Пример #1
        private static void ZigZigFromLeft(DisjointSet grandparent)
            DisjointSet parent = grandparent.Left;

Пример #2
 public static void Add(ref DisjointSet left, Range right)
     // An add is a normal binary tree insertion,
     // followed by a splay of the inserted node to the root.
     left = (left == null) ? right : Splay(left.Insert(right));
Пример #3
        private static void ZigZigFromRight(DisjointSet grandparent)
            DisjointSet parent = grandparent.Right;

Пример #4
 private DisjointSet Find(ulong value)
     checked {
         for (DisjointSet p = this, q; ; p = q)
             if (value < p.Value.Min)
                 q = p.Left;
                 if (q == null)
             else if (value > p.Value.Max)
                 q = p.Right;
                 if (q == null)
Пример #5
 private DisjointSet FindMax()
     for (DisjointSet right = this; ; right = right.Right)
         if (right.Right == null)
Пример #6
 public static void Add(ref DisjointSet left, DisjointSet right)
     if (right != null)
         if (right.Left != null)
             Add(ref left, right.Left);
         if (right.Right != null)
             Add(ref left, right.Right);
         Add(ref left, right.Value);
Пример #7
 public static void Remove(ref DisjointSet left, DisjointSet right)
     if (right != null)
         if (right.Left != null)
             Remove(ref left, right.Left);
         if (right.Right != null)
             Remove(ref left, right.Right);
         Remove(ref left, right.Value);
Пример #8
        public DisjointSet Clone()
            DisjointSet clone = new DisjointSet(this.Left == null ? null : this.Left.Clone(),
                                                this.Value, this.Right == null ? null : this.Right.Clone());

            if (clone.Left != null)
                clone.Left.Parent = clone;
            if (clone.Right != null)
                clone.Right.Parent = clone;
Пример #9
        private static DisjointSet Splay(DisjointSet found)
            for (DisjointSet grandparent; found.Parent != null;)

                grandparent = found.Parent.Parent;
                if (grandparent == null)
                    if (found.Parent.Right == found)
                else if (grandparent.Right != null && grandparent.Right.Right == found)
                else if (grandparent.Left != null && grandparent.Left.Left == found)
                else if (grandparent.Right != null && grandparent.Right.Left == found)
                else if (grandparent.Left != null && grandparent.Left.Right == found)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Splay tree parent/child relationships violated.");

            Debug.Assert(found.Parent == null);
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the given dependency has been satisfied,
        /// to recursively call <see cref="Assemble"/> on all chunks
        /// which were waiting for that dependency.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dependency">The dependency which has been satisfied.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The enumeration of decoded messages returned by <see cref="Assemble"/>,
        /// for each completed dependency.  The enumeration may be empty or may
        /// have arbitrarily many members.
        /// </returns>
        protected IEnumerable <object> FlushWaitingChunks(ulong dependency)
            DisjointSet.Add(ref this.m_ReceivedMessages, dependency);

            List <Chunk> waiting;

            if (this.m_ChunksWaitingForDependencies.TryGetValue(dependency, out waiting))
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("@@@ Satisfied dependency: {0} chunks were waiting for message #{1}.",
                                              waiting.Count, dependency));
                foreach (Chunk chunk in waiting)
                    foreach (object message in this.Assemble(chunk))
                        yield return(message);
Пример #11
        private static void ZigFromRight(DisjointSet grandparent)
            DisjointSet parent = grandparent.Right;

            grandparent.Right = parent.Left;
            if (grandparent.Right != null)
                grandparent.Right.Parent = grandparent;
            parent.Parent = grandparent.Parent;
            if (parent.Parent != null)
                if (parent.Parent.Left == grandparent)
                    parent.Parent.Left = parent;
                    parent.Parent.Right = parent;
            grandparent.Parent = parent;
            parent.Left        = grandparent;
Пример #12
 public RtpNackMessage(uint senderSSRC, DisjointSet missingSequences)
     this.SenderSSRC = senderSSRC;
     this.MissingSequences = missingSequences;
Пример #13
 public void Delay(uint ssrc, DisjointSet nackedBySomeoneElse)
     using(Synchronizer.Lock(this.m_Lock)) {
         Sets sets;
         if(this.m_Sets.TryGetValue(ssrc, out sets))
Пример #14
            public void Delay(DisjointSet nackedBySomeoneElse)
                // Remove the sequences from the current set so as not to duplicate someone
                // else's NACK that we eavesdropped.  But keep it in the stable set so
                // we'll re-nack if we never see a reply.
                DisjointSet.Remove(ref this.Current, nackedBySomeoneElse);

                this.Debugger("Delayed", nackedBySomeoneElse);
Пример #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Tests whether the given value is a member of the <see cref="DisjointSet"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="left">The <see cref="DisjointSet"/> to examine.</param>
 /// <param name="right">The value to test for membership.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// <c>true</c> if the value is contained in any <see cref="Range"/>
 /// of the <see cref="DisjointSet"/>.
 /// </returns>
 public static bool Contains(ref DisjointSet left, ulong right)
     return((left == null) ? false : (left = Splay(left.Find(right))).Value & right);
Пример #16
            public void Discard(DisjointSet receivedOrGivenUpSequences)
                // Remove the discarded sequence numbers from both sets (ensuring that
                // the nack set remains a subset of the reference set).
                DisjointSet.Remove(ref this.Stable, receivedOrGivenUpSequences);
                DisjointSet.Remove(ref this.Current, receivedOrGivenUpSequences);

                this.Debugger("Discarded", receivedOrGivenUpSequences);
Пример #17
        public static void Remove(ref DisjointSet left, Range right)
            checked {
                // If the set is already empty, do nothing.
                if(left == null) return;

                // We must first ensure that the range we want to remove is present
                // in the set as a single, contiguous range.  (This could be done
                // without this step but would be much more complicated.)  Fortunately,
                // the Add operation already does this for us via Insert.
                // Add also splays the new range to the root of the tree.
                Add(ref left, right);
                Debug.Assert(left.Value.Min <= right.Min && left.Value.Max >= right.Max, "The Add operation did not leave the new range at the root.");

                // If the range at the root is now completely equal to the range to remove,
                // all we have to do is then delete it with a standard Splay Tree deletion.
                if(right == left.Value) {
                    if(left.Left != null) {
                        // First completely remove the existing root from the tree.
                        if(left.Left != null) left.Left.Parent = null;
                        if(left.Right != null) left.Right.Parent = null;

                        // Then find the root's predecessor, which will have no right subtree.
                        DisjointSet pred = Splay(left.Left.FindMax());
                        Debug.Assert(pred.Right == null);
                        Debug.Assert(pred.Parent == null);

                        // Then attach the old right subtree.
                        pred.Right = left.Right;
                        if(pred.Right != null) pred.Right.Parent = pred;

                        // Finally, "return" the new root.
                        left = pred;

                    else {
                        // If there is no predecessor, the right subtree (if any) becomes the root,
                        // and the old root is thrown away completely.
                        left = left.Right;
                        if(left != null)
                            left.Parent = null;

                // Otherwise, the range to remove is a subset of the existing contiguous range,
                // which we have to split depending on which portion is affected.
                else if(left.Value.Min == right.Min) {
                    // If one of the endpoints of the range to remove is the same as the root
                    // range, all we have to do is adjust the range.
                    Debug.Assert(right.Max < left.Value.Max);
                    left.Value = new Range(right.Max + 1, left.Value.Max);

                else if(left.Value.Max == right.Max) {
                    // This is the same case but for the other endpoint.
                    Debug.Assert(left.Value.Min < right.Min);
                    left.Value = new Range(left.Value.Min, right.Min - 1);

                else {
                    // If neither endpoint is equal, we have to make a "hole" in the middle,
                    // which creates an additional node in the tree.
                    Debug.Assert(left.Value.Max > right.Max);
                    Debug.Assert(left.Value.Min < right.Min);
                    Range existing = left.Value;

                    // The new node will be the existing node's successor, so we can insert
                    // it manually as the new right subtree of the existing node.
                    left.Value = new Range(existing.Min, right.Min - 1);
                    left.Right = new DisjointSet(null, new Range(right.Max + 1, existing.Max), left.Right);
                    left.Right.Parent = left;
                    if(left.Right.Right != null) left.Right.Right.Parent = left.Right;

                    // Finally, splay the new node to the root and "return" it.
                    left = Splay(left.Right);

                if(left != null) {
                    Debug.Assert(left.Parent == null);
Пример #18
 public void Reset()
     this.m_CurrentObject = null;
     this.m_CurrentValue = ulong.MinValue;
     this.m_CurrentRange = this.m_Root;
Пример #19
 public static void Add(ref DisjointSet left, DisjointSet right)
     if(right != null) {
         if(right.Left != null)
             Add(ref left, right.Left);
         if(right.Right != null)
             Add(ref left, right.Right);
         Add(ref left, right.Value);
Пример #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Tests whether the given value is a member of the <see cref="DisjointSet"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="left">The <see cref="DisjointSet"/> to examine.</param>
 /// <param name="right">The value to test for membership.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// <c>true</c> if the value is contained in any <see cref="Range"/>
 /// of the <see cref="DisjointSet"/>.
 /// </returns>
 public static bool Contains(ref DisjointSet left, ulong right)
     return (left == null) ? false : (left = Splay(left.Find(right))).Value & right;
Пример #21
 public static void Add(ref DisjointSet left, Range right)
     // An add is a normal binary tree insertion,
     // followed by a splay of the inserted node to the root.
     left = (left == null) ? right : Splay(left.Insert(right));
Пример #22
 private DisjointSet(DisjointSet left, Range value, DisjointSet right)
     this.Left = left;
     this.Value = value;
     this.Right = right;
Пример #23
 private void HandleAssemblerNack(DisjointSet missingSequences)
     this.m_Sender.NackManager.Nack(this.m_RtpStream.SSRC, missingSequences);
Пример #24
            private void Debugger(String type, DisjointSet delta)
                DisjointSet clone = this.Current == null ? null : this.Current.Clone();
                DisjointSet.Remove(ref clone, this.Stable);
                Debug.Assert(clone == null, "Stable set is not a superset of the Current set",
                    (clone == null ? null : string.Format("After {0} {1}, difference is {2}\nCurrent set is {3}\nStable set is {4}",
                    type, delta, clone.ToString(), this.Current.ToString(), this.Stable.ToString())));

                clone = this.Stable == null ? null : this.Stable.Clone();
                DisjointSet.Remove(ref clone, this.Current);
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("SSRC {0}: {1} {2} => current is {3}, stable adds {4}",
                    this.SSRC, type, delta,
                    this.Current == null ? "{}" : this.Current.ToString(),
                    clone == null ? "{}" : clone.ToString()), this.GetType().ToString());
Пример #25
 public static void Remove(ref DisjointSet left, DisjointSet right)
     if(right != null) {
         if (right.Left != null)
             Remove(ref left, right.Left);
         if(right.Right != null)
             Remove(ref left, right.Right);
         Remove(ref left, right.Value);
Пример #26
            public bool MoveNext()
                // If we have just been reset or have just switched to a new CurrentRange...
                if(this.m_CurrentObject == null) {
                    if(this.m_CurrentRange == null)
                        // There are no more ranges and we are done!
                        return false;

                    // Find the minimum range that has not yet been visited.
                    // (m_CurrentValue retains its old value.)
                    while(this.m_CurrentRange.Left != null && this.m_CurrentRange.Left.Value.Min >= this.m_CurrentValue)
                        this.m_CurrentRange = this.m_CurrentRange.Left;

                    // Set the current value to the minimum value of the new range.
                    this.m_CurrentValue = this.m_CurrentRange.Value.Min;
                    this.m_CurrentObject = this.m_CurrentValue;
                    return true;

                // The usual case is to attempt to use the next greater value in the current range.
                else {

                    // If we're still within the current range, use this value and return.
                    if(this.m_CurrentValue <= this.m_CurrentRange.Value.Max) {
                        this.m_CurrentObject = this.m_CurrentValue;
                        return true;

                    // Otherwise we must traverse the tree to find another range.
                    else {
                        // We've already exhausted all of the left subtrees so try to descend to the right.
                        if(this.m_CurrentRange.Right != null)
                            this.m_CurrentRange = this.m_CurrentRange.Right;

                        // If there is no right subtree, find the first parent that has not already been visited.
                        else do {
                                 this.m_CurrentRange = this.m_CurrentRange.Parent;
                             } while(this.m_CurrentRange != null && this.m_CurrentRange.Value.Min < this.m_CurrentValue);

                        // Unset the current object to signal MoveNext to use the minimum value of the new range.
                        // (This recursive call will not go any deeper than one level.)
                        this.m_CurrentObject = null;
                        return this.MoveNext();
Пример #27
 public DisjointSet Clone()
     DisjointSet clone = new DisjointSet(this.Left == null ? null : this.Left.Clone(),
         this.Value, this.Right == null ? null : this.Right.Clone());
     if(clone.Left != null) clone.Left.Parent = clone;
     if(clone.Right != null) clone.Right.Parent = clone;
     return clone;
Пример #28
 private DisjointSet(DisjointSet left, Range value, DisjointSet right)
     this.Left  = left;
     this.Value = value;
     this.Right = right;
Пример #29
        private DisjointSet Insert(Range value)
            checked {
                for (DisjointSet p = this, q; ; p = q)
                    // If the new range is strictly less than or greater than the
                    // existing range and is not *adjacent*, descend down the left
                    // or right subtree like a normal binary-tree search.  If there
                    // is no appropriate subtree, insert a brand new node.
                    if (value.Max < p.Value.Min - (p.Value.Min > ulong.MinValue ? 1ul : 0ul))
                        q = p.Left;
                        if (q == null)
                            p.Left        = new DisjointSet(null, value, null);
                            p.Left.Parent = p;
                    else if (value.Min > p.Value.Max + (p.Value.Max < ulong.MaxValue ? 1ul : 0ul))
                        q = p.Right;
                        if (q == null)
                            p.Right        = new DisjointSet(null, value, null);
                            p.Right.Parent = p;

                    // But if the ranges overlap or are adjacent, we've found our mark.
                        // Get the left and right subtrees.
                        DisjointSet left = p.Left, right = p.Right;

                        // Eliminate all subtrees that overlap or are adjacent to the new range.
                        // Detach the subtrees so we can splay them.
                        // Splay each subtree so the value for comparison will be at the top.
                        // Each time, adjust the new range if the existing ranges extend the bounds.
                        if (left != null)
                                DisjointSet parent = left.Parent;
                                left.Parent = null;
                                left        = Splay(left.Find(value.Min));
                                left.Parent = Parent;
                                if (value.Min <= left.Value.Max + (left.Value.Max < ulong.MaxValue ? 1ul : 0ul))
                                    value = new Range(Math.Min(value.Min, left.Value.Min), value.Max);
                                    left  = left.Left;
                            } while (left != null);
                        if (right != null)
                                DisjointSet parent = right.Parent;
                                right.Parent = null;
                                right        = Splay(right.Find(value.Max));
                                right.Parent = parent;
                                if (right.Value.Min - (right.Value.Min > ulong.MinValue ? 1ul : 0ul) <= value.Max)
                                    value = new Range(value.Min, Math.Max(value.Max, right.Value.Max));
                                    right = right.Right;
                            } while (right != null);

                        // Now extend the bounds of the range at the root of the tree.
                        p.Value = new Range(Math.Min(value.Min, p.Value.Min), Math.Max(value.Max, p.Value.Max));

                        // Reattach the eliminated subtrees' branches, which are now not adjacent to the new value.
                        p.Left  = left;
                        p.Right = right;

                        // Reattach their parents.
                        if (left != null)
                            left.Parent = p;
                        if (right != null)
                            right.Parent = p;

                        // Return the "inserted" node.
Пример #30
            public void Flush()
                #if DEBUG
                DisjointSet clone = this.Current.Clone();

                this.Current = null;

                #if DEBUG
                this.Debugger("Flushed", clone);
Пример #31
 public void Reset()
     this.m_CurrentObject = null;
     this.m_CurrentValue  = ulong.MinValue;
     this.m_CurrentRange  = this.m_Root;
Пример #32
        public static void Remove(ref DisjointSet left, Range right)
            checked {
                // If the set is already empty, do nothing.
                if (left == null)

                // We must first ensure that the range we want to remove is present
                // in the set as a single, contiguous range.  (This could be done
                // without this step but would be much more complicated.)  Fortunately,
                // the Add operation already does this for us via Insert.
                // Add also splays the new range to the root of the tree.
                Add(ref left, right);
                Debug.Assert(left.Value.Min <= right.Min && left.Value.Max >= right.Max, "The Add operation did not leave the new range at the root.");

                // If the range at the root is now completely equal to the range to remove,
                // all we have to do is then delete it with a standard Splay Tree deletion.
                if (right == left.Value)
                    if (left.Left != null)
                        // First completely remove the existing root from the tree.
                        if (left.Left != null)
                            left.Left.Parent = null;
                        if (left.Right != null)
                            left.Right.Parent = null;

                        // Then find the root's predecessor, which will have no right subtree.
                        DisjointSet pred = Splay(left.Left.FindMax());
                        Debug.Assert(pred.Right == null);
                        Debug.Assert(pred.Parent == null);

                        // Then attach the old right subtree.
                        pred.Right = left.Right;
                        if (pred.Right != null)
                            pred.Right.Parent = pred;

                        // Finally, "return" the new root.
                        left = pred;

                        // If there is no predecessor, the right subtree (if any) becomes the root,
                        // and the old root is thrown away completely.
                        left = left.Right;
                        if (left != null)
                            left.Parent = null;

                // Otherwise, the range to remove is a subset of the existing contiguous range,
                // which we have to split depending on which portion is affected.
                else if (left.Value.Min == right.Min)
                    // If one of the endpoints of the range to remove is the same as the root
                    // range, all we have to do is adjust the range.
                    Debug.Assert(right.Max < left.Value.Max);
                    left.Value = new Range(right.Max + 1, left.Value.Max);

                else if (left.Value.Max == right.Max)
                    // This is the same case but for the other endpoint.
                    Debug.Assert(left.Value.Min < right.Min);
                    left.Value = new Range(left.Value.Min, right.Min - 1);

                    // If neither endpoint is equal, we have to make a "hole" in the middle,
                    // which creates an additional node in the tree.
                    Debug.Assert(left.Value.Max > right.Max);
                    Debug.Assert(left.Value.Min < right.Min);
                    Range existing = left.Value;

                    // The new node will be the existing node's successor, so we can insert
                    // it manually as the new right subtree of the existing node.
                    left.Value        = new Range(existing.Min, right.Min - 1);
                    left.Right        = new DisjointSet(null, new Range(right.Max + 1, existing.Max), left.Right);
                    left.Right.Parent = left;
                    if (left.Right.Right != null)
                        left.Right.Right.Parent = left.Right;

                    // Finally, splay the new node to the root and "return" it.
                    left = Splay(left.Right);

                if (left != null)
                    Debug.Assert(left.Parent == null);
Пример #33
            public void Nack(DisjointSet missingSequences)
                // Add the set of missing sequence numbers to our "reference" set.
                DisjointSet.Add(ref this.Stable, missingSequences);

                // Immediately enqueue these sequence numbers to be sent as part of the next NACK
                // (if we don't receive any other NACK containing them from another client first).
                DisjointSet.Add(ref this.Current, missingSequences);

                this.Debugger("Nacked", missingSequences);
Пример #34
 public void Nack(uint ssrc, DisjointSet missingSequences)
     using(Synchronizer.Lock(this.m_Lock)) {
         Sets sets;
         if(!this.m_Sets.TryGetValue(ssrc, out sets))
             this.m_Sets.Add(ssrc, sets = new Sets(ssrc));
Пример #35
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to assemble a chunk from a chunked messages,
        /// and sends a NACK when dropped chunks are detected.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chunk">The received chunk to process</param>
        /// <returns>If the chunk was the last remaining chunk needed to complete a message,
        /// returns the deserialized message; otherwise, <code>null</code></returns>
        public IEnumerable <object> Add(Chunk chunk)
            if (chunk.FrameSequence > 0)
                // Check if we have seen this packet before. If so, do nothing.
                if (DisjointSet.Contains(ref this.m_ReceivedFrameSequences, chunk.FrameSequence))
                    yield break;
                DisjointSet.Add(ref this.m_ReceivedFrameSequences, chunk.FrameSequence);

                // Save space in the ReceivedSequenceNumbers queue by adding all chunks
                // that we can't expect to receive anymore.
                if (chunk.OldestRecoverableFrame > ulong.MinValue)
                    DisjointSet.Add(ref this.m_ReceivedFrameSequences, new Range(ulong.MinValue, chunk.OldestRecoverableFrame - 1));

                // Check the frame sequence number to see if any frames were skipped.
                // If so, then it is likely that the frame has been dropped, so it is
                // necessary to send a NACK.
                if (chunk.FrameSequence > this.m_GreatestFrameSequence + 1ul)
                    //Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Frames #{0}-{1} were dropped ({2} total)! Requesting replacements (oldest recoverable is #{3})...",
                    //    this.m_GreatestFrameSequence + 1ul, chunk.FrameSequence - 1ul, chunk.FrameSequence - this.m_GreatestFrameSequence - 1,
                    //    chunk.OldestRecoverableFrame), this.GetType().ToString());
                    if (this.Nack != null)
                        // Send a NACK which requests rebroadcast of all the skipped frames.
                        Range range = new Range(
                            Math.Max(this.m_GreatestFrameSequence + 1ul, chunk.OldestRecoverableFrame),
                            chunk.FrameSequence - 1ul);

                // Otherwise, don't do anything special.  These two branches are for debugging.
                else if (chunk.FrameSequence == this.m_GreatestFrameSequence)
                    // Duplicate chunk received, or else the first chunk ever received.
                else if (chunk.FrameSequence < this.m_GreatestFrameSequence && chunk.FrameSequence > ulong.MinValue)
                    Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("%%% Frame #{0} (message #{1}, chunk #{2} of {3}, {4} bytes) received out of order (off by {5})",
                                                  chunk.ChunkSequenceInMessage + 1,
                                                  this.m_GreatestFrameSequence - chunk.FrameSequence),

                // Assuming the chunk has not been duplicated or received out of order,
                // update our variable containing the highest sequence number seen
                // so far so we know which future frames have been dropped.
                if (chunk.FrameSequence > this.m_GreatestFrameSequence)
                    this.m_GreatestFrameSequence = chunk.FrameSequence;

            // If the message depends on a message that has not yet been received,
            // add it to the queue of chunks waiting for that message.
            // Then, STOP PROCESSING the message.
            // Assemble(chunk) will get called by FlushWaitingChunks after
            // the dependencies are satisfied.
            if (chunk.MessageDependency > ulong.MinValue && !DisjointSet.Contains(ref this.m_ReceivedMessages, chunk.MessageDependency))
                List <Chunk> waiters;
                if (!this.m_ChunksWaitingForDependencies.TryGetValue(chunk.MessageDependency, out waiters))
                    this.m_ChunksWaitingForDependencies[chunk.MessageDependency] = waiters = new List <Chunk>();
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("@@@ Unsatisfied dependency: message #{0} (chunk #{1} of {2}) depends on #{3}; {4} chunks are already waiting.",
                                              chunk.ChunkSequenceInMessage + 1,
                                              chunk.MessageDependency, waiters.Count));
                yield break;

            // Flush any dependencies of messages we can no longer expect to recover.
            // Do this by finding the difference between the range of all unrecoverable
            // message sequence numbers and the sequence numbers that have been received.
            // FlushWaitingChunks is called on each of the unsatisfiable sequence numbers.
            if (chunk.OldestRecoverableMessage > ulong.MinValue)
                Range       unrecoverable = new Range(ulong.MinValue, chunk.OldestRecoverableMessage - 1);
                DisjointSet unsatisfiable = unrecoverable;
                DisjointSet.Remove(ref unsatisfiable, this.m_ReceivedMessages);
                if (unsatisfiable != null)
                    foreach (ulong unsatisfied in unsatisfiable)
                DisjointSet.Add(ref this.m_ReceivedMessages, unrecoverable);

            // If the dependency is already satisfied (or not specified),
            // attempt to assemble the chunk into a completed message.
            foreach (object message in this.Assemble(chunk))
                yield return(message);
Пример #36
 public void Discard(uint ssrc, DisjointSet receivedOrGivenUpSequences)
     using(Synchronizer.Lock(this.m_Lock)) {
         Sets sets;
         if(this.m_Sets.TryGetValue(ssrc, out sets)) {
             if(sets.Stable == null)
Пример #37
 private static void ZigZigFromRight(DisjointSet grandparent)
     DisjointSet parent = grandparent.Right;
Пример #38
 private static void ZigZagFromRight(DisjointSet grandparent)
Пример #39
 public Enumerator(DisjointSet root)
     this.m_Root = root;
Пример #40
        private static DisjointSet Splay(DisjointSet found)
            for(DisjointSet grandparent; found.Parent != null; ) {

                grandparent = found.Parent.Parent;
                if(grandparent == null)
                    if(found.Parent.Right == found)
                    else ZigFromLeft(found.Parent);
                else if(grandparent.Right != null && grandparent.Right.Right == found)
                else if(grandparent.Left != null && grandparent.Left.Left == found)
                else if(grandparent.Right != null && grandparent.Right.Left == found)
                else if(grandparent.Left != null && grandparent.Left.Right == found)
                else throw new ApplicationException("Splay tree parent/child relationships violated.");

            Debug.Assert(found.Parent == null);
            return found;
Пример #41
            public void Refresh()
                // Copy the reference set to the nack set, causing any chunks in the
                // reference set that have already been NACKed, but whose NACKs were lost,
                // to be re-NACKed.
                this.Current = this.Stable == null ? null : this.Stable.Clone();

                this.Debugger("Refreshed", this.Stable);
Пример #42
 public Enumerator(DisjointSet root)
     this.m_Root = root;
Пример #43
 private static void ZigFromRight(DisjointSet grandparent)
     DisjointSet parent = grandparent.Right;
     grandparent.Right = parent.Left;
     if(grandparent.Right != null)
         grandparent.Right.Parent = grandparent;
     parent.Parent = grandparent.Parent;
     if(parent.Parent != null)
         if(parent.Parent.Left == grandparent)
             parent.Parent.Left = parent;
         else parent.Parent.Right = parent;
     grandparent.Parent = parent;
     parent.Left = grandparent;
Пример #44
            public bool MoveNext()
                // If we have just been reset or have just switched to a new CurrentRange...
                if (this.m_CurrentObject == null)
                    if (this.m_CurrentRange == null)
                        // There are no more ranges and we are done!

                    // Find the minimum range that has not yet been visited.
                    // (m_CurrentValue retains its old value.)
                    while (this.m_CurrentRange.Left != null && this.m_CurrentRange.Left.Value.Min >= this.m_CurrentValue)
                        this.m_CurrentRange = this.m_CurrentRange.Left;

                    // Set the current value to the minimum value of the new range.
                    this.m_CurrentValue  = this.m_CurrentRange.Value.Min;
                    this.m_CurrentObject = this.m_CurrentValue;

                // The usual case is to attempt to use the next greater value in the current range.

                    // If we're still within the current range, use this value and return.
                    if (this.m_CurrentValue <= this.m_CurrentRange.Value.Max)
                        this.m_CurrentObject = this.m_CurrentValue;

                    // Otherwise we must traverse the tree to find another range.
                        // We've already exhausted all of the left subtrees so try to descend to the right.
                        if (this.m_CurrentRange.Right != null)
                            this.m_CurrentRange = this.m_CurrentRange.Right;

                        // If there is no right subtree, find the first parent that has not already been visited.
                                this.m_CurrentRange = this.m_CurrentRange.Parent;
                            } while(this.m_CurrentRange != null && this.m_CurrentRange.Value.Min < this.m_CurrentValue);

                        // Unset the current object to signal MoveNext to use the minimum value of the new range.
                        // (This recursive call will not go any deeper than one level.)
                        this.m_CurrentObject = null;
Пример #45
 private static void ZigZagFromRight(DisjointSet grandparent)
Пример #46
        private static void Test()
            // Make a Random instance with a fixed seed so that tests are repeatable.
            Random      random = new Random(0);
            DisjointSet test   = null;

            // Add a single range.
            DisjointSet.Add(ref test, new Range(5, 10));

            // Verify that DisjointSet.Contains works for each value in the range.
            for (ulong i = 0; i <= 15; i++)
                Debug.Assert(!(DisjointSet.Contains(ref test, i) ^ (5 <= i && i <= 10)),
                             "DisjointSet.Contains does not work (simple case).");

            // Verify that it works even when the set is splayed randomly.
            for (ulong j = 0; j <= 100; j++)
                ulong i = (ulong)random.Next(0, 15);
                Debug.Assert(!(DisjointSet.Contains(ref test, i) ^ (5 <= i && i <= 10)),
                             "DisjointSet.Contains does not work (simple case, random splaying).");

            // Add new ranges that overlap the existing range(s).
            DisjointSet.Add(ref test, new Range(4, 9));
            DisjointSet.Add(ref test, new Range(15, 20));
            DisjointSet.Add(ref test, new Range(10, 15));

            // Verify that the ranges were merged.
            Debug.Assert(test.Left == null && test.Right == null,
                         "DisjointSet.Add did not merge overlapping ranges.");
            Debug.Assert(test.Value == new Range(4, 20),
                         "DisjointSet.Add did not merge overlapping ranges.");

            // Add ranges adjacent to the ends of the existing range.
            DisjointSet.Add(ref test, new Range(21, 25));
            DisjointSet.Add(ref test, 3ul);

            // Verify that they were also merged.
            Debug.Assert(test.Left == null && test.Right == null,
                         "DisjointSet.Add did not merge adjacent ranges.");
            Debug.Assert(test.Value == new Range(3, 25),
                         "DisjointSet.Add did not merge adjacent ranges.");

            // Remove a range.
            DisjointSet.Remove(ref test, new Range(10, 15));

            // Verify that the ranges still work.
            for (ulong i = 0; i <= 30; i++)
                Debug.Assert(!(DisjointSet.Contains(ref test, i)
                               ^ ((3 <= i && i <= 9) || (16 <= i && i <= 25))),
                             "DisjointSet.Contains does not work after removal.");

            // Verify that it works even when the set is splayed randomly.
            for (ulong j = 0; j <= 300; j++)
                ulong i = (ulong)random.Next(0, 30);
                Debug.Assert(!(DisjointSet.Contains(ref test, i)
                               ^ ((3 <= i && i <= 9) || (16 <= i && i <= 25))),
                             "DisjointSet.Contains does not work after removal (random splaying).");

            // Remove the entire split ranges (on a cloned copy so we can do it several times).
            DisjointSet empty;

            empty = test.Clone();
            DisjointSet.Remove(ref empty, Range.UNIVERSE);
            Debug.Assert(empty == null,
                         "DisjointSet.Remove(UNIVERSE) didn't result in an empty set.");

            empty = test.Clone();
            DisjointSet.Remove(ref empty, new Range(3, 25));
            Debug.Assert(empty == null,
                         "DisjointSet.Remove of entire range didn't result in an empty set.");

            empty = test.Clone();
            DisjointSet.Remove(ref empty, new Range(3, 26));
            Debug.Assert(empty == null,
                         "DisjointSet.Remove of entire range didn't result in an empty set.");

            empty = test.Clone();
            DisjointSet.Remove(ref empty, new Range(2, 25));
            Debug.Assert(empty == null,
                         "DisjointSet.Remove of entire range didn't result in an empty set.");


            // Now reset the set so we can do some stress tests (mostly to make
            // sure the splaying code works correctly).
            test = null;

            // Insert all integers divisible by 5, 7, or 11.  This makes the ranges
            // easily testable, and results in a set with some singletons as well
            // as some contiguous ranges.
            for (ulong i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                if (i % 5 == 0 || i % 7 == 0 || i % 11 == 0)
                    DisjointSet.Add(ref test, i);

            // Verify the contents of the set.
            for (ulong i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                Debug.Assert(!(DisjointSet.Contains(ref test, i) ^ (i % 5 == 0 || i % 7 == 0 || i % 11 == 0)),
                             "DisjointSet.Contains failed the stress test.");

            // Verify the contents of the set, even with random splaying.
            for (ulong j = 0; j < 10000; j++)
                ulong i = (ulong)random.Next(0, 1000);
                Debug.Assert(!(DisjointSet.Contains(ref test, i) ^ (i % 5 == 0 || i % 7 == 0 || i % 11 == 0)),
                             "DisjointSet.Contains failed the stress test (random splaying).");

            // Now remove all singletons divisible by 7.
            for (ulong i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                if (i % 7 == 0)
                    DisjointSet.Remove(ref test, i);

            // Verify the contents of the set.
            for (ulong i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                Debug.Assert(!(DisjointSet.Contains(ref test, i) ^ ((i % 5 == 0 || i % 11 == 0) && (i % 7 != 0))),
                             "DisjointSet.Contains failed the stress test.");

            // Verify the contents of the set, even with random splaying.
            for (ulong j = 0, i; j < 10000; j++)
                i = (ulong)random.Next(0, 1000);
                Debug.Assert(!(DisjointSet.Contains(ref test, i) ^ ((i % 5 == 0 || i % 11 == 0) && (i % 7 != 0))),
                             "DisjointSet.Contains failed the stress test (random splaying).");

            // Test the IEnumerator implementation.
            ArrayList enums = new ArrayList();
            ulong     prev  = 0;

            foreach (ulong i in test)
                Debug.Assert(i >= prev, "The enumeration is not well ordered.");
                enums.Add(prev = i);

            // Verify that the output of the enumerator is exactly what should be in the set.
            for (ulong i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                Debug.Assert(!(enums.Contains(i) ^ ((i % 5 == 0 || i % 11 == 0) && (i % 7 != 0))),
                             "The enumeration did not properly enumerate the set.");

            // Test removing from a big tree.
            DisjointSet.Remove(ref test, Range.UNIVERSE);
            Debug.Assert(test == null, "DisjointSet.Remove(UNIVERSE) didn't yield an empty set.");


            // Reset the test and add a lot of small random ranges.  This simulates
            // the kind of behavior experienced by RTPNetworkReceiver.

            test = null;
            ArrayList values = new ArrayList(10000);

            for (ulong i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
                Range r = i;

                // Expand the range by some random number of indices.
                while (random.Next(2) == 1)
                    r = new Range(r.Min, ++i);

                // Add all the indices in the range to both sets.
                DisjointSet.Add(ref test, r);
                for (ulong v = r.Min; v <= r.Max; v++)

                // Skip some random number of indices.
                while (random.Next(2) == 1)

            // Test removing all of the values from the set in randomized ascending order,
            // just like what happens when receiving responses to a NACK (ie., some frames
            // might be dropped twice (or more times), and then NACKed again).
            DisjointSet copy = test.Clone();

            for (ArrayList compare = (ArrayList)values.Clone(); compare.Count > 0;)
                for (int i = 0; i < compare.Count;)
                    Debug.Assert(copy != null, "DisjointSet is empty but not all entries have been removed.");

                    // Skip some random number of entries.
                    while (random.Next(2) == 1)
                    if (i >= compare.Count)

                    // Remove the entries one at a time.
                    ulong v = (ulong)compare[i];
                    DisjointSet.Remove(ref copy, v);
            Debug.Assert(copy == null, "All entries were removed but DisjointSet is not empty.");

            // Test that all of the entries were actually added to the set.
            foreach (ulong v in test)
                Debug.Assert(values.Contains(v), "DisjointSet contains a value that it shouldn't.");
            foreach (ulong v in values)
                Debug.Assert(DisjointSet.Contains(ref test, v), "DisjointSet doesn't contain a value that it should.");


            // Simulate an error-case discovered during actual testing.
            // See Bug 821, attachment #45 (comment #3).

            DisjointSet current = null;

            DisjointSet.Add(ref current, new Range(1, 4));
            DisjointSet.Add(ref current, new Range(6, 16));
            DisjointSet.Add(ref current, new Range(18, 20));
            DisjointSet.Add(ref current, new Range(22, 33));
            DisjointSet.Add(ref current, new Range(35, 55));
            DisjointSet.Add(ref current, new Range(57, 61));
            DisjointSet.Add(ref current, 64);
            DisjointSet.Add(ref current, 67);

            DisjointSet stable = null;

            DisjointSet.Add(ref stable, new Range(1, 16));
            DisjointSet.Add(ref stable, new Range(18, 61));
            DisjointSet.Add(ref stable, 64);
            DisjointSet.Add(ref stable, 67);
            copy = stable.Clone();

            test = new Range(1, 100);
            DisjointSet.Remove(ref test, current);
            foreach (ulong i in test)
                DisjointSet.Remove(ref copy, i);
            DisjointSet.Remove(ref copy, 0);

            DisjointSet.Remove(ref copy, stable);
            Debug.Assert(copy == null, "Stable set is not a superset of the Current set.");
Пример #47
 private static void ZigZigFromLeft(DisjointSet grandparent)
     DisjointSet parent = grandparent.Left;