Пример #1
        public static bool IsUpdateDMS(TransLine transline, out Supplier supt)
            supt = null;

            //return transline.Wh != null && transline.Wh.Code.StartsWith("SHBJ");
            if (transline.Wh != null &&
                //&& PubHelper.IsUpdateDMS(transline.SupplierInfo)
                //// 批次供应商
                //string suptCode = transline.LotInfo.LotMaster_EntityID.DescFlexSegments.PrivateDescSeg1;
                //if (suptCode.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
                //    Supplier supt = Supplier.Finder.Find("Code=@Code"
                //        , new OqlParam(suptCode)
                //        );

                //    if (PubHelper.IsUpdateDMS(supt))
                //    {
                //        return true;
                //    }

                // 刨除VMI结算
                if (IsUpdateWhqoh(transline))
                    // 如果不是DMS的出货单,才更新DMS;
                    if (!IsDMSShipment(transline))
                        // 如果存在货源表
                        bool bl = PubHelper.IsUpdateDMS(transline.LotInfo, out supt);

                        if (bl)
                            SupplySource supplySource = SupplySource.Finder.Find("ItemInfo.ItemID.Code=@ItemCode and SupplierInfo.Supplier.Code=@SuptCode"
                                                                                 , new OqlParam(transline.ItemInfo.ItemID.Code)
                                                                                 , new OqlParam(supt.Code)

                            if (supplySource != null)

Пример #2
        public void Notify(params object[] args)
            if (args != null && args.Length != 0 && args[0] is EntityEvent)
                BusinessEntity.EntityKey key = ((EntityEvent)args[0]).EntityKey;
                if (!(key == null))
                    SupplySource supplierItem = key.GetEntity() as SupplySource;
                    //if (Context.LoginOrg.Code == "10")
                    if (PubHelper.IsOrg_SupplierItem2DMS())
                        bool flag = PubHelper.IsUsedDMSAPI();
                        if (flag)
                            if (SupplySourceInserted.IsUpdateDMS(supplierItem))
                                //if (IsKeyChanged(supplierItem))
                                    PI06ImplService service = new PI06ImplService();
                                    // service.Url = PubHelper.GetAddress(service.Url);

                                    System.Collections.Generic.List <partBaseDto> lines = GetUpdateDMSDTO(supplierItem);

                                    if (lines != null &&
                                        lines.Count > 0
                                            partBaseDto d = service.Do(lines.ToArray());
                                            if (d != null && d.flag == 0)
                                                throw new BusinessException(d.errMsg);
                                        catch (System.Exception e)
                                            throw new BusinessException("调用DMS接口错误:" + e.Message);
Пример #3
 public void Notify(params object[] args)
     if (args != null && args.Length != 0 && args[0] is EntityEvent)
         BusinessEntity.EntityKey key = ((EntityEvent)args[0]).EntityKey;
         if (!(key == null))
             SupplySource supplierItem = key.GetEntity() as SupplySource;
             //if (Context.LoginOrg.Code == "10")
             if (PubHelper.IsOrg_SupplierItem2DMS())
                 bool flag = PubHelper.IsUsedDMSAPI();
                 if (flag)
                     if (SupplySourceInserted.IsUpdateDMS(supplierItem))
                             PI06ImplService service = new PI06ImplService();
                             // service.Url = PubHelper.GetAddress(service.Url);
                             partBaseDto linedto = new partBaseDto();
                             System.Collections.Generic.List <partBaseDto> lines = new System.Collections.Generic.List <partBaseDto>();
                             if (supplierItem.SupplierInfo != null && supplierItem.SupplierInfo.SupplierKey != null)
                                 linedto.suptCode = supplierItem.SupplierInfo.Supplier.Code;
                             if (supplierItem.ItemInfo != null && supplierItem.ItemInfo.ItemIDKey != null)
                                 linedto.partCode = supplierItem.ItemInfo.ItemID.Code;
                                 linedto.partName = supplierItem.ItemInfo.ItemID.Name;
                             if (supplierItem.ItemInfo.ItemID.InventoryUOM != null)
                                 linedto.unit = supplierItem.ItemInfo.ItemID.InventoryUOM.Name;
                             if (supplierItem.ItemInfo.ItemID.PurchaseInfo != null)
                                 linedto.miniPack = ((supplierItem.ItemInfo.ItemID.PurchaseInfo.MinRcvQty > 0) ? System.Convert.ToInt32(supplierItem.ItemInfo.ItemID.PurchaseInfo.MinRcvQty) : 1);
                             //SalePriceLine line = SalePriceLine.Finder.Find(string.Format("SalePriceList.Org={0} and ItemInfo.ItemID={1} and Active=1 and '{2}' between FromDate and ToDate", Context.LoginOrg.ID.ToString(), supplierItem.ItemInfo.ItemID.ID.ToString(), System.DateTime.Now.ToString()), new OqlParam[0]);
                             SalePriceLine line = PubHelper.GetSalePriceList(supplierItem);
                             if (line != null)
                                 linedto.salePrice = float.Parse(line.Price.ToString());
                                 linedto.unitPrace = linedto.salePrice;
                                 linedto.salePrice = 0f;
                                 linedto.unitPrace = 0f;
                             linedto.isFlag      = "2";
                             linedto.isDanger    = "0";
                             linedto.isReturn    = "1";
                             linedto.isSale      = "1";
                             linedto.isEffective = supplierItem.Effective.IsEffective.ToString();
                             linedto.actionType  = 3;
                             partBaseDto d = service.Do(lines.ToArray());
                             if (d != null && d.flag == 0)
                                 throw new BusinessException(d.errMsg);
                         catch (System.Exception e)
                             throw new BusinessException("调用DMS接口错误:" + e.Message);