Intersects() публичный Метод

Return true if this node intersects the given rectangle specified in local bounds.
If the geometry of this node is complex, this method can become expensive. It is therefore recommended that FullIntersects is used for quick rejects before calling this method.
public Intersects ( RectangleF bounds ) : bool
bounds System.Drawing.RectangleF The bounds to test for intersection.
Результат bool
		/// <summary>
		/// Traverse from the bottom right of the scene graph (top visible node)
		/// up the tree determining which parent nodes are occluded by their children
		/// nodes.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="n">The node to find occlusions for.</param>
		/// <param name="pickPath">
		/// A pick path representing the bounds of <c>n</c> in parent coordinates.
		/// </param>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Note that this is only detecting a subset of occlusions (parent, child),
		/// others such as overlapping siblings or cousins are not detected.
		/// </remarks>
		public void DetectOcclusions(PNode n, PPickPath pickPath) {
			if (n.FullIntersects(pickPath.PickBounds)) {
				int count = n.ChildrenCount;
				for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
					PNode each = n[i];
					if (n.Occluded) {
						// if n has been occluded by a previous decendent then
						// this child must also be occluded
						each.Occluded = true;
					} else {
						// see if child each occludes n
						DetectOcclusions(each, pickPath);

				// see if n occludes it's parents		
				if (!n.Occluded) {
					if (n.Intersects(pickPath.PickBounds)) {
						if (n.IsOpaque(pickPath.PickBounds)) {
							PNode p = n.Parent;
							while (p != null && !p.Occluded) {
								p.Occluded = true;
			/// <summary>
			/// Returns true if the node's bounds intersects the bounds specified by the
			/// BoundsFilter.
			/// </summary>
			/// <remarks>
			/// For a node to be accepted, it must also satisfy the following conditions:
			/// it must be pickable, it must not be the marquee node, it must not be a
			/// selectable parent, and the it must not be a layer that is viewed by a camera
			/// that is a selectable parent
			/// </remarks>
			/// <param name="node">The node to test.</param>
			/// <returns>True if the node is accepted; otherwise, false.</returns>
			public virtual bool Accept(PNode node) {
				localBounds = bounds;
				localBounds = node.GlobalToLocal(localBounds);

				bool boundsIntersects = node.Intersects(localBounds);
				bool isMarquee = (node == selectionHandler.marquee);
				return (node.Pickable && boundsIntersects && !isMarquee &&
					!selectionHandler.selectableParents.Contains(node) && !IsCameraLayer(node));