/// <summary>
        /// Prepares the request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns false if the request was not successfully prepared
        /// </returns>
        public bool PrepareRequest()
            // note - at that point the original legacy module did something do handle IIS custom 404 errors
            //   ie pages looking like /anything.aspx?404;/path/to/document - I guess the reason was to support
            //   "directory urls" without having to do wildcard mapping to ASP.NET on old IIS. This is a pain
            //   to maintain and probably not used anymore - removed as of 06/2012. @zpqrtbnk.
            //   to trigger Umbraco's not-found, one should configure IIS and/or ASP.NET custom 404 errors
            //   so that they point to a non-existing page eg /redirect-404.aspx
            //   TODO: SD: We need more information on this for when we release 4.10.0 as I'm not sure what this means.

            // trigger the Preparing event - at that point anything can still be changed
            // the idea is that it is possible to change the uri

            //find domain

            // if request has been flagged to redirect then return
            // whoever called us is in charge of actually redirecting
            if (_pcr.IsRedirect)

            // set the culture on the thread - once, so it's set when running document lookups
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = _pcr.Culture;

            //find the published content if it's not assigned. This could be manually assigned with a custom route handler, or
            // with something like EnsurePublishedContentRequestAttribute or UmbracoVirtualNodeRouteHandler. Those in turn call this method
            // to setup the rest of the pipeline but we don't want to run the finders since there's one assigned.
            if (_pcr.PublishedContent == null)
                // find the document & template

            // handle wildcard domains

            // set the culture on the thread -- again, 'cos it might have changed due to a finder or wildcard domain
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = _pcr.Culture;

            // trigger the Prepared event - at that point it is still possible to change about anything
            // even though the request might be flagged for redirection - we'll redirect _after_ the event
            // also, OnPrepared() will make the PublishedContentRequest readonly, so nothing can change

            // we don't take care of anything so if the content has changed, it's up to the user
            // to find out the appropriate template

            //complete the PCR and assign the remaining values