Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Queues up a waitFor command for Opa. The Queue will not be emptied until {@link sap.ui.test.Opa.emptyQueue} is called. If you are using {@link sap.ui.test.opaQunit}, emptyQueue will be called by the wrapped tests.
 /// If you are using Opa5, waitFor takes additional parameters. They can be found here: {@link sap.ui.test.Opa5#waitFor}. Waits for a check condition to return true, in which case a success function will be called. If the timeout is reached before the check returns true, an error function will be called.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="options">These contain check, success and error functions</param>
 /// <returns>A promise that gets resolved on success. If an error occurs, the promise is rejected with the options object. A detailed error message containing the stack trace and Opa logs is available in options.errorMessage.</returns>
 public extern virtual es5.Promise <object> waitFor(sap.ui.test.Opa.WaitForOptions options);
Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Queues up a waitFor command for Opa. The Queue will not be emptied until {@link sap.ui.test.Opa.emptyQueue} is called. If you are using {@link sap.ui.test.opaQunit}, emptyQueue will be called by the wrapped tests.
 /// If you are using Opa5, waitFor takes additional parameters. They can be found here: {@link sap.ui.test.Opa5#waitFor}. Waits for a check condition to return true, in which case a success function will be called. If the timeout is reached before the check returns true, an error function will be called.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="options">These contain check, success and error functions</param>
 /// <returns>A promise that gets resolved on success. If an error occurs, the promise is rejected with the options object. A detailed error message containing the stack trace and Opa logs is available in options.errorMessage.</returns>
 public extern virtual jquery.JQueryPromise <object> waitFor(sap.ui.test.Opa.WaitForOptions options);