Пример #1
        }// ReadTable()

        #endregion//Private Methods

        #region Static Functions
        // *****************************************************************
        // ****                  Static Functions                        ****
        // *****************************************************************
        public static bool TryExtractExpiryFromSeriesName(InstrumentName name1, out DateTime expiryDate)
            expiryDate = DateTime.MinValue;
            System.Globalization.CultureInfo ci = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");
            if (DateTime.TryParseExact(name1.SeriesName, "MMMyy", ci, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None, out expiryDate))
            else if (DateTime.TryParseExact(name1.SeriesName, "yyyy/MM", ci, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None, out expiryDate))
            else if (DateTime.TryParseExact(name1.SeriesName, "MM/yyyy", ci, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None, out expiryDate))
            else if (DateTime.TryParseExact(name1.SeriesName, "ddMMMyy", ci, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None, out expiryDate))
Пример #2
        #endregion//Public Methods

        #region Private Methods
        // *****************************************************************
        // ****                     Private Methods                     ****
        // *****************************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// Called for futures only where we expect the series name to have some sort of date in it.
        /// This is mainly a way of filtering out instrument like "e-Brent Cal 14" and "e-Brent Q1"
        /// which are getting denoted as futures but have multiple instruments within.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instr"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool IsStandardInstrument(InstrumentName instr)
            DateTime dateTime;

            if (DateTime.TryParse(instr.SeriesName, out dateTime))
Пример #3
        }// SaveTable

        #endregion//Public Methods

        #region no Private Methods
        // *****************************************************************
        // ****                     Private Methods                     ****
        // *****************************************************************
        // ****             Read Product Table()                ****
        // Product table format:   breProductName, RcgProductName
        private void ReadTable()
            using (System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(this.FilePath))
                string aLine;
                bool   continueReading = true;
                while (continueReading)
                    aLine = reader.ReadLine();
                    if (aLine == null)
                    aLine = aLine.Trim();
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(aLine))
                        continue;                                                              // skip blank lines
                    if (aLine.StartsWith("// END", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) // this signals end of file at the moment.
                        continueReading = false;
                    else if (aLine.Contains("//"))
                        int n = aLine.IndexOf("//");
                        if (n == 0)
                        else if (n > 0)
                            aLine = aLine.Substring(0, n);

                    // Extract table entries
                    string[] elements = aLine.Split(',');
                    if (elements.Length >= 2)
                    {   // Need two elements
                        InstrumentName instr1;
                        InstrumentName instr2;
                        if (InstrumentName.TryDeserialize(elements[0].Trim(), out instr1) && InstrumentName.TryDeserialize(elements[1].Trim(), out instr2))
                m_SavedInstrumentCount = m_KeyList.Count;           // update the instrument Count.
        }// ReadTable()
Пример #4
 // *****************************************************************
 // ****                     Constructors                        ****
 // *****************************************************************
 /// <summary>
 /// Create Instrument Details for a given instrument.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="instr"></param>
 /// <param name="currency"></param>
 /// <param name="tickSize">Smallest price change possible of intsrument</param>
 /// <param name="multiplier">The multiplier * current price = notional value of contract.  (Multiplier = TickValue / TickSize)</param>
 /// <param name="executableTickSize"> Smallest possible increment to be filled in</param>
 /// <param name="expires"></param>
 /// <param name="type"></param>
 public InstrumentDetails(InstrumentName instr, string currency, double tickSize, double executableTickSize, double multiplier, DateTime expires, ProductTypes type)
     this.InstrumentName     = instr;
     this.Currency           = currency;
     this.TickSize           = tickSize;             // smallest increment price can fluctuate by
     this.ExecutableTickSize = executableTickSize;
     this.Multiplier         = multiplier;           // See above for explanation of multipilier
     this.ExpirationDate     = expires;
     this.Type      = type;
     this.TickValue = multiplier * tickSize;         // Native Currency Value of a Tick
     if (type == ProductTypes.Future | type == ProductTypes.Spread)
         this.isStandard = IsStandardInstrument(instr);
Пример #5

        #region Public Methods
        // *****************************************************************
        // ****                     Public Methods                      ****
        // *****************************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// When an instrument is clicked on in the position viewer window, that window
        /// calls this routine letting us know which instrument is active.
        /// </summary>

         * public void SetInstrument(FillHub fillHub, UV.Lib.Products.InstrumentBase instrument)
         * {
         *  m_CurrentInstrument = instrument;               // set current instrument
         *  m_FillHub = fillHub;                            // set current fill hub
         *  this.Text = string.Format("Add Fills - {0}", m_CurrentInstrument.FullName);
         *  this.labelInstrumentName.Text = m_CurrentInstrument.FullName;
         *  this.labelExpirationDate.Text = string.Format("{0:ddd dd MMM yyyy}", m_CurrentInstrument.ExpirationDate);
         *  // Update Markets
         *  UV.Lib.BookHubs.Book aBook;
         *  if (m_Market.TryEnterReadBook(out aBook))
         *  {
         *      foreach (UV.Lib.BookHubs.MarketInstrument mktInstr in aBook.Instruments.Values)
         *      {
         *          if (mktInstr.Name.Equals(m_CurrentInstrument.FullName))
         *          {
         *              labelAskPrice.Text = mktInstr.Price[UV.Lib.Utilities.QTMath.AskSide][0].ToString();
         *              labelBidPrice.Text = mktInstr.Price[UV.Lib.Utilities.QTMath.BidSide][0].ToString();
         *              labelAskQty.Text = mktInstr.Qty[UV.Lib.Utilities.QTMath.AskSide][0].ToString();
         *              labelBidQty.Text = mktInstr.Qty[UV.Lib.Utilities.QTMath.BidSide][0].ToString();
         *              break;
         *          }
         *      }
         *      m_Market.ExitReadBook(aBook);
         *  }
         *  // Reset defaults
         *  SetConfirmMode(buttonSubmitFill,false,0);
         * }//SetInstrument()
         * //
        public void SetInstrument(FillHub fillHub, InstrumentName instrument)
            m_CurrentInstrument           = instrument;     // set current instrument
            m_FillHub                     = fillHub;        // set current fill hub
            this.Text                     = string.Format("Add Fills - {0}", m_CurrentInstrument.FullName);
            this.labelInstrumentName.Text = m_CurrentInstrument.FullName;

             * UV.Lib.Products.InstrumentBase instrBase;
             * if (m_Market.TryGetInstrument(instrument, out instrBase))
             * {
             *  this.labelExpirationDate.Text = string.Format("{0:ddd dd MMM yyyy}", instrBase.ExpirationDate);
             * }
             * else
             *  this.labelExpirationDate.Text = "unknown market instr";
            TradingTechnologies.TTAPI.InstrumentDetails details;
            if (m_Market.TryLookupInstrumentDetails(instrument, out details))
                this.labelExpirationDate.Text = string.Format("{0:ddd dd MMM yyyy}", details.ExpirationDate.ToDateTime());
                this.labelExpirationDate.Text = "unknown market instr";

            // Update Markets
            Book aBook;

            if (m_Market.TryEnterReadBook(out aBook))
                foreach (Market mktInstr in aBook.Instruments.Values)
                    if (mktInstr.Name.Equals(m_CurrentInstrument))
                        labelAskPrice.Text = mktInstr.Price[QTMath.AskSide][0].ToString();
                        labelBidPrice.Text = mktInstr.Price[QTMath.BidSide][0].ToString();
                        labelAskQty.Text   = mktInstr.Qty[QTMath.AskSide][0].ToString();
                        labelBidQty.Text   = mktInstr.Qty[QTMath.BidSide][0].ToString();
            // Reset defaults
            SetConfirmMode(buttonSubmitFill, false, 0);
Пример #6
        // *****************************************************************
        // ****            CreateUVInstrumentDetails()                  ****
        // *****************************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// Create UV Instrument Details from TT Instrument Details
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instrName"></param>
        /// <param name="instrDetails"></param>
        public static UVInstrDetails CreateUVInstrumentDetails(UV.Lib.Products.InstrumentName instrName, TTInstrumentDetails instrDetails)
            UVProductTypes instrType;                                                 // finds the correct product type

            if (instrDetails.Key.ProductKey.Type.Equals(ProductType.Future))
                instrType = UVProductTypes.Future;
            else if (instrDetails.Key.ProductKey.Type.Equals(ProductType.Spread))
                instrType = UVProductTypes.Spread;
            else if (instrDetails.Key.ProductKey.Type.Equals(ProductType.Option))
                instrType = UVProductTypes.Option;
            else if (instrDetails.Key.ProductKey.Type.Equals(ProductType.AutospreaderSpread))
                instrType = UVProductTypes.AutoSpreaderSpread;
            else if (instrDetails.Key.ProductKey.Type.Equals(ProductType.Bond))
                instrType = UVProductTypes.Bond;
            else if (instrDetails.Key.ProductKey.Type.Equals(ProductType.Stock))
                instrType = UVProductTypes.Equity;
            else if (instrDetails.Key.ProductKey.Type.Equals(ProductType.Strategy))
                instrType = UVProductTypes.Synthetic;
                instrType = UVProductTypes.Unknown;

            UV.Lib.Products.InstrumentDetails uvInstrDetails;
            uvInstrDetails = new UVInstrDetails(instrName,                                                                       // create the UV Instr details
Пример #7
        }// TryGetNewEntries()

        // ****             Save Table()                ****
        // Product table format:   breProductName, RcgProductName
        public void SaveTable(string newFilePath = "")
            string filePath;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newFilePath))
                filePath = this.FilePath;
                filePath = newFilePath;

            // Lets alphabetize this table
            List <InstrumentName> sortingList = new List <InstrumentName>(m_KeyList);

            sortingList.Sort(new InstrumentNameComparer());
            int            searchFromIndex = 0;
            InstrumentName lastInstrName   = new InstrumentName();

            using (System.IO.StreamWriter stream = new System.IO.StreamWriter(filePath, false))
                foreach (InstrumentName instrName in sortingList)
                    if (!instrName.Equals(lastInstrName))
                        searchFromIndex = 0;                                // instrName is different from last one, so start search from beginning index.
                    lastInstrName = instrName;                              // Remember this instrName.
                    // Search for entry.
                    int n1 = m_KeyList.IndexOf(instrName, searchFromIndex); // location of this instrName entry.
                    searchFromIndex = n1 + 1;
                    // Write the entries now.
                    InstrumentName instr1 = m_KeyList[n1];
                    InstrumentName instr2 = m_ValueList[n1];
                    stream.WriteLine("{0,32},{1,32}", InstrumentName.Serialize(instr1).Trim(), InstrumentName.Serialize(instr2).Trim());
                }// next instrName
                stream.Write("// END");
                m_SavedInstrumentCount = sortingList.Count;               // update instrument count
        }// SaveTable
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="memberOfList1"></param>
        /// <param name="matchingMembersOfList2"></param>
        /// <param name="list1"></param>
        /// <param name="list2"></param>
        /// <param name="useExactMatch">false -> matching product part only</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool TryFindMappings(InstrumentName memberOfList1, ref List <InstrumentName> matchingMembersOfList2, ref List <InstrumentName> list1, ref List <InstrumentName> list2
                                     , bool useExactMatch = true)
            int nCount = matchingMembersOfList2.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < list1.Count; ++i)
                if (memberOfList1.Equals(list1[i]))                                           // we have located a matching in list1 at this index i.
                    InstrumentName mappedInstrument = list2[i];                               // this is the output of that entry of list1.
                    matchingMembersOfList2.Add(mappedInstrument);                             // add it to the outgoing list.
                else if (!useExactMatch)                                                      // alternatively, the user may only want partial matches.
                {                                                                             // Look for near matches.                           // These have two restrictions, mapping is a product entry (not specific instr).
                    if (list1[i].IsProduct && memberOfList1.Product.Equals(list1[i].Product)) // and the products must match exactly.
                    {                                                                         // The entry in list1 seems to be a product that matches users instr.
                        InstrumentName mappedInstrument = list2[i];                           // So, grab the output of the map, and store it.
            // Exit
            return(matchingMembersOfList2.Count > nCount);
        }// TryFindMatch()
Пример #9
 public bool TryGetKey(InstrumentName aValue, ref List <InstrumentName> matchingKeys, bool useExactMatch = true)
     return(this.TryFindMappings(aValue, ref matchingKeys, ref m_ValueList, ref m_KeyList, useExactMatch));
Пример #10

        #region Public Methods
        // *****************************************************************
        // ****                     Public Methods                      ****
        // *****************************************************************
        public bool TryGetValue(InstrumentName key, ref List <InstrumentName> matchingValues, bool useExactMatch = true)
            return(this.TryFindMappings(key, ref matchingValues, ref m_KeyList, ref m_ValueList, useExactMatch));
Пример #11
        }// TryFindMatch()

        // ****                     Add()                   ****
        public void Add(InstrumentName key, InstrumentName value)
        }// Add()