public virtual string GetRouteById(UmbracoContext umbracoContext, bool preview, int contentId)
            // try to get from cache if not previewing
            var route = preview ? null : _routesCache.GetRoute(contentId);

            // if found in cache then return
            if (route != null)

            // else actually determine the route
            route = DetermineRouteById(umbracoContext, preview, contentId);

            // node not found
            if (route == null)

            // cache the route BUT do NOT trust it as it can be a colliding route
            // meaning if we GetRouteById again, we'll get it from cache, but it
            // won't be used for inbound routing
            if (preview == false)
                _routesCache.Store(contentId, route, false);

Пример #2
        public virtual string GetRouteById(UmbracoContext umbracoContext, bool preview, int contentId)
            // try to get from cache if not previewing
            var route = preview ? null : _routesCache.GetRoute(contentId);

            // if found in cache then return
            if (route != null)

            // else actually determine the route
            route = DetermineRouteById(umbracoContext, preview, contentId);

            // node not found
            if (route == null)

            // find the content back, detect routes collisions: we should find ourselves back,
            // else it means that another content with "higher priority" is sharing the same route.
            // perf impact:
            // - non-colliding, adds one complete "by route" lookup, only on the first time a url is computed (then it's cached anyways)
            // - colliding, adds one "by route" lookup, the first time the url is computed, then one dictionary looked each time it is computed again
            // assuming no collisions, the impact is one complete "by route" lookup the first time each url is computed
            // U4-9121 - this lookup is too expensive when computing a large amount of urls on a front-end (eg menu)
            // ... thinking about moving the lookup out of the path into its own async task, so we are not reporting errors
            //     in the back-office anymore, but at least we are not polluting the cache
            // instead, refactored DeterminedIdByRoute to stop using XPath, with a 16x improvement according to benchmarks
            // will it be enough?

            var loopId = preview ? 0 : _routesCache.GetNodeId(route); // might be cached already in case of collision

            if (loopId == 0)
                var content = DetermineIdByRoute(umbracoContext, preview, route, GlobalSettings.HideTopLevelNodeFromPath);

                // add the other route to cache so next time we have it already
                if (content != null && preview == false)
                    AddToCacheIfDeepestRoute(umbracoContext, content, route);

                loopId = content == null ? 0 : content.Id; // though... 0 here would be quite weird?

            // cache if we have a route and not previewing and it's not a colliding route
            // (the result of DetermineRouteById is always the deepest route)
            if (/*route != null &&*/ preview == false && loopId == contentId)
                _routesCache.Store(contentId, route);

            // return route if no collision, else report collision
            return(loopId == contentId ? route : ("err/" + loopId));
Пример #3
        public virtual string GetRouteById(UmbracoContext umbracoContext, bool preview, int contentId)
            // try to get from cache if not previewing
            var route = preview ? null : _routesCache.GetRoute(contentId);

            // if found in cache then return
            if (route != null)

            // else actually determine the route
            route = DetermineRouteById(umbracoContext, preview, contentId);

            // cache if we have a route and not previewing
            if (route != null && !preview)
                _routesCache.Store(contentId, route);
