WriteEntity(writer, nameof(Chunk.metaChunkEntity), initialChunk->metaChunkEntity);
                    writer.WriteKeyValue(nameof(Chunk.Capacity), initialChunk->Capacity)
                    .WriteKeyValue(nameof(Chunk.Count), initialChunk->Count);

                    if (dumpChunkRawData)
                        writer.WriteFormattedBinaryData("RawData", initialChunk, Chunk.kBufferOffset);

                // First pass to sort by component type
                var entitiesByChunkIndex   = new Dictionary <int, Entity>();
                var componentDataList      = new List <int>();
                var chunkComponentDataList = new List <int>();
                var chunkTypes             = archetype->Types;
                for (int typeI = 0; typeI < archetype->TypesCount; typeI++)
                    var componentType = &chunkTypes[typeI];
                    var type          = TypeManager.GetType(componentType->TypeIndex);
                    var typeInfo      = TypeManager.GetTypeInfo(componentType->TypeIndex);

                    if (componentType->IsChunkComponent)

                    // Is it a Component Data ?
                    else if (typeof(IComponentData).IsAssignableFrom(type) || typeof(Entity).IsAssignableFrom(type) || typeof(IBufferElementData).IsAssignableFrom(type))
                        // Ignore Tag Component, no data to dump
                        if (typeInfo.IsZeroSized)

                        if (typeof(Entity).IsAssignableFrom(type))
                            componentDataList.Insert(0, typeI);

                            for (int i = 0; i < initialChunk->Count;)
                                var entity = (Entity)Marshal.PtrToStructure((IntPtr)initialChunk->Buffer + archetype->SizeOfs[0] * i, type);
                                if (entityManager.Exists(entity))
                                    entitiesByChunkIndex.Add(i, entity);

                // Parse the Component Data for this chunk and store them
                using (writer.WriteCollection(k_ComponentDataCollectionTag))
                    foreach (var typeI in componentDataList)
                        var componentTypeInArchetype = &chunkTypes[typeI];
                        var componentType            = TypeManager.GetType(componentTypeInArchetype->TypeIndex);
                        var componentTypeInfo        = TypeManager.GetTypeInfo(componentTypeInArchetype->TypeIndex);
                        var componentExtractedInfo   = TypeDataExtractor.GetTypeExtractedInfo(componentType);

                        using (writer.WriteCollection(k_ComponentDataTag))
                            writer.WriteInlineMap("info", new[]
                                new KeyValuePair <object, object>(nameof(Type), componentType.Name),
                                new KeyValuePair <object, object>(nameof(TypeManager.TypeInfo.SizeInChunk), componentTypeInfo.SizeInChunk)

                            using (writer.WriteCollection("Entities"))
                                var indexInTypeArray       = ChunkDataUtility.GetIndexInTypeArray(archetype, componentTypeInArchetype->TypeIndex);
                                var componentOffsetInChunk = archetype->Offsets[indexInTypeArray];
                                var componentSize          = archetype->SizeOfs[indexInTypeArray];
                                var componentsBuffer       = initialChunk->Buffer + componentOffsetInChunk;
                                var entityData             = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                                // Dump all entities in this chunk
                                foreach (var kvp in entitiesByChunkIndex)
                                    var entity = kvp.Value;

                                    // Get the location of the component data
                                    var compData = componentsBuffer + kvp.Key * componentSize;

                                    // If the component we are dumping is a Dynamic Buffer
                                    if (typeof(IBufferElementData).IsAssignableFrom(componentType))
                                        var header = (BufferHeader *)compData;
                                        var begin  = BufferHeader.GetElementPointer(header);
                                        var size   = Marshal.SizeOf(componentType);

                                        using (writer.WriteCollection(entity.ToString()))
                                            for (var it = 0; it < header->Length; it++)
                                                var item = begin + (size * it);

                                                // Dump each field of the current entity's component data
                                                foreach (var componentFieldInfo in componentExtractedInfo.Fields)
                                                    var compDataObject = Marshal.PtrToStructure((IntPtr)item + componentFieldInfo.Offset, componentFieldInfo.Type);
                                                    entityData.Add(componentFieldInfo.Name, compDataObject.ToString());
                                                writer.WriteInlineMap($"{it:0000}", entityData);

                                    // If it's a Component Data
                                        // Dump each field of the current entity's component data
                                        foreach (var componentFieldInfo in componentExtractedInfo.Fields)
                                            var compDataObject = Marshal.PtrToStructure((IntPtr)compData + componentFieldInfo.Offset, componentFieldInfo.Type);
                                            entityData.Add(componentFieldInfo.Name, compDataObject.ToString());
                                        writer.WriteInlineMap(entity.ToString(), entityData);
                                if (dumpChunkRawData)
                                    var csize = EntityComponentStore.GetComponentArraySize(componentSize, archetype->ChunkCapacity);
                                    writer.WriteFormattedBinaryData("RawData", componentsBuffer, csize, componentOffsetInChunk + Chunk.kBufferOffset);