public void specify_Measurement_can_receive_a_new_date()
            DataTable tbl = new DataTable();
            tbl.Columns.Add("date", typeof(String));
            tbl.Columns.Add("remark", typeof(String));

            tbl.Rows.Add("12-12-2012", "a date in past");
            tbl.Rows.Add("10-10-2012", "another date in past");

            Variables vars = new Variables();

            foreach (DataRow row in tbl.Rows)

                context["Given an existing measurement"] = () =>
                    it["OK"] = () => nop();

                context["When I change the date to " + row["date"] + " which is " + row["remark"]] = () =>
                    IChangeTheDateToWhichIsRemark((String)row["date"], vars);
                    it["OK"] = () => nop();

                    it["The date is the current date"] = () => theDateIs(vars);
 private void anExistingMeasurementWithDate(string date, Variables vars)
     vars.measurement = new Measurement(_LENGTH, _WEIGHT, DateTime.Parse(date));
 private void theNumber0IsReturned(Variables vars)
 private void anExistingMeasurementWithLengthAndWeightAndDate(int length, int weight, String date, Variables vars)
     vars.measurement = new Measurement(length, weight, DateTime.Parse(date));
 private void aPositiveNumberIsReturned(Variables vars)
 private void IChangeTheDateToWhichIsRemark(String date, Variables vars)
     { = DateTime.Parse(date); =;
     catch (Exception ex)
         vars.ex = ex;
 private void ICheckIfTheseMeasurementsAreEqualToEachOther(Variables vars)
     vars.result = vars.measurement.@equals(vars.otherMeasurement);
 private void theBmiIs(Variables vars)
 private void TheLengthIsAndTheWeight(int length, int weight, Variables vars)
     vars.measurement.length = length;
     vars.measurement.weight = weight;
        public void specify_One_measurement_is_equal_than_another_measurement_if_the_dates_of_both_measurements_are_the_same()
            Variables vars = new Variables();

            context["Given an existing measurement with date 10-10-2012"] = () =>
                anExistingMeasurementWithDate("10-10-2012", vars);
                it["OK"] = () => nop();

                context["And another existing measurement with date 10-10-2012"] = () =>
                    anotherExistingMeasurementWithDate("10-10-2012", vars);
                    it["OK"] = () => nop();

            context["When I compare the measurement with date 10-10-2012 with the measurement with date 10-10-2012"] = () =>
                it["Then the number 0 is returned"] = () => theNumber0IsReturned(vars);
        public void specify_Bmi_is_calculated_and_rounded_to_2_decimals()
            DataTable tbl = new DataTable();
            tbl.Columns.Add("length", typeof(int));
            tbl.Columns.Add("weight", typeof(int));
            tbl.Columns.Add("BMI", typeof(double));

            tbl.Rows.Add(160, 65000, 25.39);
            tbl.Rows.Add(160, 65001, 25.39);
            tbl.Rows.Add(160, 65009, 25.39);
            tbl.Rows.Add(180, 75000, 23.15);

            Variables vars = new Variables();

            foreach (DataRow row in tbl.Rows)

                context["Given an existing measurement"] = () =>
                    it["OK"] = () => nop();

                context["When the length is " + row["length"] + " and the weight is " + row["weight"]] = () =>
                    TheLengthIsAndTheWeight((int)row["length"], (int)row["weight"], vars);
                    vars.BMI = (double) row["BMI"];

                    it["Then the bmi is " + row["BMI"]] = () => theBmiIs(vars);
        public void specify_One_measurement_is_smaller_than_another_measurement_if_the_date_of_the_first_measurement_is_older()
            Variables vars = new Variables();

            context["Given an existing measurement with date 10-10-2012"] = () =>
                anExistingMeasurementWithDate("10-10-2012", vars);
                it["OK"] = () => nop();

                context["And another existing measurement with date 12-12-2012"] = () =>
                    anotherExistingMeasurementWithDate("12-12-2012", vars);
                    it["OK"] = () => nop();

            context["When I compare the measurement with date 10-10-2012 with the measurement with date 12-12-2012"] = () =>
                it["Then a negative number is returned"] = () => aNegativeNumberIsReturned(vars);
        public void specify_Two_measurements_are_not_equal_to_each_other_if_the_date_is_different_even_if_the_lengths_or_weights_are_equal()
            Variables vars = new Variables();

            context["Given an existing measurement with length 180, weight 75000 and date 12-12-2012"] = () =>
                anExistingMeasurementWithLengthAndWeightAndDate(180, 75000, "12-12-2012", vars);
                it["OK"] = () => nop();

                context["And another existing measurement with the same length 180, the same weight 75000 and another date 10-10-2012"] = () =>
                    anotherExistingMeasurementWithAnotherLengthAndWeightAndTheSameDate(180, 75000, "10-10-2012", vars);
                    it["OK"] = () => nop();

            context["When I check if these measurements are equal to each other"] = () =>
                it["Then false is returned"] = () => FalseIsReturned(vars);
        public void specify_Measurement_cannot_receive_an_invalid_date()
            DataTable tbl = new DataTable();
            tbl.Columns.Add("date", typeof(String));
            tbl.Columns.Add("remark", typeof(String));

            tbl.Rows.Add("10-10-3016", "a date in future");

            Variables vars = new Variables();
            foreach (DataRow row in tbl.Rows)

                context["Given an existing measurement"] = () =>
                    it["OK"] = () => nop();

                context["When I change the date to " + row["date"] + " which is " + row["remark"]] = () =>
                    IChangeTheDateToWhichIsRemark((String)row["date"], vars);
                    it["OK"] = () => nop();

                    it["An exception is thrown"] = () => anExceptionIsThrown(vars);
 private void anExistingMeasurement(Variables vars)
     vars.measurement = new Measurement(_LENGTH, _WEIGHT, _DATE);
 private void theDateIs(Variables vars)
 private void IChangeTheWeightToWhichIsRemark(int weight, Variables vars)
         vars.weight = weight;
         vars.measurement.weight = weight;
     catch (Exception ex)
         vars.ex = ex;
 private void theWeightIs(Variables vars)
 private void TrueIsReturned(Variables vars)
     ((Boolean) vars.result).should_be(true);
 private void theLengthIs(Variables vars)
 private void anotherExistingMeasurementWithAnotherLengthAndWeightAndTheSameDate(int length, int weight, String date, Variables vars)
     vars.otherMeasurement = new Measurement(length, weight, DateTime.Parse(date));
 private void aNewMeasurementIsCreated(Variables vars)
 private void FalseIsReturned(Variables vars)
 private void IWantToMakeANewMeasurementWithLengthAndWeightAndDate(int length, int weight, String date, Variables vars)
         vars.length = length;
         vars.weight = weight; = DateTime.Parse(date);
         vars.measurement = new Measurement(vars.length, vars.weight,;
     catch (Exception ex)
         vars.ex = ex;
 private void ICompareTheMeasurementWithDateWithTheMeasurementWithDate(Variables vars)
     vars.result = vars.measurement.CompareTo(vars.otherMeasurement);
 private void anExceptionIsThrown(Variables vars)
 private void aNegativeNumberIsReturned(Variables vars)
        private void IChangeTheLengthToWhichIsRemark(int length, Variables vars)
                vars.length = length;
                vars.measurement.length = vars.length;
            catch (Exception ex)

                vars.ex = ex;
        public void specify_A_new_measurement_can_be_created_with_a_length_and_a_weight_and_a_date()
            DataTable tbl = new DataTable();
            tbl.Columns.Add("length", typeof(int));
            tbl.Columns.Add("weight", typeof(int));
            tbl.Columns.Add("date", typeof(String));

            tbl.Rows.Add(180, 75000, "12-12-2012");
            tbl.Rows.Add(160, 75000, "12-12-2012");
            tbl.Rows.Add(50, 75000, "12-12-2012");
            tbl.Rows.Add(300, 75000, "12-12-2012");
            tbl.Rows.Add(180, 65000, "12-12-2012");
            tbl.Rows.Add(180, 20000, "12-12-2012");
            tbl.Rows.Add(180, 700000, "12-12-2012");
            tbl.Rows.Add(180, 75000, "10-10-2012");

            Variables vars = new Variables();
            foreach (DataRow row in tbl.Rows)

                context["When I want to make a new measurement with length " + row["length"] + ", weight " + row["weight"] + "and date " + row["date"]] = () =>
                    IWantToMakeANewMeasurementWithLengthAndWeightAndDate((int)row["length"], (int)row["weight"], (String)row["date"], vars);
                    it["OK"] = () => nop();

                    it["Then A new measurement is created"] = () => aNewMeasurementIsCreated(vars);
                    it["And the length is " + row["length"]] = () => theLengthIs(vars);
                    it["And the weight is " + row["weight"]] = () => theWeightIs(vars);
                    it["And the date is " + row["date"]] = () => theDateIs(vars);
        public void specify_Measurement_cannot_receive_an_invalid_weight()
            DataTable tbl = new DataTable();
            tbl.Columns.Add("weight", typeof(int));
            tbl.Columns.Add("remark", typeof(String));

            tbl.Rows.Add(-75000, "a negative  weight");
            tbl.Rows.Add(1999, "a just too small weight");
            tbl.Rows.Add(700001, "a just too big weight");

            Variables vars = new Variables();

            foreach (DataRow row in tbl.Rows)

                context["Given an existing measurement"] = () =>
                    it["OK"] = () => nop();

                context["When I change the length to " + row["weight"] + " which is " + row["remark"]] = () =>
                    IChangeTheWeightToWhichIsRemark((int)row["weight"], vars);
                    it["OK"] = () => nop();

                    it["An exception is thrown"] = () => anExceptionIsThrown(vars);