Пример #1
 public void aReportOn_UIFSForm(int formid)
     UIFS.Form Form = new Form(ref SQL);
     UIFS.FormDataStruct FormData = new FormDataStruct();
     // TODO: diff form ver?
     if (!Form.Load(formid,-1, ref FormData))
     { // failed to load, end
         SQL.WriteLog_Error(Form.ErrorEx, "failed to load specified formdata:"+formid.ToString(), "UIFS.Reporting.aReportOn_UIFSForm()");
     aReportOn = "Form: "+FormData.name;
Пример #2
        /* /-------[   function: BuildReport                           ]-------\
           | Currently, this will build Query and Language strings
           | These could be saved at the time the report is created since they will not change
           | Then used to get data, etc.
        // So, a report is based on a "Subject" that has its specific "Details" (we have our special "Form" subject and direct form info from the using app)
        // Optionally, we can link in other "Subjects" with their specific "Details" (those subjects that ARE related/linked)
        public bool BuildReport(ref UIFS.ReportDefinition ReportDefinition)
            string Query = "",Q_FieldSelection="SELECT ", Q_Subject="", Q_Details=" WHERE ", Q_Joins="";
            string columnnames = "";
            string Language = "";
            string[] selections;
            string Temp_Query="",Temp_Language="";
            int iFormLinkdetail, iReportingSubject; // index holders
            ReportingSubject.Detail RSDetail = new ReportingSubject.Detail(); // used to pass data for building queries
            string FormDbName = ""; // SINGULAR forms will set this.  Used in Aggregate query building

                // --] LOAD Needed Data [--

                Q_Subject = " FROM [" + FormLinks.TableName + "]"; // Our Subject clause always starts from the main table

                //. Add required id fields
                Q_FieldSelection = Q_FieldSelection + "[" + FormLinks.TableName + "].[UIFS_formid],[" + FormLinks.TableName + "].[formid],";
                columnnames = columnnames + "_UIFS_formid,_formid,";
                //. Need to add in all linked form fields, but they will (can) be hidden from the output (used for easy linking)
                foreach (FormLink.Detail FLdetail in FormLinks.Details)
                    Q_FieldSelection += "["+ FormLinks.TableName+"].["+ FLdetail.field+ "],";
                    columnnames += FLdetail.name.Replace(",", "") + ","; // make sure no commas in field name

                //. Start with the Main Subject
                switch (ReportDefinition.Description.lang)
                    case "ALL": // all forms

                    case "singular": // single form
                        //. load the form details
                        UIFS.Form Form = new Form(ref SQL);
                        UIFS.FormDataStruct FormData = new FormDataStruct(); // hold our data

                        // TODO: diff form version loading here...
                        if (!Form.Load(Convert.ToInt32(ReportDefinition.Description.selection),-1, ref FormData))
                        { // failed to load, end
                            SQL.WriteLog_Error(Form.ErrorEx, "failed to load specified formdata", "UIFS.Reporting.BuildReport()");
                            return false;
                        FormDbName = "[UIFS.Form_" + FormData.id.ToString() + "]";
                        //. Construct a field selection clause based on all fields in this form
                        // TODO: if report is on a different version other than the current form version...need to specify that.
                        //       Can get the form version by querying the chosen form....

                        //. build list of fields to extract, default is all
                        /* NOTES:
                         * - not sure if we want to use the user selected fields, or just have everything in the data output
                        // WARNING: make sure to remove comma's from fieldnames as we use this as our list separator.
                        // we do this with: .Replace(",", "");
                        string fieldid = "", fieldname="";
                        foreach (FormDataStruct.ControlListDetail formctrl in FormData.ControlList)
                            switch (formctrl.type)
                                case ControlType.Range: // TWO FIELDS/VALUES/COLUMNS
                                    fieldid = FormDbName + ".[" + formctrl.id.ToString() + "_Start]," + FormDbName + ".[" + formctrl.id.ToString() + "_End],";
                                    fieldname = FormData.Get_Control(formctrl.id).name.Replace(",", "") + "[FROM]," + FormData.Get_Control(formctrl.id).name.Replace(",", "")+"[TO]";
                                case ControlType.Checkbox: // checkbox can have an INPUT field...
                                    fieldid = FormDbName + ".[" + formctrl.id.ToString() + "],";
                                    fieldname = FormData.Get_Control(formctrl.id).name.Replace(",", "");
                                case ControlType.Textbox:
                                case ControlType.Number:
                                case ControlType.List:
                                case ControlType.DateTime:
                                case ControlType.Percentage:
                                    fieldid = FormDbName + ".[" + formctrl.id.ToString() + "],";
                                    fieldname = FormData.Get_Control(formctrl.id).name.Replace(",", "");
                            Q_FieldSelection += fieldid;
                            columnnames += fieldname + ",";
                        Q_FieldSelection = Q_FieldSelection.Remove(Q_FieldSelection.Length - 1); // take out last comma

                        //. link form table by formid from formlinks main table (standard practice)
                        Q_Joins = Q_Joins + " INNER JOIN " + FormDbName + " ON " + FormDbName + ".[id] = [" + FormLinks.TableName+"].[formid] AND ";
                        Language = "A report that shows for this '" + ReportDefinition.Description.name + "': <span class='detail'>" + FormData.name + "</span><br/>";

                        if (ReportDefinition.Description.Details != null)
                            //. walk through the non-[global] details that are form specific
                            foreach (ReportDefinition.Detail detail in ReportDefinition.Description.Details)
                                if (detail.name.StartsWith("[global]")) { continue; } // skip globals (dealt with later)
                                // GET the assigned name/id for this Detail
                                // NOTE: since we are working with [Form] Subject data, this is actually an identifier(int)
                                UIFS.FormControl detail_ctrl = FormData.Get_Control(Convert.ToInt32(detail.name)); // so, get Form->Control name

                                //. specific query building for UIFS.FormControl
                                FormControl_formatqueryandlanguage(FormData.ControlList[FormData.Find_ControlListEntry_byControlID(Convert.ToInt32(detail.name))].type, detail_ctrl, detail, ref Temp_Query, ref Temp_Language);
                                //. from returned vars, build query and language
                                Q_Joins = Q_Joins + FormDbName + "." + Temp_Query; // select using [form].[detail]
                                Language = Language + Temp_Language;
                        if (Q_Joins.EndsWith("ON ")) { Q_Joins = Q_Joins.Remove(Q_Joins.Length - 3); } // this would occur if no detailed selection was made..."no detail filter"
                        else { if (Q_Joins.EndsWith("AND ")) { Q_Joins = Q_Joins.Remove(Q_Joins.Length - 5); } }

                        Q_Details = Q_Details + " [" + FormLinks.TableName + "].UIFS_formid=" + FormData.id.ToString() + " AND ";
                        // the query detail string always adds an "AND " after each addition

                    case "plural": // multiple forms
                        Q_Details = Q_Details + " [UIFS_formid] IS IN (";
                        selections = ReportDefinition.Description.selection.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                        foreach (string specificdetail in selections)
                            Q_Details = Q_Details + specificdetail + ",";
                        Q_Details = Q_Details.Remove(Q_Details.Length - 1); // remove last comma
                        Q_Details = Q_Details + ") AND ";

                // On Forms we have these [global] fields that the user/application has added that are linked to a specific form
                // these are contained in the same user table that has the main form linking data

                //. Now deal with [global] details
                if (ReportDefinition.Description.Details != null)
                    foreach (ReportDefinition.Detail detail in ReportDefinition.Description.Details)
                        if (detail.name.StartsWith("[global]"))
                            //. Get
                            iFormLinkdetail = FormLinks.Find_detail(detail.name.Remove(0, 8)); // index of our global detail info
                            switch (FormLinks.Details[iFormLinkdetail].type)
                                case "Subject": // need to join data from another collection
                                    //. find Subject info
                                    iReportingSubject = Find_ReportingSubject(FormLinks.Details[iFormLinkdetail].name);
                                    //. restrict our query to a selection of this subject
                                    Q_Joins = Q_Joins + " INNER JOIN [" + ReportingSubjects[iReportingSubject].db + "]" +
                                        " ON [" + ReportingSubjects[iReportingSubject].db + "].[" + ReportingSubjects[iReportingSubject].db_id + "]=[" + FormLinks.TableName + "]." + FormLinks.Details[iFormLinkdetail].field;
                                    RSDetail.db = "[" + FormLinks.TableName + "].[" + FormLinks.Details[iFormLinkdetail].field + "]";
                                    RSDetail.lang = detail.lang;
                                    RSDetail.name = ReportingSubjects[iReportingSubject].name;
                                    RSDetail.type = "id"; // currently fixed
                                    Q_Details = Q_Details + Query_FormatDetail(RSDetail, detail.selection, ref Temp_Language);
                                    Language = Language + Temp_Language;
                                case "Detail": // this specific field data exists in the user 'FormLink' table
                                    RSDetail.db = "[" + FormLinks.TableName + "].[" + FormLinks.Details[iFormLinkdetail].field + "]";
                                    RSDetail.lang = detail.lang;
                                    RSDetail.name = detail.name.Remove(0, 8);
                                    RSDetail.type = FormLinks.Details[iFormLinkdetail].datatype;
                                    Q_Details = Q_Details + Query_FormatDetail(RSDetail, detail.selection, ref Temp_Language);
                                    Language = Language + Temp_Language;

                //. Details cleanup
                if (Q_Details == "WHERE ") { Q_Details = ""; }
                { // remove last " AND " from query (if exists)
                    if (Q_Details.EndsWith("AND ")) { Q_Details = Q_Details.Remove(Q_Details.Length - 5); }

                //. put the query together
                Query = Q_FieldSelection + Q_Subject + Q_Joins + Q_Details;

                //. Assign/Push
                ReportDefinition.query = Query;
                ReportDefinition.language = Language;
                ReportDefinition.columns = columnnames.Remove(columnnames.Length-1); // Q_FieldSelection.Substring(7);

                // --[ AGGREGATION ]--
                //. build a query for each type of aggregation the user wants
                string AggrTable = "", AggrQuery = "",AggrGroup="";
                ReportDefinition.Aggregate RDA;
                if (ReportDefinition.Description.Aggregates != null)
                    for (int t = 0; t < ReportDefinition.Description.Aggregates.Length; t++)
                        RDA = ReportDefinition.Description.Aggregates[t];
                        //. find our field
                        AggrTable = ""; AggrQuery = ""; AggrGroup = "";
                        if (RDA.title.StartsWith("[global]"))
                            AggrTable = FormLinks.TableName;
                            AggrTable = FormDbName;

                        switch (RDA.manipulation)
                            case "CNT":
                                switch (RDA.datatype)
                                    case "bit": // boolean sum(iF(flushot,0,1)),sum(flushot)
                                        AggrQuery = "SELECT COUNT(CASE " + AggrTable + ".[" + RDA.db + "] WHEN 0 THEN 1 ELSE null END), COUNT(CASE " + AggrTable + ".[" + RDA.db + "] WHEN 1 THEN 1 ELSE null END) ";
                                        AggrQuery = "SELECT COUNT(" + AggrTable + ".[" + RDA.db + "]) ";
                            case "SUM":
                                AggrQuery = "SELECT SUM(" + AggrTable + ".[" + RDA.db + "]) ";
                            case "AVG":
                                AggrQuery = "SELECT AVG(" + AggrTable + ".[" + RDA.db + "]) ";
                            case "SUM_DTRANGE":
                            case "SUM_DRANGE":
                            case "SUM_TRANGE":
                                AggrQuery = "SELECT DATEADD(ms, SUM(DATEDIFF(ms,[" + RDA.db + "_Start],[" + RDA.db + "_End])),0)";
                                //AggrQuery = "SELECT SUM([" + RDA.db + "_End]-[" + RDA.db + "_Start])";
                            case "AVG_DTRANGE":
                            case "AVG_DRANGE":
                            case "AVG_TRANGE":
                                AggrQuery = "SELECT DATEADD(ms, AVG(DATEDIFF(ms,[" + RDA.db + "_Start],[" + RDA.db + "_End])),0)";
                        if (AggrQuery != "")
                            AggrQuery = AggrQuery + Q_Subject + Q_Joins + Q_Details + AggrGroup; // rest of query is same...except for grouping
                            RDA.query = AggrQuery;

                // END BuildReport
                return true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                SQL.WriteLog_Error(ex, "failed", "UIFS.Reporting.BuildReport()");
                return false;
Пример #3
            /* /---[ Subject_Set       ]--------------------------------------------------------------------\
             * | Loads all the ReportConditions based on Subject (does not matter if a new report or existing one)
             * |
             * \-------------------------------------------------------------------/
             * isnew    =   false if loading/editing an existing RD  (otherwise if a new Subject is chosen, TRUE to rebuild)
            public bool Subject_Set(bool isnew, ref FormLink Formlinks, ReportingSubject RS, ref SQL SQL, ref ReportingSubject[] ReportingSubjects)
                bool exists = false;
                ReportingSubject.Detail RSdetail;
                ReportDefinition.Detail existingRDdetail = new ReportDefinition.Detail();
                FormControl UIFSFormControl;
                if (isnew || this.ReportConditions == null)
                    this.ReportConditions = new ReportCondition[0]; // starting over fresh...should this be possible?

                //. setup [globals]
                foreach (FormLink.Detail FLdetail in Formlinks.Details) {
                    int iRDDd=-1; // holds the index of the RD.Desc.detail for linking the ReportCondition to the actual RD.Description...
                    switch (FLdetail.type)
                        // -[ Global Subject ]-
                        // this behaves as a "pointer"/collection of id(s) to reference a Subject or set of Subjects to filter by...
                        // this is a UIFS standard, but for UX simplification (This "subject" has a corresponding id field that is unique to each form created)
                        case "Subject":
                            if (!isnew) { // check to see if exists in current RD
                                for (int t=0;t<RD.Description.Details.Length;t++) {
                                    if ("[global]"+FLdetail.name == RD.Description.Details[t].name)
                                        existingRDdetail = RD.Description.Details[t]; iRDDd = t;
                                        exists = true; break;
                            RSdetail = new ReportingSubject.Detail();
                            RSdetail.db = FLdetail.field;
                            RSdetail.name = "[global]" + FLdetail.name;
                            RSdetail.type = "id"; // this basically tells the application that this is a linked *Subject
                            Array.Resize(ref ReportConditions, ReportConditions.Length + 1);
                            ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1] = new ReportCondition(RSdetail, ReportConditions.Length - 1);
                            if (exists)
                                ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1].RDdetail = existingRDdetail;
                                ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1].iRDDdetail = iRDDd;
                                exists = false; // reset
                            //. Load subject selection data
                            int pscount=0; int iRS;
                            //. Find reporting subject
                            for (iRS = 0; iRS < ReportingSubjects.Length; iRS++)
                                if (ReportingSubjects[iRS].name == FLdetail.name) { break; }
                            SQL.Query = ReportingSubjects[iRS].BuildQuery_IDList(); // dynamic build...
                            SQL.cmd = SQL.Command(SQL.Data);
                            SQL.sdr = SQL.cmd.ExecuteReader();
                            while (SQL.sdr.Read())
                                Array.Resize(ref ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1].PossibleValues, pscount+1);
                                ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1].PossibleValues[pscount] = new FormControl.List.Item();
                                ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1].PossibleValues[pscount].value = SQL.sdr[0].ToString();
                                ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1].PossibleValues[pscount].name = SQL.sdr[1].ToString();
                                pscount += 1;
                            // Report Show possibility
                            ReportShow_Add(RSdetail.db, RSdetail.name, RSdetail.type);
                        case "Detail":
                            if (!isnew)
                            { // check to see if exists in current RD
                                for (int t = 0; t < RD.Description.Details.Length; t++)
                                    if ("[global]" + FLdetail.name == RD.Description.Details[t].name)
                                        existingRDdetail = RD.Description.Details[t]; iRDDd = t;
                                        exists = true; break;
                            RSdetail = new ReportingSubject.Detail();
                            RSdetail.db = FLdetail.field;
                            RSdetail.name = "[global]" + FLdetail.name;
                            RSdetail.type = FLdetail.datatype;
                            Array.Resize(ref ReportConditions, ReportConditions.Length + 1);
                            ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1] = new ReportCondition(RSdetail, ReportConditions.Length - 1);
                            if (exists)
                                ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1].RDdetail = existingRDdetail;
                                ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1].iRDDdetail = iRDDd;
                                exists = false; // reset
                            // Report Show possibility
                            ReportShow_Add(RSdetail.db, RSdetail.name, RSdetail.type);

                } // end globals

                // NOTE: Right now, reporting is based off of having a UIFS.Form selection as the MAIN SUBJECT
                //    This means we are not setup to handle any generic *Subject as the main...here and in BuildReport()

                // ONLY when a SINGLE *Form* is chosen can we use its details
                if (RD.Description.lang == "singular")
                    exists = false;
                    //. Now we walk through our chosen "Subject"'s Details
                    // this is a UIFS.Form
                    if (RD.Description.name == "Form")
                        //. need to get data from UIFS.Form for advanced functionality
                        UIFS.Form UIFSForm = new Form(ref SQL);
                        UIFS.FormDataStruct UIFSFormData = new FormDataStruct();
                        DataType UIFSConvertDT = new DataType();
                        // TODO: diff form ver
                        if (!UIFSForm.Load(Convert.ToInt32(RD.Description.selection),-1, ref UIFSFormData))
                            SQL.WriteLog_Error(UIFSForm.ErrorEx, "Error loading form:" + RD.Description.selection, "UIFS.Reporting.GraphicalUserInterface.Subject_Set()");
                            return false;
                        //. walk through all form controls...
                        foreach (FormDataStruct.ControlListDetail CLD in UIFSFormData.ControlList)
                            int iRDDd = -1;
                            UIFSFormControl = UIFSFormData.Get_Control(CLD.id);
                            switch (CLD.type) {
                                case ControlType.Range: // Range Controls have 2 values
                                    FormControl.Range Ctrl_Range = (FormControl.Range)UIFSFormControl;
                                    //. create Start option
                                    RSdetail = new ReportingSubject.Detail();
                                    RSdetail.db = CLD.id.ToString()+"_Start";
                                    RSdetail.name = UIFSFormControl.name+" START";
                                    RSdetail.type = UIFSConvertDT.convertUIFS(Ctrl_Range.type.ToString());
                                    if (!isnew) { // check to see if exists in current RD
                                        for (int t = 0; t < RD.Description.Details.Length; t++) {
                                            if (RSdetail.db == RD.Description.Details[t].name){
                                                existingRDdetail = RD.Description.Details[t]; iRDDd = t;
                                                exists = true; break;
                                    Array.Resize(ref ReportConditions, ReportConditions.Length + 1);
                                    ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1] = new ReportCondition(RSdetail, ReportConditions.Length - 1);
                                    if (exists)
                                        ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1].RDdetail = existingRDdetail;
                                        ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1].iRDDdetail = iRDDd;
                                        exists = false; // reset
                                    //. create End option
                                    RSdetail = new ReportingSubject.Detail();
                                    RSdetail.db = CLD.id.ToString()+"_End";
                                    RSdetail.name = UIFSFormControl.name +" END";
                                    RSdetail.type = UIFSConvertDT.convertUIFS(Ctrl_Range.type.ToString());
                                    if (!isnew) { // check to see if exists in current RD
                                        for (int t = 0; t < RD.Description.Details.Length; t++) {
                                            if (RSdetail.db == RD.Description.Details[t].name){
                                                existingRDdetail = RD.Description.Details[t]; iRDDd = t;
                                                exists = true; break;
                                    Array.Resize(ref ReportConditions, ReportConditions.Length + 1);
                                    ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1] = new ReportCondition(RSdetail, ReportConditions.Length - 1);
                                    if (exists)
                                        ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1].RDdetail = existingRDdetail;
                                        ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1].iRDDdetail = iRDDd;
                                        exists = false; // reset
                                    // Report Show possibility
                                    switch (Ctrl_Range.type)
                                        case FormControl.Range.Rangetype.DateRange:
                                        case FormControl.Range.Rangetype.TimeRange:
                                        case FormControl.Range.Rangetype.DateTimeRange:
                                            ReportShow_Add(CLD.id.ToString(), UIFSFormControl.name, "Range_DateTime");
                                        case FormControl.Range.Rangetype.MinMax:
                                        case FormControl.Range.Rangetype.Currency:
                                case ControlType.DateTime:
                                    FormControl.DateTime Ctrl_DateTime = (FormControl.DateTime)UIFSFormControl;
                                    RSdetail = new ReportingSubject.Detail();
                                    RSdetail.db = CLD.id.ToString();
                                    RSdetail.name = UIFSFormControl.name;
                                    RSdetail.type = UIFSConvertDT.convertUIFS(Ctrl_DateTime.type.ToString().ToLower()); // UIFS.ControlType..
                                    if (!isnew) { // check to see if exists in current RD
                                        for (int t = 0; t < RD.Description.Details.Length; t++) {
                                            if (RSdetail.db == RD.Description.Details[t].name){
                                                existingRDdetail = RD.Description.Details[t]; iRDDd = t;
                                                exists = true; break;
                                    Array.Resize(ref ReportConditions, ReportConditions.Length + 1);
                                    ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1] = new ReportCondition(RSdetail, ReportConditions.Length - 1);
                                    ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1].UIFSFormControl = true;
                                    ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1].UIFSControl = UIFSFormControl;
                                    ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1].UIFSFormControl_type = CLD.type;
                                    if (exists)
                                        ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1].RDdetail = existingRDdetail;
                                        ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1].iRDDdetail = iRDDd;
                                        exists = false; // reset
                                    // Report Show possibility
                                    ReportShow_Add(RSdetail.db, RSdetail.name, RSdetail.type);
                                    RSdetail = new ReportingSubject.Detail();
                                    RSdetail.db = CLD.id.ToString();
                                    RSdetail.name = UIFSFormControl.name;
                                    RSdetail.type = UIFSConvertDT.convertUIFS(CLD.type.ToString().ToLower()); // UIFS.ControlType..
                                    if (!isnew) { // check to see if exists in current RD
                                        for (int t = 0; t < RD.Description.Details.Length; t++) {
                                            if (RSdetail.db == RD.Description.Details[t].name){
                                                existingRDdetail = RD.Description.Details[t]; iRDDd = t;
                                                exists = true; break;
                                    Array.Resize(ref ReportConditions, ReportConditions.Length + 1);
                                    ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1] = new ReportCondition(RSdetail, ReportConditions.Length - 1);
                                    ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1].UIFSFormControl = true;
                                    ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1].UIFSControl = UIFSFormControl;
                                    ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1].UIFSFormControl_type = CLD.type;
                                    if (exists)
                                        ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1].RDdetail = existingRDdetail;
                                        ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1].iRDDdetail = iRDDd;
                                        exists = false; // reset
                                    // Report Show possibility


                    // NOT IMPLEMENTED
                    { // generic Subject, use the Reporting DB
                        foreach (ReportingSubject.Detail RSd in RS.Details)
                            Array.Resize(ref ReportConditions, ReportConditions.Length + 1);
                            ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1] = new ReportCondition(RSd, ReportConditions.Length - 1);
                            if (!isnew)
                            { // check to see if exists in current RD
                                foreach (ReportDefinition.Detail RDdetail in RD.Description.Details)
                                    if (RSd.name == RDdetail.name)
                                    { // if an RD is loaded, this gives us the selection details
                                        ReportConditions[ReportConditions.Length - 1].RDdetail = RDdetail;


                // END of Subject_Set()
                return true;